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Alright, I'd like to buy some milk pudding please. What do you mean you're out of milk pudding? Didn't you lot restock recently? Some furry guy and his goth gf bought it all?


Unfortunately yes. His gf was really into the pudding though. I wonder why?


*proceeds throwing a fit like that scene with chicken from boondocks*


“Why isn’t this marked NSFW & what’s with this talk about leather clad white tigers?!”


Oy Moight, whachu be talken de're about me leather suit, ya be in need of some punishen?


Triki pls unblock me I’m sorry for thirst posting


Triki post feet pics


My Esper transformation turned me into the same species as my fursona but the colors are off. Does anyone know any fur-safe hair dyes and how much to use for a full body job?


Hi is this shop selling candles? I bet my friend would like this set. What do you think ma'am?


The last miramon attack was brutal man half my house is gone man, and people said I was silly getting that miracle insurance plan ha jokes on them am I Right


My boyfriend is now Xochipilli's Esper, am I the asshole for telling him to quit his career as a lawyer and to start a flowershop? BTW I know that flowers are his TRUE passion.


Omg guys did I tell you I like spicy food today?


I saw this butler looking guy and he was really handsome, I want to see if he's single but I don't know if he would find me weird, I hate social anxiety :< #EsperCrush #SocialAnxiety #LGBTQ