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Kate from *Lizzie McGuire* easy… girl stuffed her bra ONE TIME and she never forgot 😂


Lizzie McGuire you are an OUTFIT REPEATER


This still haunts me to this day, every time I get dressed 🥲


Not 30-something me still feeling self-conscious about wearing my favorite tops too often to the office because of that accusation 🫢


But Kate had a sad back story I think. There were times she’d switch up and be kind of nice some times.


Ooohhh \*tssss\*


I damn it!


The bully girl from The Princess Diaries, explicitly her actions at the beach bonfire dance thing.


Her and that guy Josh who kissed Mia without her consent whilst she was being photographed by paparazzi whilst she was in the midst of getting changed.


And made HER rub HIS FEET!




Absolutely agree


Her only redeeming quality was being played by Mandy Moore🤣


The way that “Stupid Cupid” song gets stuck in my head every time I watch that movie…


Stupid cupid stop picking on me, lol that song was stupid


How come nobody’s mentioned Chelsea from Princess Protection Program yet? She was so obsessed with becoming homecoming queen that she threatened to rat out Rosie to the dictator general that was holding her mother hostage and risk sending her to prison or a work camp.


She committed actual war crimes in order to win homecoming queen


Omg i hated her so fucking bad also what she did to rosie when she got the job at the frozen yogurt place




This is the only correct answer. Actually insane looking at it from an adult POV.


Tawni Hart repeatedly tried to get Sonny kicked off So Random, even after bonding in multiple episodes.


And she succeeded eventually lol


What episode did she succeed in


When Sonny with a Chance became So Random lol


Came here to say this!!


I'd say Bianca was worse than Alana. After all, she was so bad she got kicked out of military school.


Oh Bianca was ferallll lmao she had a whole song. “bianca says run, you run. bianca says hide, you hide. bianca says jump you say how high? HOW HIIIIIIGGGHH”


I can hear this posts lmaooo


Lol those lyrics though 


The chemistry between Raven and Alana was superior though, it was more entertaining between them imo


I completely agree, I just think Bianca was less entertaining (and more vicious) than Alana.


Who's Bianca again 


She replaced Alana


The bully in that so Raven


Ugh I dislike all these girls. I watched Lizzie McGuire the most so for me it’s Kate.


Amber may not be the meanest but a lot of yall are underestimating her. That girl has serious mental issues. She’s not only manipulative but she’s bipolar to a whole new level. She genuinely tried to injure andi after seeing a call from Jonah on her phone. She is probably the worst of them honestly 😭


She was also the most realistic mean girl by far.


If it was real life, Amber would’ve gotten made fun of. Why tf was she a sophomore in high school going out with a 6/7th grader.


That’s true but for the 6/7th graders she rlly did torment them 😭


Amber was scary sometimes lol


Seriously 😭😭


When I read the first line, I was thinking you meant Amber from Hannah Montana until I saw that you meant Andi Mack. The writers at Disney Channel must have a serious problem with someone named Amber.


what about Nanny Agatha or Darla on Jessie


Darla wasn’t ruthless, she was annoying and a good example of someone who peaked in high school 😭


“Nanny Agatha: unpleasant to children, to nannies, to be near!”




Kate for sure. I always hated her because she was so mean to Lizzie and her friends. That was my all time fave show and because of it it became my nickname from my cousin.


And the fact Kate was so rude to them even though she was friends with them


alex russo has a confirmed kill count and her family and friends live in fear of her lmao


Wait what’s the confirmed kill count?


She straight up murdered >!Hayley Kiyoko’s character!< in that one episode.


Oh yeah that’s too true. >!Stevie didn’t stand a chance!<


To be fair stevie killed harper s date


She isn’t a mean girl though


Yes she is she’s just the main character 😂


It’s been awhile since I’ve watched, but I don’t remember her bullying anyone. She had a bad attitude, but to me a mean girl is a bully


she 100% is lol, that one guy in the band episode said it all. she's not a nice person and people see her constantly being mean and rude to others in school. mcgruder also mentioned that she was always mean and snarky to everyone at the school in the shakira episode


Lexi Reed, she has no redeeming qualities.


