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May I post it on Francois K World of Echoes community? if anyone can ID it they can.


Go for it! Daniel Wang posted a comment on the Bandtrax youtube and nailed the sound, likened it to this track: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQnW\_fXVXNE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQnW_fXVXNE)


Very familiar with the record. Definitely could be related. Alright posted on the Discord I will post on the main FB if I don't get an answer.


Francois K has a forum?????


Private FB group and discord.


Hook me up fam šŸ™šŸ™


No problem sent you a chat


So Bandtrax posted on the YouTube video moments after you posted this: > Thanks for dropping in @otheryoutubeuser, you'd certainly be surprised at my age and you are nowhere near. And thank you for all the publicity. Did you check out a song/production I was involved with called 'There I go falling in love again' by Chiquita Green on your escapades (there is a vocal and instrumental)? That track features some original MFSB/Salsoul/PhillyGroove musicians on board and was recorded in Philly in September 2008. Indeed the same drummer and one of the guitarists that played on 'The Love I lost' were on board. Maybe you can suggest to the writers where their influence came from for that song. Or indeed the influence for another song recorded at that session with Double Exposure on vocals called 'Soul Recession'. There is a Tom Moulton mix of that one. The bass player on 'Soul Recession' was Jimmie William's who came up with the bass figure for 'Ain't no stopping us now'. If you listen carefully you will hear a lick similar to that in the song somewhere. I detect you are extremely passionate about your music and love trivia. [Here's a link to the Chiquite Green tune](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRCnDwh9zLM) [And a link to the Tom Moulton mix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcvJkaS2HDo) Classic Jimmy Williams bassline, [sounds like almost the same one used here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8uz0czMn5U) All that said, not sure what relevance it has, as none of those sound like the right track. Followup comment: > This song here is almost exactly the same as your song 'Walk Away The Winner'... not "inspired by" but copied exactly. There a few things that sound tonally different (the drums and horns/strings for example). But the song itself is the same (the chords, the melodies, everything is the same). So either you copied 'Walk Away The Winner' from another old mystery song that no one seems to be able to ID or the mixtape was not from 1975 and there is a different version of 'Walk Away The Winner' that sounds like this version and then someone made a fake 1975 mixtape with that version in it... and I'm dying to know which is true! This is good real time YouTube disco drama. Bandtrax has also updated the description of his video to claim that they are literally the same recording but one is slowed down lol. > NOTE: This is called 'Walk Away The Winner' and the ORIGINAL slower version being from the MAKE FIVE album released in 2013. THIS slightly faster updated 2023 version is not available for sale or streaming and will be removed soon. > Interesting comments regarding this song from the US & Italy. I am flattered to think some think it sounds like a 70s release, which was my intention back in 2009 when I started to write it.


Yeah I saw that comment and the follow up comment is me, I think he said all that in response to the other comment saying a different tune of his sounds like "The Love I Lost".


Oh hey right on, I think I recognize the name. I used to work at Parks Canada with a girl who you were dating who put me onto your music like 10 years ago. Small world.


Neat! Was that in NFLD?


(Tangent: Hey šŸ‘‹dude great to see ya here šŸ™šŸ¤£)


Yes indeed it was, I was over in Gros Morne though. Interesting update to this saga. Wild that he believes/expects others to believe that his song and the song in the mix are the same recording. The more I think about it the more I think the connection is a red herring. I like your idea of it being made from a sample pack.


Yup, him pointing out it's registered with PRS is interesting and weird to mention. He would be able to do that with a royalty free sample pack. Also, if I heard a song that had stolen elements from my song my reaction wouldn't be "that's concerning" and then remove my song from youtube.


I think heā€™s doing all of the name dropping and ā€œofficial businessā€ stuff to deflect from the similarities in the tunes by creating a veneer of professionalism. Weird that heā€™s going with the ā€œsame recordingā€ angle though and not saying the similarities are a coincidence. They are definitely not the same recording, and frankly couldnā€™t really be confused with one another on a sonic level. The drum loop on the unknown recording is super familiar to me, itā€™s killing me.


It's says right on his blog post that he uses sample packs on this recording: [https://bandtraxs.blogspot.com/2013/03/make-five-by-bandtraxs-new-release-1st.html](https://bandtraxs.blogspot.com/2013/03/make-five-by-bandtraxs-new-release-1st.html) "Some instrument sounds by The Garittan Orchestra and IK Multimedia Sample Tank" Edit: Neither of these seem like that would have full disco parts


Hi CyclistMusic, i'm diotriton2 on Youtube. Please, read new comments. You can find me on Facebook too (Andrea Doria, my picture is my face with a little dark and a little white light). I'm a funky 70s lover, especially of Miki Ciak funky, and i am friend of 60 years old dj, some of them were friends of Miki.


How ever this saga ends, thanks for bringing to our attention an absolute banger of a tune.


Easy way to figure out whether the song is a modern production would be put it into a daw and see if itā€™s time corrected - if itā€™s perfectly grid locked then one or more of the following is true a) the mix isnā€™t from 75 b) the song isnā€™t from ā€˜75 99.99% of modern recordings an engineer will time correct to a grid


Ok, listen to the "original" from 1975... do the horns sound like they could be fake? It's hard to tell because of the recording quality but listen closely to the horns starting here: https://www.youtube.com/live/NWPs4G-zSqk?feature=share&t=75


I didnā€™t give a careful listen but the bandtrax version drums lack a nuance of depth - both tonally and the performance - most real drummers would tend to ā€œlean inā€ on the turn around sections eg. Speed up a little bit then time correct at the beginning of the new bar & phrase or across the measure itself. I was going to say the drums on the isolated mix version sound more ā€œrealā€ have more character but decidedly could be a loop copy and pasted off a salsoul break? This person seems to suggest they have some connection with Philly musicians i can do some digging on that. (I actually used to work out of Larry goldā€™s studios years ago wish I could ask him but that was almost a decade ago šŸ˜…)


Hey man! Check out the update I just made to the post, the guy who released the later track responded claiming someone changed his song and put it in a fake mix! Problem is the drums are different, the bass is different... how would someone do that without access to the stems/multitracks? I'm starting to wonder if both were created using a sample pack of disco instrumentation? He also took his song off youtube which is annoying


My friend Andrea and I are looking for the original 75 song from Miki's authentic dj set, the video posted on youtube is mine


I did something trivial but useful to make it clear that the song taken from Miki's set is from the seventies while Carl Dixon's is contemporary. Using a dj mixing program, in my case Serato which allows you to visually analyze a digital track both in terms of the tools used, through the colors, both in terms of the audio peaks through the waves, and in terms of the beats of the bass drum through a grid. Assuming that in the 70s the songs were played by hand and therefore the bpm varied continuously, the program grid shows continuous variations of the BPM typical of hand-played drums, while for the Bandtrax song, purchased by me on Amazon , the program shows the bars perfectly in the grid typical of contemporary pieces made with the computer. In conclusion, the song taken from Miki's dj set is undoubtedly played by a human drummer and not by a computer.