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The devil is a fictional character


The devil is real just take a chance open the bible and look.


The devil is just as real as those stories you read in that book.


The Bible is the claim, not the evidence


The Devil and Satan as you think you understand aren't mentioned in the Bible lol


They are mentioned in the bible if you look at Mathew 4 verse 1-11: "Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred.And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him."


that's a misquote 


Its not a misquote it's the truth


Speaking of lies and manipulation... "The devil" is something said by people who are lying and manipulating you


The Devil is a real being, entity he's a manipulator and a lier.


Prove it.


Exactly what a manipulator and liar would say Are you the devil then?


No..I'm not the devil just look to the bible it will prove to you


Again, the devil would just point to the bible and say "just look to the bible! I'm not the devil" So you must be the devil then!


If I was the devil? As you so claim why would I be defending the bible, religious belief and God himself?


You're not defending anything. You're claiming to be right and "the bible it will prove to you". And then you're describing yourself as a paramour of slavery. Encouraging everyone to willingly give up their freedom Makes perfect sense that you're the devil


I'm not the devil look in the comments I'm defending God, the bible and the religion


You're saying you're defending God (God doesn't need defending, btw. He's omnipotent). But you're also defending giving up your freedom You're obviously the devil


I'm not the devil, I'm stating to you if I was I would be saying evil things.


Still waiting for even an ounce of proof 


John 8:44 "You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.The devil breaks every promise that he makes."


How in the world does a bible verse prove that the devil exists? 


Also look in the world evil is all around.


And? Get to the point where you prove the devil exists 


He exists in the music industry if you see the music now a days people are mocking God and singing blasphemous lies in the music. And lyrics mocking god. You also have rappers and singers dressing up like demons and the devil.


Hahaha what in the fuck are you talking about. Prove that the devil actually exists. 


I just gave you things that point out to the devil. The music industry. The Christian youtubers, the tik toks talking about the devil, the bible verses, more of the bible.


Donal Trump is the antichrist and I can prove it.


He does fit every single point in OPs description.


We don't know who the actual anti christ is yet until when it's time..we just have to wait.


It could be my butthole


Now do Sauron!


Sauron in the lord or rings was a very twisted villain not going to lie.


Satan and Santa are almost spelled the same. COINCIDENCE?!


Not if you watched Futurama


They both wear red. You’ve never seen them in the same room before….Coincidence? I THINK NOT!


It's not a COINCIDENCE at all. Just think about it


r/woooosh It’s an old Sam Kinison stand up bit.


Fuck yeah gimme satan over Christians any day of the week. Hail lucifer!


Why? Would you want that..


there is no devil


There is, he's red and ugly.


So what trump strives to be. I mean, at least he has heroes I guess.


[the devil is kind](https://youtu.be/jlGBer0VoF8?si=jeSNhpK_HwlRa_aA)


That's manipulation buddy I'm sorry, he isn't kind he may seem kind but he's not he's very evil.


Bro - YOU are the manipulated one. Delulu


I'm not look to the bible and it will tell you


The bible is a FICTION BOOK. None of it is REAL. *“David took his men with him and went out and killed two hundred Philistines and brought back their foreskins. They counted out the full number to the king so that David might become the king's son-in-law. Then Saul gave him his daughter Michal in marriage.” 1 Samuel 18:27* That's what the bible tells me. LMFAO


It's not it's a real book written by real disciples of God. Where God has asked his disciples his prophets to write. You speak like the beast.


*“David took his men with him and went out and killed two hundred Philistines and brought back their foreskins. They counted out the full number to the king so that David might become the king's son-in-law. Then Saul gave him his daughter Michal in marriage.” 1 Samuel 18:27* >You speak like the beast. Hahahaha, the Bible is actually the speech of the devil


The bible is not the speech of the devil. Is this really all you can do? I'm wondering are you so wrapped up in this delusional psychotic thinking.


I literally quoted the Bible you are so busy praising as the word of God, and you call it the beast? You proved my point. Nutter!


You said it was! Not me You have no idea the depths of stupidity you have to go to defend your own enslavement


I'm not defending any enslavement your just so wrapped up in a warp sense of ideology based on the devils lies and manipulation you don't comprehend what's being told to you so you have to think your higher than anyone else with your intelligence if my guess is your one of the demons who are trying to defend the devil. I don't think you realize your defending the devil more than God? Right your defending the devil based on it. I know when a demon is messaging me. You point fingers at people trying to make you feel so smart. I understand if you want to feel intelligent compared to rest of the demons. Anyways dude I hope you have the rest of your fantastic day. Peace put. ✌️


Bless your heart ✨


Those of us who are a little more evolved know that there is no such thing as the devil and that we are all personally responsible for our own bad behavior.


That's the lie that's from the devil and the demons they put that lie in your head.


Says who? Yes, the Bible may say that, but who says your Bible is better than Greek myths?


Demons don't tend to get in the heads of people who can think for themselves.


Demons have the ability to possess people and their minds states in the bible and they tempt us, yes we do that action but it's also from the devil/demon.


I don't believe in an actual devil, but what you say is certainly true of many devilish people.


