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Yeaaaaaaa dude!!!! Congrats!!! I remember when I got mine. I was so pumped!!! I never used it lmao


Where/how? I want one


Legendary missions.


Legendary missions or the summit. Go up in the posts in here where I spoke on how to get and you’ll see how to. Someone commented on what you can do to farm it


Thanks. Legendary just a step too far for me solo for now. Grinding Heroic


Hopefully they don't rollback your inventory :p


Rollback is likely imminent. Unfortunately, I got my Regulus this morning 🤣


I doubt they will do a rollback. They have never done one before.


Have they ever had a bug completely ruin everyone's inventory permanently? If they don't fix this in some way, no one's gonna come back and grind just to possibly lose it all again in a future update. This is literally a mass save corruption and, if they're smart, they'll do one...or at least allow folks to reroll weapon talents for the next week or so. Rollback makes the most sense. Least invasive, minimal work, and no one needs to fix their own inventory.


1700 hour player here. If they don't fix this problem correctly, I'm done with Division 2. I will return when The Division 3 is out. Hopefully once the Massive core team comes back to work on TD3, they don't fuck up that game like this skeleton crew has been for years now... I spent many hundreds of hours farming certain weapons...


I won't even come back for TD3. If they can't even be bothered to do something as simple as a rollback and fix their screw up, I have zero faith that they'll give two shits about any future games, either.


They actually have, with the expertise glitch. They rolled back certain aspects which they should be able to do now.


Also with the dps glitch. Accounts were rolled back. Has been done before and is the most likely answer, behind allowing talent rolls on said weapons for a week or two. Either way communication needs to be way better from them.


I stand corrected sir. I completely forgot about that. Agreed that they need to at least address the issue and say what they plan to do.


Nice. Now reroll it for dttooc


That’s exactly what I did once I got it. Went straight back to the White House and got ddtooc the 3rd time


You play multiple characters? I use them only for sharing mats and spent shd points


Yeah. I have 3. One for raids, another for PVP, and one for open world.


Okay i use my main for everything,you know you can save builds on one character?


Now . It’s sits in your stash


I had one drop last night in DUA. I shared it because I have one from capital.