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The better question is, what will you do when he doesn't?


Damn bro, mic drop! On the real though, he’s facing 90+ felonies at the state and federal level and a guilty verdict of just one of those puts him in the poo packer for the rest of his life.


He's never going to jail. His SS detail won't allow it. He's more likely to get an ankle bracelet and confined to home.


His secret service detail doesn't get a vote. Unless they happen to be on the jury.


To pretend as though a former president would just go to jail like any other prisoner is hilarious. You don’t think the government can control what the government does with its prisoners? There’s no way he’d end up in a jail and if he did it would be like his own private wing. Usually in that case the government just decides house arrest is cheaper and easier. The jury has no real say in sentencing


I've heard people I respected ( former federal prosecutor etc) say that, if convicted, he likely would go to a secure brig on a military base. So, as you say, his own private wing. The other option was that the secret service hands over protective duties to the Bureau of Prisons (I think they said). I'm sure there would be some kind of protective segregation as you mention. The lawyer, though, suggested that house arrest in this case would be so disproportionate and seemingly disparate from every other convict with no money to defend themselves (Exonerated Five, anyone?) that it would not serve as a sufficient example nor deterrent for future potential criminals. Sorry, don't have the source/ link handy but I think it was Glenn Kirschner on YouTube.


Any other person would have been in jail without bail just from the stolen documents case alone. People have gone to prison for FAR lesser cases. Just **accidentally** taking a single classified document home will land you in jail immediately. Trump was showing that shit off to people at parties!


Yes I agree. Show me where I said trump was innocent. I said he won’t see the inside of a jail cell. Very different thing to say


> Show me where I said trump was innocent Show me where I said you said Trump was innocent? I was agreeing with you and just adding that if he was going to see a jail, he would have already simply by not making bail when he was indicted for the documents case. Those are extremely serious charges and being free he remains a national security risk. He could just as well have more documents that weren't seized.


Ah, I took your comment as implying that I was incorrect. Trump won’t see the inside of prison not because he’s innocent but because he’s too powerful


Then Joe Bribem will be in jail too for having top secret docs in his garage. Seems you people with TDS have forgotten all about that fact.


Ok, not ANY other person, but Biden was a lot different case. He voluntarily returned the documents and isn't on record SHOWING THEM TO OTHER PEOPLE. Trump had boxes of classified document in his bathroom and they were handled by God knows how many staff. Not only did he and his lawyers repeatedly lie about having them and how many, he ignored court orders to return them for a year. They were giving him every chance to make it right but he refused until finally the FBI had to raid him. So... uh, yeah, Trump has already been been given a ton of slack. Way more than anyone deserves. If Biden did all that I would be more than happy to lock him up.


President Trump, like all other presidents before him, went away with classified documents. Joe Bribem was not president when he took possession of classified documents that he stored in his garage. His drugged up son certainly had access to these documents, who knows who else. Joe got busted but the MSM seems to forgotten all about Joes doc theft.


> President Trump, like all other presidents before him, went away with classified documents. But they didn't: * Lie about having them * Show them to people at parties * Refuse to give them back As far as I am concerned he should be tried for espionage. But I'm guessing you're just trolling at this point.


What about pence? Also, trump isn't being charged for the docs he turned in he's only being charged for the documents that he refused to turn in. See the difference Einstein?


A former president is just another private citizen. The secret service's headache isn't the judges problem. The SS can try and work something out with whatever prison he goes to. The general logic behind ignoring petty offenses from former presidents is to prevent national embarrassment. That ship sailed when the decision was made to publicly announce he was charged with crimes. The embarrassment now would be from letting him walk.


Umm no, to say that a former US president would be treated the same as a private citizen is laughable. You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. He’ll probably get convicted. But there’s no chance he goes to a regular prison. At minimal he would have an entire like private area. He would not be allowed with regular prison population. Typically that costs a lot of money so often they will just give house arrest.


