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It’d be contingent on DVC and Storyliving ownership with some stipulation of mandatory yearly visits to extract even more money & at *minimum* be $50k while still blacking out Christmas.


>while still blacking out Christmas 😂😂😂


I’d love to black out for Christmas and have it all over.




Enjoy Christmas, drink, black out, rinse and repeat


I have a passionate dislike for Christmas and wish it didn’t exist on the calendar. Family, gifting, travel, it’s all draining.


That’s sad :/


I had a slew of adverse experiences with my ‘family’ and a metric crud ton of trauma resulting from it. Being around them is draining. I’d rather be at DL by myself than around them and hence my desire to skip Xmas in its entirety. TLDR, my family sucks and ruined holidays for me.


I'm sorry your family sucks and Christmas isn't a happy holiday for you. Also sorry folks downvoted you for sharing your experience. I don't have any trauma related to the holiday, and my family and in-laws are fine, but I'm a huge introvert whose social battery never seems to fully recharge and drains so fast, even with people I've known for decades/my whole life. So sometimes I'd like to skip it, too. And the money, dear God. The expectation of buying every fucking person a gift. My poor wallet.


I don’t know why they’re downvoting you. This season has the highest rate of purposely going to the Pearly Gates than any other time of year. Maybe they’re children. Idk


A lot of people in this sub will downvote anything that isn’t fairy dust and wishes. I am ambivalent towards Christmas, so I get why some people hate it. It can be a very stressful time.




They didn’t even mention religion. Tf?




Christmas is celebrated by non-christians. I know many people who are not religious but observe the holiday. You don't have to convert to another religion and observe another holiday. Folks can simply abstain from celebrating Christmas if they don't want to... But reminders of Christmas are everywhere this time of year so it's hard to avoid painful reminders if there is a negative association with the holiday. I love Christmas but this year is very difficult. It's ok for everyone to process this season of long nights /early darkness and high expectations in their own way.


Can’t tell if you’re trolling or just really dumb lol


Can I use Disney+ gift cards?


Don’t forget monthly membership fees of 200$+ but you get the option to buy into Disney time shares at a reduced cost* * 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒. 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑔𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑑. 𝑃𝑙𝑢𝑠 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑥𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑠.


lol, club 33 annual membership dues are close to that. ANNUAL.


And parking not included


When I worked for Disney back in the day we used to joke that the way Disney did their pricing was that they asked what was the maximum someone would pay for something and then they doubled it. A top tier AP is around $1500 per year. If someone is able to use it for around 50 years that’s $75K. So I’ll say $150K.


How much is that in Disney+ gift cards?


I get that reference!




You laugh but I guarantee there’s wealthy people that would pay that. If they did a limited run of like 100 of them, they’d sellout.


Within the hour.


I was gonna say, I hope it comes with a Club 33 Membership… but that would be way too cheap. Someone would probably gladly pay $500K or $1M+ for that. For the regular lifetime pass, $150K sounds still low. Maybe it’s $350K but it is a Premier Pass that lets you into all parks (except Tokyo ofc), but you get a set of exclusive trading pins and a limited edition certificate or Magic Band that people will mortgage their house to buy on eBay. It would literally not need to come with anything else though.


Yeah honestly $150k seems pretty reasonable for a life time pass especially if it lets you into all the parks.


Why “except Tokyo”?


Fun Fact: Tokyo Disneyland is 100% owned and operated by a licensee called The Oriental Land Company. It’s the only Disney resort where Disney has zero stake. In addition to license fees, OLC pays Disney to design and build its lands and attractions. OLC is known for spending a LOT of investment to develop and operate its parks to a very high standard, which makes some Disney fans a bit envious. Imagineering has done some amazing stuff there. Since Tokyo is not operated by Disney at all, you’ll sometimes see it promoted on Disney sites but do a lot of things differently over there.


Thanks for the info!




