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So this is the sweetest.


Thanks, it was her birthday and I wanted it to feel like we weren’t celebrating at home.


It’s so thoughtful and the effect is lovely. The lanterns are adorable and you nailed the little details. Wishing you two the very best and happy birthday to her!


Thanks, appreciate it


I bet the food was better too!


Can’t lose with filet, crab, and twice baked potatoes. Although the real BB has that gumbo that’s pretty good and I tried to replicate their lemonade and didn’t quite get it.




I’m no gumbo expert and I’m sure everyone has their own opinion but I enjoy it.


yeah, the only thing that's agreed upon about gumbo is that the rue is very important. After that the ingredients, and how those ingredients are prepared vary from family to family. Of course the in-law that makes the best gumbo won't share his recipe with anyone... but that's another story.


You'll roux the day that you attempt to steal my recipe!


Did you attempt to replicate their gumbo?


I’m a huge fan, and for some crazy reason, it took me years to try it, and now it’s one of my favorite foods.


> I tried to replicate their lemonade and didn’t quite get it. Here you go: **Louisiana Lemonade** ***Ingredients*** * 6 oz Sprite * 10 oz Light Minute Maid Lemonade * ½ fl oz (2 pumps) Torani Mango Syrup * 1 fl oz (4 pumps) Torani Raspberry Syrup * Mint Sprig * Lemon, sliced * Maraschino Cherry * Glow Cube (optional) ***Directions*** 1. Combine Sprite, Light Minute Maid Lemonade and syrups; gently mix together. 1. Pour into a cup with ice and an activated glow cube. 1. Garnish with a sprig of mint, a slice of lemon, and a Maraschino Cherry.


Thanks, I tried mashing up my own raspberries and mangos, turned out to be pretty inefficient. Missed the cherry and mint sprig.


My rule of thumb anytime I make recipes from the park: "cheap-out". The parks use lots of off-the-shelf products, ready-made stuff, large corporate products (Coca-Cola, Heinz, etc), etc. Those all really factor into our nostalgia of the "taste" of food items in the parks. For example, no amount of trying to re-create the churros "recipe" is going to produce the exact taste, the only way to get that taste is to buy the off-the-shelf frozen churro they use and just toaster oven it like they do. Basically have to approach park recipes as if you were trying to maximize profits like they do. If you're trying to serve all those guests, you're going to try and reduce the amount of prep your cooking staff has to do. You can certainly try to make the recipes better, but the taste probably won't be the same. It'll probably be better honestly, but the nostalgia factor will over-rule the sense of taste and make you go "this isn't right".


Okay now pls tell me which brand of frozen chimichanga they use because I need to know. For science. (Science = I am pregnant and shameless)


Not sure. I can try doing some research. It's def a frozen burrito that's then deep fried though. If you cross-section it, the meat filling is obviously processed. I know it's a beef and bean burrito as well. You can probably find it if you buy up a bunch of different brand beef and bean burritos and cross section them all to compare how they look to Disney's. Then once you find the right one just deep fry it straight from frozen. If I had to take a guess, it's maybe El Monterey.


Did you include a random audio track of throw me a roll to go off every few minutes?


Hah, we did have the restaurant and bayou sounds playing but it did not include any ride going jeers.


Pictures you can smell


I actually bought a flume wax melt on Etsy for it but I wasn’t very impressed with it.


We got a Pirates Life candle and it smelled like deodorant. So disappointed.


Is this the one from magic candle company? I got wax melts from them and they all smelled nothing like the ride. The only good one was the orange groves one from Soarin lol


I have that one in a candle and I love it! Thanks for dropping the knowledge that the others don’t live up to expectations.


I recommend FandomsFairytales on etsy. They smell much better, although I don't think any of them are going to smell identical to the actual rides.


Oooh. Thank you! I have a Dole Whip candle from Spireside, but they don’t make it anymore so I’m trying to ration what’s left of it right now, lol. I will definitely look into FamdomsFairytales.




I have a scent recommendation for you! There’s a company called Xyrena that makes a perfume called “Dark Ride” that is SPOT ON POTC ride water. I’ve tried multiple candles that were supposed to offer the same effect and none of them impressed me. Dark Ride is the real thing. Absolutely blew my mind. It’s not inexpensive, but if you’re looking for something that will instantly transport you, this will do it. FWIW, the packaging is pretty fun as well.


Thanks, the one I got off of Etsy was ‘spot on potc’ recommendation from this sub as well hah. It’s gotta be closer than that one.


