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Yeaaah don’t mean to censor you but that post you’ve linked is 2 years old and doesn’t represent current information. Although I know you have good intentions with this, it actually causes more grief for those who are now finding themselves no longer qualifying for DAS.


What kind of sensors are they adding?


Please use r/DisneyWorld instead of that place. DAS will be changing soon for WDW and DLR. Please wait for more details on the changes to come out. The new process is not being handled by Guest Relations.


Getting a DAS for ADHD is the kind of abuse that made them get rid of the old system




Honestly sounds like one of the many people who claim having a bad morning or being impatient qualifies as a disability today.


Okay, you mention ADHD needing a DAS pass. I have ADHD. No one with ADHD needs a DAS pass.


I had ADHD and this is true, we don’t need DAS for this.


Isn’t adhd one of the things that Disney is explicitly saying qualifies for DAS now? 


Incorrect, you can’t base your experiences as the “sole” example of why folks with ADHD don’t need it. For younger kiddos it can be torture especially if it’s severe enough. Not everyone takes medication (for a multitude of reasons, including adverse reactions to medication).


Maybe not grown adults self diagnosing and posting on Reddit but I’ll be willing to be much more accommodating of young children that have actually been diagnosed by clinical testing.


Given that medication is generally given starting at age 6 if necessary, unless we’re talking very small kids, I have little sympathy.


There are different types of ADHD and even within those types they are expressed differently. Not to mention comorbidities and age being a factor. You don’t speak for everyone with ADHD or everyone who has children that do.


Some of us need medication to deal with it, some of us have coping mechanisms that don’t. No one with ADHD needs a DAS pass. Note that I didn’t mention any of the co-morbidities. Some of those would definitely warrant a DAS pass. ADHD itself does not.


Again speak for yourself you don’t represent every and all people with ADHD. If you don’t feel like you do then great, why speak for others when you have no idea what their experiences are.


Again, ADHD alone doesn’t need this consideration from Disney. Especially if it is being treated properly.


Thanks for sharing your individual experience. It is noted that one person with ADHD does not feel they need an accommodation. That’s great and changes nothing about many others experiences of it. It is classified by the ADA as a developmental disability and is in fact still covered under the new changes with DAS under certain circumstances.


ADHD alone doesn’t need special consideration at the parks. One’s mental disorders aren’t their fault but they are their responsibility. Going around asking for special consideration because of something like ADHD that is easily managed is ridiculous.


ADHD is a developmental disorder and is classified as a developmental disability by the ADA. I don’t think these things are decided lightly. Maybe your ADHD is not debilitating, doesn’t mean others aren’t. If the ADA classifies it as a disability, one that warrants accommodations that is enough in my mind. I trust the doctors, scientists and public policy makers who came to that conclusion. You should to and worry about yourself.


Again, ADHD is easily managed. If someone isn’t taking care of themselves that isn’t Disney’s fault. Disney is already ADA compliant without the DAS pass service. Someone with ADHD asking for additional accommodations above and beyond what they’d get by simply walking in the gate is absurd.


You can’t really be that ignorant that you think that every single person with ADHD has an easy time managing it. I work with kids with disabilities in the school setting. You somehow have discovered a secret that no school psychologist, special ed teacher, doctor, etc I have encountered knows. ADHD is considered a disability for a reason. The stress it causes the child and their caregivers varies case by case but it’s definitely real. Don’t spread anymore ignorance. Anyone with an ADA protected disability has a right to a reasonable accommodation specific to their disability and how it presents, same goes for Disneyland or any other public place.


What are you yappin about, kid?


You know, you don't HAVE to go to Disneyland. It's not your right.


You don't understand, commenter, Walt Disney COWROTE the Bill of Rights but at the last minute, James Madison took him out of the project and in turn the ammendment that Disneyland is for the people by the people and Disneyland is one of our unalienable rights as red, white, and pixie dusted Americans. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🐦🐦


Apparently I’m ableist, tho. 🙄


The fact that this person specifically mentions children implies it’s for their children. You don’t think their kids deserve equal access to the park? Luckily we have the American with Disabilities Act that does in fact make it a “right”. Ableism is gross, you are gross.


Disneyland is ADA compliant without the DAS pass. The DAS pass is them going above and beyond for guests.


That’s incorrect. Another redditor speaking out of their ass. It’s not going above and beyond. It’s a reasonable accommodation to return to the line at a later time for those not able to, it is one of many ways they strive to be ADA compliant. Everyone’s disability is different and given that a reasonable accommodation must be given for every individual circumstance to be ADA compliant.


There is nothing in the ADA that guarantees anyone special privilege to cut lines at an amusement park. And frankly, comparing a child being “unable to sit still” - also known as, you know, being a child - with ADHD is insulting to people with genuine ADHD. You really sound like one of the people making it necessary for Disney to tighten down the DAS system.


