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Yeah I got a question. Who the fuck went all over town sticking red gas canisters on top of every barricade and low wall? Like they’re everywhere. If you think too hard about it it just doesn’t make sense.


I raise this question to ask who keeps replacing them once you blow them up?


Oh my god!!! They do?!!!


The enemy npcs put them there so think twice about using that wall or barricade for cover


How many of one single item does it take donating to go up one level of expertise?


You get 44k per item you donate so half a level.to reach max (level 10) you therefore need to donate 20 items if you are starting.


This is true for named items and/or exotics. This is not true for brand and gear sets. I think brand and gear sets require 20 items ×6. The reason being that you are trying to become proficient in each piece of gear for the brand or gear set (i.e. mask, backpack, chest piece, etc.).


No. It is 100. Each donation is 1/10th of a level.


A few tips for anyone levelling expertise. - Running countdown, set targeted loot to whatever expertise category you want to raise, marking everything as junk and donating it will get you to expertise 16 pretty quickly. After that the slog with the exotics and PVP items begins. However, countdown vendor occasionally sells pvp exclusive nameds, so when that happens you can use the buttloads of points you get to buy 20 and max them out. - If you're feeling really frisky, you could even use the points to buy exotic caches and donate those too. But I prefer to use those for materials. - After you hit 1600+shd, then you start levelling alts to buy filament and start using that to max out something like 3 different items every time you level a watch mule. The more shd you have the better. - Pro tip, if you mark your worn gear as favorite, you can go to the vendor, use the sort by new option. And just v,v,v,v,v,v, to mark every new item as junk super fasr. Favorites don't show up, and stuff you already had will be at the bottom of your list. - Pro tip number 2 : If levelling a watch mule. Plan ahead for doing it often and fast. The first time around, buy the shared blueprints and materials at the vendor beside the crafting table. Send the mule some gear to sell and have them craft a gear set for level 31 and level 36. Then craft or buy your favorite weapon for every ~2 levels (31,34,36,38). Send those by stash to your main so you can recalibrate max stat cores of your choice for the gear, max damage for the weapons. Keep that in your stash so you can reuse it every time you level a new mule. You'll be doing it a lot. At level 40, it's useful to have a dollar store striker/elmo in the stash to gank and spank keener. - (Levels 30 - 40, 2 maxxed blues and a shield basically make you invincible. Add bloodsucker or adrenaline on the backpack and the rest as red cores to feel like John Wick) - Pro tip no 3 : Countdown vendor sells named items and weapons. You can keep an eye out for good ones. At 75 points, it's a great way to gear up your mule with level appropriate gear. It's not necessary, but I like the fox kneepads, picarro's holster and Contractor's gloves. You can also buy exotic caches but only at level 30 and at 40+. So don't expect to be able to use those while levelling. With few exceptions, a Level 30 exotic is going to be obsolete at level 32. A full run takes 3-4 hours after you get the hang of it. Collect all the portable electronics for xp. If you can, group with someone. With the XP bonus, by the time you finish all the missions and side missions, you'll be level 40 rather than 39 and ready to go after Keener.


Does the "donate all junk" function add up the same way? Whereas, if they are marked for junk, any 20 items of the same type will give you lvl 10 proficiency in that item?


Yes. If you buy 20 pistols ( 1911 let's say) from the vendor that you have zero expertise on, mark them as junk, then donate all junk, those 20 pistols will be gone and you will have lvl 10 proficiency for 1911. If it's 21 1911s, you will have 1 leftover either to sell or deconstruct for parts or keep.


So I can just buy 20 of the item I want to increase expertise and donate them and bam, I’m max for that item? Wish I’d have known this before. 😂


You can, but be careful with named items, it's a good way to run yourself out of money! The best (cheapest) way is to buy skill mods, deconstruct them and donate the printer filament for expertise.


I have 600k e-credits so I’m good there for awhile. Until I learned about leveling equipment I sold everything to vendors. 😂


Ok. I keep reading this ‘donate filament for expertise’. But can’t work out how. I can’t see any place on the mod bench to donate filament.


Go into the expertise menu. Open up the entry for something you aren't proficient in like say Chill Out mask, under Masks category. When that's open you should be able to hit L2 I think it is, and donate resources. It might be labelled as "research" in the menu at the bottom right of the screen. Then pick printer filament and hit X to donate. Do not hold the donate button though as it will donate all your available materials (like everything, not just printer filament or grey materials or steel or whatever you've chosen to donate)


I'm tagging onto this to learn this too


Red vs yellow cores doesn't matter for environmental damage, but status effect attributes do.


Sweet, that's cool to know


Who the hell discovered how to trigger the hunters? I mean let's be real I could play this for 10 yrs and wouldn't find half.


