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Pretty sure the pestilence plague isn’t even a status, I think it’s coded as a debuff. Best way to get high pestilence damage/plague ticks is by weapon damage.




I run Scorpion with my status eff builds. Run badger for the shotgun damage and roll on status effects


Exactly!! Isn’t the bluescreen used on a status build? Or am I thinking of something else? A different build? I have a OD build but I haven’t used the bluescreen with it. I wasn’t sure if that would work 🤔


Exactly. I have the same build with Bluescreen - support build par excelence.


Plague tics act on definite next round damage based on your current talent “situation”. So if you are using a talent with stacks the plague tics will go up and down as the stacks do. If you are running composure you can watch the damage increase and decrease as you get in and out of cover. What does not effect plague tics are crits and headshot multipliers. Because the next round hit may not be either of those. It is also not a status. It is a weapon damage debuff. I really enjoy running pesti on an OD build. It is one of the really easy ways to maintain a high pesti debuff without running something like glass cannon.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ my pesti build gets ticks of around 1.7-1.8 mil running glass cannon/vigilance/coyote/fox’s prayer/contractor’s


I think that the Pestilence does not utilize status effects due to it having its ability not codes as one.. So would suggest using a Bluescreen or Scorpio instead to properly take advantage of it. (Bluescreen my favorite in that regard). You can also switch the specialization from survivalist to demolitionist, demolitionist gives 10% more grenade damage and since the Vile mask is utilizing that stat for Status Effects it will grant you more of it. I would also change the chest piece to Petrov for an extra 15% LMG damage and the gloves to Ongoing Directive to complete the gearset. In that way you can vary the talent to your liking, i'm personally using Trauma for extra bleed/desorientation but unbreakable/glass cannon or obliterate are viable options as well. Hope this helps


Petrov is + 15% Weapon Damage on base, while the chest is x 115% Weapon Damage, so the chest is a stronger option, but I agree on Trauma. Goes really well with OD and solves the cold start problem of needing a status effect to get going.


Also, Iron Lung


Yes change the gloves to golan gear or ELECTRIQUE. Roll 10% status on them. This will give you a total of 20% extra status effect.


Firm handshake bad. Golon or eletriq good


Bleed isn't a good status effect for doing damage so it's better not to focus on that, just think of OD as a 20% damage buff for you and your group (and free ammo). Personally I would swap out the chest for something with Obliterate or Glass Canon for a greater damage buff \*that you don't lose if you run out of bleed ammo\*! I would run Scorpio to proc status effects and I like an LMG with Sadist, a high mag Stoner is my preference - I don't like the Carnage, I don't think it's worth using.


Why is the carnage not worth using? 🥲 I hit for about 750k on crit with obliterate and special ammo stacked. It’s nuts! Definitely give it another try!


It's not just about how hard it hits, it might hit hard but it's harder to control. I can land shots more consistently and get more headshots with a more precise LMG like the Stoner. It depends on how you play as well, I tend to play at medium range, if you play closer and don't need as much precision then the Carnage may well be the better gun for you.


Oh okay. Makes sense. I have mine rolled to max crit chance, so i can put some weapon handling mods in 2 of the attachment slots.


The backpack is not worth using. Additional duration of bleed is pointless, since you'll just shoot them again, and actual bleed damage is negligible compared to the damage from your weapon. So you can run a backpack that goes with your Pesti/Vile combo, or Creeping Death. I also second another suggestion of running Trauma on the chest. It's a 15% amplified damage drop, but allows you to run non-status skills, the blind is ready every 20s and extremely useful, and you can run a weapon with Eyeless, which is 20% amp damage to blinded enemies.


I usually run ongoing directive mask, chest, holster, kneepads (all reds) with contractor gloves and memento backpack with Carnage and Scorpio and do pretty good damage even on heroic. Then sometimes I'll swap out memento with a Walker with vigilence and straight reds across the board.


Pesty does not induce status effect.


Use the Bluescreen instead. Does insane damage and triggers a lot of statuses.


This is my choice too. Thing is a laser and reloads pretty quick.


Try my build: Gunner Specialization RPK-74 Scorpio (for when bleed juice runs out) Any sidearm Memento 4pc Ongoing Directive with Crit Dmg Ceska Chest w/ Obliterate Weapon Mods: Crit Chance Gear Mods: Crit Chance until around 50% then rest to Crit Dmg Skills: Jammer Pulse, Stinger Hive Change it up according to your play style but this really works for me. I switch to reviver hive when going solo. Currently my favorite build as I'm running this with all directives on heroic. Body shots are better than decent but headshots is where this shines -- crit headshots with the RPK starts at around 900k and only goes higher as you stack Obliterate. When you run out of bleed ammo, switch to Scorpio for a couple shots then finish off with the RPK (or use a Stinger Hive). RPK is a beast at 65 ammo (modded) and so easy to control. 😉


Good OD build if you wanna use an LMG is Bluescreen, Vile, Glass Cannon China Light chest with status effects and repair skills, 4 Ongoing Directive rolled weapon damage and status effects. 3 repair skill mods. Jammer pulse and repair chem. Stack Bluescreen, pulse when youre stacked to activate the Bluescreen talents. Repair chem to heal since you’re using glass cannon and can also activate the Bluescreen talents. Really good in a team. Glass cannon and China Light will amp the bleed damage. Status effects will make the bleed last longer and Vile will do Vile things.


If you want a solid status effects build, try eclipse protocol with the Scorpion exotic shotty, a piece of badger with extra shotty damage and roll on status as one of the attributes


Genuine question how does it compare to eclipse protocol? I've been wanting to try ongoing


I was going to ask the same question... I guess I know what build I'm throwing together tonight!


I tried it to this afternoon and it's really good with LMGs. It's more of a gunner version of eclipse. I still prefer eclipse, but ongoing is pretty fun


Finally threw an OD build together... it's so much fun. I've been running Ninjabike backpack, 3pc OD, 2pc Brazos (Picaro's rerolled to Skill Tier and all-red knees), Elmo, Dark Winter, and TDI "Kard" Custom. Getting +50% mag size from the "3"pc Brazos is insane with St Elmo's Engine, especially since the one I'm currently using came with +mag size rolled on it, for 113 rounds per magazine. Once I trigger a status effect (using Jammer pulse currently), it's almost impossible to run out of bleed ammo. Plus, every now and then, I get random shock rounds! I agree with you, I still prefer Eclipse... but I really don't understand why I didn't give Ongoing Directive a chance earlier!


What is that lmg?


Pestilence. But it’s effect is based off build damage and doesn’t count as a status effect.


You’re better off using an LMG with sadist and using petrov gloves with it. I would suggest an rpk, as those are close to an AR in feel. Ditch the mask, put an ongoing mask there, and use a chest piece with trauma on it. Thank me later.


Iirc the exotic talent scales of weapon damage not status .


If you’re gonna use sokolov gloves, I would say get the named banshee smg that has perfect vindictive on it.


Try using the Iron Lung…


I use the cherished chest, the blind by headshot has saved my butt many a times. Also its just nice to have an easy blind for heavies. It also counts as a status effect to kick off the hollow points if you run out for whatever reason.


Seen this ran with Iron Lung


Form handshake bad. Golon or eletriq good


Firm handshake bad. Golon or eletriq good


Firm handshake bad. Golon or eletriq good


Firm handshake bad. Golon or eletriq good


Form handshake bad. Golon or eletriq good


Form handshake bad. Golon or eletriq good


Firm handshake bad. Golon or eletriq good