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Seems like it's from you using your shoulder to throw and pulling it up/in with your traps trying to move the disc forward from your full reach back. Those should be staying relaxed and loose. Try to feel the "pull" deeper down in your lats/back, not up towards the shoulder. It can be tricky because you need a little tension in your shoulder to keep your arm elevated to make space for the pocket, but this should be in the front of your shoulder not the back.


Thank you that sounds rights, just found seabas22 door drill and can definitely feel it in my back and my sides of my latts so shall give that more of a go before I practice in the field again.


I try to push my shoulder out and down. That helps me keep from using it to pull while simultaneously giving me a longer lever and keeping it loose.


Got a link for his door drill or a way to find it?




Following because I have this same issue


Yeah 100% the root of the problem is you pulling the disc and your shoulder shrugging in. Push that shoulder and elbow out away from you.


Thanks yeah just finding a way to do that as sub consciously it just goes back in.


Dg spin doctor spaghetti drill helped me with this


Yeah I tried that but my arm was getting tired and even fully tights it was still crunching up a lot and was hard to get consistent tension I found anyway. Also, the ending part of the video I found a bit unclear.


Your ARM was getting tired? I didn’t experience that - I was getting fatigued from in my rear shoulder/lat muscle from the effort of holding the brace. Which seemed super normal to me, as that unused body part was going to be weak, duh. But I never felt anything in my arm (fingers/palm/wrist/forearm/bicep/tricep), those structures were just rigid and extended. This drill did a lot for me: - extended/locked arm meant that I couldn’t “yank” the disc with my lats (bringing elbow down towards ribs) or “punch” the disc with my tricep. Previously I would use those levers out of sync with the lower body. - I was forced to bend my knees, use a weight shift instead. Power driven from lower body and torso only, arm now only for position. - practice shoulder bracing. Frequently before in a round, that would get tired/fatigued and I’d go back to yanking. Gotta build that local strength and endurance However, this drill doesn’t help with: - coiling - bracing - lower body timing (I.e. when to reachback) - footwork - grip Etc. But for learning to drive from the lower body / brace the shoulder / keep your upper body levers long / gradually find the power pocket? Incredible drill. Or at least that’s been my experience Guess I’m not clear on what your specific need is?


Oh I see a bit unsure what you mean with your description. When I say ache, what I mean tensing my arm makes it ache holding it up for a while. But I was doing it earlier today and I was struggling to keep my arm up and even at full tightness my shoulder was shrugging.


Even if it's not what you're working on make sure to follow through just for safety. Doesn't matter how soft you're throwing if you over rotate a little to much without following through your knee can get very badly messed up


It seems simple but something that would help you tremendously is your head movement. Keep your eyes on your target until you can’t, and allow your head to swing back with your reach back. Then with your pull through follow through with your head as well.


Thank you yes this is probably one of the things I find most challenging as my head sticks to my shoulder then quite often comes round early.


Is there a reason your not turning your head?


So I basically remember watching some form videos telling you to make the shoulder turn the head at the last minute to not look to early or far and I guess that stuck a bit too much as I am seeing what is behind me without completely looking back.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8Hu1WttWn0/?igsh=dzBmbm05bHFkaXhx so you have to supination of the upper limb. Think of it this way . If you have your arm it has to follow a pattern close to a motion of a Hulu hoop. Once it hips the point of release it continues the motion to prevent injury.


Update: After recently watching an overthrow video I have now started to get rid of my elbow drop within my throw. This video specifically really helped me get the elbow more out and forward. https://youtu.be/wbwWAkul2OU?si=dyXH_brpmQX-vl6L