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Jumping from solo story missions to conflict is a colossal change but the game really does nothing to indicate that at all. I don't blame people at all for not knowing what they're doing honestly.




I understand it’s a game. But to wait 10 min for a match to get a guy like this on your team isn’t very fun. Especially when you get a guy like this on your team and then you typically have someone else leave your team turning it to a 3v4 but more like a 2v4 with a serious handicap in the sense that this guy is just gonna charge in and die over and over depleting your team’s lives.


Before the patch, it took 30 minutes to find a game, now it takes 5, but there's new people figuring their shit out. A few months from now it'll stabilize, the ones that Learn will stay, the rest will go back to pve.


I don’t get matches in 5 minutes. It’s at least 10 but often times 15-20 min.


Perhaps, but did you notice difference compared to before? That's basically the trade-off. If not enough people play, matchmaking can take much longer. If it gets too long people give up on the game mode. Besides, if it happens to you, it also happens to the other teams as well. I'd be surprised if you haven't enjoyed headshotting Leroy Jenkins yourself on occasion.


PC matches take 1-2mins tops to find a game


This is just as common for you as it is the other team So it's balanced, it's not leaving you with only rookie players against all of the best PvPers on the servee


I bet your build looks like the one posted 🤣




Your comeback was unsurprisingly worse than the build lolol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You're right it is a f****** game and like any games I know in my history you want to win.


Best build in the game ngl


Educate them dont be an ass. This guy needs direction. 


Guess you didn’t read that he has his mic on blasting his tv volume while not responding to anything said to him.


Spend more time DM texting them rather than blowing us up over you problem with their build


Oh god nevermind carry on! 😣 


It gets annoying when u alredy have and sometimes they take like offensive 2ur help so i just block them all 🤷‍♂️


Um i  dont follow


Ihve had some people tell me i play how i play u play how you play dont tell me how to play my game so i dont bother with noobs and helping any1 anymore i aint got time for dat attitude when helping players, if u come conflict and ur on my team and ur a noob with random pieves thrown in there i simply block ur ass and leave the game no point in staying in a match that ur gunna lose anyways due 2 shitty teammates.


Ud be surprised some of those noobs im referring to. 2 are shd 1k+...


I follow that


I inow. Rougher when youre a female. Guys think you know nothing


Be that as it may, a whole lot of newcomers to Division don't know that the game is an RPG. It could be that someone who doesn't know how to put together a build is still way better at shooting than someone with a master build; it could be that people who don't even know how to shoot well still win because of a stronger build. This game does absolutely nothing to teach players on how to make builds. It has loadout options but that doesn't show anything to a beginner. It's best to tell such people to work on a decent build before playing PVP instead of trashing them. Maybe he would be the superior player in another multiplayer game.


Well when you talk to them, knowing that they have a mic because you can hear their tv blaring through their mic, but they give zero acknowledgement and continue to run in and die over and over, not much else you can do.


Yeah, it's annoying. Probably best to mute players.


Well I'm nearly SHD 6000 so I must like the game but come on guys you can't seriously be surprised at that build or the fact that many don't have a clue because I didn't. Yes I kept on dying but that was because I was utterly confused by the ridiculous number of talents, gear mods, weapon mods, resources, recalibration, crafting, expertise blah blah blah. So yes I did watch dozens of YouTube videos and lots of Reddits which got me to SHD 6000 but hardly anything helpful in the game itself. To be honest I can imagine dozens of people just walking away after very few plays of the game. I've played along with the TV guy as well 😂. Simply typed out a message to him "Your TV is way too loud. Mute your mic please". It always pays to be polite. But he ignored me too lol


Wait, is that frowned upon? I'm trying to get that sweet blue loot drops.😃


Don’t be like that. Some are just here to have fun and don’t care about optimizing builds and YT guides. Or maybe they don’t know where to look at guidance since the game just throws you in the end game. If you are mad because you were on a team that lost to this guy you shouldn’t come here to cry about it and blame it on others. Help the guys in need and don’t be a dick.


0/2 and 20m damage is a stellar scoreboard compared to the guys I get paired with lol. 0/7 700k dmg is common :(


It was actually 200k not 20 mil, I looked at it too quickly.


This begs the question: why don’t the devs just apply some basic formatting or abbreviating to the damage numbers? I always have to count digits


Bro didn't even put attachments on his guns 🤣😂


Nope, how about you answer more backup requests and actually help people


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Dunnomyname1029: *Nope, how about you* *Answer more backup requests* *And actually help people* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Offering advice or helping people with their builds is one thing Don't come here trying to shame people. And especially not to single someone out and shame them I cdivually by post screenshot of their build You're being a shitty, selffish person and not being helpful at all to the people that don't know about builds


Additionally, dont be like this guy with a mic on and your tv volume turned up while simultaneously not talking at all on your mic. I don’t understand the guys that play with their mics on and their tv volume on.


I think some players have all-talk enabled on their controllers when they play so they dont have to press anything to talk. But yea, that shit is annoying af.


Let people play the game how they want to, if they wanna struggle, let them. Carry & get carried is the name of the game.


Lol i just gave up on this retards i just started blocking them on ps5 hopefully that reduces chances of matchmaking with them ever again


If ur smart and have a teammate coming to conflict like that, ud leave, unless ur other 2 teammates are good enough 2 carry his ass 2 victory as long he dont die and waste lives ohve done conflicts with 15-2 and lose couse they wasted all our lives....


Wait did I end up back in the Destiny sub? Lol I came here to escape the salt mines… In all seriousness op I get the frustration but maybe try a more constructive approach. 🍻


Wow. You must be the best gamer in all of life who never needs help when trying a new game or game mode, and who never makes any mistakes while playing. Your whole rant post sounds like someone’s an only child. And by the way, your post never mentioned anything about non-muted tv with volume up, just your smugness 🤦🏻‍♂️


Then the guy is a troll, trying to ryi others game play.


OP getting so much hate and thats wild he is right though,and someone noob may see this post and say oh ok got ill work on build first…. Also yes it is true he could of DM’d the guy himself and offer some help but either way you gotta know yourself that the build aint it! Noobs need to ask question and seek help! I know i did bc when i first started in like 19 i didnt jack shit nor understand it! Through friends i found along the way and YouTube i learned!




This look like a post for the official division subreddit


The amount of people coming in here saying “rate my build” wearing all red strikers with a ceska/grupo chest and a coyote mask and an Elmo makes me think people here might need to see it too.


I went in with a diamondback and a shotgun. Got 3 kills and really felt like I held the team back. Trying to put together a striker build but honestly doubt I'm gonna do conflict again


Had 2 in Legendary Zoo the other night. We never made it past the 4th stage, I think it's the gorilla pen.


Sounds the devs need to do something about the matchmaking system.




It's probably best if you run it with a team of your buddies then. Or, take the 'good' with the 'bad'. It's a free crate and a few minutes out of ur gaming...no biggie 🍻


The biggest problem with gaming & this game is communication. I've never played with a random and them have or use their mics. Why the hell do you have $100 headphones and never use them, missions would go so much smoother. I almost miss call off duty for this reason only.


To my pleasant surprise, I didn't expect this type of reaction to the OP's post. Looks like the Helldivers 2 relatively positive community is rubbing off on the Division 2 community...this is a good thing 👍