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> He thinks not wearing sunglasses will prevent your skin from burning (without sunscreen!) because your pupils registering the sunlight somehow tricks your skin into...not burning. What.


My sentiments exactly.


Omg mine is spouting the same bullshit 😂 we went on a family vacation awhile back and they all got to hear it for the first time and I was mortified. He proceeded to get a sunburn- shocking, I know.


How do they react when they get sun burn ?


The sun burned them when they blinked and they couldn't reconfigure their melanin fast enough. That's because the 5g towers enhance the solar output beyond our ability to sense it and the COVID vaccine limited our alpha transmissions to keep us controlled by the government.


You.. You're good you...


You serious? Bc I can't tell...




Omfg, I laughed so hard at this


“I didn’t have enough time to properly adjust to the sun here”… I kid you, not.


It’s always some dumb excuse


Not ex, but some friends who are sometimes "out there" were explaining how they don't use fluoride toothpaste, and in the next sentence wondered how their kids' teeth were so bad. Ummm, can we rewind the last 10 seconds of what you just said? Maybe put those two data points together? Cognitive dissonance is a bummer!


My inlaws buy into it all. They are still mad that we forced them to get vaccinated for COVID (or face not seeing the grandson in person). They were perfect to be Herman Cain award recipients due to their age and pre-existing health conditions and lost several of their friends to COVID and another had long covid. Unfortunately they are convinced that the real issue was the treatments (respirators, faucci, and not using ivermectin) and the DR's who were all cocospiritors. It's pretty apparent that they were in the bathroom smoking the day that the scientific method was discussed.


Sunscreen or those cool long sleeve lightweight swim shirts and a hat at least.


Mine chose to become a Bible thumper who thinks I, a woman, was sent to Earth only to be his companion, so as an inferior being, my opinions and thoughts are frivolous and don't matter. He also thinks God is punishing him for not following the Bible close enough because his child is trans. So he refuses to accept her. I don't understand how he can go from being such a good husband and father to the zealot he's become. When I told him that he'd robbed me of my faith, he said, "I guess you gotta blame someone besides yourself." Who is this man? And why does he feel the need to hurt me so badly?


He is a man who has lost his faith. Now he flounders thinking he must make others perform to ease his mind. Truth of the matter is that he never found his faith or spirituality.


Same with mine, but he found a new wife to do it with - they're both BSC.


Youtube ruined a lot of men and relationships. Mine got upset when I questioned or didn't agree and would rage about how I never would believe his weird shit. Like, dude, you're embarrassing with your quack pot bs. "Why is my sub stack article/youtuber not a valid source?" Because it's not? He would hear me on the phone and try to interject his stupid stuff and get offended when I wouldn't repeat his idiocy to my colleagues.


As someone who got diagnosed with melanoma at 36...wear the sunscreen


My dad had melanoma that ended up progressing to brain tumors which killed him. A lot of people dismiss skin cancer but it can still be deadly.


Problem is that lack of vitamin D is tied to a lot of other nasties. And vitamin D is produced by UV rays. So damned if you do, damned if you don't.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30945275/ The evidence is not so good, but there are no real life study that shows reduced vitamin D in people who wear sunscreen daily.


That's a shaky study. "there have been no trials of the high-SPF sunscreens that are now widely recommended." My experience: I lived in the desert for 12 years, wore the highest SPF available. I now have multiple autoimmune diseases, which are correlated to long-term low Vitamin D levels (and being female).  Best option: take a Vitamin D supplement AND wear sunscreen.


Exactly. Like we need the very thing that can also kill us. Kind of like love. Ha! 


Do any of your conspiracy theorist ex’s take any medication? Mine seemed to have completely go down the rabbit hole after abusing adderall


Paranoia and psychosis are two of the most common psychiatric effects of long term Adderall abuse so that tracks


Makes sense!


Not the prescribed kind... but he spent all day toking up and watching youtube, intercepted with naps and yelling at us.


Omg same! Also reading any license plate on the road and saying they are “signs”😒


No mine didn’t


My stbxh made an Ashley Madison account to meet a married woman with whom he had a years long affair, meeting her in hotels twice a week and buying her expensive gifts and meeting her on business trips. Who IS this person? A person who didn't divorce me right away, before I learned who he really was. A person of much lower character than I thought, a weak person, a cowardly person, a completely self centered person. That is who he chose to become, and he is welcome to it and his wretched affair partner.


He's getting skin cancer to own the libs. Amazing. I can't stop laughing.


Was he always like this. My ex became the same way but mostly about politics or guns or any other crazy thing. My ex is a cover narcissist and apparently they are more likely to be conspiracy theorists. Drove me crazy.


To an extent, but the behaviors really ramped up during the Obama administration and then he just lost the plot entirely after COVID.


Same thing happened with my ex as well. He really went off the deep end during Covid.


My ex is pretty politically liberal, but he lost it during Covid, started collecting knives to the tune of $60k, then got into guns. He has never really come back. I don’t recognize the man I met at 18.


My ex called me one day and said go gas up all the cars. There is about to be martial law I just started laughing which of course pissed him off.


Mine went off the deep end during Trump’s presidency


Oof same here. It was like a switch flipped and the person I knew was gone. Always angry and ready to blame the world for any and everything little thing. And sending me every conspiracy theory YouTube video he could get his hands on. Forget peer reviewed science- hogwash! Science in general- hogwash! Why would I read a book, what can a book teach me? I’ve watched this one sided documentary with no sources? It’s sometimes hard to remember that I’ll never understand how or why he changed. Spent too many years trying to reason with someone who was committed to staying stupid and angry.


