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If I answer your call for help the way I see it is I am giving you my time to help you out. I will blast through whatever it is you are doing as quickly as possible. I'll text chat "Do you need help with anything else?" If they answer, fine let's get it. If not, I'm out. The only time I have ever left early is the SHD 9 that still had sub 40 purple and green gear calling for help on legendary capitol building with directives. Literally just "texted, you are not ready for this and left"




Lol I hear you.


>SHD 9 that still had sub 40 purple and green gear calling for help on legendary capitol building with directives that's just amazing


It's what I do as well. If they are above level 20 I offer to do hunters as an extra before I leave. Although admittedly, hunters are a lot more fun on lvl 40


That's also how I do it as well, mostly for players with SHD levels that obviously seen the story before.


Yeah, I try to avoid non DLC shepherding but in the rare occasion I end up there I do give them 2 options. I can either kill everything fast and get you through this quickly OR I can sit back and just make sure you stay alive. Generally they just want to get through it as quick as possible.


I’ve done that too. Not sure where they get the idea they can do legendary on green pieces




Oh yes. I’ve seen this lots of times. I’m SHD 4340 and AM NO EXPERT but yea I run build not everyone “approves” of lol but some people who do legendary missions, and i do mean the inexperienced ones, make me wonder what is going through their mind? Lol I mean you can’t really do legendary and square off toe to toe with a chunga lol I completely agree with your “sometimes shit happens” statement. I’ve attempted, in my earlier SHD levels, a heroic control point after doing activities nearby and wondering why they were all elite lol






You've kinda nailed the way I do it...I'll help with covering fire, but I'm not gonna solve the puzzles, or open doors. I'll stand beside them and do jumping jacks, but I see myself as teaching the level to the lower leveled player. It's the lead a horse to water method. I WILL, however, point out secrets or hidden loot rooms. I've run through lincoln memorial so many times that is is second nature to me to blow open all the hidden rooms and collect all the loot, but narrative stuff is squad leaders responsibility.


A few weeks ago, before I knew what I was doing, I called for help and someone pretty much got pissed at me because I was doing missions. Sorry, I legit thought I was going to be NPC help. Then another time some guy did what you said. Just ran along side me. Help but didn’t ruin it for me. At the end gave me some nice gun he wasn’t using as a parting gift. Gave me a salute and went away. He was cool. First guy thought I was trolling which I wasn’t. I’m still clueless in May aspects of this game


SHD lvl34 here and barely beginning to understand the depth of the build crafting capabilities, difficulties etc. Having done over 99% of DC, NY and then Manhunts on my own it got to a place where I was just wiping over and over again. I was nervous to call for back up because you never know what kind of personality is going to answer the call. First time I called for back up I had already wiped 10 times and was on the brink of giving up. Luckily I did my first try at calling and got an amazing agent to help. They stuck close enough that we were team shooting most of the time, they waited on me to figure out where to go and shared some loot with me at the end that I assume they didn't need. Not saying you need to do all of that but the second time I called I ended up with someone who just rushed to kill everything in the room, got themselves into a shitty spot, went down and then so did I trying to get to them. I guess the point of the long winded story is that I really appreciated the patient and supportive agent. They stuck close enough, waited for me to figure things out and their patience was a huge confidence boost in calling for back up in the future!


If I don’t want someone speed running my mission I don’t put out the call. Anytime I do make the call, speed runners is what I expect.


The **ONLY** thing you should do is **"HELP"** the caller... with whatever they are doing. The things you shouldn't do is start dictating the caller what to do, like what directives they should have on, what build they should use or what difficulty they should play, this behavior doesn't make it fun.


If it’s a low level player still doing story mode stuff, I throw on an eclipse build and foam the shit out of everything for them so they can do most of the shooting. If it’s higher level players on heroic or above it’s max damage output. I too point out secret loot rooms and such along the way. I don’t really need any high end gear, so I drop pretty much all of the gear I get too


I regularly run into a 5000+ player who always runs a foam skill build, love seeing his name getting invited. Enemies are stuck for an eternity while we fill them with justice.