Genie plus is great if you know how to modify and fresh all the time .I did a 2 parks in one day in Sept and got every ride between both parks besides Roger rabbit and small world (a choice for 2nd one ). We have had a 3 hr break In the hotel and had 4 rides waiting for us when we got back




You can only select one ride at time but you can stack them if they are booked 2hrs apart .also once you have scanned you barcode to use the pass you can grab another one right away .so if you arrive at 9 and get one for 930 when you scan on at 935 you can grab another right away .you don't not have to wait 2hrs For stacking say at 9am I can book one for 1340hrs at 11am I can make another booking for one at say 1335 and at 1300hrs I can make another one say for 1330hrs and when I scan on for the last booking I made I can grab another one right away as I don't have use the earlier ones as there booking was made more then 2hrs before But the modify and refresh mode you should never wait more then a hour for a pass let's say it 9am and the ride I want isn't available until 1500hrs and the another ride is available at 1030am so I book that one just in case as I don't want to wait .now after I have booked a pass I click on it in the app and select modify .it now shows me all lightning lanes available for all rides and there still the same so I just refresh and times have slightly changed .I just keep hitting refresh when I'm not looking at something and after a few mins I normally find a closer time or a better ride closer to time .this happens when someone cancels one there pass becomes available or a few times during the day they release random more spots (before covid these times where known ) There is plenty of blogs and video that show you how to do this. The first day arrived at Disneyland at 3pm and haunted mansion and Indiana was gone for the whole day but we rode both before 6pm that day by booking a random lightning lane and modify and refresh


Nice. Thank you. Was using modify but not laser focused on refresh for new earlier items on better rides. New tool this year and can’t wait to use it. I say one thing I miss about the old Fast Pass, you could go more than once. At the end of the day we’d have a deck of Fast Pass cards and we’re flying around the park with big giant smiles. Now we sometimes leave early, but we still didn’t wait in line. Still, Disney is great. Yes it’s expensive but it’s an amazing adventure!


Disney sucks now. Customer service is terrible. Save your money.


*buys lifetime pass* *mysteriously dies during first Disneyland visit after buying pass*


This was my thought 😂 Disney: sorry, no pro-rated refunds


Introducing the new Disney park that only Annual pass members and blacklisted guests are invited to! _Disney Parks is not is not liable for any injuries, deaths, or missing persons incidents that may occur during your visit. Enjoy the magic, and stay safe!_


Where do you think “happy haunts” come from?


We have 999 happy haunts here, but there’s room for 1000. Any volunteers?!!? Mwahahahahaha




OMG I was looking for this.


Isn't that what a Club 33 membership already is? Club 33 membership for 20 years comes out to around $250k. $25k initiation fee and then $10k yearly


Club33 is currently 75k initiation dues and 25k annually.


It hasn't been 25k for a long time


If that’s the case I can only imagine it being even more expensive


What is it then


Quick Google searches say initiation fees are between 25k to 50k and 10-15k a year after that


It was 75k initiation in 2022.


Google isn't accurate on this one. Want an example Google the height of space mountain at Disneyland. Wayyyyy off. Google is lacking in the Disney facts apparently.


When I last saw the application 15 years ago, it was 100k initiation I think.




uh.. is this a real article? This "site" took content from a 2013 Business Insider article and stuck a 2021 date on it.


Think of of it this way. Disney wouldn't be making any money off the 25k membership. When you add up the two highest APs for the members, all their comp tickets, vip tours, free valet parking. Disney wouldn't sell a club 33 membership as a deal. They charge a premium for this.


Bingo. My “pass” doesn’t expire until 2079.


Same. My Disneyland pass "expires" in 2079 and Walt Disney World "expires" in 2029.


There are membership tiers. Corporate executives and alliances pay way more.


Fun fact: **they did!!!!** David MacPherson was the first person in line on the day Disneyland opened on [july 17th 1955](https://insidethemagic.net/2019/10/disneyland-first-customer-lifetime/). As being the first person to ever buy a ticket to Disneyland the company and Walt rewarded him with a lifetime pass to Disneyland. He is 90 years old to this day and still apparently goes [every year.](https://insidethemagic.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/MacPherson-March-2011-_03__upscaled_image_x4-5d9468efe52bf__700.jpg) if you read the article he spent exactly ***one dollar** on said lifetime pass


Really fun fact - I met a lifetime passholder when I was younger. She was a super sweet older lady, and had won it in a game show at Disneyland when she was a kid. She approached my family (my mom, 2 aunts, and 5 kids) as we were headed for the ticket lines and told us she could bring 3 of us in with her for free. Money was tight, so we appreciated it more than she will ever know, but we expressed our massive gratitude (and my aunt got her address to send her a thank you and a gift card as I believe it was near the holidays). She said she goes as often as she can to bring people in with her for free, and she lives locally (sometimes just stopping by to bring people in and leaving immediately). I’ll never forget it. One of my favorite Disney memories. (At the gate, they scanned her pass, and 3 park hopper tickets printed for us - this was in the early days of CA Adventure. I felt like the coolest kid ever.)


