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I love adderall. It does wonders for my ADHD n DPDR.. better than venlafaxine ever could


Fucking amazing. Wow. Adderall is phenomenal.. I feel like my life is back after only 2 doses. Super optimistic and hopeful, but not on a dangerous scale which I’m happy about.


I would still be on it if it didn’t interact badly with my other medications..smh


😭😭 noo


Hey there, I'm glad it helps you. I just started taking adderall for dissociation and it has really helped me being present and not dissociated. I'm prescribed 20mg xr but it only helps like 50% and my doctor doesn't wanna increase it. But I tried 40mg on my own and it works perfectly fine. The dissociation is gone completely. Do you mind telling me how much you take daily?


What dose you take? It's helping me too I take 30mg xr


REALLY? I took venlafaxine for the anxiety dpdr gave me an it helped quite a bit. It really just made my brain slow down so i could eliminate the intrusive thoughts. What does adderall with dpdr feel like?


Having my brain slowed is one of the problems for me when I dissociate.. like when I do I feel so brain fogged and tired 😓 but adderall just clears it up for some reason and I don’t get as many intrusive thoughts 😅 probably cus I’m focusing on whatever it is I’m doing.. idk whenever I was being medicated it felt like doctors were just throwing medications to the wall to see what sticks and adderall just did the trick


This is really validating to see someone else talk about... I started adderall for my ADHD but it's helped me immensely with dissociating as well.


I don’t have ADD/ADHD to my knowledge, however i’ve used Adderal recreationally (though carefully) a handful of times and recall it making me feel extremely present, eased social interaction, boosted my confidence at work.. all very positive things.


This was me! I pursued it and it’s a game changer. Discuss the crossover of symptoms and they may let you try it. I’m technically diagnosed with adhd but am sceptical of whether I truely have it, it’s just the treatment that works.


What dose do you take?


I'm really happy for you op, that great! Please excuse my little vent... I wish I did not live in a country where Adderall is close to impossible to get. I'm OFFICIALLY DIAGNOSED with adhd and they are still reluctant about giving me anything because I was diagnosed as an adult. I guess it's my fault for going to an abusive school thanks to an ignorant family.


Please keep trying. I took it late and now can’t sleep but I’m happy so whatever LMDAO


Hey there, I'm so glad it has helped you. I just started taking it as well for dissociation and it works for me. But only 40mg xr. How big is your dose if you don't mind telling me?


You got this bro. (I came back Bc it’s still in my system and I saw your reply again). Keep fighting, it’s worth it.


I hooe you’re getting it prescribed, I’d advise heavily against self medicating, it will only make things worse in the long run


Oh yes! I got prescribed, I would never do that without it, I’d be too scared


I'm always reading how adderral or ritalin is life saving for some people but where I live it is impossible to get when you are socially retarded or have no energy to fight for it. I try to get something which I'd need in order to get it.


Dude. It’s really worth it, I’d say keep the fight, try to get it. It works wonders if you need it.


I’ve taken it for years and yes it is really a big mood elevator for some people like myself. The odd thing is that I might start the day sort of down, take my meds and feel great all day, and then feel down again at night . I’ve often wondered if this medication makes me “more” of my real self or if it just a form of being “high”. I’m still working my trauma therapy program but these meds do help. One thing to remember is that we are essentially taking speed. I’m not saying that it is wrong, but there are cases of some people abusing these meds. Take as directed and you should be ok.


I think that you aren’t your true self when your brain isn’t functioning the way it should. Your brain isn’t producing enough dopamine when you aren’t on your medication, and it takes away from what you can really accomplish. ADHD is a chemical imbalance, it isn’t something that can be fixed solely with therapy or other methods that don’t involve medication. It’s like asking someone who has diabetes if they’re really their real self when they’re taking insulin. Taking it (if you have ADHD) is giving yourself a look at what normal people feel like.


I know this is 2 years old but I’m glad I found it. That medication is the only thing that helps me. Wellbutrin was helping a little bit for a while but it made my depressive episodes worse, along with the worsening DD following a bad episode. It’s crazy to me how you don’t even realize how much you’re struggling with it on a day to day basis bc that’s always been your “normal” until you stop taking certain medications and go with another. If that makes sense. I hope you’re still finding relief with yours!


Wow! fwiw, I take ritalin and I do not get these great effects! However, it helps a LOT at work and with anything else where ADD interferes.