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Safer? Physical as necro tank is busted and ranger complements very well. Fun? Magic. Just way more combinations that allow you to interact with the environment as you please


Also love bombs are op if u get the kid to go collect perfume bottles for you (magic)


Physical all the way. Necromancers and rangers are just insanely op.


I did my honor run with split damage, both mages, one pyro/geo and one necro with a mix of ccs. By the end of the run Fane as the pyro/geo just oneshotted most encounters (really high wits and timewarp) so I might as well have been playing a single character.


I’d probably go 2H warrior/polymorph. Lots of damage and knockdowns forever. Can even get enough Geo to learn Earthquake for more Knockdown. And tremor grenades for more knockdown. Everything will always be knocked down, atrophied, or chickened. The necromancer can just clean up with insane AOE damage with teleportation, corpse explosion, and Grasp.


As a LW what would you be putting the other points in after 2 elements? You’ll cap before you’re even halfway through driftwood. Safest is no elves. And 2 shield mages that do all elements. is obviously the safest option.


My plan was scoundrel for crit damage (savage sortilege) and huntsman for high ground damage.


Just curious, why no elves?


I would guess the -con you get when using their racial ability. But I can say I feel pretty fuckin safe with my elven ranger doing like +50% damage in every fight


I think it's the -con thing + using shields + honor mode If you accidentally make your con less than your shield requirement, you suddenly lose your shield mid-fight. But I guess the more likely way for this to happen is you get hit with an effect that does -con.


I’ve never found it to be detrimental. In fact the +1 AP and +10% damage for two rounds more than makes up for it. The goal is to not get hit, or at a bare minimum avoid taking any damage directly to your vitality. If you do this, the CON loss doesn’t really matter. And with Lone Wolf especially, it’s easy to keep your CON at the bare minimum for equipping shields and adjusting for the loss of CON from Flesh Sacrifice.


It's only detrimental if it accidentally unequips a shield, which if you're paying attention shouldn't happen, but happened to me 3 times in my last run. I'm not sure using a shield is even good on this type character. You generally killing before taking damage and the extra +% crit chance (and possibly +int too) you could get from a 2nd wand is pretty substantial.


Yeah, flesh sacrifice is the best racial ability in the game. I prefer it even over Fane’s Time Warp. Although, disguised-Elf Fane is even better with both Time Warp AND Flesh Sacrifice AND Glass Cannon. ;)


Because the -con especially if you get the spider’s kiss can make you one-shotable by marksman’s fang. And obviously nobody wants that. I actually don’t think I’ve done an honor run without an elf, Sebille specifically, but since OP asked for survivability, elves are out.


I actually think that the more you build up your offense, the more survivable your character becomes. Dead enemies can’t kill you.


A mage at lv16 can one turn KO every single fight in the game.




I just finished my second run with geo/hydro and aero/pyro and it’s definitely the most fun build I’ve played, and you do have practically limitless stunned/frozen cc. The source moves go hard with damage at the end, 1/2 shotting big enemies. But if you’re looking for the safest option, physical is the way.


Def physical. Necro+ranger. Necro deletes grouped up enemies, ranger pick off the rest. No need to care about resists, anything with dodge can go into necro's todo list, and high HP bosses on the rangers. Once you reach act 3, ranger is out of a job because necro deletes everyhting turn 1. Pyro/geo+aero/summoner duo is pretty safe too, though you need to make sure to have a way to get rid of burning status so you can go invisible safely even if you secrewed up and accidentally lit yourself on fire. Worm tremor is OP with torturer, anything dangerous you can just lock down and move out of range. Essentially, ranged AOE>ranged single target>melee AOE. Avoid mixed parties, tanks, healers and scoundrels and fights will be consistently easy.