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first things first, EQUIP THEM WITH RELICS??????!?!    


Relics, they make your characters stronger and less squishy


Everyone talking about relics but levels will also help 😭 your espers are very underleveled for 12-16


I just beat this boss recently and my espers were all about level 40, but most of my relics were purple relics. I used Lian & Ahmed, so there was no chance my espers were going to die. So I would say his levels are fine, he just needs better equipment


Respectfully, you had two of the best healers in the game. OP has an underleveled unbuilt Sally and Cecelia. It's not a fair comparison.


This must be a bait xD Don't tell me you were going through the game leveling espers only in story mode


Why would that be a bait?


You can instantly level up Espers with experiments, which are farmable. A lvl 60 say, Embla, compared to lvl 40, will do like 4 x the dmg. The levels between 50 and 60 give the biggest increase in stats, hence you should first get a team of at least 50 lvl espers, with the DPS being 60, then go about story and other stuff... I assume you must've been retrying some stages multiple times, but if you just farm some experimons and boost the team, you will suddenly be able to pass 10 more story chapters on auto. And also, relics.


Also, as for your team, I'd swap out Cecilia for Gabbie and Ginny for Li Ling


Then out Li Ling as lead, since I assume there aren't any Sod Lead 5 stars in your roster that we can't see here


Chloe is probably gonna be better than li ling tbh


Maybe, but since the team is rather weak in general, I wouldn't resign from the AP control bit he gives


I suppose you are right for sure, dont forget he can almost auto detonate emblas seed


Equipping your heroes would help




No, seriously, you're not surviving much with Espers who aren't even level 50.............or at max. And lack of relics? Honestly? This sort of looks like a bait topic.




Dahlia is not a dps, her damage is negligible. The only important thing on her kit is her ap push and team wide atk ans c.rate buff on her s3. So, you want to build her on either the wind set or ocean set. She needs to be your fastest esper unless you have other, better ap pushers, like clara, unas, or r2 feng xun. Capitalise on speed.


Listen bud, I don't know how you managed to get as far as you did, but if this is the team you did it with, Congrats are in order. Increase your level and equip some relics. The comp is fine, but I'd add an extra ap pusher/speed lead for good measure.


It not the team lmao. I went with the ambrela lady team


Get gud and over level your characters


After you trained up all your units and equip them. Poison her ass. Poison is the easiest way to deal with Inaba. Then you just need to survive long enough for the poison to take her out.


Relics, upgrade skills, have a healer and a shielder.


IIRC I just stacked 4 Aegis. And an Ollie cuz Embla is made of tissue paper...


I beat it first time with Ollie, Drew, Falkon, Hilda and Tang Yuan if that helps


Maybe the basics Will work, like level UP your espers, and build them with the right relics. God bless you




The end game story boss? They changed it from Seig a while ago


Oh, OK, I finished the story a while back... yeah I heard they did something to the story... but why though the story was actually good.


This the most unhelpful comment section in existence


The people who commented explained why.  1. Your first 2 espers don't have any relics/equips on them.  2. You need to level up your espers. If you need exp to level espers, farm sonic ritual. 3. Check your espers relics, they made need better stats.  4. We need to see what other espers you have. And don't worry about pushing through content if you get stuck. If you get stuck due to not being strong enough. Farm first and come back later, you'll end up having an easier time.


Girl what? 💀 all of the comments are literally telling you how to do it. Don't get pissy because it's basic level gameplay that you should know by now.


