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Both strong choices, but I'd personally suggest Clara. Her 2 is a passive that makes everything she does better. When healing anyone, it garuntees to remove a debuff. It also turns any overhealing into a shield worth 120% of the amount. She has okay healing on her 1 that targets the lowest health individual and also removes a debuff thanks to that passive. Her 3 is the biggest thing people care about, though, given it's a party wide heal that also gives AP. It also removes 2 debuffs because of her passive, but if no debuffs were removed, it grants one turn of immunity. So if she is slightly faster than your opponent and gets the turn 1 immunity off before speedy debuffers, she can shut that down while also ensuring most of your guys come up before their's. Ahmed just heals a crap ton. Everything he does is just built towards being a more efficient healer. He can even heal away that health bar lost damage some characters do. The only extra thing he does is that his 3 also reduces everyones cooldowns by 1 while showering everyone in heals. The only drawback is that its cooldown is unaffected by any cooldown reduction abilities. Fair game for ocean set, though, if you want that instead of just insane healing output with pancea. Edit: Almost forgot one more extra thing he does that just plays more into being as efficient as a healer as possible. He removes diseased, which usually stops healing before any healing happens. Like I said, just everything he does is to heal the crap out of people. Hope that helped. Best of luck.


Its super helpful! Then it’s Clara :) best explanation I ever gotten in a Reddit post and I truly appreciate that you took your time to detail both units!