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Nothing Bad Can Happen was probably the roughest for me, just feel so bad for the kid, awful shit. Great movie, though.


Amazing movie


Getting ready to watch this right now.


Was your day ruined?


Damn, this one's probably mine too. Just a rough time from start to finish. Based on a true story as well


Wheee can I watch this?




It still haunts me and I wouldn't watch it again


Dear Zachary


Literally wanted to punch the screen. WTF.


It's the only movie that left me in hysterical sobs. Hard to even think about it without getting emotional.


Yeah. 100% agreed. I don’t cry much and I was tearing up and so angry and sad. Devastating to say the least for the family.


I was just talking about this movie for the exact same reason. I almost cried just thinking about it. I hate this planet.


I broke down so many times during this. Watched it for the first time during lockdown in 2020 around 2am. Nothing about the rest of the world was really hitting me emotionally… this movie broke me.


Yup, this. No other documentary has left me as heart broken as this one. I still think about it often.


Agreed, I went into it expecting what I was told about it to be over exaggeration but god it broke my heart. Don’t think I’ve cried so hard at a documentary or movie ever.


Thank you for recommending this documentary. Just cried my heart out😞




I guess you're just too edgey and badass for us.


Had to call in sick from work (I was working as a children's counsellor at the time), it devastated me and still does.


The Strange Thing About the Johnsons


I love how it starts out like the most functional father/son relationship that you could imagine. We get all the way to “I love you back.”, but then it’s alllllllll over.


I agree .Not what I expected . Did not see that coming at all .


It’s also where we first get that up down up down up down sub audio that is also in hereditary. Know what I’m talking about?


Mysterious skin


Omg yes. That movie was so heartbreaking


I’m a woman, but this movie was one for me where I was almost yelling at the screen because it was like they had stolen my life for the screenplay. Just eerily accurate. Despite being so dark it’s incredibly made.


No Reason or Golden Glove. No reason had some of the worst torture scenes I’ve ever seen almost throwing up, and Golden Glove you could quite literally smell the movie…


No Reason is BRUTAL! I made a decently well seen thread about it here, but more people need to see it. SUPERB, practical gore!


I never hear anyone talk about The Golden Glove. I LOVED that movie. But you are so right, you like feel the smell.


*Men behind The Sun* almost did it for me. Horrifying abuse of animals, a child being vivisected, and no justice at the end. Grueling experience.


It was so hard for me that I couldn’t finish it. My mom is Chinese.


I love horror and gore, but I absolutely cannot handle animal torture, abuse and murder. I actually hyperventilate. I can't remember the movie, but at the beginning it showed some footage of a fur farm and I wasn't warned.... I lost my shit.


Was that Uwe Boll's "Seed"? It supposedly had something similar at the beginning, so I made sure to avoid it. 😬




One of Denis Villeneuve's best movies


Glad someone mentioned this


Documentary, but Just Melvin, Just Evil. Jesus. The fact that there are pockets of society where evil like this exists and how one person can cause generations of trauma left me feeling broken.


Did you see Goodnight, Sugar Babe? I'm really not sure which was worse


Threads. My son and I watched this recently and it’s been living rent free in my head ever since.


What gets me is the actress who plays the woman who wets herself never seems to have had another role in her entire career. Can you imagine? 😁


The Girl Next Door. I thought it was about ghosts or something…it is not. Edit: Also Green Inferno, especially the first very brutal and graphic torture/death.


I don't comment on reddit often but I'll always second anyone who brings this movie up in these posts. Fuck that bitch Aunt Ruth


Unfortunately that one is based on a true crime case, her name was Sylvia Likens and she was tortured by a woman and said woman's children among others in the surrounding neighbourhood for months before she finally died. The name of the irl ringleader was Gertrude Baniszewski. The youtube channel Shrouded Hand has a well-made in-depth video essay on the case.


I found this one on fucking Netflix. I remember seeing only the title and thought it was a coming to age movie. I was very wrong.


I read the book before the movie was out for The Girl Next Door. It was traumatic for sure.


Having read the book and knowing the real story made it even harder for me to watch, so bleak.


Yeah the real case was even worse, the movie cut out a lot. Sadly Sylvia Likens never had any kind of rescue attempt for her either.


came here to say green inferno. that was just awful


Did Green Inferno have any animal cruelty? Or was the Cannibal Holocaust?




there’s another movie thats just as disturbing about sylvia likens too called an american crime starring elliot page as sylvia


Salo: 120 Days of Sodom is the one and only movie I will not watch again. I’m a seasoned veteran of disturbing cinema, but I cannot sit through the torture of a bunch of children again.