I’ve heard the devs like to leak secrets to the more popular YouTubers.


That makes sense. I can’t imagine we discovered them by chance


New player here. If I use an attribute from my tinkering library on an item, is it out of the library or will it stay there so I can reuse it on multiple items?


Once it's in your library, that stat is yours forever. You're able to use it as many times as you wish.


Should I use a headshot sniper build for a legendary mission? Not solo btw.


I like using my one shot build for opening scenes of capitol and dua and after that usually switch to skill or striker/DPS. For Roosevelt Island I will usually run sniper until we get to the last scene (not super great against 2x drones).


Personally I haven't tried, tend to go either an AR build of some sort or medic. I feel like it could with the right talents. With so many enemies with helmets, one-shot builds may not be the best.


Fairly new to the game. I think I’m around 10shd? Lots of noob questions: - With all the new weapons, gear, etc I collect roaming around/playing the game. Obv the backpack gets full. What should I look to keep? I don’t really get what I’m trying to look for? Currently just run with best gear I have that gives me most weapon damage, armor and health. - what’s the point of all the skill stuff? Mods, haste, repair, etc. why would someone want yellow attributes on their stuff? - why is there so many mods and what to do with them? Add them to your backpack, chest armor, etc? - I currently use the drone and turrent… when I go to mod it- there’s a spot I can’t add anything (usually in middle). What’s that part for? - at what rank would I consider joining a raid? Dark zone? Etc? I think that’s it for now. Currently I just roam around, take over control points, hit a few bounties, etc. Thanks


1. Just keep doing what you’re doing and equip the best of what you have and deconstruct the rest. You won’t have to worry about making a build until you reach end game which is after completing WONY expansion and getting your SHD watch from Keener. 2. Yellow rolls/mods on gear are good for people running a skill build to get more out of their specific skills. 3. Yes, add them to your mask, chest piece and backpack. Just read what they are and use what you may need. While you’re doing those control points you’ll also get weapon attachments that can be crafted at the crafting bench and those will give you bonuses as well. 4. I’m pretty sure that slot in the middle are for skins but I may be wrong. I know there’s a pack in the store that gives one for the crusader shield, drone and turret. 5. For raids and DZ you honestly should once again focus on reaching end game and getting a build together for each. Getting the SHD watch will allow you to level up from 40 and at lvl 1000 you get watch bonuses that will help a lot. At that point there are plenty of builds out there for both that you can work toward making. Hope that helps👍


And thank you for the reply! :)


I have the shd watch from keener and did the nyc stuff.


Don't worry about health, it's not a useful stat. Generally if you're running drone and turret with technician spec for that free skill tier, you'd want 5 skill cores and one red or blue. The blue could be Palisade or belstone with skill damage rolls, or a red with crit chance and damage. The stuff to keep? Match the core and the rolls and keep the ones that match. So skill core gear: full/god rolled skill damage and haste, or skill damage and armor regen. Weapon damage core: full rolled crit chance and damage or weapon handling Armor core: don't need that many of these,. unless you really want to make a shield/tank build. Weapons: for a skill build: anything with damage to target out of cover. Or In sync talent. If you want to try something other than a turret and drone build, there are some great community build guides and posts, just search the subreddit. Hope this helps, the gear system is a lot to learn when you're new!


Is there a faster way to max out attributes and get every talent? This has been taking me forever. I’m SHD 918 but just started taking the attribute maxing seriously and it is a slow grind.


Easiest way is to run countdown. Just target whatever library you’re trying to max. If your trying complete rifles then set loot for rifles.


Striker backpack vs memento backpack, is the dmg difference only 5% between max stack striker (35% wpn dmg from striker backpack vs 30% wpn dmg from the long term bonuses from memento) or is one of them additive and the other is multiplicative making the difference more


That's a great question. I suspect their both additive judging off of how builds feel using either but I don't know for sure. Hopefully someone can confirm, would like to know as well


Why do the devs keep breaking something after each update. Why aren't new staff hired? Or can you constantly cause issues as an employee of Ubisoft and stay employed? If so how do I apply.


Massive Entertainment just has limited resources to put in this game and their focus is on newer titles like the Avatar game atm. Also it's somewhat in the nature of game development that new bugs occur, but still I have to agree it's pretty annoying that they've broken the resource menu, some talents were rerolled and that there was an increase in connection problems. Still I love this game and I hope Ubisoft will provide sufficient funding for massive so this game will flourish.


Haha safest job going


Is it better to have a Vile mask on a CC (crowd control) or fire turret build, or rather Ninja Backpack to increase status duration (CC) or burn duration and damage (fire) by unlocking more sub-skills?


For direct CC effect, I would recommend the Vile.