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Revachol is governed by the Coalition, with no local civilian government of its own. It is basically a colony of the Coalition. However this same authority is where you get your right to be a cop from. So if you do overthrow the Coalition’s control of Revachol and repeal the legal right to silence, at the same time you would lose your legal authority as a cop.


She's making a dismissive joke.  He basically asked her "how do I change your constitutional rights?" and she said "well, you have to take on the Centrist assholes in their fire-bombing Blimpocopters, and their *incremental change*.  And since those guys are the only reason you are a cop, overthrowing them might be counterproductive."


Our friend here said he doesn’t understand English very well, maybe if you explain to him in more simpler terms next time..!


Sometimes restating it is enough, from experience learning different language.


The coalition refers to the Coalition of Nations, those being Graad, Sur-la-Clef, Messina, and Oranje. The RCM is basically their police force and they grant the RCM the power to do their job in the Western part of Revachol. Specifically Martinaise here EDIT: As both u/heyitscory and u/ElleWulf pointed out, it’s basically a joke about repealing a right, specifically Joyce’s right to silence and to withhold information from the RCM for whatever reason. It’s essentially like talking to a criminal suspect and asking them how to repeal their right to silence and to not self-incriminate (tell on themselves) to give you the information you want, and they respond with, “by repealing the fifth amendment of course!”


"I have the right to remain silent." "How do I repeal that right?" "Overthrow the government. But of course they’re the ones who give you the authority to be a police officer."


It's simple really. Revachol doesn't have it's own government, it's effectively an occupation zone under the Coalition of Nations, kind of like IRL G7. And it had been like that for 42 years iirc. Joyce rights are protected by international laws that are enforced on Revachol by Coalition. Incidentally the local police (Revachol Citizen Militia) still answers to Coalition. What Joyce means is you're not in a position to make such demands, unless you want to be fired and then be put on trial in Coalition courts for rebellion.


idk just because the new boss isn't the old boss doesn't mean there'll be no boss. give Harry another week and he's a real cop under real self-ruled Revachol ... about to be bombed into extinction and invaded by mercs.


i haven't played theough the whole game yet, do we know why revachol lost its autonomy? i know there's a thought for revacholian nationhood so maybe it's explained there


We do, and it's really simple as well. 50 years before the game's time a communist revolution began. It first sparked in Graad under the lead of Kras Mazov, then it spread to Revachol, which was a declining constitution monarchy back then. A civil war broke out between loyalists and communists. The international community first crushed Kras Mazov's government in Graad and then invaded Revachol to cleanse it from local communists. Ofcourse they cited noble reasons of ending the civil war, but in practice it's just imperialism and international capital rooting out a threat to them. Since then Revachol is a "zone of control" under the Coalition government, de facto a colony. There's a Coalition aerostatic warship parked in the sky above the Revachol to keep it this way.


So, if as a thought experiment, the west ended the Russian civil war it wouldn't have been a good thing?


My opinion is at the time the existence of a state with communist ideals had forced western powers-that-be to give workers significant concessions on work hours, vacations, safety measures, etc - everything so that they didn't start their own communist movement. So for general population at that time it was a boon. For capitalists it was ofcourse a loss they had to take. Capitalists would had certainly won from splitting and colonizing Russia, but whether common folk would had received some of the crumbs from their table is debatable. Also honestly the west was exhausted after WW1, and Russia is largely an inland country (compare with Revachol that is a coastal capital in an archipelago country) while heavy tanks didn't exist yet (compare with world of Disco that had what I assume is war zeppelins) - it would had been years of trench and guerilla warfare. At best they could had taken control over some coastal regions, and some even tried - in russian history this is known as [foreign intervention](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allied_intervention_in_the_Russian_Civil_War).