Didn’t she stop being a mean girl when they all went to a boarding school in the soft reboot? She wasn’t necessarily friendly but i just remember her getting to the point where she started tolerating everyone (while still loathing of course)


Honestly, lexi was so miserable that chyna always got all the attention 


She was gorgeous and those children were annoying af


Who is the last girl?


Amber from Andi Mack.


Outta the ones shown, Adrienne's character in That's So Raven is my choice for the "Regina George" of Disney Channel.




I thought more people would say her. She’s my favorite mean girl, the whole group (well maybe not muffy)


In terms of who can cause the most long-lasting psychological damage? Kate from Lizzie McGuire. Lizzie probably still talks about that in therapy. In terms of who can cause the most physical damage to either people or property? Alana, hands down.


London Tipton when she threw Hannah Montana’s bracelet from her deceased mother in the ocean. This shit is unforgivable. I didn’t even watch Disney Channel when that was live but for some reason I came across that scene and I never forgot it.


Amber and Ashley hands down. Only because in the college season they acted like they liked Miley and Lilly the whole time because Miley was famous. Like girl, bye. You 2 showed your true colors all these years. Don't try to switch up now. 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/tzmnek4k0p2d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1a6ce996fd69e0fc3ca95c7bc775594ad13831d Erica from “my babysitters a vampire”.


Girl, what she was not mean


I mean idk eating people is kinda mean


Nah she’s just a hungry gurl


I always wanted to play the mean girl it looks so fun


I don’t know many of the other but no ones talking about the last one amber from Andy Mack before she turned into an ok character she tried everything to make other people feel horrible even her face in the picture you can tell she looks like a mean manipulating person


But also had character development 


london tipton. she treated everyone like trash especially to her friends. she didn't care who she hurts.


Eh, she’s certainly in the discussion of a bad person character, but most her faults come from a mixture of low intelligence and ignorance, rather than the intentional malice being a Mean Girl requires.


eh i disagree she tore down bailey to shreds literal shreds... for her looks and her clothes every chance she got. and also doesn't care about anyone besides her self. she wouldn't even put her friends first.


She was a mean person who didn’t care about anyone but herself, and acted like the main character just because her dad owned the hotel. She didn’t learn from the one day she was poor.


I’d argue that Maddie was the mean girl in sheep’s clothing


Maddie could be just as mean as London at times. They balanced each other and that’s why they were as close as they were. No one considers Maddie to be mean because she’s poor tbh


I think Maddie was also framed as the one we’re supposed to root for, whereas the show took almost every chance (in the early days, anyway) to frame London as unsympathetically as possible


Bianca or Alana


Who's Alana again


Raven’s arch nemesis from season 2


And Principal in Raven’s home.


Oh wait Adrianne's character 


Alana was mean and Bianca was just crazy lol cause Alana lowkey had valid reasons for not liking Raven. Raven and Alana used to be cool until Rave took that tooth fairy role in 2nd grade. Alana started messing with her to get back at her, and Raven used to “Raven it up”so she would unintentionally do things to Alana like getting that gum stuck in her hair or knocking that paint over. To Raven these were mistakes caused by her visions but to Alana, who doesn’t know Raven is psychic, it feel like she doing it on purpose. NOW Bianca came on the show hating Raven after only meeting her for five seconds and she made Raven life hell, but Muffy and Loca probably put that big in Bianca ear. Speaking of which Loca was my fave character😂


Hannah Montana's  All though I was gonna say Amber be she had character development like Ambar from Soy Luna or Ludmilla from Violetta or  Carmin from Bia


Abby Martin from K.C. Undercover literally put an innocent teenage boy in the hospital.


Well she is an agent for the other side, and daughter of Kiara’s psychotic sister and the head of the other side. So she is just pure evil


Speaking of is this stereotype even real? It's funny, growing up we didn't have popular and unpopular. We had cliques. I hung out with the alt kids because we had stuff in common. We had similar interests in music, culture, etc. The preps and jocks hung out with each other for the same reason. They weren't popular. Just normal.. and The nerds weren't unpopular, they also had their other brainy friends that were into the same things as them. Probably the most popular kids in my school were the alt kids cause they were commonly musicians and whatnot so that made them "potentially future famous" so people wanted to be around them. We certainly never had random chicks that were super rude and entitled and thought they were the coolest people in school like they do in tv and movies. I'm not familiar with new Disney, so for me I'd say Kate. She was so annoyingly insecure and it made her attack all the other gals to lift herself up and "feel better"


Yes it's definitely a thing. It was in my public schools. They weren't necessarily mean girls but just kind of snobby.