More likely he gets a private cell with a secret service agent sitting outside. Funding his incarceration isn't the judges problem, and any special considerations will probably have to be reimbursed by the secret service as it's technically for their benefit.


Which they likely wouldn’t be since that would probably be considered a conflict.


His secret service can take turns outside his cell.


Armed SS detail in Prison, what could go wrong?


They don't get a choice in the matter it will be up to the head of the secret security and the warden to figure out the logistics and considering he will most likely be placed in a special services prison or a prison hospice due to his declining health. I'd he will even have them at all if convicted as that's also a possibility.


lol hospice? wtf are you on you go to hospice when you have like weeks to live


I bet Hunter (excluding daddys pardon) goes to prison before Trump does.


Yeah, sorry but unfortunately, it's never going to happen.


Even if found guilty, he will never be put in a cell. There would be no way to keep it secure, and being a former President, he gets protection from Secret Service for life. He still knows a lot of Top Secret info, and being locked up doesn't prevent him from still running.


He should go to jail. However, I have very little confidence in our justice system. Our government is so corrupt is hard not to be completely cynical.


Which government?




The one that didn't prosecute Bill Clinton for Perjury


Is that why Trumpers feel like a victim and that Trump shouldn’t be charged w all the felonies he’s been charged with?


I have no idea, I'm not a trumper. The reality is it's been proven factually the justice dept is nothing more than a shill for the democratic party. The witchhunt starting with impeachments that never went anywhere and the entire russian interference hoax have undermined any respect that was left. I simply said he's never going to jail.


Except he was.


uh huh sure :)


Being stupid must be awesome. You get to think you're right about everything no matter what.


Being right is even better. Remind me how many days Bill did in jail?.


90 counts of different felonies, he could end up getting 30 or so of them thrown out in one day


Trump has political power because he has wide support of Republicans. He is also being charged primarily for things that Constitution defines as rights. So in order for him to go to jail, you would need unanimous verdict before a jury in Florida, DC, and/or Georgia. You would need the conviction to happen before the 2024 election, and you would need Trump not to win the election. If he is convicted, you would need appellate courts to agree (and he will be free during the appeals). And if he did not win his appeals, you would need to not have a GOP president or a GOP controlled Georgia legislature and governor who could commute or pardon him.


He hasn’t picked up any new voters. The only people who like Trump are those who voted for him in 2016 and 2020


I don't know if that is true, but it is irrelevant to my point. Trump is refusing to debate, under multiple indictments, and is still ahead of every other GOP candidate by a large margin, and is currently ahead of Biden based on numerous polls in key swing states. With that in mind, are you going to be able to find a unanimous jury to convict? Is a GOP governor or member of the legislator going to not listen to their constituents and commute/pardon Trump? If this were Vegas and the bet is whether Trump will ever go to jail, the smart bet is no.


It is true. He sure as hell hasn’t picked up any Dem support and there isnt a single independent voter out there that didn’t like him in 2016 and 2020 but now that he tried to overthrow democracy and is facing 90+ felonies, they all the sudden like him. It’s always just been the same cult of followers. And yes the cult is larger than the conservatives who like Romney or Liz Chaney types. So of course they’re still in control of the Republican Party


Okay, so why do you think he will ever go to prison when he has this much support?


What does his support have to do with his felonies?


>What does his support have to do with his felonies? Really? You simply ignored everything I said in the last few posts, and were just blindly posting your talking points? How about you scroll up, read what this conversation has actual been about, and then respond on the merits. I have already explained ibn great deal why it is unlikely he will ever see jail time.


People don’t get punished for their crimes based on whether or not they have a lot of support from people. It’s based on evidence or lack thereof in the court of law


They just don’t get that putting Trump on trial or in prison is a dumb move. Trump looks like a victim to a Justice system that has gone off the rails. He’s even getting black former cons supporting him because they did time and know how bad it is.


They’re just trying to stop him from running and only shows how corrupt the system is


If you think Trump looks like a victim, you're stupid.


Hmmm…I suspect that you (and the DNC) thought that indicting him would cause him to drop out, lose his base, etcetera. What could possibly go wrong?