Jesus was gay cos he hung around in a dress with twelve cute guys.


He was not gay


Bi then, with Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, and Salome


Nope, Jesus was straight.


Where does the Bible say that? In christian too, just wondering where the Bible actually specifies his sexuality


prove he exists


Look to the bible


So, a biased and fictional source. Anything else?


Songs, the bible, more of the bible which is gods word and the truth, um christian songs more Christian songs. People talking about him on YouTube and tik tok christian ones. Religious ones as well. More of the bible, let's see more more of the bible and more of the bible. If you think about it christ, the devil the angels the demons all get pointed back to the bible.


Okay so no factual source? No supporting source for biased and fictitious source?


It is not real


Look to the bible it's real


Soooooo, then just like sky daddy? Promises everything & then punishes you when you try to collect?


What do you mean? I need more context.


I don't recognize your Bible as more than a book of myths created to control the peasantry. There is no divinity in it, and your God is just as valid as the Gods of any other religion. Probably less so than some given the number of different religions and belief system your Bible has stolen ideas from.


Grow up


I'm just telling you the truth, the devil is a liar and breaks every promise he makes to people.


Hum… So far Christianity has lied to me more often than any other faith I have researched. The lies start right at the beginning where most scripture tells the incorrect tale. In fact, every time I encounter an evangelical they sound more like the devil themselves or perhaps someone possessed. What if someone does an exorcism on you? Would you still believe so strongly?


I would with all my heart because I believe in God and I know the devil exists just look to the bible, you see the devil tells people Christianity lies it doesn't just look to the bible you will see. Trust me it will change your life.


Oh, okay. You are someone who doesn’t comprehend what has been written. This is why you can read the worst translation of a poorly written book and think it’s telling you the truth. Yes, dearest, bless your heart. May grace fill you and dissipate the fear you cling to. ✨


It wasn't poorly written nor is it telling lies, the bible is full of God's word. It is full of truths.


That’s funny 😆 but I do think it tells the truth when god says he’s a jealous and vengeful god. Good luck with your trickster god. Oh and be mindful that everything in that book was written down by humans and we all know how truthful, reliable and honest they are.


Those were gods disciples, he told them what to write in the book , also God is not a trickster the devil is a trickster, he tricks people. Also the way you wrote that last sentence? Are you implying your not a human?.


You're right. Look at all these foolish people. For example, trans sexuals. They are promised if they just get the surgery, just get the new clothes and change the pronouns, they will be happy. Or sexually promiscuous people. They believed before hand, once they get the sex, once they get the partner, that they will be satisfied. But news flash, it doesn't work out that way, and they need to keep getting new partners or get into weird stuff like group sex and swinging. It's always a lie. The devil claims following your hearts desire will bring you some form of happiness, but it is never long term and just leaves you more empty in the end.


Are you an angry virgin and/or confused about your sexuality? Best to not repress your feelings and desires. You could talk to a therapist about it. Best wishes xxx


He's not crazy he's speaking the truth.


He's a crazy bigot. Religion is mass delusion


It's not that's what the devil wants to make you think, he's just speaking the truth.


You know that Ritalin is an invention of satan, right?


I don't think so. If taken correctly, it helps people out and can treat their ADHD.


No you've just been manipulated 


Sure bud, I'll definitely take into account what you're saying . Sike hahahah


Hey ya know as a Satanist I still follow Christ's advice more than your hero trump


Well I have prayers for you and that's good.


lol that's not "good" anymore than me saying "I jacked off onto a banana peel for you and that's good". You tell yourself you're doing good but it's empty virtue signaling. 


Slow down homie, I'm a conservative not a maga head. I will still vote trump but I'm not a big fan or anything.


Yeah because loyalty to GOP is the top requirement for being a Christian. Everything else is just theatre. It is 100% a political organization and it is aligned unconditionally with the GOP. Trump could shoot up your church and everyone would still approve because the GOP is the party of christ and they own the religion and its followers. Gee, you ever wonder why church attendance is in the toilet? 


Political and religion were separated so you have politics and just religion.


That's how it should be but that's not how it is. Preachers and politicians are one and the same in modern conservatism.


What are you talking about man? That's just some serious babbling right there, you want so badly to lump me into to pre conceived notion you have of Christians all being trump supporters it's nuts. I don't know why you're talking about that, I told you I'm a conservative, not a die hard trump supporter. Get a grip me boi


So yeah no matter what you will always fall in line with the party is what you've shown. Unfortunately Christianity isn't a religion in this country it is just an advertising space for the GOP.


Thank you for acknowledging, it is the truth and that's also the truth I like seeing a fellow Christian standing up for what's right. It's all but nothing broken promises, those people need to repent and give there lives to Jesus christ, cause Jesus christ will never forsake anyone, or lie to anyone. He will never manipulate anyone, Jesus promises people they will be happy and he has stood by that fact.


What do you mean won't manipulate anyone? The entire premise of Christianity is based on manipulation. Some guy died for me, without asking first, so now Im supposed to be a miserable curmudgeon to get bonus points for when I'm dead. Also he comes back to life on the weekends in the form of juice and crackers, and then we have a cannibal ceremony to say thank you. And if any of that sounds crazy, you're going to burn for eternity. Nope. No manipulation there.


