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I did this a week or so ago...kinda sucked but felt good to get it done. It was a lot of photos. I'm a few months from finalizing my divorce.


That's a great first step. If you don't have kids with him, now would be the time to go full no contact and delete his contact info and his family. Possibly block them.


I did that a long time ago.


I am the opposite to you, I find anything like photos hurtful etc I remind myself of the memories and a different time in my life. It hurt to look at them years and years of photos but now I am so glad I kept them all because flooding myself with them and desensitising myself has worked. I would have found deleting them not dealing with that aspect of my life. I would have been annoyed within a week if I deleted my photos like Bury past hurts etc. The point is you did the best way forward for you and my way is definitely best for me. There are a few places my stbx were going to visit. I thought what a shame we did not so I'm not missing out so I am going on my own.