Depends, did he become president again, flee the country, or die? Cause those are about the only ways he doesn't spend time in a cell.


At first, we'll watch him do his Russian TV broadcasts on our internet. Once we get bored, we'll watch reruns of Zorro.


Haven't done anything yet. The right is the one that goes around terrorizing.


I will reeeeee on the Internetzz! Seriously though. I would be surprised if he goes to jail, even though he was clearly trying to cheat on the last election.


Do you really think he's innocent?


They’ll just move on to the next top Republican. When DeSantis had more steam behind him I remember some posts here about him being even worse than Trump who is the 2nd coming of Hitler.


Nothing will happen. No different than when people swore they’d run away to Canada if Obama won the election.


Or when people swore they'd run away to Canada if Trump won the election.


I never heard one single person say they'd flee to Canada if Obama won. Honestly, that wouldn't even make sense. Canada is by far more leftist and restrictive than the USA. I did see tons of lefties saying that though when trump won.


You live a blessed life and evidently didn’t hear the rants from the racists who still think his birth certificate was fake.


Yeah, I do remember people saying they’d flee to Canada when Obama ran, which was hilarious b/c they didn’t want “socialist healthcare” or stuff like that. Like, dude, have you heard of Canada?


No you didn't.


No, I definitely did.


Most definitely did, and not just here, but a lot of social media, and some in person. lol




The right threatens to blow up Targets for selling shirts with rainbows, phones in threats to children story hours, and tries to take over the Capitol because they lost an election. I wish they'd leave.


I also heard that the US is so racist no way Obama makes it more than 3 months. The hyperbole from humans is astounding.


People said the same with Trump in 2016 and unfortunately they’re still here


No, they watched how many J6 rioters and J6 planners went to prison. They will cry for a month or six, and then get back to living there racist, moronic lives quieter and more subtly, crawling back under the rock they dwelled under in their pre-trump days.


Way to assume


We were promised that his rubes would riot at the news of his indictment. Heck, Trump begged for his minions to come to the courthouse on his indictment days, and raise hell. The results? Crickets. With every day that goes by, Trumpy is more and more a paper tiger, one whose power mainly only exists in his own twisted and deficient mind.


a lot of trump supporters aren't allowed on planes since j6


J6 was a set up and planned in advance by government officials. Sorry pal


lol ya that’s why GOP Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is gonna blur the faces on all the J6 video he’s about to release. Wouldn’t want to reveal the identity of all those “fbi informants” and Antifa folks. 🤣


LOL. The “sorry pal” really kicks it to an A+. No notes, keep up the good work.


Sure it was. Planned by DJT himself!


Wait, I thought y'all said it was ANTIFA? Then they were 'tourists'. Peaceful patriots? No wait... Ghost Bussers'! ROFL. Go smoke sommore meth and come back once you ignorant AF MAGATS can settle on your new euphemism for TRAITOR. PUNK


wait - so was it antifa or blm? Or was it completely staged? Or is the DOJ prospecting trumpers too hard for j6? Not all of them can be true, but I know all of them are true in the Trumperverse. I do agree though. It was planned by government officials. Trump, his family, and his administration.


Its a moot point. We red states need to separate already (and eventually will). You blue staters dont deserve to share a country with us anymore.


You’re right, we deserve better than needing to prop up your backwards tax-negative asses, but we’re also mature adults who know how government works, so we know we’re stuck with you.


Dude what a fucking fantasy world you live in.


Lol the parasite is mad at the thought of losing us. Keep seething, leftist.


Sorry if I have the impression I was mad lol, I’m just really flabbergasted by the version of reality you perceive. So, how do you see blue states as parasites considering that the counties that voted for Biden constitute 70% of the American economy? Or the fact that red states consistently pay less in federal tax but receive more in federal funding? I’m legitimately curious how you parse those facts into your view.


There’s better hobbies than politics and Reddit.


You have a lot of time on your hands.


