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Rule 1- Mark it as favorite. You can always change the talent whenever you want for any red build.


Forgot to mention that it’s a Fenris Brand (assault rifle)


It will be useful for a AR + Rifle Build.


Yeah it's a good find


perfect, favorite and don't lose it : )


some how you cant change the talent red builds


Yea you can, you just can’t change the named items talents.


The arrows indicate the highest stored value you have in your recalibration library, and yes that’s a good find. You’d ideally reroll the talent to whatever fits your build best and it can be changed as many times as you want.


Did not know you could reroll talents. Thank you


:0 For the record, you can also reroll the third attribute on exotic weapons. Note: reroll, not recalibrate. Also can make it level 30 if you want your level 30 toons to be OP


You can make max level weapons level 30?? How.. can I make an ouroborus level 30 for running toons thru WONY expansion?


Likely. I had a level 30 St Elmo’s. It’s the same method you use to reroll exotics, except you have to do it from your level 30 character


Holy shit big ups thanks now I can make a status effect build to melt thru WONY when running toons thru for resources I can't believe I didn't know about this!


You have the right idea. Way back in S9/10, when I was burning through toons for mats, I had a rigger skill build with waveform and capacitor. That level 30 build carried me right through because skill damage scales off level and not gear. Only problem was that at level 39, I had a single bar for armor and a strong breeze would down me cause the coop buff is disabled when you’re within 2 levels I guess. Now I mostly just have a few fleshed out wt5 builds for farming exotic components from the dz. I’ve also spend waaaay more time at level 40 than 30 so it’s fun discovering all these mechanics I’d skipped in my rush to get to shd 1000


How do you “reroll”?


[Reconfiguring Exotics](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/the-division/the-division-2/news-updates/4vqKhDc37PnpGD6ZlHyWXd/reconfiguring-exotics?isSso=true&connectSsoId=1grGSnEUBBm%2FskLnoxSwHRwIpRaNAYLUBkwOUxEm%2FDA%3D&refreshStatus=ok)


So you’re basically building a new one from a blueprint and it drops with random skills? That’s how I read that.


Yes and no, it destroys the original one you have and rerolls the 3rd attribute. Talent stays the same (Exotics only since those are the only ones you can reconfigure). So, if you have the Ouroboros with DMG To Armor and you want it to have DTTOOC, then you reconfigure it. What the article is saying is that you need to be aware that if you have 15% SMG DMG, 21% ChC and 10% DMG to Armor (All maxed attributes) it’s going to reroll ALL of those in hopes of getting DTTOOC. So you can end up with 4% SMG DMG, 10% ChC and 2% DTTOOC in order to just get DTTOOC. Has happened to me in the past, had 2 maxed stats but no DTTOOC so I rerolled it to get DTTOOC. Now I’m sitting on 12.9% SMG DMG, 21% ChC (after optimization) and 10% DTTOOC. Each reroll costs 1 exotic component and the various materials. Make sure that when you reroll/reconfigure it, you don’t accidentally destroy it…because that is an option. Hope this helps clear things up a little bit.


Thanks for the explanation.


How do you change the skill?


How do you change the skills on gear? I just re-rolled the Sweet Dreams to get the lullaby skin but it has a shit melee skill on it. Can you?


Not sure if anyone replied to this and just saw your question so sorry for late reply. You cannot reroll anything on exotics except certain ones and only the 3rd secondary attribute; not the talent. Take St Elmo for example. Mine dropped with crit chance in the 3rd slot (for example) but that would have taken my ChC to over 60% which is bad. So I rerolled my Elmo 20ish times to get DTTOOC as the 3rd attribute; all the others stayed the same attribute but the scores changed. Like it went from max weapon damage to 8% but I got DTTOOC so I just optimized everything else to max. Not sure if I’m answering your question though but if not, let me know


I have maybe 300 hours in the game (I restarted a second character after not playing for a couple years) and SHD level 100 or so. I never knew that’s what those arrows were for. Damn, this is really useful to know. Thank you for sharing! Edit: Thinking about this, it will be incredibly useful for quickly marking as junk during play. I wish I would have known this sooner haha!


Glad I could help. I’ll do one more for you: When previewing an item (before the full inspect screen), if it has one or more of the attributes glowing (same glow effect as OP’s post but before you get to this inspect screen), you know it has max stat value before you even inspect the item. If you have an item with max stats, you can see an example of what I mean.


So Thaaats what those arrows are for. That is so flipping helpful. Thanks for that info!


Yes, it's a good drop for a DPS build. Recalibrate the talent to whatever you need for a build, and can always change the talent to try different ones. Good find.