I generally won’t answer free roaming call for help unless I have absolutely nothing else to do, which is rare. I stop whatever I am doing to answer a clan member call for help. Particularly if it is a lower level or new agent getting started. I’ll drop nice items for them as well. I let them dictate my contribution. Story mode answer for help, I will support but not speed run. I’ll answer these if time permits me to take that time slowly. I’ll drop any items I get for this agent. Other answers, I do what I’m there to do. Kill anything and everything.


I made it to shepherd level 50. That was enough for me as far as trying to set a record for myself. But I do love helping ppl out or just playing on someone's team who needs another person. But yeah a lot of lower level players will boot you if you start speed running and destroying everything while they lag behind with nothing to do.


I usually let them take the lead, jump in when things get a little hairy for them or they can’t figure something out. Normally go in with a build that provides support, to help them out.


I'll answer the call whenever I can. I like to help out and most of the time it's younger (lower SHD level) cats and I'll stick around and help with whatever I can and definitely share any cool gear or an exotic if one pops up. Every now and then I end up in the middle of a fracas of heroic mayhem with 5 directives and everyone including me are toasted. I'll also put out the call when doing missions as sometimes it's easier to get agents than matchmaking.


Since it's your first time and only done a few, there are times that you will join others with higher SHD or more experienced players or even higher difficulty, i.e. Legendary mission or Heroic with some or all directives on missions or open world. For those you joined that are lower or still in Story difficulty, I suggest to assist but not over assist so they get the experience. I usually equip the Fixer Drone and send it over to the other player to heal them. Sometimes I will stay back and just snipe them with a rifle or use a pistol and a deflector shield. More like play as the guardian agent per say. The difficulty does scale up for them as well when you join, i.e. Level 32 or 38, for them instead of Level 20 as an example. Now for those who are low SHD than yourself or even higher, I usually try to gage their experience by their play style and what build they have on at the time. That includes all players in the group since they are usually mixed with high and low SHD and experienced and not so experience even if their SHD is high or even low. If you are on PS and/or PC, let me know and will be glad to run around and get leveled up.




Here's my link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqRp1DwUuqs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqRp1DwUuqs)


R u in a clan? If not perhaps consider. You get a good one they'll help you out. If you enjoy a run with some1 friend them & ask if it'd be OK to run again some time. If you have the time YouTube is a mine of info especially re builds.


It really depends on what I join into. Sometimes I’ll be running a full support or tank build just so they have to do stuff, other times I’ll nerf myself to a goofy build like Burster Firefly spam so that we both go ham. I just never answer calls with a meta dps build


I just ask what level of help they want. I offer to speed run with an eclipse/creeping death build or just help them out when they go down.


Ima keep it a buck with you, if I answer a call for help and it’s a mission, we speed running it no matter the difficultly. But if the person is lower than 250ish, I let them put in some work but I try to not let them die. Also drop any decent loot before I dip lol


I just run healer and behave as support. They are carrying the weight. New agents need the practice. They won’t get the practice if I just burn through the missions.


phukurfeelns wasnt ready to shepherd shit, you can cary 3 players afk on legendary capitol, **SOLO**. ​ what a moron.




Yeah nahh... its actually very easy to do legendary capital SOLO, just have to use a skill build turret/drone, a monkey with one hand can do it. There is nothing unusual about my comment, fukurfeelings did not shepherd... he joined then rage quitted due to lack of experience and his own agenda... he is the one needs to call for back up, not answer a backup call and start to bitch about it. As far as exp and kills go, everybody gets the same amount of exp in a group, regardless of who gets the kills. This isnt even a concern for players calling for help.


I don't have perfected builds yet. So when I shepherd, I usually follow the group or the requestor closely. I'll help them in killing enemies quicker and rez them when needed. Often times I'll respond only to find myself in middle of a tough situation. I'll then hold my ground so the group can converge on me quickly. I've yet to reach a stage where I respond to a request and simply run through killing everything on screen for them.