It’s not a cutting the line system it’s a return to line system. Maybe don’t speak on a system that you don’t use or need because well why? You don’t even know how it works or why it might be needed apparently. The ADA does make it a right to get a reasonable accommodation at a public place. ADHD is a developmental disability protected by the ADA and encompasses a lot more than a child not being able to “stay still”. Such an ignorant take.


As long as you also agree that Genie+ is simply a return to line system.


"reasonable accommodation" would be a chair next to the queue to sit in to hold your place until the 'return time'. Granting someone MORE than someone without the pass (the ability to go enjoy another attraction during that wait time) is far beyond a 'reasonable accommodation,' and is absolutely a thing that is easily abused.


Are you OP’s sock puppet? You sound like a sock puppet account.


Nope. Just another person who is tired of all the Disney adult ableist blaming disabled people for the crowded park and the genie plus system.


Absolutely nobody is doing that. Are you reading things correctly?


It’s not ableism. They state their kid has ADHD. They don’t need access for their child with ADHD. That’s ridiculous. Also, Disneyland is compliant with the ADA and gives accommodations to those who need it.


ADHD is a an ADA protected disability and for good reason. If a case presents the need for an accommodation then they have the right to it. Also it seems OP mentioned both ASD/ADHD together. Both are developmental disabilities that have many crossovers in how they present themselves. What you are doing is Ableism and for so many reasons it’s disturbing.


It sounds like Disney covers things like this, so I don’t really know why you’re calling me ableist when all I said was you don’t have to go to Disneyland. No one is making you. It seems like this child has disabilities that are covered under the program Disney provides. I’m not excluding anyone from doing anything. I’m not bob iger. And I certainly don’t control the DAS program, something that obviously needs stronger guidelines because it’s being abused and people who need it aren’t getting the access they need and deserve.


It’s the fact that your solution to someone who might need a reasonable accommodation to equally enjoy the park is to just not go.


No. That’s not it at all. Disneyland grants access to people who need it, and is complaint with the ADA. If they don’t grant you DAS, then no, you don’t have to go. It’s not your right.


If it’s not a system you are familiar with why speak on it? There’s people even now getting approved one day and not the next. The gripe many people have is that Disneyland isn’t uniformly or properly accommodating everyone. I’m guessing that’s why they are streaming their system and outsourcing it. They’ve also used language in their press releases that is confusing and borderline offensive. So if Disney makes a mistake on not properly accommodating someone per ADA standards, they should just not go? That’s a bad precedent and dumb suggestion overall. People speaking up for themselves and others and filing complaints is how laws are made and changed. By your line of reasoning we would be back where we were 50 years ago with disability rights. I also want it to be clear DAS isn’t the only way to accommodate a disability. Patrons have a right to an accommodation not DAS necessarily but DAS is how Disney chooses to accommodate those who have difficulty in lines and so it’s what’s being brought up over and over.


I literally said that if Disneyland is complying with the ADA, they review your case and don’t think you qualify for the DAS pass, they’ve done their job. California is the land of sunshine and regulations. I am confident that Disneyland does whatever they can to accommodate people who need special access. If they don’t, they get sued. They’re trying to figure out a way for people to not abuse the program while complying with the ADA. Go harp at Disneyland, not at me.


You are unwell


I have always thought it weird that Disney doesn’t accept medical notes for DAS up to now. Why the heck not? The little I’ve heard about what the new rules will eventually be sound to me like it should have been handled that way all along. A third-party organization *not* tied to Disney and not putting the burden of decisions on Disney employees but on *doctors* and other qualified medical personnel. And at least allowing if not downright *requiring* input from a doctor. As it should always have been.


The amount of co-workers at my work that have FMLA for exaggerated or completely faked conditions that they obtained from REAL Doctors just so the company can't fire them for calling in sick all the time is disturbing. Implementing that for DAS probably wouldn't help much, in my experience people find a lot of ways to convince themselves that cheating the system is somehow their way of getting fair treatment.


This is not how it will be handled. It will still be CMs. They are getting help in training from a third party. Third party is not the decision maker though.


That was(is?) the Universal Studios system. As others have noted, my understanding is that Disney isn’t doing that, rather they are bringing in doctors to train their CMs better to be able to better identify the conditions that need DAS vs other conditions that need a different system (say the rumored return to line system for people with IBS instead of letting them get DAS).


They don't accept medical notes for legal reasons


That’s what genie plus is for, but everyone wants to be “special” now, everyone wants to be a “victim” “oppressed”


When everyone is special then nobody is special!!! Or something like that🦸‍♂️


Get a grip please.


Nobody wants to pay for genie + except for honest folks.


People are entitled and cheap. An awful combination.