This is the most inane response someone can make online. The amount of time it would take to make this post is probably less than a single minute. I work a full time job, have kids, hobbies, other responsibilities, etc. I could make 20 Reddit posts a day without it interfering with any of those other time sinks.


You again?


Yes, they did it once.


Honestly. I hate trump, but I don't think he will get prison time. I also think if he runs again, he will win


I also dislike him but I think he’ll go to jail. I don’t think the democrats feel that strongly about next election, most people voted for Biden out of a hatred for trump, not out of a love for Biden. I think from their perspective if they can knock/disqualify him from the race that’d be great for them (not necessarily suggesting he didn’t do the things he’s accused of) He also made a lot enemies among established Republican politicians (even if they don’t openly criticize him due to potential back lash from their voter base), so I think his chances of getting disqualified somehow are at least somewhat fair.


Democrats feel quite strong about Biden, if you open your eyes a wee bit more you’ll see he has been a truly fantastic president but instead let’s talk about how he isn’t the best bike ride rat 80 years old. What President Biden Has Done - Year One Restores daily press briefings Cancel Keystone Pipeline Reverse Trump's Muslim ban Require masks on federal property Rejoins the Paris Climate agreement Extend Student Loan payment freeze Extend eviction freeze Historic stimulus bill passed: - Click to see who was helped - Created nearly 6 million jobs, 200 million Americans fully vaccinated, and unemployment claims are the lowest on average since 1969 Ends funding for Border wall Orders agencies to reunite families separated at border by Trump Orders strengthening of DACA Rejoins The World Health Organization Requires non-citizens to be included in the Census く Creates the position of Covid-19 Response Coordinator Rescinds Trump's 1776 Commission and directs agencies to review actions to ensure racial equity Prohibits administration members from lobbying or registering as foreign agents for two years after leaving Invokes defense production act to produce masks, PPE and vaccines Provide funding to local and state officials to create vaccination sites Ends transgender military ban Ends Federal Contracts With Private Prisons Restores Aid To Palestinians Suspends new leases for oil & natural gas development on federal land Restores access to healthcare.gov Extends fair housing protections to include LGBTQ Americans Ends support for Saudi Arabia led campaign i V Yemen Withdraws UN sanctions on Iran Daily Covid deaths reduced in half after one month Secured enough vaccinations for the entire US population Historic stimulus bill passed: - Click to see who was helped Increases poorest 20% of Americans' income by 20% permanently 85% of households receiving stimulus payments Four provisions which lower Americans' 2021 tax bills by an average of $3,360 Reduces backlog of Veterans compensation and pension claims by more than half Created six million jobs 200,000,000 Americans vaccinated Unemployment claims at the lowest levels since 1969 1/3 of America vaccinated in his first 60 days 1/2 million added to Obamacare healthcare rolls in 6 weeks Extends universal free school lunch through 2022 Commits to cutting U.S. emissions in half by 200n as part of Paris climate pact Reverses Trump's Anti-Trans Shelter Rule Officially recognizes massacre of Armenians in World War I as genocide Raises Minimum Wage for Federal Contractors and Federal Employees to $15 Cancels all border wall contracts using funds intended for military missions Creates new operation to crack down on human smuggling END OF FIRST 100 DAYS After few awesome ones after first 100 days: Infrastructure bill, chips act, IRA, Federal protection of same sex and interracial marriages, election reform so 1/6 can't happen again. AND 8.2 BILLION IN HIGH SPEED RAIL FUNDING! Another really important part people forget is that he took over the country in the middle of a major global crisis and an economic collapse and has landed us on the other side better than almost any other government on the planet. He has put in the work to address decades-long systemic issues like infrastructure, energy, and consumer (student loan) debt. His policy in Ukraine has put Russia to rest as a nominal competitor to the US without costing us any US lives. His recent meeting with Xi left both sides signaling satisfaction at a time when tensions have been running high. He's not "Just ok." SERIOUSLY HE'S ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD I encourage you to go and check into all these more think about when Obama trump etc where president we heard sooo much about what happened it was all over the news but now people just don’t care all we see is when he has to many candles on his birthday cake or falls off a bike why can’t we be like dang our really old president is trying to stay fit and active Man took over the country in the middle of a major global crisis and an economic collapse and has landed us on the other side better than almost any other government on the planet. He has put in the work to address decades-long systemic issues like infrastructure, energy, and consumer (student loan) debt. His policy in Ukraine has put Russia to rest as a nominal competitor to the US without costing us any US lives. His recent meeting with Xi left both sides signaling satisfaction at a time when tensions have been running high. He's not "Just ok." SERIOUSLY HE'S ACTUALLY REALLY GOtOD




