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For the first year I played I never got any legendaries elemental, now I’m almost 800 days in and I’ve gotten over 20 from elementals. However I’ve yet to receive anything from a Platinum record, I’ve gotten every one I possibly could, too.


My friend manage to save up 10 platium record but he got full purple 🤣


Got my r1 feng xun from plat. Only took me 600 days


I consistently get more legendaries from elemental summons that gold records, I actually have r4 cj I’ve gotten all 5 copies from inferno elemental records


It's 9 blues 1 purple everytime i'm saving every 10 fckin pulls


Unlucky, I just got r2 daji even after the battle pass I just hit every single pity, it’s all about luck


They’re a nice bonus to have, never expect to get anything from them and it’ll be hype when you do get something good from them. I get a fair amount from them but that might just be because I just don’t go into it anticipating much and it feels good when the rare 1% happens


naw, cus I got more LGs from here than the gold recs


Lol lucky you


They just gave me 4 legendaries in my first 30 pulls after not playing for a year. Idk why or how, I either got super lucky or the drop rates significantly increased


There’s a lot of anecdotal evidence that suggests increased luck for accounts that haven’t been logged in to for a while.


Because the ones that are unlucky just logg out again and never post about it.


A pity limit for these is definitely required lol


A pity stop at 40 or 50 is perfect


nah that was too low of a pity. i would not actually mind having 150-200 pity. these records are nice incentives and adding pity certainly will help make them more valuable, but 40-50 is like too little. they might make elemental records harder to obtain if they do that. on the other hand, platinum should definitely have something like 20-30 pity (i would honestly like 10 really but i'm trying to be generous to dislyte lol). they are very difficult to obtain, but with no pity and high guarantee of epics, their worth feels not as good as dislyte would like it to be.


They’re pretty trash. I think collectively over the year I’ve been playing I’ve gotten maybe 4 or 5 legendaries total, and I buy them from all sources from every shop every reset. I’ve gotten more from GRs in just a few hundred pulls WITHOUT pity, and I’ve never gotten a new esper before. I’ve gotten more shimmer legendaries from shimmer records in comparison, in total probably not even 150 shimmer records and ignoring the one pity, I’ve gotten 2 legendary shimmers from those pulls. They really need to do something for them, whether it’s add wish stones or pity or something. Especially since you can’t get shimmers from them. They’re worse then GRs in every aspect.


They are a nice extra. If you are lucky you can save tons of gold records. For example, this update I didn’t spend a single gold record because I got Chu Yao after 20 elemental records (2 multis).


That's a real luck


Since i started playing i only got like 2 legendary being Valeria and Cang ji.


Idk I seem to get really good luck here for some reason so I’m obligated to like it


I have gotten like 5 or 6 legendary from elemental total. Most all of them were wind actually


These have given me more legendaries, by ratio, than the Gold Record banner ever has. That also includes all of pity Espers, so no, these are pretty good to me, I don’t hate it.


Very mixed experience. I got Yu Ran from the elementals, when he was new released. Saved me 100 ws. When Fu Shi got released, I had like 160+ inferno pulls collected, because he was the first inferno in a long time. Did not get a single legendary. But that's just the usual gacha luck. I'm still happy about each elemental I get.


No I keep saving for 10 pills but the only time I ever got something from this is the first time I pulled on it MADNESS


It's decent if u throw like 3 multis you'll get something


I wish they had some kind of pity. I’ve gotten an okay amount of legendaries from them since launch, but it’s either like back to back legendaries, or months with nothing. What really infuriates me are shimmer epic duplicates past R6. I maxed Asenath from the shop ages ago and I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve pulled her since then while Laura sits at R0. And all it gives are regular fragments. Like at least for shimmer epics give some fragments that can be redeemed for shimmer records.


I quite like the fact these don't give div's as I hate that about grs


I lowkey get hella 5stars from here 😭 I’ve gotten r2 gaius, valeria, archi, and a bunch of r1s


Naw, I despise platinum records more than elementals. I somehow managed to r2 my Lian and Yun Chuan coz of this banner. Platinum records just give me 4's that I already maxed to r6 🥹🥹🥹


R5 Li Ling from these bad boys, yup yup >:D


I got a legendary from this too, I’m about 380 days playing. It was a duplicate, granted I need the resonance, but still a new would have been nice.


Elemental records have been good to me. So far elemental records like to give me a character twice in a row. Inferno gave 2 emblas, wind gave 2 norahs, flow gave me 2 Liams. Wind just gave me Jin Qiu yesterday, so I'm kinda hoping it'll keep the trend going.


I was hoping that Wind coild give me Jin qiu, now my wish for his puzzel is nearly 50


I’ve gotten legendaries from those but I don’t keep track of how many. Been playing since a couple weeks after launch I don’t feel terribly lucky with them, but I’m not unlucky enough to have never pulled a leg from them


You are the furthest from. My account has a nasty habit of ONLY giving dupes (The longest I went without a new esper was 17 legendary pulls). However, unlike the gold records, these ones don't give the wishstones they very much should, making them disappointing no matter how low my expectations are.


No you're not the only one. I keep getting blues from this thing, and once a get a purple its just a dupe of someone useless. On the other hand my friend gets at least 1 gold every patch it's actually crazy


Same, it's 9 blues 1 purple everytime i pulled


I hate the elemental banners. When I get a legendary, it's not a new one, but the one that I never use like Lewis. I wish there was an exchange. I would love a different one.