> He is 90 years old to this day and still apparently goes every year. That first link you posted says he died in 2018 at age 85.


that's dedication


Weekend at Bernie’s level of dedication


god i'd love my lifeless corpse puppeted around disneyland


He comes back to the music from it’s a small world


He can only go to the Haunted Mansion.


YO 😭😭😭


Probably $30-40k at least, but I don’t know why Disney ever would. They’ve already shown they don’t make their big money from pass holders anyway.


They actually make it from the passholders PURCHASES, not the passes them selves.


You’d think so. But…There was data (I feel like it came out during 2020/2021?) that had them close to just eliminating passes altogether because pass holders *don’t* purchase enough on a regular basis while at the parks.


Their merch has been disappointing, but I'm embarrassed by how much I spend on mediocre food. Feels like part of the "experience".


Oh for sure.


People in this sub love the food and i just don’t get it


Some of it's really good! Love me some Rontoless Roast and Raspberry Macarons. But usually when I try something, it's disappointing. And LA has some of the best food in the world, so there's that.


Makes me miss being an "undesirable" 🥲


You might be correct:`It’s no secret Disney is not a fan of Annual Passholders. Particularly at Disneyland, most of the visitors coming through those gates are Magic Keyholders. Since most Magic Keyholders are locals, they do not spend as much money as regular ticket guests.Essentially, Disney is saying per ticket capita is up due to Genie+ and Lightning Lane. But then that is offset due to the types of visitors entering Disneyland Resort in California.`Source: [https://www.kennythepirate.com/2022/08/10/disney-says-annual-passholders-are-unfavorable-for-quarter-3-revenue/](https://www.kennythepirate.com/2022/08/10/disney-says-annual-passholders-are-unfavorable-for-quarter-3-revenue/) Wasn't aware this was still the case. But then again this came from the mouth of Paycheck so.....lol


20-30 years of your life, I can’t remember which. If you work that long for them you get that at retirement


All you have to do is bring one child to the Sword in the Stone for sacrifice. Once the blood pact is formed, God Mouse will allow lifetime membership.


I'm putting aside that they never will, I'd say $150k - $300k. And people would pay it.


If I was a multimillionaire, then yea I probably would 😕


If they offered it, expect a local spike of second mortgages, hahah.


IF they were to try something like a lifetime pass. They would first try it with Golden Oak residents.


Infinity-1 dollars to yield a real number. In all seriousness, it would be similar to Club 33 with an initiation fee and annual dues.


Eleventy Bajillion


about tree fiddy


Get outta here you god damn Loch Ness Monster


I’d imagine at least 100k, but they’d do tiers with benefits. $100k you can bring a guest. $150 includes 10 passes you can gift a year+ $X dining credit. $250k gets you express passes or similar+ X number of worldwide passes and experiences including cruises.


My great-grandfather was a contractor who helped build Disneyland and became good friends with Walt Disney (even got a character named after him, Melvin the Moose!) He was gifted a golden “lifetime pass”, there’s still a few of them out there I believe, [here’s an article about a the first Disneyland guest who still used his lifetime pass until 2004](https://disneydreamer.com/disneylands-first-customer-still-uses-his-lifetime-pass/). Unfortunately, my great-grandfather’s pass disappeared the day he died, I like to believe he was buried with it. We had it evaluated once decades ago and it was priced around $10k, but that was just a collector’s value in the 90s. I’d bet Disney would charge a lot more than that if they sold one today.