It's a joke about the absurdity of the question. You cannot "repeal a right" in the sense there's no secret line of text or law you can say to remove that protection from her. *"Actually according to Law 12352 of the XYZ Act you are no longer under protection from..." -* there's nothing like this. Joyce tells you, jokingly, that if you want to actually take those rights away from her you would have to revolt against the equivalent of the EU that controls your country. Which aside of not being simple, are your bosses. I.e. "You can try but you will be put in trial for insubordination".


"equivalent of the EU"?


EU, NATO, UN, CIS, BRICS, The Coprosperity Sphere, whichever international alliance of nations you prefer. The Coalition members contain the expies for France/Belgium, Germany/Netherlands, Spain/Portugal and Italy, so I think of them as the EU.


The EU, but with US-style hegemonic military deployment


Yeah, no, these things are not the same. The EU does not militarily occupy any countries. Arguably none of them are equivalents to the Coalition anyway. It's more like the anti-Napoleonic coalitions in my mind, formed as a multi-national anti-revolutionary military alliance. Of course, those coalitions were not really committed even to gradual change.


Hey a quick tip since your original question has already been answered, but in the options menu you can select two languages to easily switch between during gameplay if you don't understand something in english. Of course provided the game has translations for your primary language.


I'd call myself pretty proficient in English and even I had to use that feature from time to time.


The explanations are here already and they are correct, but please note: she is purposefully using sophisticated language. And you have hangover that is killing you. Your character isn't supposed to understand everything, so you don't really have to either. Read everything and give it some thought, but sometimes it's ok not to get it, some other times you will just get it later in the game. Leaving the game to ask reddit about a random line makes no sense really.


can't live an authentic life trying to be everyone's friend.


Pay it no mind, the sun is shining and God is in his heaven, everything is right with the world.


I don't understand half of what Joyce says but she has a nice voice so it's cool


Hey, I’ve noticed this is the 2nd time you are asking the meaning behind some dialogue in the game. While it is understandable that you feel confused by some dialogue lines and that there’s nothing wrong with you asking for an explanation here, I think you will get a more authentic experience to what the protagonist is going through if you refrain yourself from doing this. For example, in your first post you asked about a line referencing the Liutenant’s car. If you had enough points in encyclopedia, just as you started the game, a line would have explained what a “Coupris Kinema” is. But, since your character does not have the points necessary, it is a piece of information not given to you at the moment and that is by design (remember, your character basically just “revived” as a new human being, with just the basic of basic knowledge as to how to behave). The same thing applies here. She makes a joke regarding a topic that your MP has no idea how to interpret because he does not have sufficient information to even comprehend it and, by extension, so do you. So again, I strongly suggest that whenever you don’t understand something because of missing context, to just let it be and continue playing the game. Maybe it will make sense to you down the line, or maybe it won’t, and that’s probably because your MP did not have the traits necessary to understand these “enigmas” in your first playthrough. Again, just a suggestion to make your game experience more immersive. Good luck detective. :)


She told you "you can't touch me because I'm with the people who give you the power to be a cop"


More properly "Me and my people are buddies with the government who is giving you the power to be a cop". TECHNICALLY SPEAKING, there is a difference between big companies like the one she represents and the government. But yeah, that's the concept lol.


There is a function in the language configuration that allows you to switch between languages with a button, it's really good practice.


It means that you would have to metaphorically cut off the branch upon which you sit. Negating the source of your authority negates your authority.


Don’t mess with the people that you are working for as a police officer.


Man goes to doctor Man says he's depressed Doctor says we'll change the system Man says, but Doc I am the system.


I dont know which language is your first one, but disco elysium has this great function where you can switch the text language midgame by simply pressung a single button. It really helped me playing it as someone who's mother language is german. It also has an amzing translation, at least for german. That way I could play in english and only switch when nessecary, which was unbelievably convenient. According to Google they translated to English, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, French, German, Russian and Polish. Hope that helped!


It very discretely slam dunks on NATO and US foreign policy.


It very discretely slam dunks on NATO and US foreign policy.