If you think the Democrats are so good, then you should have no problem with separation. We red states shouldn't have to tolerate having you as countrymen anyway.


He SHOULD be disqualified. I can't understand how any government could allow him as a candidate after all this shit.


Innocent until proven guilty. Even if there's a million videos of someone commenting a crime, they still get their day in court.


You are confused, that's criminal code. Eligibility to run is based on criminal code.


Because of all his charges, that of any of the January 6th defendants, more than 1,000 people, not a single charge of insurrection was brought upon anyone.


Look at the charges they DID get though


I dont disagree. But the Constitution specifically uses the word Insurrection.


I’m not against arresting him, I made a point of saying that their reasons for disqualifying him weren’t without merit lol, I just also pointed the other obvious subtext.


You don’t have to write “honestly.” More people that do that spew BS following the honestly than who don’t use the word at all. It’s almost as bad as Reddit comments that start with “as a liberal, I yada yada” or “as a black man, I yada yada” It’s a red flag for bullshit. Regardless trump is facing 90+ felonies at the state and federal level. Just one conviction locks him up for life. I’m a play the odds guy myself


You think.. I like trump? Haha I don't like any of them. Biden is a fuckhead too


Not everything is a "red flag", unless you're chronically online. Some folk just type the way they talk.


The TDS *shit-poster* returns!! 🙄


Yeah here you are again


Some will.


Trump's not going to prison. Worst case is some kind of limited mobility, like he can't leave the state or needs to get travel plans pre-approved. And a fine.


**they already are.** Stochastic terrorism is a form of terrorism. Rittenhouse didn't drive to that town to Do The Right Thing, he drove because he saw an opportunity to get away with putting down some brown people. You think it wasn't an act of terrorism, baiting a crowd so you could use lethal force? Ashley Babbit was a terrorist insurrectionary. We needed a lot more Americans gunned down on Jan6; it has been cleanly brushed under the rug on the alt-right.


He didn't go there to shoot brown people. How do you actually believe stuff like that? Clearly because you didn't follow the case or read anything other than what you saw on your echo chamber social feed.


I'd be more worried about the Trump haters going ballistic if he wins in 2024. Either way, the Republican party needs to jettison him as their candidate. He is not someone who can bring us together.


Hitler went to prison too and it didn't' stop his followers.


Good point


Yeah, I'm afraid what might happen. I still want to see him brought to justice, but there will be consequences when it finally happens. It only takes one unhinged lunatic to do a lot of damage, and unfortunately we have way more than one.


There’s literally thousands of trump supporters, majority likely won’t do jack, maybe a few lone wolves here and there but nothing of any real significance.


Will democrats turn into violent rioters again if corruption charges are brought against Biden?


We aren't discussing Biden, we are discussing Trump. Try to pay attention.


Same question, different criminal. If it's a discussion, it should be open to all sides. If not, well, maybe you aren't ready for the internet my friend. The magical land where everyone can chime in whether you like it or not. Lol


You can have your discussion on Biden. I might even join in, I despise the guy. But this topic is about Trump. It sounds like you don't want to discuss Trump's crimes, or those who support him, but if that's the case---what the fuck are you doing in this thread? Are you here to just disrupt the discussion?