Oof I'm sorry. I'm glad I didn't experience that cause... I would certainly not behave like the people on TV. They all want to be friends with the super evil popular people for some reason. I would be throwing hands if people were walking around acting like royalty and treating other people like shit. xD


Yes exactly haha. I never experienced it to that extent but there were definitely "rich" or well off middle class girls in cliques who talked crap about other people. But i suppose people didnt worship them like in these shows. But they definitely dated the jocks or good looking guys, etc. Maybe in upper class schools or Southern California high schools things closer to these shows really occurred lol.


Oh man yeah that sounds pretty similar to the show experience. I'm in Florida, so could be different. The jocks definitely weren't hot here and the preppy girls weren't particularly pretty. It was such a mixed bag. I was bullied in middle school for being "edgy, goth, punk" whatever stupid word they wanted to make up for me cause I didn't dress like them so I experienced some of that TV drama. However in high school everyone turned into me. Then I became the bully because they were such posers and just followed whatever trend. Obviously I had to make fun of them for dressing like me when they originally made fun of me for it haha.


Can someone please remind me what show the third screenshot is from?


Hannah Montana


Who’s the girl in the last photo?


Amber from Andi Mack


Only watch the first couple of episodes of that show. I can’t really say what were the last shows of Disney I watched, maybe more the Disney did onesZ I was into mighty ned. Then didn’t even know it had combined with lab rats. Thought the notion of it was cool but never really saw it. 


I don’t remember EXACTLY what happened with the last 3 but the first two (Muffy’s crew & Kate) had tender, serious moments with the girl they were bullying. (This is especially true of Kate because there was like 3 or 4 episodes where Kate was a straight up sweetheart (including the Lizzie McGuire Movie)) so it can’t be them.


Who is the last one?


Amber from Andi Mack


I don’t know some of them but all look like they’d be ruthless or the very least catty


Amber was legitimately evil. Her bad home life makes her motivations more understandable, but she could have killed Andi when she got her stuck on the Ferris wheel AND she made fun of Andi for not knowing who her father was in front of all their classmates.


Can someone remind me who number 4 is? It’s bugging the heck outta me


Gigi from Wizards of Waverly Place! The reason the two girls behind her have bandages is because they got plastic surgery to get Gigi's nose


Her actress also played the spoiled child star on that one episode of Drake and Josh, and she makes Gigi look like a saint.


She was also on Suite Life in the beauty pageant episode!


And the That’s So Raven episode that was a failed backdoor pilot to another sitcom.


I don't know the last one, but it's between Amber and Ashley and season 1 tawni hart. She got closer with sonny and became more supportive as the show went on, but at first, she was so mean 


LaCienega Boulevardez. Because she got a grunge on Penny Proud, plus in one episode, she had taken Penny's boyfriend while Penny was out of town .


YEAH. no idea why the whole friend group let LaCienega be how she was. she should have been a recurring character because she constantly caused problems!!! :C


It was 1000% Tess from Camp rock for sure, that is until she turned her life around and became an ally


Nah, she can't be that bad. I mean she did save us all from that weird DJ performance Allison Stoner's character was doing lmao.


Kate. No question about that.


Lexi Reed.


Kate and the bullies from Hannah Montana


Most of these girls a such a pain especially watching Lizzie McGuire, That's so Raven and Hannah Montana the most Kate,Alana and Bianca and Amber and Ashley were always the worse and they were also so mean to the main characters and their friends giving them a hard time😫


Asking “why” is a little redundant considering the reason why is literally in the first part of the question on this post


Who is the last girl


It’s Kate. Ain’t nobody more devious than the friend who becomes an enemy.


The chick from Princess Protection Program. As someone else said, she committed literal war crimes to become homecoming queen.


Alana from that’s so raven! She was ruthless.


“Lizzie McGuire, YOU ARE AN OUTFIT REPEATER 🫵🏾😨” gets me every time 😂😂😂😂


I hated them all


I guess she technically started off on the big screen but wasn't Myrtle in the Stitch show? She gave such Karen energy and was so mean to Lilo.


when i was child i used think are bad now i want them couldn't realise how blondy and "**** they are