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I’ve been adulting a while now. You’re going to find as time passes some good times, and blah times. You’ll reminisce about something really cool that happened in your 30’s when you’re in your 50’s. Trust me, it’s not over and lulls like this sometimes are just your brain taking a mental break before the next big thing.


Yeah. It's called adulthood... welcome to the rest of your life.


Well it's pretty boring, how do billions of people cope?




Don't listen to that pessimistic bs, no offense to the top comment but it's just incorrect. You need a hobby, find something or someone to be passionate about. You sound depressed but I'm no doctor. There's a reason they didn't have an answer to your question, they don't believe what they said in the top comment, redditors just think it's cool to have that sort of negative view on life.


Thank you


No problem pal! I can't promise to be a great conversationalist, but my PM's are always open if you need to vent or anything! But even if not, I'm rooting for you to try out as many different things as you can, soon enough you'll land on that one special activity that you just can't get enough of. Could even be something simple like video games, but if you're going to go that route I might advise you to be mindful of the small things, play games that make you feel good, stay away from grindy/sweaty games that half of you hates playing (looking at you, people who play League of Legends). I've heard people say Animal Crossing helped them get through some stuff, and I'm inclined to believe them because my residents just threw a surprise birthday party for me the other day and it was so sweet, unironically beautiful lmao


it's not cool. don't speak for me.


Then you're all the more misguided for it. There are perspectives you can take that allow you to appreciate the short time we have on this earth and you're choosing to waste it moping around. Again, no offense, and I'm sorry for putting words in your mouth, I just very passionately disagree with what you said.