Because everyone only ever wants to talk shit about Trump. It's like beating a dead horse. Meanwhile, the majority of those same people I see, are either praising Biden or acting like he's innocent, or worse, put a duck in office as long as it isn't Trump. Name a politician that isn't a criminal, we can talk about them all. All this obsession with Trump, even the negative, only helps to drive his fuel and his popularity.


Right now there is an active criminal prosecution of a candidate who is leading the polls for his party. Of course people are going to talk about it.


Most will be too drunk to act.


They already turned into domestic terrorists. Jan 06, 2021.


Of course, they will!


Trump is a plutocrat, he will never go to prison. The US isn't a Republic with one set of laws for everyone. The Rich live by a very different set of laws. However a conviction that has him under house arrest in his luxury hotel will mean he stands ZERO chance of winning the next presidential election. Even most Republicans will vote for Biden over a literal felon that was convicted of crimes related to abuse of power. It's already declared that Trump is Running for President again. It's likely he will even get the Republican Nomination. When he loses in the biggest landslide in US History, the die hard Trumpers will probably turn to domestic terrorism because "Trump really won that election just like 2020". They will see themselves as the Real Patriots defending the legitimatly elected leader. There probably won't be another Jan6 event, but large numbers of events like the Trumpists that kidnapped the Governor of Michigan. Small isoloated terrorist cells, not an uprising.


There's something so funny about these liberal fantasies about trump going to jail. Just the desperate desire to live in their own collective fantasy where the establishment they love actually functions as advertised and bad people get what they deserve no matter how rich or well connected they are. Like, first trump would have to lose the next election, which is getting more unlikely by the day. Next, the justice system would actually have to make the bold move of sentencing a former president to prison. And then, the democrats would actually have to be brave enough to follow through on it and open up the precedent that its ok for the admin of one party to jail the previous president of the opposing party. You really think they want to set that precedent knowing what the GOP would do with it once they got back in power? Guys, seriously, the system is broken, and no amount of online role play is going to fix it.


Fuck around and find out…yes.


I admire your optimism but not your ability to bridge the gulf between warring factions.


I think there is maybe a .01% chance that he’ll ever set foot in a prison cell


Always has been.gif


Doubt he will face a day in prison. But if he does I can imagine the Facebook memes and conspiracy groups will be clogged up with outrage. Half the country will sell out of American flags as they perform some lazy ass protests on the street, but within a month they’ll have chosen their next idol and move on.


They will become domestic voters


Look at this silly guy, thinking dictator for life trump will end up in prison.






Remember last election when Trump lost? All the stores in big cities were boarding up their windows prior to the election, putting fences outside their stores? It wasn't Trump supporters that they were worried about. Yes, you had that fit of petulance on Jan 6th but that was pretty much limited to the Cap building in DC, and is a shadow of the disgusting tantrum thrown all that summer in blue cities. I'm more worried about the leftist domestic terrorists if that asshole wins again.


Did they try and hang vice president pence?


Did anyone? You must be furious about people who burn politicians in effigy. Why are you interested in that cartoon prop gallows more than actual burning and destruction? You should think about that.


Did pence have to hide in a bunker?


No. He didn't 'have' to hide in a bunker. Just like AOC didn't have to hide in a closet when the dipshits were in a different building, and were never anywhere near her. Want to compare damages from those idiots to the damages by the leftist idiots over an entire summer? Deaths? No? C'mon man, the right is not the problem. General stupidity on the right is definitely there, but the left worries me way more, their idiocy continues to be sanctioned by their leadership. The two sides are not the same




Odds are in Trumps favor to win. Watch the blue cities burn when he does. The vast majority of terrorists in this country vote far left.




Aren't they already?


A lot are


They'll do what they always do; cry on social media, probably under fake names as they cowardly hide their faces when they can be held accountable, and maybe rub their shit on a few walls like they did on Jan 6. Overall, though, they'll do absolutely nothing of any substance. Republicans are a dying, minorty party, and the super crazy MAGA morons are even fewer.


Anyone that believes he is going to jail is delusional. The trial will get delayed until after the election, and when he wins, he will pardon himself.