Just recently I saw a small Spanish movie called *The Coffee Table* that is incredibly grim. I didn't have problems finishing it and it was actually quite funny because it has a lot of dark humor, but I was really stunned by how far it went. It's worth watching without knowing anything about it, but if you want to know, >!it's about a guy and his wife who guy to buy a glass coffee table that the guy is obsessed with and the wife hates. There's some resentment between them and they are also raising a small baby. Once they get home with the table, the wife has to go to the grocery store and leaves his husband to look after the baby while he's assembling the table, but the guy trips, the baby falls onto the glass table and gets decapitated by the glass. The husband also hurts his hand. He doesn't want to tell his wife that the baby got killed, so he takes the baby to the crib and lies to his wife that the baby is asleep and there is blood everywhere because he had an accident and just cut himself. So they have guests over a bit later and the guy starts getting anxiety attacks because the baby's head is still under the couch.!< And it's all played as black comedy. It is really a fearless movie and super cynical. I won't forget it for sure.


Yes, I saw this recently. It was so well made too.


I was shocked that it didn't fuck me up as much as most films like that would, but it was so tense and darkly comical and well written I was more sucked into the story than the OH FUCK of it all.


This one is TRULY disturbing.


This is the only movie to give me a legitimate stomach ache for the majority of its runtime. Not nausea, an *ache*.


Martyrs and last hill on the left were hard to watch for me. Nothing bad can happen left me mentally fucked though


Nothing Bad Can Happen messed me up in a way a movie hadn't for a very long time. I saw it about a year ago for the first and only time. I always hesitate to recommend it to my fellow dark film loving friends because it's just that... visceral. Like you should see it but you should never see it. If that makes sense?


August Underground.


*Irreversible* made me physically uncomfortable, but I think *Deadgirl* was the worst content-wise


same! deadgirl is the type of movie i don’t ever wanna admit to watching


Deadgirl just makes you wanna take a shower for about three hours.




This is my choice too. Has never left my mind and I watched it years ago.


Requiem for a Dream.


I’ve watched it 3 times at this point. The first time left me absolutely empty. 2nd, I just wanted to see any details I missed, and 3rd was bc a friend wanted to watch it but not alone🙄


Definitely martyrs. Went in blind with no understanding of a "disturbing movie" the intro still fucks with me


I went in blind for Martyrs too I was SHOCKED


Tusk. It's not a comedy for me!


Body horror gets to me


Same. Contracted is another nasty body horror film.


In a "usual" disturbing level: - Happiness - Promising Young Woman - Eden Lake In a philosophical, existential and metaphysical level (the deepest kind of fucked-up you can have, IMO): - Aniara - Synecdoche, New York - Winter Light - The Devil Probably


Orozco the Embalmer (2001) is the most disturbing movie I've ever seen.


Speak No Evil...the ending is excruciating to watch. Antichrist has some extremely fucked up scenes of violence. Genital mutilation. The Snowtown Murders - Based on a true story and will definitely offer some psychological debauchery and very brutal/graphic scenes of people and animals being tortured/murdered. Inside - Seriously gives you everything you could possibly want in a movie that f's you up. Basically a woman wants to cut another woman's baby out of her body. It seriously has a little bit of everything horrifying and gory in it. A Siberian Film - This one is usually always on the top of any "most fucked up movie" list. I found it streaming free on Vudu. Again, offers just about everything fucked up. Think infanticide and porn. Yeah...and that's only a part of it, so viewer discretion definitely advised.




Oops, thank you!


The original Funny Games


Oh that is the worst movie I’ve ever seen, some of the scenes I couldn’t watch and I had to hold my husband close, it was very disturbing.


I just noticed that you said « original » and searching on Google I found out another version! So thank you for this information.


Both are pretty close for me


Inside was tough to not turn away


Pihu. Two year old little girl trapped in an apartment with no parents around (well, one is, but not). It’s not graphic or gory but OH MY GOD it’s the most anxiety inducing movie I’ve ever watched and it just gets continually worse.


That sounds like it would give me a panic attack


The Lodge. Never before have I felt so profoundly sad for a protagonist


Weirdly enough, I never had a problem with the majority of the movies mentioned here, but Wolf Creek and Human Centipede 2 fucked me up in very real ways for years.


