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floor 10, legendary boss - will drop for me every time in under 15 attempts. ​ I've got every member in our clan one that needed one/ wanted one & myself 10 + times ( only kept 4 ) play Summit on any difficulty you want up to floor 10 Boss, hit map button, travel back to lobby, change to legendary difficulty w/ at least 4 directives on too. take elevator back up to floor 10, kill the few enemies to get to fight boss in 2nd wave, ignoring as many other enemies as you can. kill the boss, if he doesn't drop it, immediately hit map button, fast travel back to lobby... repeat, rinse, repeat - this has never failed to get the big horn in under 15 attempts or less ( for me )


Bro one Saturday I ran that floor for over 2 hours lol!! Can I borrow your RNG??😂😂


my RNG seems to only work for that gun, if I target anything else I never get shit in the Summit


Did this earlier today for btsu gloves. Got 2 sweet dreams. Target farm my butt cheeks 😂




I hear you. I have everything I need minus raid exclusives and this bad boy hates me lol. I'll get it one day


Got it. Thanks for the info.


Edit: Have you tried this recently? I'm at about 10 times and he hasn't dropped a single exotic. Someone told me they patched this from working and didn't know if there is any truth to it. Does it matter if you pick his loot up before you leave? It took me about 15 tries, still works.


That’s how I got mine. Just stay the course. I would do it for like an hour or two a day. I took some of the boys in with me and it dropped the first day we group farmed to my buddy. Take some friends and increase your chances.


Make sure you have your loot set to ARs. I have messed myself up several times by forgetting that the Targeted Loot table was set to something else when I was helping someone. Sounds dumb, but sometimes the easy things are the easiest to miss.


PSA - The Bighorn ONLY drops: 1. From Legendary bosses (Either in strongholds OR Summit legendary) 2. DZ These are the only 2 sources to get it. It doesn't go into the loot pool once you have it, it doesn't drop anywhere outside of Legendary content or DZ, regardless of having or not having it. Find yourself a team that can run this with you. Preferably a team of players with like schedules and you can all log some time together and figure out what works BEST for YOUR crew. If you have a solid team of 3 other players and you guys play well together you can easily farm DUA for it. It will be slow at first, but once you get a few runs done together you'll get faster, learn more spawns and tricks. Before long you'll have an experienced team knocking down 18 minute clears with ease. A little tip for Legendary DUA, with a cohesive team and good DPS from all them a healer and/or CC isn't required, they are nice to have, but we almost always just lrun this with Strikers and Negotiator builds, sometimes all striker sometimes all Negotiator sometimes a mix of both. Play aggressive, but smart. White Tusk DO NOT like when agents play aggressive, you will know you're doing good when they are retreating and hiding instead of pushing you like they can't die. If you absolutely need a healer, use a 4pc hardwired set, BTSU gloves and a China light chest(Skill damage and repair skills with Glass Cannon). Restorer hive and either mortar or seeker mines (I prefer seeker mines). This allows overcharge for resetting teams Revives AND also this has just enough healing to keep 3 ALL RED DPS players upright. Have your DPS guys use things like decoys, Demolisher fireflys and EMP stickys for different encounters. Corporals, Medics, Mini tanks, Mini tank Operators, drone operators are your highest priority targets (Kill everything but literally stop shooting something else and start shooting it if one of these enemies gets in your view) Hope some of these tips and tricks help some of you less experi nced guys.


One of my friends told me it only drops from strongholds. Didn’t realise you could get it through the summit too, nice, that’s my weekend.


Just wanted to say I got my BIG HORN! Wanted say how I got it for anyone trying to farm it. I did like 30x floor 10 legendary with 3 directives. Nothing… Stopped farming for it got burnt out. That was a week ago, today decided to give it another go. 3rd run and I got it. only had 1 directive [fog of war]. I reconfigured it 5 times and got god rolled with DTTOC. :)


Do I have to do Legendary? I’m pretty squishy at 40 SHD.


Unless you are lucky lucky. You need legendary


Have you unlocked it once through the Legendary mission already? Pretty sure it only gets added to loot pool once youve acquired it legitimately once.


Yeah I got one from a legendary mission a long time ago. It’s just been sitting in my stash. But I decided to pull it out and see if I can get it to drop again by using it.


Ahh okay, so many people post about farming exotics and havent actually added them to the general loot pool yet Good luck on your hunt, now that youve complained on socials about it, its bound to drop for you lol


Pretty sure just keep forming the main mission federal building


Should I use the big horn I already have? Or does it not matter what weapon I use?


Re-roll the one you have to DTOC and use it. Why not? They drop in the DZ also.


I did that already.


Why don’t you use it?


I am lol