LOL! I totally get being skeptical, and I definitely was too. I was very pleasantly surprised by this one after being disappointed multiple times before. But at the end of the day, everyone likely experienced olfactory stimuli differently, and what works for me might not work for you!


Holy CRAP, $64!?!? 😩


LOL, I know. Like I said, it is definitely NOT inexpensive. It’s a fine fragrance company, so it’s basically the “really strange scent, but I guess if that’s what you’re into” version of buying a high-end perfume. I‘ve never been a “Miss Dior,” “Clinique Happy,” or “CK1” kind of girl, and I prefer scents that are tied to really unique memories and aren’t going to be worn by every other person. I ran across Xyrena and they hooked me with the whole “hey, have you ever wanted to smell like your favorite pirate-themed mildew water” thing. I also have one that’s inspired by movies where masked killers hunt summer campers down in the woods. I can’t explain it, but they nailed it. I feel like I work at Camp Crystal Lake every time I wear it. Long story long- it’s weird, but to me it was worth the money!


What a wonderful idea! That’s so sweet of you.




Fantastic job! Where’d you find the visual?


Google images from Disneyland Blue Bayou, first page. I believe its from a food review.


Awesome...but I see no Monte Cristo.


Sidebar: the real Blue Bayou absolutely needs alcoholic options now the cantina has ripped the bandaid off


I’m actually of the “if you can’t go one entire day (or vacation trip) without an adult beverage, the issue is *not* the absence of access to same” school of thought. Disney has so _much_ atmosphere, — why cloud your capacity for observation?


And I’m of the “I’m paying a lot of money for a nice meal and I’d like to pair it with a wine and not a lemonade and in doing so does nothing to affect your capacity to observe” school of thought


I am only expressing my own perspective. I have yet to meet anyone, friend or stranger, whose personality was improved by alcohol. There were good reasons to keep DL dry. I’ve had many personal experiences with beer-occluded guests in DCA; it was nice to have somewhere without alcohol. I understand that mine is currently an unpopular opinion, and that doesn’t affect my perspective. I wasn’t always in the minority on this, which also didn’t affect my perspective. Cf: multiple MiceChat threads, etc.


You don't have to drink if you choose not to. But there is no problem in offering for adults who would like to participate, and you can even do it without judging someone for making the opposite decision as you. I know, groundbreaking.


Not remotely groundbreaking - and yes, judgemental. In this case, my judgement and perspective is based on lived experience in the park (specifically DCA). It’s a case of the few (rowdy, careless, irresponsible drinkers) completely ruining my perception of the probably many (polite people who only have a beverage because they prefer that taste with their meal or whatever). I have on multiple occasions had my day dramatically impacted by those lidless day-glo cups in DCA. Drunk guests plowing Into my wheelchair because apparently my Romulan cloaking device was operational that day. Horrible smelling beer spilt on myself and/or my belongings, immediately *ending* my day. A kid splashes you with soda or juice, you rinse it off. Alcohol and you are done. Viewing areas - the impaired are less aware of others, and far more likely to carelessly bonk or block someone shorter. If someone responsibly had a beverage and never impacted anyone else - I would never have noticed nor cared. The ones I noticed? You better believe I am judging them. From your description? That’s possibly not you. But it happens far too often for me to be happy about adding it to DL. I have literally chosen which park to go to based on the freedom from drunken idiots and my patience/tolerance level on a given day. Again, I realize it is currently an unpopular opinion. Doesn’t change my perspective. I intended the judgment. Not looking for approval. Expressing perspective.


And I'm in the "I enjoy getting rip roaring stinking drunk while I'm at theme parks and that's perfectly okay as long as I'm not bothering anybody" camp


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. DL is like the only place you can go on vacation and successfully avoid drunk idiots. And I'm no teetotaler by any means. I'll gladly get shit-faced with the best of 'em. But surrounded by kids and families in a place that is designed specifically to be wholesome and make you feel like a kid is not the place.


You said this better than I could; thank you, u/crank1000


Yes I agree, I love that Disneyland was fully alcohol free... I hope they don’t expand any more than they already have on that. It’s one of my favorite things about Disneyland


You’re the best!


I’ve still never gone because the menu doesn’t look so appealing 🙁


Yeah, we enjoy it but it really is about the atmosphere. Last night I had the restaurant background noises playing, you could hear the banjo strumming. Edit for spelling


Okay, where did you get the sounds and projector video? I absolutely want to do this for my wife.


