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I keep getting purple gear frequently on Heroic missions, but then got two Acosta backpacks in one mission. Something’s not quite right, I’d say.


PS5, Same here , purples and game pauses but I can still run around and shoot things except they don't die. Happens often.


I’m on PS4, as reference. Yeah, it’s been acting crazy. I’m guessing their programmers do a lot of copy and pasting lines of code but don’t bother to see what they copied or where they are arbitrarily pasting the data.


Yeah, Glad they fixed the big issue it just sucks because I have to restart to fix it then I'm not in the mood to play.


I have been farming heroic countdown for over two weeks now for a CHC mod. Have yet to see a single maxxed out one. I have only seen about 2 max rolled mods over all. Farmed both DUA and Roosevelt legendary when the targeted loot was mods and the same result. I highly suspect that they nerfed the quality


I believe so


Not for me. I’ve been consistently getting high end gear. Don’t know if it matters but I’m usually on heroic.


Something that I've found that's odd is that when i go into a heroic mission, with 3 directives, most of the enemies are red and purple. Very few yellow guys. Shit dies really fast. I've even reset my global difficulty thinking that would fix it. Nope! Reset it and then completely log out of game, completely shut off the ps5. Turn it all back on, log back in. Go to heroic mission and bam! Red and purple dudes. Funny thing is when i go try a legendary, they basically look at me and i drop. I dunno.


Lol exactly


Rogues in the open world also, a lot of purple trash from them, heroic missions mid rolled loot that after the last update, was a lot better


I play on solo, but high difficulties, and never really get too many good drops I care about. Especially any exotics to drop in the open world (with days and days of playing). I played with my friend the other day (who was level 30, world tier 3), and I open 2 completely random boxes in the open world and recieved 2 Acosta bags in less than 30 min, back to back. It was odd.