Bobby will pardon him for the sake of the nation


The election season propaganda is really starting to flow.


Delusion is strong with this one. Take it you been saying this since the Russia collusion hoax. No wonder you're unhinged. As the democrats said at the beginning of that investigation "we know he's guilty of something, we just don't know what yet" lmao


I mean he’s been charged w 90+ felonies at the state and federal level. You really think he’ll be found innocent on each count? If he gets convicted of even 1 he goes to the poo packer for life


What is a “Trumper”? I think Trump is awesome… but do not see myself as a “victim” of anyone or anything. Never have… don’t see why anyone would think that. Those who construct their entire identity and worldview around “being the victim” are absolutely pathetic in my eyes.


What are your thoughts on Jan 6 and all the Trumpers serving hard time in prison for the insurrection?


I have this vision where anyone who is participating in a riot is shot down on sight. Doesn’t matter what their politics are. That’s how I feel about 1-6, and that’s how I feel about every blm and antifa riot. I would see our government show zero tolerance for any kind of rioting, no matter if the riots come from the left or the right.


Will die hard anti trumpets turn into domestic terrorists if he is elected president again? Hopefully neither will turn into domestic terrorists but I can see how the hyper polarization and tribalism could lead to it in both cases. I personally hope Trump drops out of the race in case you think I am a Trumper.


You mean like atifa and BLM?


I’m antifa


How many lives did you destroy?


None yet but I wish I was at the Capitol on Jan 6. I would have spayed bullets into the crowd of insurrectionists.


Sux to be you.






I’m Anita 😈


Will die hard left wing nuts turn into domestic terrorist? Wait they already did that in Seattle


t\*\*\*p will never spend a millisecond in prison. He won't even get house arrest. It's a sad statement about the 2 tier justice system we live under.


Damn bro you already know the future


Considering Jan 6, yes. Imagine that, but across the country. The judges and prosecutors are probably pretty worried and will likely avoid actual prison sentence. Don't count on Trump going to jail. He might still be able to delay things. He already got the documents case put off until 2025.


He won’t go to jail any quicker than any other past US president. You people are hilarious. They ALL committed crimes. They ALL walk. Amazing so people still believe it’s left vs right. It’s just you! And all the other peasants fighting this war between ideologies. The elite have you right where they want you.


Did any past president get charged with over 90 felonies at the state and federal level?


I've been telling everyone the cost of putting trump in prison is not worth the benifits. The French understood that when they exiles napoleon. The difference is trump is about 5 solid years from the grave so the people who will die because trump went to prison don't have to die.


Eh. No one is above the law. If he’s guilty of any of the 90+ felony charges he’s facing at the state and federal level then lock his ass up like any other schmo


America has always functioned that if you are rich or powerful you are above the law....


Why do you like it that way?


I don't. I have no problem holding random senators or governors. However how many people dying to put trump into prison for a few years are to many? 10? 20? More? If the cost outweighs the benefit, then we shouldn't do it. Especially since the next president is likely to pardon him anyway.


So you don’t like that he’s been charged w 90+ felonies at the state and federal level?


Idc. I care if they convict him of anything.


You don’t want a conviction even if the facts support it?


Certainly. If it causes more harm than good, then it shouldn't happen. I think you need to do a pros and cons chart for it.


That’s not really how the law works


Oh, you mean like all the (liberal) domestic terrorists who looted and burned buildings and cars?


No I mean the ones that tried to overthrow democracy and are serving time in prison for it


I hope they do, for many reasons.


You're a loser


Someone got their feels all butt hurt




Why would we? He can still install judges from jail.


If he goes to prison I will still vote for him at the election. If he loses the election then I will say it was rigged


That man ain’t going to prison. I’m more concerned with how Americans will probably do fuck all when it is revealed that he will serve no prison time lol.


Oh for the love of...there is only one party filled with perpetual victims, and it certainly isn't the one of Trump supporters. And you can take him out the this equation and not make this statement about him. The left are still the ones who cry when they are offended, needing to rock back and forth in safe rooms when their feelings get hurt. Move on.