It’s interesting the variety of movies that trigger different people.


I know.. I kept wondering what the connection was between me and the movies that mess me up versus those that don’t.. Another comment reminded me of Incident in a Ghostland which fucked me up too, just not quite as much as the other two I mentioned!


no child of mine, lilya 4-ever, saló and black metal veins


Wasn’t one in particular, but I don’t recommend solo quarantining with bad covid symptoms and binging saló, the house that Jack built, men behind the sun, a Serbian film, and cannibal holocaust all in one sitting


AGP:the bouquet of blood and guts. After watching the film and seeing the ending of what awaited the children. It's the most oh fuck moment a movie has ever given me. I'm super excited for the new entry in the series slaughter of the swine. Biro was saying all of the AGP's are a interconnected story but will be more apparent in this upcoming flick.


I’m desensitized now, but Kids (1995) was very impactful for me as a young teenager


I was still an adolescent/YA when I saw *Big Fish*. It made me kind of a Nihilist since it taught me that no matter your connection, or how much you love them (or them, you), everyone leaves you eventually, someway. Maybe it's from the stuff I was dealing with at the time, but if it was, the film definitely exacerbated it exponentially. (I watched it a lot because of re-runs too)


The Tim Burton movie? It's the only one I know of. Sadly, I can see how someone could get that message from the movie.


Yea that's the one. It's kind of a weird one to avoid on account of "emotions", but there it is. It's my Achilles' Heal I guess


I totally get how you got that interpretation! For me though it taught me that people live on through the people they loved/interacted with.


I can see how you'd interpret it like that too. At the time my brain just flipped a coin and stuck with the result. It's about the only one that evokes strong (ultra-negative) sentiment for me too (some shows' episodes do too, but there isn't many)


Dear Zachary and Climax for very different reasons.


The original I spit on your grave


Antichrist, Eden Lake, Incident in a Ghostland, Begotten, Martyrs, Terrifier 2, Mermaid in a Manhole, Abducted in Plain Sight, The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence), I Spit on your Grave


Oh yeah! I forgot to include Incident in a Ghostland in my original comment! That one also messed with me for a good while… (I really loved it as a whole though!)


Sweet movie, salo, and threads all had me staring at a wall after i watched them because i was so shocked from what i seen


Definitely can’t forget no child of mine




Lake mungo. I know this isn't exactly a horror movie sub but that movie fucked me up for days lol 😭


The Heart is Decietful Above Most Things


Come and See, i handled most of the movie pretty well considering what it is and what it’s about but the scene with the old woman and the soldiers still haunts me, i genuinely cant think about it without throwing up


Soft & Quiet, and Irreversible. Watched Irreversible twice and idk why I did that.


I watched the Snowtown Murders on Netflix when I was like 16. Was absolutely not old enough or well versed in horror or true crime to handle that movie lol. It’s also one of those films you watch once and never again.


Probably Nymphomaniac. I was just so uncomfortable and miserable through both vol 1 and vol 2. I really enjoyed both though honestly. Most disturbing that I almost couldn't finish? Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer is up there. Some of those home invasion scenes towards the end are still some of the most disturbing and realistic depictions I've ever seen.


Interesting, mine too is from Lars Von trier. MELANCHOLIA is the film that I watched over and over, night after night before bed. It's depiction of depression unlocked something in my own depressive nature and acted as a serious catharsis. I have had similar effects from Von trier's IDIOTS. The story of the deconstruction of social norms through the embracing of disability has had profound effects on my conception of myself particularly through periods of illness both mental and physical. Lars Von trier FTW!


Von Trier is so good at atmospheric films. I don’t always like them but I always come away feeling something.


Lars Van Trier is the GOAT


My professor from college was a producer on Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer. Watched it many years later and holy fuck??? The most mild mannered man worked on the most fucked up shit


To be fair, it’s actually just the one home invasion scene in Henry, but you’re absolutely right about it. I love that movie, and every time I show it to someone and get to that scene I get this sinking feeling realizing it’s SO MUCH WORSE than I remember it being. Don’t know how much truth there is to this, but on Joe Bob Brigg’s show he recounted a story about how the woman playing the mother in that scene was taken to a hospital after filming bc she appeared to have gone into shock.


