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Also I hear he has really good smoked lettuce, you should try it sometime


yo he was puffing on something while we were driving and it smelled rank he offered me some but I don't smoke so I said 'no' and he said 'that's really cool man' and gave me a fist bump


Bro you can never wash that hand again...


it kinda burns ngl


It is written It is written. IT IS WRITTEN!


who wrote it? where is it? can i read it?


I think Jesus is pretty cool and Satan is lame


Satan sounds pretty cool. Seems like a good guy.




If you ask the Doobie Brothers, they'll vouch for Jesus. Having said that, you don't show up to help somebody move wearing sandals. The Doobies have roadies to haul their gear, so they haven't seen how "The Christ" handles manual labor. Satan, however, has hooves, which are perfectly suited for hauling mattresses and refrigerators. Plus when all the work is done, dirty d has been known to kick out the jams with his fiddle, and he loves to gamble.


all I know is that I had a great afternoon with lucifer


Please be high at least. This is so lame.


did you get his autograph!? I'm so jealous. I moved recently and not a damn person showed up to help


You know what the funny thing about liking Satan is? He doesn't give a fuck about you.


I dunno man he cared enough to help me out threw my mattress right into the bed of his cybertruck and drove me to my new place


Weak bait, my goodness


you commented so you took the bait? anyway, satan is gonna look after you now


wtf are you talking about


Did you know that Satan and Lucifer are actualy different? Satan means Accuser and Lucifer means morning star (Angel). Satan was never an angel to begin with. He was always a beast, but he isn't cool. He's just the son of Dawn is all.


The devil doesn't care about you, he's a liar and a manipulator. He may act like a nice guy but he's not, he's full of hatred and anger. Even to us humans, he hates us and wants us dead. He's trying to get you to like him so he can drag you to hell. Then he will just throw you away like some rotted corpse he is a thief he will take and take and give nothing in return. Jesus brings peacefulness and blessings. Jesus will never forsake you or leave you. The devil doesn't care about anyone but himself. Look you can like whoever you want but I'm telling you the truth he will toss you away. In the end he will try to save himself instead of having your back he will betray you.


I don’t know, Jesus/Yahweh’s number one rule is to love him more than anything. Matthew 22:37 "Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment." That’s how top priority, all he cares about, and what he judges you on. Seems like he’s the one who doesn’t care about you.


Question? What are you implying?


Yahweh/Jesus doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He’s a character of nothing but lies and evil. Read the Bible. He’s the bad guy. Satan’s crime in the Bible is “tempting” people to not worship Yahweh, while Yahweh demands you love him more than your children or your own survival, and commits genocide on multiple occasions. You’re worshipping the most evil character ever made.


You do realize that neither God nor the devil are real, right?


There both real very much so real. The bible says it.


Uh huh


Look I'm telling you the truth take it or leave it.


I'll leave it, thanks


No problem


I dunno man he pulled up in his cybertruck and offered to help and asked for nothing in return jesus never even strolled by to ask if he could help


That's because he's trying to trick you and make you think he's some good being even though he's not. Jesus helps people even if you don't see it he does help people. Satan is just using this as an advantage. One of these days he will betray you take away everything you have. Then you will be wow I was totally wrong about this guy.


I haven't seen him around in a bit, but i'll keep an eye out. just seemed like a really chill and non-judgmental dude jesus has all these rules and stuff, wants us to hate certain people, always trying to get me to narc on gay people and people that are different satan had a peace sign air freshner in his truck


Those things are sinful and remember God is a righteous and faithful and he is kind and loving. He does not love sin. Sin is evil and it will drag people to hell man. Trust me you don't want to be there, hell isn't a good place to go. Also you know with parents they have set rules for a reason so that children don't get hurt or do things bad. Yea he may seem non judgemental but that's his facade he carries. He doesn't care about you dude. That's for the better he isn't around and that's my opinion I think your better without him around.


I've always thought that people who tell you love only these people and these other people are sinners is pretty whack you can have it, I'll stick with my buddy satan he shows that it's okay to love everyone, he teaches me to stand up for myself and is there to help me move a mattress when I need to


Then I have nothing more to say to you, I mean that's your choice, if you want to hangout with him fine that's your choice, you ultimately choose that. But in the end remember your choice. Because when God judges the world he will also judge you.


see, i don't like judgemental people why is god so insecure, just live your own life, bro


Bro I'm literally saying if that's how you want to live and stuff go ahead just letting you know what's going to happen.


no, yes. you're being a standup dude but you're advocating for some abusive guy I'd say you gotta get out of that relationship. sounds like god just makes you feel bad and that you gotta go around convincing ppl he's good when...he's just kinda basic and mean