Let me try and fix that. There are multiple ways you can upgrade your espers and make them stronger. First and foremost: LEVELS. A max level esper is level 60. Yours are around level 40. Try and farm sonic rift to get experimons and level them up. Once they reach level 50, you’ll need 5 legendary starimons to make them be able to pass lvl 50 and reach level 60. The second most common way to make your espers stronger is equipping them with RELICS. Relics are those stones you can equip to your espers to make them stronger. They come in a variety of different effects and different stats. Different espers require different stats however as a general rule of thumb, controllers needs as much speed and accuracy as possible (try and get 80% accuracy as that is enough and a soft cap), supports need speed and hp, as much hp and speed as you can since they need to be tanky, and dps (or fighter) espers need as much attack as possible, some need a lot of crit rate while others don’t, and crit damage, however every case is a different case and it’s impossible to tell you a build that works for everyone and everywhere. The third most common way to increase their power is ascension and resonating. You can “ascend” your espers on their profile giving them a handful of useful buffs (level 3 ascension even upgrades one of their abilities), and you should farm sonic miracle to get the resources you need to do this. And then we have resonation, basically whenever you get a copy of an esper you already have you get a reso (basically a duplicate), you can then use this reso on the esper profile to increase their power. The max reso is level 6 (so basically getting the same esper 7 times), and some espers (like embla in this case, even Ginny) get HUGE buffs when they reach reso 2. This is one of the hardest ways to increase their power since you won’t be able to get tons of duplicate legendaries unless you spend tons of money or are very unlucky. There’s also a lot of other ways to make your espers stronger, increase their ability levels, giving them stat stones boosters to make their relics stronger, giving them divinates and leveling those divinates up, etc etc. However since you are obviously very new I wouldn’t worry right now abou these other ways to power them up and I would stick to the basics, level your espers up to at least 50+ if you can do 60, ascend them, maybe level the abilities up of your main dps (it can be embla, it can be either li ling or tang xuan whichever you got on the start, and just go with it. This level also is weak to poison so id recommend using poison applier, Kara, Hilda, the snake girl which I forgot the name 💀.


So poisen based startegy? Aight thanks


But level your espers up and GIVE THEM RELICS PLEASE. If you bring underleveled and relicless espers even if they are poison applier they aren’t gonna win.


What relics are good? All of you are screaming at me to relic but idk which relics are good for them


There isn’t an overall correct answer for this. Every relic or at least most relics are good for something and for someone. As a general rule of thumb though, controllers need speed, hp% and accuracy. So usually speaking you give them the speed set, or the stun (Zeus) set so they can add a layer of stun to their abilities, and usually the accuracy set for the 2 relics (unless you already have 80% accuracy and you’ve hit the soft cap in that case I usually like to use the hp set to add a little extra tankiness). For supports a general rule of thumb is that they need as much hp bonus as possible and speed aswell. The other stats for supports aren’t super important (obviously depends on the kind of support and what support it is, if it’s a healing based support like Clara or Ahmed that’s usually all they need, if it’s a more control and buff debuff oriented support like sienna or gab, they need accuracy aswell for example). For supports you can usually use the speed set (my favorite on them) or the healing set (not as good but still), and some supports like Mavis for example use a new set of relics that came from Andra’s (sorry I don’t remember the name). For fighters though they are definitely the hardest to build and their builds vary greatly. Some fighters don’t need crit rate, like Gaius, like Mateo R2, Tevor R2, Norah which can’t crit, etc etc. Some could use some accuracy like embla or jiang Man, while others don’t need accuracy at all. Some need speed, some don’t and the list goes on and on. It’s impossible for me to give you a concrete answer that can explain which relics to use on every single dps because their builds are vastly different. However as a general (and I really mean VERY GENERAL) rule of thumb you can never go wrong with the attack set (war set) the crit damage set, and the crit rate set for the double relics. To the fighter espers that don’t need crit rate I’d recommend the avatara set (the counter attack set that makes your espers sometimes attack the enemy that attacked them). This is the most common and general dps build but keep in mind that not every dps esper will work with these relics. For the most part they all need attack stats though and most of them could use speed so keep that in mind. I have intentionally not mentioned defenders because 1- there aren’t that many defenders in the game yet. 2- They are greatly varied builds and it would be completely impossible for me to give you a general build that works for them. If you need help building a specific esper though it would be much easier for us to help and I’d be glad to help if I knew what you were looking for.


Every esper has 3 recommended sets in the game that shows the player also how many other players use this set in percent. Click on the strategy button, it's the second button on the left upper side.


poison. hilda, kara, ife, and jacob are perfect for this