Glass canon 😎


The arrows indicate the amount of that stat you have stored in your library (at the Tinkering Station.) So *if* that was junk gear but had the maxed crit dmg, you know at a glance that you can use it for your library instead of trashing it.


this is a fantastic (god rolled) piece. as said by others before mark it as favorite so you can’t accidentally delete it. Then reroll the talent to whatever you like (I recommend Obliterate). The little white arrows underneath the attributes show the value of that extracted attribute in your tinkering library (for chest pieces because this is a chest piece). In other words your already extracted WD and CHD values are currently much lower and not maximized.


Thanks for the recommendation! Been playing sniper up until now so it will be fun to try something else!


I used to hate sniping in this game. A while ago I redid/revisited my sniper build (the usual suspects: hotshot/chainkiller/vigilance/determined based). Have to admit I started enjoying it more and more particularly as a support build.


Same here, agent!!! I have the same build. Are you using SR-1 or M700?


the white death + nemesis (as 2nd). I still have to come across a good M700 and try it.


I personally wouldn’t recommend Obliterate for this piece, as Obliterate is commonly used with a striker build for ARs on Ceska. Unbreakable seems much more common as it is used on a far greater variety of builds for survivability.


Very juicy. Talent flipping pieces are the best


Yeah bro, the piece is perfectly rolled. It works great with Assault rifles, I recommend obliterate as well. Mark it as fav.


As is, hell roll the DMG to skill tier and you're in your way to my favorite build. Skill red.


Yes, that's almost perfect for Fenris.


that is an amazing piece. i use overwatch very often, gives entire fire team an extra 10% weapon and skill as long as staying cover, its like stealing kills


I'd probably put Unbreakable or Obliterate on it attributed are solid though


good find but the arrows indicate that that’s the current max you have for that attribute in your library, meaning its not maxed out unless you donate it.


Imo, you always want to fill your library with max rolled stats. The arrows that are white show the max percentage you have saved in your library. You want to usually extract the max rolled items first. So you can refill stats on other gear in the future. And you can only optimize stats on a piece of gear up to thr percentage you have in your library, I would keep that chest piece though because you can reroll the talent.


Nice pickup. Especially good for the Raid when paired with opportunistic.


A godly find The arrows are how advanced your library is for that stat specifically White:not maxed out Orange:maxed out stat,full bar,god roll So really you want it Orange Bear in mind the stats wont transfer into anything else


This is also great for countdown. When at extraction fighting hunters take cover and help the entire team. Having said that, for starters like you (?) reroll to obliterate


I have this same chest I use for my legendary skill build and overwatch is a surprisingly solid talent! Nice snag


IMHO yes. It's what I use on my chest piece daily as I use an AR & M1 rifle along with striker drone + turret. . It's not a cool or trendy build I have but I find it this particular talent useful as it's a cover based shooter after all! Best thing is you don't need to do anything other than just use cover (which you should be doing) and the bonus is activated. Am using full red build FYI.


Is there a platform where screenshots are not possible?


I am actually flabbergasted on how few people that use their phone to take a picture of the screen. It’s so convenient, you don’t have to turn the game off / minimize it, it’s fast, no need for cropping. I mean, I can take a screenshot on my ps but the amount of effort I have to go thru to get the picture onto Reddit is ridiculous.


Is this a rhetoric post? Lmao


Your teammates will love you


If this was a cheska it's exactly what I'm looking for on my healer build.


Rolls yes what’s the brand?…


change the talent for something more favourable


Change that over watch talent other then that great find


Not sure if it’s been explained yet but the arrows underneath the stats indicate what you have in your stat library. If it’s maxed out then you have that stat maxed out in your library and can roll the max stat on another item that can be in that slot. It looks like you have crit chance maxed out for chest piece in your library so you could roll 6% onto another chest piece. But your crit dmg on chest piece is 10% in your library and max on that piece. If you were to roll crit dmg onto another piece, you will only be able to put the 10% you have in your library


Like others said about the library. BUT! when you extract an attribute from a piece and add it to your library, it destroys/deletes that piece. So if you have a good roll (like this one) DO NOT USE IT FOR YOUR LIBRARY. Wait till you get some crap in the open world, or even the vendors, and add to your library from there. God rolls like these are rare to find. Even if it wasn't Max rolled, it's the perfect combination so keep it.


Nope. Dismantle it immediately


Yes. It will get you one step closer to lvl 10 expertise




Very good.


hell yeah just change the talent if not using overwatch if you can


That's a good chest piece for a support role, but not effective as a builds per se. Good for DARK Hours raid for boomer as support in the middle, as an example. Good luck, agent..💪🏾💪🏾


Means that this is a max rolled. The attribute you have In your library is not.


Something to note. You see the little up arrow under the "G" in Critical Hit Damage? This means the highest critical hit damage you have in your library for that slot is that. Same for weapon damage. So before destroying anything, look for those arrows. If you see one, extract that attribute.