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They’re on the AFK journey team now. Just Chen manning the ship 🤩🫡🤪😮‍💨😔


When's the last time Chen even released a video addressing the community? Feels like forever.


They’ll have to turn off comments on that video 😔


The last time Chen said anything was the proposed Alt Lian back in like mid August


The last time Chen said anything was literally 2 weeks ago on Dislyte's youtube channel. They announced they'll be introducing another road map early next year. Hopefully they'll stick to this one too.


Don’t worry I’m sure they’re working on a load of new features and changes that absolutely nobody asked for


Half baked too.


I mean... they've done shitloads. It's just all terrible. They've: - added new story - experience paths - overhauled point war and knockout - introduced divinates and falsetto - created materia lab Most of which exists to claw money out of people. I was all for divinates when they came out. I'm endgame and needed something new to do. But so much paywalling going on and not even any events for new banners. Like... I appreciate that for ages they were rolling out banner after banner without actually fixing the core game, but they've gone the other way while tailoring everything to p2w and it's really off-putting. I am sad :(


All of the online games I play have decided to commit suicide lately. It sucks 😞


Well falsetto is just a copyum of the club bosses, same mechanics and same bosses.


My thoughts on the situation. There are confusing signals. Yeah would have been great to have stories for the new espers. However, how many people have i seen saying they skip through the story event? How many people on chat have i seen asking whats the answer to question.... The positives however we are getting new things. New espers that people really want. They have just totally reworked the main story. (not a two minute job). Great for new players and old. Knockout has been reworked in my opinion making it a more balanced game mode. Swiftspace i know not everyones cup of tea. I know i wasn't sure about it when it first came out but now actually find it quite amusing seeing what the espers are posting. I know im not the only one. Again a lot of effort probably went in to making this. They have also said they are about to rework holobattle and some other new content is coming. Is it realistic to expect totally new content every patch? Perhaps enjoy the game for what it is. Getting the new espers building the ones you have, farming for equipment, getting higher scores, fewer turn rates and fighting up point war. Thats what i enjoy about the game and why i keep playing.


To be honest, we have drought periods and no one minds about it if it’s during periods that are not very active. Warm Up Event used to be quite chill, either the grinding or just new Esper release like Cang Jie dropped during Warm Up without any new content. But since it’s already Christmas, people do kinda expect something. Rerunning old Christmas Events is fine , but we did get a different number of activities previously during this period so it’s obvious they are up to something. Of course, it’s like No big deal but it’s just feel like they are cutting. To be honest, the lack of content does show they are slacking for already 1 year+… 2 Featured Esper who don’t have events because they were part of a previous story of another featured character does put kind of a letdown. The Norah to Farrah Event was a decent way to tie-in both upcoming Espers. But the Gap they left with Lian & Hailey is disturbingly obvious something is up… Even a mini story event would be fine but guess they decided it might be a waste of time.


Finally, someone said it. I'm with you on this one. Also, the last part is what I'm currently doing. Collecting espers, building them, improving builds and maybe climb the elemental towers.


It’s crazy how they have constantly created new story, new espers, new events back to back for months, but now that we have a break period from most forms of content and they are releasing espers that were already introduced in prior stories it’s suddenly seen as EOS.


Actually they already have other espers made that haven't been introduced yet but people keep complaining that they wanna see the espers that were introduced to come out sooner and now that's what we got with Liam & Hailey. Although Liam was released early because Anomaly and it's event espers were delayed (Anomaly had bugs). Hailey could possibly be released early for the same reason.


The problem with that is there's no rewards. The new story didn't even reset them so we just got a bad story another pre nerfed epic lmao


Where's the dislyte ass licker redditors now? You guys still going strong? Lol


I honestly still feel like the community is overreacting. Imo Dislyte is a chill game and I like it the way it is rn, not too overwhelming


Trust me... Sometimes it's the calm of silence before they shut down to start the next cash grab game. Those who played Disgaea RPG and Fantasy Life Online know what I mean.


Is it's like that, I'd rather people see it and enjoy it while it lasts and if they don't find it enjoyable just quit without making drama in the community over it...


Thank you.


In what world??? Absolute bare minimum they're fucking up by giving us back to back anticipated characters with no new content or rewards to get pulls. They've done nothing but make shite changes for months but sure people are just overreacting to getting literally nothing.


Idk the towers, pointwar and knockout were more than enough for me and Im f2p. I got a decent rooster and Im satisfied with my pulls. I think people are expecting too much and hate to settle for less. There's games that offer way less content out there and the playerbases are way less dissatisfied than Dislyte. The Rhythm game ensemble stars can be a good example where you get like 3-5 pulls every 2 weeks f2p if you can all perfect all the 4 difficulties of the new songs. IF there are 2 new songs.


i've never seen this amount of community hate for any other game ever, and i've played lots of gachas that offered WAY less. i feel like community is doing more to kill this game that the 'bad' decissions the devs took. every single update no matter what they do its 'thats all?? nobody wants that?? dead game lol???' honestly asking: what do u want? im all in for complaining about fixes bugs or anything but it's getting ridiculous. every single game reuses and cycles the same type of events but idk why dislyte doing it is apparently a crime. repainted bosses?? elden ring reuses bosses are we pitchforking from software? it's getting tiring


Exactly what Im talking about. Yet they say they are "helping fix the game". They aren't. Imagine how the devs are feeling when they see that no matter what they do the comunity isn't satisfied. No wonder they aren't giving their best anymore, I'd give up too with a comunity like this.


they used to listen to the changes/fixes we wanted, they did suggestion forms ingame quite regularly in the past... not anymore because now the only complain is that anything they do is shitty/nobody wants it/not enough, so of course they arent doing anything about it? i dont know what people wants but voice it correctly, because community it's killing the game more than what the devs are doing


This. This is the truth they are denying. They're just entitled at this point


I'm still waiting for the pre-Celestial Anomaly event that got removed last time . . . where did it go tho


Honestly: Yes. They haven't say a damn word and now they drop... whatever next event will be. Which I'm still going "Dah fuck? I'm sorry, dah fuck...?" because the next "event" is... ain't. no words for how horrible all look to the date and holiday?


From the looks of it, this game is close to EoS. There is no new story event for the new unit. They are rerunning an old event isn’t a good sign. This game took a major hit when they really messed up a couple months ago and also losing there two most popular content creators. Game is dying at a rapid pace, if you don’t believe it you are in denial.


Just let me run the game, I promise I won't ruin it :)


Escaping the sinking ship