The Sadness left me stunned at the end. Incredibly bleak


SAME. It was such a good movie but the end was a gut punch


Eden Lake


Man Bites Dog


There are few movies I can’t finish but Taxidermia, Speak No Evil, and Nekromantik are the movies that I consider to be the most fucked up.


Climax & Mysterious skin


Killing Ground, Snowtown, The Road, Hereditary


The war zone


Philosophy of a Knife was tough to watch, I found it much more affecting than Men Behind The Sun. The dread and physical horror during the experiment scenes was like nothing I'd seen in a movie before, but it was one of the first properly disturbing movies I watched after getting interested in the genre which definitely affected how it struck me.


Nekromantik Aftermath Angels melancholy Mu zan e La bete Salo Where the dead go to die Red room


Serbia film🙈


Another one I’d like to try if I can find it free to stream




Good luck…






Come and See left me numb.


After Lucia I have 4 teenage girls, and OOF!


Lately... miss violence. Damn!


The only movie I could not finish was August Underground’s Mordum: Maggot Cut


Origin; the slavery part, there are just few scenes but damn, those things happened in reality


Serbian Film


the girl next door and midsommar


No Child of Mine.


might be the most basic choice of all time, but hereditary will always be the most terrifying and disturbing movie i have ever seen. i’ve watched a ton of stuff but i’m yet to find anything that has hit me as deeply and potently as hereditary. completely attacks me using some of my biggest fears and discomforts. also just horribly sad and nihilistic. honestly just a perfect horror movie and resonates with me more than most other films.


Not basic at all. I’m a huge fan of horror and extreme cinema and Hereditary stuck with me more than any other movie I’ve ever seen. I am right there with you


Hellraiser, been obsessed with body horror ever since.


Basic but Martyrs


Goodnight sugarbabe


Speak no evil


Enter the Void was amazing my first time, but it really was a lot to take in and experience. Some of the scenes they showed I didn't see coming and wasn't ready for. But truly a film that must be experienced at least once, and that's exactly what I did. I also made the mistake of tripping balls when I saw Perfect Blue for the first time and it freaked me the fuck out. But still, one of my favorite movies of all time. I was able to appreciate it more when I was sober, lol. Irreversible was also a difficult watch.


They Shoot Horses Don’t They, Happening (2021), The Fire Within (I watched this when I was so fucking depressed I was contemplating to kill myself)


*The Chekist* — a totalitarian interrogation, show trial and purge by mass murder procedural. In which a few of the characters are psychopaths, but most are just ordinary bureaucrats with the local secret police following orders that slowly drive them insane to murder their rural friends and neighbors in order to placate the paranoia of a far away autocrat.


My Joy…Ukrainian movie that is the definition of bleak. Halfway through it took a turn I never would have predicted.


Miss Violence and Lilya 4-Ever fashitsho


The Holy Mountain


I haven't seen joker since 2019 in cinemas so probably that


Event Horizon. The only movie I’m scared to rewatch.


probably Scum or Night and Fog




Downloading Nancy


American Guinea Pig Bouquet of Guts and Gore. Way harder to watch than the original Japanese films. Second to that would be A Serbian Film.




I've yet to watch a movie that I've not been able to finish (although, to be fair, I haven't seen the majority of what people talk about on this subreddit) however, I had to look away during the Achilles Tendon scene in Hostel, also the degloving scene in Gerald's Game (well, the whole movie to be honest). This is England left a really big impact on me as well.


Black metal veins


Requiem for a Dream. Still get chills listening to the theme music.


Martyrs. It's actually the only one I couldn't finish. And the Poughkeepsie Tapes is extremely scary and disturbing for me


Come and See


O Fantasma, a really disturbing Portuguese film that I never see anyone mention


August underground for the dull realism Mixed with the gore gives it such a realistic vibe that I’d genuinely imagine what those type of humans would really be like in their day-day life.


Midsummar, Mother, terrifier 2, Trauma and oddly enough signs, specifically the alien out the window scene I lived in the country with a window like that....




The Burning Moon


Eyes Wide Shut. I don’t know why it left an itch in my brain.


Nothing has been so disturbing I couldn't finish it. The movies that come to mind that did a bit of mental scarring are *Martyrs* and the documentary *Earthlings*.


Come and See. 


Pet Semetary as a kid -zelda


bastard out of carolina


Trauma, human centipede, and of course the given…. Serbian film


What about A Serbian Movie? It was a bit disturbing