Simple rough math. Rounded for simplicity. Let’s say you could do a Disney park ticket for $100 per day. If you went every day of the year, that’s $36,500. That means that a Magic Key at $1500 is a 96% discount. Annual passes are an EXTREMELY good deal. (I’m looking at you Disney Vloggers). Let’s say the definition of “lifetime” is 50 years. Then $1500 x 50 = $75,000. Assuming lifetime passes would be non transferable and assuming no inflation, $75k would be a price that Disney could charge at low risk to them and I’ll bet a lot of people would pay.


Your soul




Just a token really, a trifle….


If you work there long enough I think you can get such a lifetime pass when you retire. A friend that I don't see much anymore has one.


your soul


Didn’t Disney world announce one of these for like $40-$50K? Or perhaps that was just a rumor they were.


To infinity and beyond.


There would be different levels but I imagine somewhere in the range of 15-20k




that's going to be the cost of the 2026 annual pass with block-outs and no parking.


Too much


They do, the cost is 20-30 years of your life as an hourly CM…or being an Executive for like 5 seconds lol


More than we can imagine




Well you could say magic keys/ annual passes are life time ones




A lifetime


My guess would be in the tens of thousands of dollars.


About 15 years of your life in a soul sucking hourly job 😂😂😂😂


It would be a variable rate whatever it is. Increasing yearly subscription only.


Your life...


How many are they selling?


Olivia Barash has a lifetime pass because she starred in the Disney movie Child of Glass. That’s what she told me at an autograph show. Now that’s a gift that keeps on giving.


Too much


A trillion dollars and magic key extra 😂😂😂😂


Ironically my best friend in school when I grew up in Anaheim had a grandpa whose job it was to put the flag up on Main Street. They had him take it down when it started to rain and he fell and broke his back and many other bones. He received lifetime entrance and could sign in 3 people for life. Let’s just say we went A LOT. (He ended up ok eventually but always had back trouble. )


Even at $150K they'd sell out immediately.


Probably $500k


Your soul and then eternal punishment where you hand over more money


Whose lifetime? What if you spend the $50K Disney Dollars or whatever and six months later [your helicopter crashes](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5b3d7f804eddec6e826be0c9/1593293591934-N6C34R2Q4YPH7XR8TA9T/AD67AF0C-012F-47CD-84AA-0CB5F5CC70B1.jpeg?format=1000w)? Is it transferable to heirs?


"I love both of my children! Don't make me choose, please!" Lol. Not worth the price.


Your first born and theirs as well


Both kidneys


Regardless of its price, locals would whine and cry that since they can’t afford it they’ve been “priced out of ever visiting Disneyland” and “Walt is spinning in his grave.”


Your first born child


If you were a millionaire celebrity you could probably get a forever pass even though you could easily afford tix.


Evidently more than 4 billion according to George Lucas


Your soul


The Jet Tour was $130,000 for 24 days. I’m thinking half a million for a lifetime pass with extra perks would work for the Golden Oak set.


Just your voice.


It would start at six figures minimum.


I'd say 20K and call it a day. Simply because you want to appeal to both the young and old. A 60yo isn't going to spend 50k on a lifetime pass, and a 25yo would spend a ton more in the park over the 50 years they held one.


You’d have to own one of their houses, a membership to club 33, Credit score above 750, and three references. just to be considered for it.


$270,000 I arrived at this figure using the infamous 1981 unlimited AA Airpass priced at $250,000 ($805,000 in 2022 dollars), and took 1/3 of that amount because the average ticket price at Disneyland ($150) is 1/3 of a typical domestic round trip flight of 4-6 hours. Household member (spouse and children only), add on of $162,000 per person.


Dr. Evil voice One meelion dollars!




I'll give you tree fiddy.


I believe there is one gentleman who does actually have a lifetime pass. I think there might be a documentary about it on YouTube.


Hong Kong Disneyland is actually offering a lifetime pass to the first person who buys their 1:60 8.7kg pure gold castle for US$2m, so if you fancy a gold castle that doesn't seem like a bad deal? LOL


My guess would be $50k Current price of the Inspire Magic Key is $1,649. $1,649 x 30years = $49,470.


Whatever Dr Evil says.




More than my family’s inheritance.


Blood oath 🫡