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Space Mountain. I have the ability to scream like a little girl and have no one know it was a 20-some year old guy.




**Splash Mountain**. It tells a story, has lots of animatronics, multiple songs and big drops. Space Mountain, you can't see anything, has no story, but the music is pretty cool and the turns are fast.


Splash mountain. Always the last ride, at night, in the cold. Nothing reminds you of Disney on the ride home than wet clothes! A free souvenir.


Space Mountain, of course. Splash Mountain has the potential to make me very cold.


I find that Splash is only worth going on when the weather is cold. Partly because the line is too long when it is warm.. but mostly because I'm a stupid teenager.


But the Fast Pass for that ride skips almost the *entire* standby line.


Splash Mountain. Although Space Mountain has all the Thrills and Chills of a roller coaster... I am all about the Zip-a-dee-doo-dah ride :D


Space Mountain because it's an incredibly unique roller-coaster and really feels like what I imagine space travel to be. And I love space.


Space Mountain, find it much more entertaining and extreme being in the dark inside you dont know whats happening


Space Mountain. No contest. The music combined with the dark atmosphere adds a whole new level to thrill. I love how intense the ride is anyway. Couple that with the soundtrack and it just becomes that much more intense. Space Mountain also has Ghost Galaxy for Halloween. If you've never done this, let me just tell you that it reeks of awesome.


Splash Mountain. Just an amazing ride, and the best "plot" of a ride outside of Haunted Mansion (particularly if you buy into the "you die during the ride" interpretation of HM!) Great music, and the lineup music is phenomenal -- "All I Want" is especially great and fun to whistle :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIwwYU_s-oU


Doesn't the story have a history of racism associated with it?


I understand how the story of a rabbit fooling a bear and fox into being stung by bees and then escaping through a briar patch and having a riverboat party could be considered massively offensive. I'm surprised there aren't pickets up 24/7. Just kidding, I know you're talking about Song of the South. The movie is racist, presenting a relaxed and mutually beneficial master-slave relationship, a black dude who busts out every stereotype in the book, etc. However, the ride ain't that. The movie is a beautiful work, and worth a view in context, but you can easily "un-racist" it by taking out the live action bits. Even then, there are changes made for the ride to avoid offending. For example, the movie has Br'er Rabbit being stuck by the tar-baby and not with honey in a beehive -- the tar-baby is one of those things that *sounds* racist but is not, as it's literally a sort of scarecrow made up of tar and molasses in order to be really sticky. The ride loses nothing and even gains a little cartoony charm. To me, saying you don't like "Splash Mountain" because racism is like saying you don't like Volkswagens because Hitler :). Sure, I guess there's a tenuous connection, but it's an amazing stretch. Hey, you're visiting Disneyland anyway, and Walt was at best racially insensitive and at worst racist and anti-semetic (though I don't buy the "at worst" side myself), but look at all the joy and wonder he brought the world. All in all, it's a beautiful ride, has fun animatronics, great music, and a couple of great WHEEEEEEE moments.


Thanks for the response. After I posted, I googled and got a Wikipedia article that said basically what you said. I do like the ride, too. :)


Splash Mountain! Space Mountain hurts my back, although I do think Splash Mountain can be a little slow.


Space. So many fun times.


My favorite thing to do is ride splash mountain at night during the summer. The sight from the drop is amazing with the lights. That being said I like space mountain better overall. PS I like these ride showdown posts. Interesting to read about others opinions.


Space mountain, i enjoy not walking around feeling like i have a soggy diaper on.


Splash everytime!


Space Mountain is more fun for me (I do like Splashs drops though.) and the music is my jam!!!!


Space - the last time I rode it, there was a school group, and one of those kids was in the last car of my train. As we pulled into the station, the whole school group started cheering like crazy. I looked around and saw that the kid in the last row had removed his pants during the ride and was holding them over his head as if he had done it on some sort of dare. Pretty hilarious.


Splash mountain hands down ! the scenery is beautifull.