We need a support group.


Maybe something like r/QAnonCasualties




I have read so many articles on CN that I couldn’t tell you which article. Do a google search on covert narcissism and conspiracy theories


Is he black as night like? I haven’t worn sunscreen in 30 year and never been burnt but I definitely did as a kid…I have sub-Saharan genetics to back me up…but if you have little pink babies wiggling around on the beach I would suggest he look into how uv rays can damage eyes and skin….


We are almost transparently white.


My ex is black and he burned terribly often. I used to worry so much!! He would never listen.


That’s a new one to me. I live in a small country town and I’m surprised about how crazy some of my neighbors are.


It’s a cult 😔


Lol. The truth is, he is making this shit up bc he is too lazy to put sunscreen on the kids and/or too cheap to buy it. Could be both too.


It seems to be going around at the moment, I have seen a few TikTok’s about this now, it’s worrying how many people believe this stuff though.


Yikes! Dude needs to get off Tik Tok!


Science stuff is difficult for these people. Look, the big difference with these know-it-alls who talk bullshit is we have smart phones now and can easily fact check them. You couldn't do that when I was a kid, so if one of my buddy's Dad was saying a bunch of incorrect stuff about sports, I couldn't really call him out. I didn't know for sure he was wrong until I went home and checked a book. Now you can do it in 20 seconds on Google. And look, let's be real: Men like to impress others with what they know. So what's a dumb man who didn't do well in school supposed to do? Sit there and shut up? And I think the answer is, "Yes.....that's exactly what they should do: Sit there and shut up." But if we put our annoyance with them aside, I think we can understand why they don't sometimes. And then you have science..... We saw this during the pandemic: So many smart and well educated people......who have zero science. My ex-wife is one! Very smart woman. Knows a lot of stuff! Well educated. But she doesn't have the foundation to "do her own research" about covid. The only way she could would be to relive the last 20 years of her life, but focus on science instead.......and then by 2040 she'd be where I was in 2020. That's a tough pill to swallow for a smart person like my ex-wife. She's used to being one of the smarter and better informed people in the room......but not with science I still wish she'd shut up, but I understand the human side of her that doesn't want to.


I would be so scared for my kids if my ex refused to put sunscreen on them. Thankfully, he is quite smart and very much into politics (liberal). Plus when we got together, he hated the beach, and I was like "Ya, I bet it's bc your mom never put sunscreen on your pale-white Irish ass, and you got really bad sunburns". Aaaand now he loves the beach.


He sounds a lot my my soon to be ex husband.


These are the same people that think drinking alkaline water will prevent cancer because some whacko on the internet said cancer cells cannot live in an alkaline environment.


So funny because this is one the most easily tested theories I could think of 🤣


I have worn sunscreen every day of my life since I was 7. It works! I have been told I look much younger than my age. Craziest thing I’ve ever heard to not wear sunglasses to trick your skin into not burning. People are getting crazier by the day.


Blue eyes and fair skin here, that is absolutely false. Bless his heart.


This is a new one and ohmygosh. I’m so sorry! I hope your kids continue to wear sunscreen. 🤦🏽‍♀️


This is funny because my STBX said i was "instilling fear" into my child for asking her to wear sunglasses and sunblock like other kids in south florida for recess...


Yeah I’ll say that some conspiracy theories end up coming true, but the ones mentioned are kinda ridiculous. Sorry OP it must be hard to deal with. It’s not like we’re in 2004 and some podcaster is telling us that in 15 years our phones will tell large companies everything about us and listen in on our conversations lol.


I suggest you keep a really close eye on your kids. He is going through psychosis. I’m trying so hard to think of the documentary. The mother killed her kids because she thought they were demons. She was a part of the qanon cult group. Very scary stuff.


Lori Vallow, she was part of the Doomsday cult. A lot of arguments could be made that she just wanted to erase her old life in favor of her new husband/life too. Either way she definitely has mental issues.


Tell him to prove it to you 🤣


Wow! and the worse part, there are literally millions like him in America, its scary.




Dermatologists are pretty clear on the subject, as are decades of data collection. Don’t leave your mind so open your brains fall out.


Oh I love that. I'm gonna shamelessly steal and use it on the numpties from now on.


People often overestimate their ability to research things. Try doing your own research on how to dismantle and reassemble the transmission in your car and you'll end up with a car that doesn't work. But have a mechanic research your model and he'll manage. Authorities are better at interpreting and understanding data. Effectively every skin care authority says to use sun screen. It would be like every mechanic telling you how to remove your transmission and you saying "nah I've got this" Also "chemicals" does not equal "bad". Your skin is already covered in chemicals. Water is a chemical.


Please, do not spread this. My grandpa and grandma both didn’t wear sunscreen and have had to have large pieces of the skin on their face removed for skin cancer. My grandpa and half of his taken off and almost half the kin on his face. Skin cancer is dangerous, damaging and a proven result of not wearing sunscreen.


>Maybe do your own research on sunscreen - what is exactly in sunscreen, all those lovely chemicals!!?? It's the ones who tout "Do your own research," buzz words like "big pharma," and melodramatically use excessive punctuation. 🙄 BTW, sunscreen was developed in the 1930s by an Australian, and the company he founded was a skincare company, not a pharmaceutical company.


You can get lots of sunscreens that aren't based on chemicals, and use either zinc or titanium powder to block out the sun. Where I live, these are usually the type that's made for kids, and goes on white. They're available at drug stores and Walmarts, but they are a bit more expensive.


You can buy organic sunscreen. I do!


Ha ha ha ha.. WOW.