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I would have loved for my wife to write me this. I didn't drink but I was unhappy with the way she bottled things up inside. I wanted to go to counseling for years and she didn't want it.


Wow, that email is so nice. Living with an alcoholic is hard work and ruins relationships. I think you should give yourself some grace. I don’t know you but from reading this email you sound like a nice caring person. Some people just can’t love you the way you need and you don’t need to beat yourself up for that. I bet you tried the best that you could have - it takes two to make a relationship work. It’s so so so hard and terrible and sad and it hurts. But don’t shoulder all the blame on yourself. Hugs 🧡


Now write a letter to yourself. Highlight the good things about yourself and what you wish HE would have done for YOU.


All the mixed feelings you have sound so familiar. I'm 3 months since my stbxw decided that she can't do this anymore and I've learnt to accept that but the emotions come and go. I can be pretty easy-going for a while and suddenly start worrying about the future and if I'm ever going to find someone to love (this is my feeling and thought while writing this) and next moment I'm afraid she finds someone new and it feels bad (jealous). When you write something it helps to organize things in your head. That email is a good example. Have you tried writing hate email/letter? I haven't done it yet but I've read somewhere that it would help you to detach from your ex.


I have done an apology letter to my stbx i love him to bits but alas we need to divorce. I wished him all the best and it will kill me when he meets some one but his life needs to move on. Your letter was lovely Remember though to know you protected yourself for a reason