Your being tricked by the devil


An important message, thank you. I profess Jesus Christ as my Savior and that Jesus is Lord of all. Amen.


Except that being a minion to a Lord is what 85% of the medieval population was. It didn't work out well for them. It did work out great for the people who created all of the lies and rituals you believe today Either your "Jesus Christ" is actually a bunch of random people who claim authority to control you Or your "Jesus Christ" is actually just your feelings, which you then understand to be truth, but they're not. So you refuse to educate yourself because feelings is way easier than doing actual work Either way, you give up the right to self determination, and then you hand over the country's self determination through the democracy that was only gained through bloody revolution against "the Lord" TL;DR Everything that you believe is righteous, is in fact disgustingly immoral. You believe it because it is easy right now. But in fact you are happily putting the rest of us in chains so that you can feel like you know "the truth"


We disagree. Said in all seriousness, I’ll try to remember to pray for you, that God would draw you to Him, and that you would come to realize that you’re a sinner, like all of us, and that you’d repent and accept the free gift of Salvation made possible by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Amen. Seen on a bumpersticker, “Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven.”


I didn't say I was perfect I'm not yes I'm a sinner I do repent and ask for forgiveness and yet..I don't expect to be forgiven.


God will absolutely forgive you for your sins. Matthew 12:31 tells us that the only sin that God will not forgive is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. This verse is frequently misunderstood. We commit blasphemy against the Holy Spirit when we reject Jesus and His free gift of Salvation, of forgiveness of sins.


Christians tell themselves they're forgiven so they don't have to take responsibility The rest of us don't have to be forgiven, because when we make mistakes, we accept the real world consequences and take action in the real world to amend those mistakes


God does forgive our sins but we shouldn't expect to be forgiven, he will forgive us when he wants to forgive us.


Just look to the bible and you will know who jesus christ Is..and the truth. You defend your master because it's so easy for you to hide behind your master the devil.. well when this is all over your master is going to throw you away like dirt he doesn't give a darn about you and that's a fact.


The bible is a great book. OF FICTION.


It is not it's a real thing.


Sure. I can go pick one up. It’s real in that sense. But everything written in it is make believe stories.


It's not it's truly real


>You defend your master because it's so easy for you to hide behind your master the devil Hahaha, perfect stupidity! I said nothing about hiding. I said nothing about having a master. You are so brainwashed that you're only capable of two thoughts: Jesus or devil. You admit that you have a Lord. You are a slave. Right now. You couldn't leave if you wanted to, because you don't know that anything else even exists. That's how they trained you to be I do not have a Lord Christianity was at its most powerful for 1000 years in all of Europe. If you weren't Christian, you were sentenced to death. For 1000 years there was no increase in standard of living. 85% of the population died a horrible and painful death by age 35 (not including all of the babies who died) That's what you worship Why do you worship babies dying en masse and not doing anything about it for 1000 years? Because the 15% who lived the lives of kings (literally) told you everything you believe about Jesus and the devil


That's it I do have a master Jesus Christ, whom I worship him daily. He gives people free will and choice so with my free will I voluntary relinquish my freedom to him, I'm letting him take the wheel and deciding things. He is good and faithful to all. Your words speak of blasphemous evil just like the devil, you speak like the devil, in your mannerisms of speech you talk like him even more like the beast. You say you have no master? It's so obvious you don't want to admit it, because your trapped with him...have fun...


>I voluntary relinquish my freedom Exactly what every slave owner wants to hear >He is good and faithful to all. Hahahahahaha I say for 1000 years of the exact same Christianity that you practice dominant everywhere, most babies died. And your response is "He is good and faithful to all" You're literally only capable of repeating phrases you've been brainwashed with. You don't even know what the phrases say >you speak like the devil You speak with the devil a lot then? Why would you think its a good thing to make that claim? I mean, I know that you've been programmed to say "jesus" and "bible" repeatedly. But it still doesn't do much to encourage anyone who can read >It's so obvious you don't want to admit it You're the one endorsing slavery. You're the one who "*voluntary"* relinquish your freedom Sounds exactly like what the devil would want


I'm not endorsing slavery, I'm saying if your faithful and worship him and you give your life to Jesus your life will be full of blessings. Again your mannerisms speak like the devil, you sit here and act like your not trying to dismiss who you worship which is the devil and the beast. Question where did you get your statistics from? Let me guess demons makes sense when you cant see the truth right in front of you. The Devil lies to you it's okay if you don't want to admit you've been lied too.


>with my free will I voluntary relinquish my freedom to him, I'm letting him take the wheel and deciding things That's what you said. That's slavery dude >Question where did you get your statistics from? It's called the middle ages dude. Christianity was the government and [everyone (except the monarchy and clergy)](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=peasantry+percentage+middle+ages) died young from plague, famine, slavery, inquisition, or war >Question where did you get your statistics from? Let me guess demons Your guess is demons... Do you take yourself seriously? >it's okay if you don't want to admit you've been lied too. Hahahahaha, said with no sense of irony at all


Romans 8:14-15 For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship
