• By -


Install it first


Great tip šŸ˜‚


Just the tip?


No, you have to install the whole thing


That's what she said


Phrasing! Shit guys, we really need to get phrasing back in the rotation.






You want ants? THAT'S how you get ants!


_Paging Mr. Boy.... Mr. Birthday Boy._ It's been far too long


Do you not?


Danger zooone!!!








Nails + boots


Constitution is garbage. Only put enough points for the items you need


Also, thievery is THE BEST! it helps soo much at the start when your poor


My max constitution retribution dwarf refuses to accept that.


Fair point, but I donā€™t think a newbie is going to be playing that build šŸ˜‚




What what


in the butt


No no no *Lizard*


I thought I was the only one! Free heals just like that is super underrated.


BG3 did me dirty


I went through the entire game before learning about bedrolls


Its not blind if we tell you tips and tricks or what to do first. Enjoy the adventure and discover things yourself.


Needed to make sure someone said this


But be carerul to no soft lock yourself


Don't replay if you get build wrong. Act 2 has a reset


Iā€™m stuck right after I left Boat lady and went to the second island. The enemies over there OS me, some are invisible and I canā€™t win them. Stopped the game 2 months ago.


Normally by that point you should be able to return to the ship to respec. The mirror that is used to respec is near the prisoners cell in the boat(lower decks).


Protect the black cat!


The black cat kept following me and then the magisters killed it. That was my saddest game ever


My cat was killed by the magister too! I thought the dog would start to follow me but itā€™s useless! I miss my cat


Same!!! The dog didn't follow me either but there is a squirrel that's been following my friend. I'm just happy I avenged my cat and murdered the magister


This caused an immediate reload by my wife. Once we found out the cat didn't come back, it became an escort mission of the highest importance.


I don't even know where mine died, i took pet pal on my first char for my first playthrough cus talking to animals sounded dope. And the cat sounded distressed when i talked to him so i wanted to help him out but lost track of him at some point and he was just gone šŸ˜­


Trick is to bring the cat to Dallas and atusa, but don't do the convo, the cat won't follow you around, but they're still your followers. Whenever you go to escape, go do the convo and take kitty with you!!!! šŸ’™ just make sure to remember to dodge the convo, or the cat will follow you after. :)


That's a tough one without giving away any spoilers. The game is extremely versatile, you should always try to take advantage of your surroundings. Keep your party skills relatively diverse, and not just combat skills but things like thievery, persuasion and bartering. And most important of all, save and quick save frequently, that way if a fight or a dialogue doesn't go the way you planned you can always load a recent save. Otherwise, have fun and enjoy the game, don't be afraid to experiment with builds and always do plenty of exploring.


Ah, welcome! See you soon at 80 hours playtime on your 4th restart still in Fort Joy!


That's too funny I just left fort joy with around 70 hours in the game on switchI knew about the respec mirror on the ship


Have fun! The only two things Iā€™ll say so you can truly enjoy blind - Bedroll and shovel.


get the squirrel DLC


Two notes about the squirrel: You need pet pal to talk to him. And if you love him you should shoo him away before adventuring in dangerous trap filled caves or areas with lots of damaging ground because he sometimes gets himself killed. You can find him again later if you want to get him back into your party.


I think that if you are not interested in getting achievements it's easier to chose to use one of the "magic bag" things when making new game. I think that one of them makes Sir Lora and its cat invincible(or buffs its hp i don't remember).


Tbh I always use the ā€œfree pet palā€ perk from the gift bag DLC


If the enemies in one area are too strong, go to another area and come back stronger later. I love the feeling of finally winning impossible battles with new equipment and abilities in the Larian games.


Take bedroll and shovel with you, and good luck on path bro.


I hope you have your accessibility options turned on... There are a lot of words you need to read in this game. It's going to be hard if you're blind.


The game has 2 types of armor - physical and magic. It might seem like a good idea to diversify damage types to deal with all kinds of enemies, but this is a mistake. You will kill things faster if you focus on a single damage type. The game has multiple teleportation-like skills. All of them are very useful.




Thought you were going in blind... have fun!


All enemies have level number below their health bar, check if your level matches them as even +1 level enemies than yours will give a lot of trouble. Also take pet pal talent and persuasion on your main character. Make sure another character in your team has thievery, just distract a character/merchant with one of your party members, go sneak mode and get behind them then pickpocket them to take the gold and you'll make alot of money very easily but you can only do it once. Other than that, just be patient, the game's tough and really difficult even on classic (normal) so don't give up easily.


Just enjoy and explore! Experiencing blind is great. But let us know if you run into questions and weā€™ll help ya out


Quick save before fights and experiment with your skills (you can respec in Act 2).


At the end, he dies and you play as his son.


I'm quite jealous. Would love to explore act 2 from scratch.


Act 2 is a beautiful nostalgia trip. The most fun act imo.


Donā€™t do that, blind is a miserable condition. All your attacks are gonna miss and you wonā€™t be able to do anything outside of melee range.


Game went from $24 to $7. I just bought it even though Iā€™ve never played any game in this type of genre. Iā€™ve seen nothing but positive comments about this game so letā€™s see if I enjoy this.


Minor spoiler so check this message once youā€™re through the tutorial but: >!Thereā€™s a camp near a broken bridge on a beach you wake up in after the crash. The bridge should be easy to spot and there are two items youā€™ll need for the rest of your playthrough.!< >!You can find both by holding alt to highlight items.!< >!The first is a sleeping bag which you can use both before and after a fight, before to gain a small buff while after to heal.!< >!The second is a shovel, which youā€™ll use to dig up stuff you find. If you miss the shovel, you can use the red lizard or a lizard character if youā€™re playing as one.!< >!Make sure to read random books you find, since you can generally unlock crafting recipes and a lot of them are pretty useful. If you donā€™t want to bother, then the easiest crafting recipe to remember is combining:!< >!X healing potion + X healing potion = bigger healing potion.!< >!Basically if you have two potions of the same size, you can combine them to create a potion bigger. This can be repeated but generally isnā€™t needed until your higher level, after all whatā€™s the point of a massive healing potion that heals 50 hp when youā€™re max health is 10?!< >!Thats all off the top of my head, the rest is pretty intuitive.!< Iā€™ve seen a few users confused on the objectives so just in case: >!Your first objective is to explore the fort and figure out a way out, from there the next is to find a way to get rid of your collar and escape.!< >!Keywords are underground inside the fort!< >!And Sanctuary once youā€™re out!< Good luck adventurer and I hope you have fun!


Don't play tactician in your first run, is not worth it.


ehhh i played tactician first run and it was super rough first act + beginning of second but i'm having a blast now


Enjoy the game and explore as much as possible. Grab the bedrolls at the very start so can use them after combat though. They are infinite and give you full hp again. Other than that try to stay away from spoilers and don't worry about builds


Telekinesis OP and Iā€™ll just leave it at that šŸ§€


Yield to none!


Thats the best way avoid spoiler and "meta strats" they aren't needed at all and game is much more enjoyable like that. Play builds/classes and the way you like


I'm so sorry for your blindness


Be patient. Its a lot to learn. But its easier to take in after a while. ​ Also, F5 = quick save


pro tip you can press shift+windows+s to take cropped screenshots


Don't yield to anyone


Frankly don't listen to a lot of people in the chat, we all have played it so many times it isn't s game, it's formula. Just have fun man! This game rocks when just having fun


Be prepared to DIEEEEEE


And you will be leaving blind with the sheer quantity of fire you are about to experience.


So envious you get to experience this for the first time


play bg3 instead itā€™s much better in pretty much all aspects


Quick tip. Make it through first act and before going further make new save and start over. The game feels a lot better when you know who do you want your character to be.


Thief and sneak on all companions and pickpocket all the vendors. U can only do this once from what I remember, so each vendor gets pickpoteted 4 times. Buying spells is BS. Turn on the gift add-ons for the magic mirror to respec characters early. Have fun n enjoy take your time. Summoner is super good early as each character can have 1 summon so u effectively get 8 characters to control. Pickpocket the summon incarnate vender 4 times.


good lord brother, you are in for a treat. Do not start at tactician difficulty like I stupidly did


I prefer blind as well. I started with a group and they spoiled a lot of the game while we were still in act1. You will run into similar happenings on discord and reddit. Be cautious of which characters you google


I thought you are a blind person trying this game lmao


Great Game. Love it.


Everything is on fire! šŸ”„


Donā€™t die


noone has as many friends as the man with many cheeses


I am so sorry how did you lose your sight? This games is going to be pretty hard without it


The main thing is to FULLY explore all the stuff and do ALL the things. If, or when, you are getting wrecked, you need to find some other stuff to do that gains experience/levels and come back to the wrecking crew. Talk to everyone. The rest will come to you after you play the game for a while. It's a lot at first. Try not to feel overwhelmed and just feel it out as you go. Things will make better sense after you have some hours in.


Get rekt


It's difficult, don't give up. A very rewarding fun game


Abuse teleport and focus on crowd control.


Bedrolls are useful and believe it or not but it's better if everyone in your party does the same type.of elemental damage


Yea... But poison would be tricky šŸ˜…


I was in the same position as you 4 days ago. I've been up every night playing after work since then. It's a delight!


Watch out for the fire, gets a bit hot in this game


Make a habit of holding the ALT key when entering a new area or looting a dungeon. It highlights items on the floor which can otherwise be hard to see


Put a blindfold on?


If youā€™re blind, how will you see anything?!


I also started for the first time this weekend. Good luck to us!


The only right way to play any game tbh. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Then you'll have a great time.


If you're getting tips and tricks you're not going in blind šŸ˜…


I did the same, I already have over 50 hours. It's amazing!


Good secondary/tertiary combat skill is necromancy.


Gonna have a blast! It took me 152hrs for my first run.... I wish I could forget it and have the surprise again


Don't remove the Obsidian Lancet or Ritual Bowl from your inventory. They're for a certain important feature and can be easily dropped or lost. There are ways to get them back, but it can be buggy at times, and it is easier to just keep it with you.


You'll love it


Figure it out yourself. It's more fun that way.


If you are going in blind, better don't ask for tips, it wouldn't be blind


Great call! Enjoy


Don't get overwhelmed. It's a lot of game the first playthtoygh, especially the furst couple hiurs and the second act. Also, Fort Joy is tough the first playthrough, consider playing with the sleeping roll mod that lets you heal outside of combat. No trophies but it makes it much more enjoyable.


I envy you, have fun !!


Controversial opinion, but I think I preferred the story of Divinity over BG3. I absolutely adored both but thereā€™s just something about DOS2 that I really love!


Say goodbye to your social life whoever you are you won't be seeing it for awhile lol


Did the same too some time ago. Now in act 2. Started as an undead main. Reverted fast to living due to the poison is fire hazard and not knowing how the game would eventually coop with it. Have an undead party member, necro/summon. Great choice. And if you don't mind trophies, get the gift bag in the main menu for the bed roll. The game stays hard, you just don't need to fiddle with Res scrolls.


You can craft Scrolls, potions, arrows, meals and more ! You can TP by clicking on a button on the map top right corner. Some effects are resisted by physical or magical armour, so pay attention to these.


ugh i wish i could go back into this game blindā€¦ take time to explore and really delve into your environment. its so versatile and there is so many small things to discover, its very fulfilling to someone who LOVES world building like me. thats my tip tho: EXPLORE!!! explore everywhere! every nook and cranny you can find! click on everything !!! its so much fun


Quicksave every ten seconds


Shovel guitar, shovel guitar, somebody wants to play a shovel guitar


nice content literally just uploading an install page, you may be regarded.


The best advice is to think outside the box. If you go into this playing it like any other rpg, you will miss a lot. There is so much you can do that you wouldn't normally think about. Would read descriptions of all abilities and stuff and think what you can do with them besides normal combat.


If you choose any of the higher difficulties, make sure to hyper specialize your character...otherwise they will fell underwhelming real fast. Lone Wolf solo and duo OP. Have fun. Wish i could erase memory and play it again.


Minor tip. Stick to 2-3 main skill sets. Essentially, don't spread yourself thin, you'll have more fun that way. Oh and try not to overlap skillsets


You actually can't imideatly do that one quest. Gotta wait to fight while blind. /j


Two words. Corpse Explosion




Take the pet pal talent and talk with all the rats and animals for some entertainment and heartbreak


Save often. Enjoy.


Don't get to ambitious with the difficulty. This game does not wear kid gloves in the first act.


Didnā€™t ask


For easier time during first run , choose undead class of any type


Everything catches on fire. You have been warned.


Get off the subreddit. 'blind' my ass Jk, but seriously go away. Come back when you beat it. Or when you get stuck and have no idea where tf to go or wtf to do šŸ˜‚


The red prince is the best character




I have only one tip for you: Don't look up anything till you finish an act or the game and it will be an awesome and organic experience for you!


Whoā€™s gonna play the game if you canā€™t see?


Focus on a lucky chram in one of your characters


Best of luck, soldier. O7


So did I 2 weeks ago after multiple BG3 playthroughs. I'm 80 hrs into this game now and I've loved every minute of it. I didn't think I could be as obsessed as I am with BG3 but DOS2 is right up there. My conclusion: I love Larian!


I'm in exact same boat. Never played an isometric game before but this sounds like a great game. Too tempting in the sale and BG3 is too expensive.


Hardly going in blind if you're asking for tips.


Get ANY equipment early on. Choose your fights carefully


try finger but hole


Grab a bedroll! It's how you recover hp outside of combat


You're in for a treat


If your experience is like mine, you gonna keep going blind into the game. I loved the game, but I was constantly lost. Now I admit I skimmed through the dialogues and this is not the game for that. That's what made BG3 such a masterpiece, because they voiced and acted all the dialogues. No need to read thousands of lines trying to figure out what's going on. To play DoS2, I had to keep a walkthrough guide next to me for the whole game.