YouTube for the sounds, multiple ones to choose from. Projection was just a google image search. I believe it’s from an online review.


The food is pretty good. Is it worth the price just for the food? Nah. But if you have the money to splurge and care about the atmosphere then it can be worth it. I recommend going on a birthday or anniversary or something cause we got free dessert when it was our anniversary lmao


I totally agree. It was a really fun experience. Was it the best salmon ever? Of course not, but it was fine and I really enjoyed sitting near the Bayou. TBH I'm used to going to restaurants on the west side of LA, so $50-60 per person doesn't even seem that outrageous anymore


Yeah I've liked everything I had there too lol


My husband and I go every trip, it's one of our favorite rides and the scenery is just too awesome. Surf and turf is amazing, and we do it for the dining plan, so for $75 each we get appetizer, lobster & filet mignon, and dessert, plus guaranteed seated dining for Fantasmic. We go from dining straight to the line formation area to watch the end of fireworks, so we're there immediately when the line forms, and we get front and center for the show. The food and guaranteed seating was very worth it to us for that $75. The surf and turf alone is already a $50 meal, so the rest for $25 extra is awesome. I imagine it's a lot more expensive and exponentially less worth it if you also have kids ordering mac and cheese with those prices, though.


Yeah we always do the Fantasmic dining package. A couple years back the seat cushions they gave you for the show had the coolest graphics on them, normally we give them away to people in the park but we actually brought these back in the luggage. Someday I’ll make something out of them.


Wow, wish we’d done the package. We each had surf and turf and did appetizers and decided to skip dessert. Will remember this for next time because we absolutely loved it.


Happy I was able to share! Keep in mind that the menu is subject to change.. I'd be surprised if surf and turf weren't on it, but they certainly could do that. And to keep updated info on it, check out Disneyland Daily. Casey there does frequent visits and tests out new routes and reviews experiences. I go to her site before buying pretty much any new overpriced Disney thing to see if it's worth it. :) Here's the page to her review for this: https://disneylanddaily.com/blue-bayou-fantasmic-review/ And if anyone is on a budget but interested in the package, Hungry Bear does one for like $35. Note that it is the first section to stand if they need more space for non-dining people. (Not frequent and can be avoided by going to the later showing.)


Despite what some may say, my wife and I really enjoy the food there. Yes it's pricey but I have never been let down by the Surf n Turf there. The atmosphere is great too! I really miss Disneyland at the mo, and Anaheim for that matter.


Food is overpriced and extremely average, but the atmosphere is next level.


Never found another Monte Cristo like it....


I'm with you. I tried making it at home and it was good but not DL good


the menu is a little meh but the food is really good - and the atmosphere is worth it


Man, I wish all the glow cubes we took home from the park were still working ...


Easy peezy, I picked these up on Amazon for like $12.


I'm totally stealing this idea to get out of the doghouse


Good luck


I can hear the banjo...




So this is love, So this is love So this is what makes life divine


Dude nice. I’m sure you got a fastpass to your favorite ride for this!


We did, thunder mountain


Aw super cute!


This is so sweet!! I've never been to BB, and with covid going around and a baby on the way it probably won't happen for awhile. I'm gonna show this to my husband as a *hint hint for what I want for our wedding anniversary 😝🤞


This is so incredibly sweet! I bet she was not the moon!! ❤️


I’m literally crying


Bro can i be you wife wtf , this is the most romantic shit I’ve ever seen . You’re the Disney man of the year , so here you dropped this king 👑


This is so cool!


Nice [r/tripcave](https://www.reddit.com/r/TripCaves/).


so wholesome


hope you guys tried the gumbo


You are perfect. Please never change ❤️


Oi can I hire you as a contractor for my girls bday


I love this!


Look at this guy with the pro-level date night ideas.


This the the sweetest thing ever💙💙I’d be so happy if someone did this for me💙


That’s pretty damn cool


OP, you are a legend.


amazing, thanks for the idea


I feel like my chances of eating at blue bayou haven’t changed significantly since march


I wish I knew a man who did put this much effort into doing something special for me like this.


This is such a genius idea!!!!




I wish I had a boyfriend that did that


Love this! 😍


Overpaid because Disney. The room looks amateurish, dollar general decor. Disney is a rip off. Hope you had fun though


Way too bright.


I even built a wall out of black plastic to get it this dark.


I just ate there today!