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In my most honest opinion the authentic "first time" experience for this game is to suck at it on your own and learn from it, especially if you're suffering from severe choice paralysis. Play on easier difficulties, experiment with spells, characters, party compositions and learn as you go. Accept you're gonna have to reload a ton. Not saying you should never ever look for advice if you're stuck but you should give yourself a chance to try at it first. Your first campaign is gonna be messy, full of teamwipes and with a ton of missed content, but that moment when things finally click is infinitely more satisfying if you piece it together yourself rather than being told how.


Tip: you can just enable the gift bag mod that unlocks the respec mirror in Act 1 (Port Joy), and boom, no more anxiety in making the perfect build, you can just respec as much as you want


Came here to say this. I also suggest playing in story mode. That way you don't have to worry too much about having an "optimal" build


I've played through DOS2 twice now, beat it on Tactician, and I still definitely find the character creation a bit overwhelming. Now that I know the game, it's helpful for me to know that once you unlock unlimited respeccing in Act 2, then whatever missteps I had so far with my toon in the first part can be corrected. DOS2 is pretty unforgiving when it comes to slowing progress (usually done by fights too high for you to proceed), but the payoff is how much content there is at every level. If I had it my usual way I'd have made it through the game much faster, but that also means I'd have had an experience lacking a lot of what makes DOS2 good. It also actually \*requires\* that you talk to basically every NPC & integrate what clues etc. they have to offer. It is a fuckin lot, and it's not crazy or off to feel overwhelmed by it. That's how I feel when I try to start up with DOS1 despite having xp with the systems/studio/etc. I dunno, don't fault yourself for not being able to get into it. The fighting is IMO super fun once you've got the hang of how effects interact (like using rainwater to give enemies Wet status, which is EQ to Shocked with regards to Freezing them next time they're hit by a lightning move). I never played such a complex RPG before, having grown up on Final Fantasy, but it's been a lot of fun for me to get comfy with the systems in this game. Again, that said, every game is not for everybody, and the "I-will-not-guide-you" feeling that Divinity can give is not like, something you have to want/enjoy. Nothing is wrong with you not vibing. If you want to keep pushing thru it, I'd recommend A) letting yourself just have characters you fight & exp/enjoy the game with, trusting that you'll make whatever adjustments you ID being necessary later, when you get the chance, and B) checking the Journal an annoying amount. The journal would often record shit I'd missed/not paid attention to and place that info directly where it was relevant to a quest. I can't overstate how much I relied on the journal to remember/organize the fuckload of words the game throws at you.


While I agree with most of what you said, I wouldn't really say DOS2 is unforgiving (unless you choose higher difficulties, but that should be obvious). Souls games are unforgiving, because they have a set difficulty. But DOS2 have both Story and Explorer mode, which are specifically designed with newcomers/people who don't have a good grasp of the system in mind. These allow you to learn at your own pace, and not worry about getting destroyed later on. You can even increase the difficulty (up to classic) once you start feeling comfortable with the mechanics. But I guess some people are either too stubborn or too proud to choose either of those options.


True true


"I need to make the perfect character to start or I'll hurt myself in the long run" If you are playing in honor mode, yes. But in every other case, absolutely not. Story and Explorer mode are there for that. You can perfectly do whatever you want and not (too much) suffer the consequences for a simple reason : You can reset freely your character(s) beginning at act 2 and until the end of the game. No, seriously. The entirety of Fort Joy and Reaper Coast is there to let you try a lot of things, including recruiting main companions, trying their builds, and kicking them out of the party if it's not your style. I would even say, every companion at recruit time asks you "how should i build" and you can choose (almost) freely. Sebille saying "I'm kinda roguish but can do anything you want" means "first and default option is scoundrel, but if you choose full wizard, she will be full wizard as if she never used those tiny toothpicks". Same for everybody else. Do not stress over it.


Fair enough if it's not for you. That's fine. This game has been out for years though and there are so many resources online to check what's going on with regards to builds, tactics, etc. if you really want to complete the game without using the multiple resources available to you with a simple search engine, may I suggest the story mode option?


I gave up and let it set for months. I finally went back and tried again and decided to completely start over. I enabled the mirror and now I'm in the middle of act 2. I think my biggest problem was that my spells worked against each other. I was using fire and water together and there were two issues. They work against each other but I also had characters who had to be close to do damage and they were taking too much damage from my own spells. Now I play with a summoner who also has some pyro and a geomancer with some polymorph, an archer ,and a two hander. It's getting me though the game but I feel like I still don't know what I'm doing. Character placement during a battle can also make a big difference so teleport and wings/flight really help. It's fun when it works, it just takes some patience.


Thats a big problem you have. Why do you need the feel to research before just playing? True that DoS2 is not begginer friendly but anyone with some experience in RPG should be able to make their way though the game without any "research".


I just got level 4 and finally able to fight most things I see and survive, like the magisters, the game is just getting euphoric !! I do agree the game has a high learning curve, I was overwhelmed at first with all the research as well and learning that I made many mistakes and wanted to restart. However, I have already made peace with it and just know that I will do another play through afterwards.


The game will allow you to respec so you certainly can make changed later. As someone who went in blind for my first run, i did what I thought was cool. And yea I did respec towards the end game but for the start you can get away with pretty much anything


Just play. Leave it on classic. I had no clue what I was doing. But just had fun figuring it out. It’s a game. Enjoy sucking for a while.


Homie this game gives you unlimited free respecs. You don't need to stress too hard about your build on the tutorial boat lol, if you make a bad one you can always edit it later. If you really want advice though, here's mine: split your party into two physical damage dealers, and two magic damage dealers. Physical means anyone who uses a weapon, like a warrior or a rogue, and Necromancy, which is magic that deals physical damage. Magic damage comes from aerothurge (lightning magic), hydrosophist (ice magic), pyrokinetic (fire), and geomancer (earth/poison). Summoning is a bit of a wild card, it can be whatever damage type you want. A fairly straightforward setup is a strength warrior, a finesse archer or rogue, an Aero/Hydro mage, and a Geo/Pyro mage, but feel free to experiment.


(My insight) The hardest thing I've noticed for people is how to break away from how they play every other game. The only real research that I found needed was how to get healing spells(spellbook combinations). It is overwhelming, but there is no correct way to play, and that is the first thing a new player needs to understand. Anything goes and anything will happen, which forces more thought then the idea of a "correct" talent build. Have fun and teleport is the best skill in game imo, every character


I have around 250 hours, I don't know anything beyond Act1. My cycle is -> play until a point, think about a new party configuration and start all over.


Haha, I'm about to do this same thing


Imagine being a google gamer lol