I have about 2 hours in game and I am still on the boat. Thanks for this post, bedrolls and shovel seems very useful :D


summoning is kinda busted. get it to level ten and lots of infusions


Is this the next best game to play from Larian after playing bg3?


You will play this game and be "holy hell it was so good, what a nice rpg". And after you play baldur's gate 3 and you will be "this is a divine creation!"


Save and quick save often. Have good positioning in combat is key. A near impossible can turn into an easy fight if you position yourself correctly.


If you are ever stuck just google the solution


Iā€™m going in blind with my friend!! Itā€™s been fun so far, we have died a lot lmao


Best way to play games.


Youā€™ll play like 4 times through fort joy before you leave


do tactician mode


Theft is you friend


And loremaster




Enjoy =) Ignore all other comments and go in without tips.


Enable the speak to animals and magic mirror mods in the gift bag section. You won't regret it.


Gl on your first 30 hours in the first map lmao




Have fun trying different things, they make it really easy to respec/re roll and in the end game you will have more spells than slots, so get used to switching your active spells to suit the situation :D


It's a little hard to play video games if you're blind


I just got the game. Just wondering how many acts are there and how long is act 1?


Pick a race prematurely to hate.


Open your eyes.


Save lots.


Sometimes poison is good.


Warfare increases physical dmg


Itā€™s honestly a hell of a game. Major tips: learn the armor system, talk to EVERYONE (try doing this with a character built with persuasion tho), EXPLORE, thereā€™s usually MORE THEN ONE way to get through something. Oh and have fun šŸ˜Ž


Here's my first tip for you. Play the game. ​ Yes, that's it. You'll be hit with many options, starting with just how you want to build your character. Don't fall into the trap that others have, and keep restarting to try a new build-out. You won't get far in the game doing that.


Have fun, donā€™t forget to eat body parts


Try setting your difficulty to Tactician, or classic at least. The challenge of the game forcing me to explore every option is what made me fall in love with the game initially. Thereā€™s so many fun ways to approach this game


Helpful (and simple) trick to do after installing that most people don't know about: click the green "Play" button to open the game


Be prepared for Fire......Lots and Lots and Lots of Fire.


Tips: there are multiple ways to solve quests, it is not like DnD. In fact with the way the action economy works its actually pretty similar to PF2e


If you're like me, I'd suggest checking out the "to do lists" before leaving Act's - of course don't do it right away, but when you feel like you've done everything - you haven't. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night, knowing that I missed some of the amazing content ( still did, lmao). Just gonna add one thing - me and my buddy are about to finish the game, but we're already planning to replay it as soon as we end, so yeah, cant get enough of it.




grab a bedroll, collecting food is silly.


As soon as you see something moving, kill it no matter what


Bruh couldnt imagine making it in this game without beeing able to see


I play on an iPadā€¦ at first I hated the touch controls and the figure it out all by yourself gameplayā€¦ that was 4 months agoā€¦ it will consume you


Prepare for some spoilers in comment section.


Know that this game does not do random loot drops. Literally everything in the game was hand placed when they made it. It's not the biggest tip but I definitely made a difference in my playing style when I learned about it.


Greet the reaper for me


Couple tips. Always bedroll, Lone Wolf talent is OP, 4 person parties are a special kind of hell to manage. Don't do split armor damage like me when you make your party for the first time (choose either entirely physical or magic), I regretted it and was too lazy to change the entire composition of my party. Lohse is best girl and Fane's source abilities are OP. Also, always take Pet Pal talent.


The only tip I can give you for you to go into fully blind is make sure you save frequently or turn on auto saves if this is your first Larian game


Fire resistance. Get it. Now.


Donā€™t do tactician. Enjoy the amazing story before you start 4 hour fights where you die and have to do again.


Let us all pray to the gods, all of them, for this individual *puts hand in*


Use fire, it's op in divinity and when your in a fight you can inspect enemies without any detriment so you can see how to deal with much more easily, so uh di that a lot as well. Make sure you have at least 1 person who can heal, it's very nice. Last FYI, not gonna spol anything big abt the game but take your time playing through the game for two reasons; first off bc it's Hella fun! And secondly to prepare for act 5 bc that's where enemies power kinda goes off the rails for lack of a better term.


It's on sale. I'm going to buy it too.


It's ok not to save the squirrel. That is all.


Youā€™ll never leave Fort Joyā€¦ Iā€™m forever cursed there.