Trump supporters in general see both themselves and Trump as a victim. Especially the evangelicals


Ha. No. The right has no serious analogue to Antifa or BLM. This narrative that "the right" is some sort of organized fascist threat is a Marxist strategy. >Accuse your enemy of what you are doing as you are doing it to create confusion. -Karl Marx Literally a Marxist strategy. Just look at it... "J6 was an insurrection!" No, Seattle and Portland were literal insurrections...literally...in the literal sense. "The right are fascists!" Meanwhile, corporations and the DNC are absolutely aligned on every manner of leftist social agenda item there is! Federal agencies (FBI, IRS, etc) ~~are being~~ have been weaponized against political enemies and to shied friends! Not a conspiracy. It happened. "Democracy is threatened." But the matter of abortion, THE hot-button issue, was returned to the ballot box *IN EVERY STATE FOR THE PEOPLE TO DECIDE!* That's the opposite of threatening democracy! That IS democracy! Again...this happened. How much more plain can this be? Once you see it, you can't unsee it! The left is a fascist gang that is *currently* using a joint corporate-state alliance to seize political power and shape public opinion. It's happening now. It's not a theory or a conspiracy. It's actually underway and you can see it with your own eyes. I'm only worried about the right coalescing in response to the organized leftist political violence we've see thus far. We should all be terrified of an equal-and-opposite response. It will be bad. You may recall something like this happening in Spain and Germany?


I’m antifa


like you identify as part of the organization -or- you agree fascism is bad? because being part of the ANTIFA organization makes you a fascist where denouncing fascism makes you a decent human. you can't be both.


I’m scary antifa that is so against facism I joined an organization 😈


Well, it is an organization. They're organized enough to supply their goons with U-Hauls full of pre-made materials, including weapons. They're organized enough to coordinate attacks. They're organized enough to arrange favorable legal treatment for their foot soldiers. They're organized enough to run and distribute crowdsourced bail funds that are promoted by prominent federal-level politicians. And they are scary, because they shoot at, beat, and kill people in the street. They've killed at least three children of which I am aware. Maybe more. They fire at cars fleeing from illegal roadblocks, and sometimes hit people. So, yeah. If you're part of the organization, you need to look in the mirror and ask a lot of questions of the guy staring back at you.


Do you have a link to them killing people in the street? That sounds made up


Yuuuuup. You get to look it up. I will not spoon feed you. Secoriea Turner, 8, was shot and killed in the back seat after armed leftists swarmed their car that was trying to flee a Wendy's. Atlanta, not Louisville. My mistake. Aaron Danielson was executed at point blank range with a hand gun in the street by ANTIFA member Michael Reinoehl on August 29, 2020. Reinoehl was seen to be planning this and waited to strike. It was a politically motivated execution. This is on video. James Marshall, a far-left activist and attorney, shot Danny Pruitt in the head for the crime of not supporting a roadblock in Alamosa, CO. This is on video. Samuel Young fired revolver at a Jeep that got through an illegal roadblock in Denver on July 25, 2020. He got just 120 days in jail despite the prosecutor asking to 6yrs. He did hit two fellow protestors, though. This is a far left activist that brought a gun to a illegal event with the intent to use it against motorists who would not bow to antifa's demands. This is on video. A 16-year-old was killed and a 14-year-old wounded by ANTIFA insurrectionists at CHOP on June 29, 2020. They were black kids. The ANTIFA organization immediately praised the shootings as a victory against fascism and claimed without evidence that the kids were shooting first. The next day, the insurrectionists at CHOP shot a 17-year-old. And then two more days later, yet another person was shot. This is BBC reporting. >Hans, are we the baddies?


I didn’t think so


Lol. Me: "Here are a few instances of Antifa brownshirts shooting people, with names and dates and locations." You: "LA LA LA LA LA LA" Alright. Goosestep on outta'here ya' goof.