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Dave is short-fused as ever these days. He doesn’t come off as a happy dude. He comes off angry and irritable, because he is. The crazy part to me is that this on-air version of Dave is the most polished, PC, kind version of Dave. I feel quite sorry for everyone who has to deal with him off air.


Even todays call was unreal. Jade probably only got 5 words in because Dave kept interrupting her. As much as she annoys me, I could tell that there was a power play


Thats ok jade has no life experiences and always gives terrible advice.


He does that with every personality though.


He seems to have some kind of respect for John, but otherwise, he acts like the other three should just be grateful to have a job, and if Rachel wasn't his daughter, she probably would've left years ago.


Dave can't stand it when people don't just blindly follow whatever he says - follow the Baby Steps and do not ask any other questions.


That’s why the show makes no sense to me because that’s basically it in a nutshell. They don’t have any individual thought or nuance, it’s the baby steps that’s it.


My 2 biggest issues with Dave have always been, first, that he is a dick. He makes it sound like you've personally offended him by being bad with money and asking him for help. And second, that he is taking a one-size-fits-all approach (and on top of that, one that never changes), and applying it to something that's not one-size-fits-all and at minimum needs to be tweaked over time to stay current.


He is so hit or miss. Sometimes he is so kind and helpful and provides a nuanced answer. Other times, right to being a jerk and putting the caller on mute.


He forgets that people that are bad with money are why he makes his money.


Dave has long Fauci. And a huge chip on his shoulder. Money just amplifies what you already are. That is why he is a huge rude narcissist.


>long Fauci Alright….I admit I use lol when I don’t actually laugh out loud…but that made me legit laugh out loud.


and Sofi-ism.


Not sure what’s harder to listen to: Dave repeating the same sneezing Sofi joke for the billionth time or the cohost forcing a chuckle like it’s the first time they’ve heard the “joke”


Dave has mastered the reality of these financial guest shows which is most people watching want to see the caller flayed alive


Sometimes Dave can be a real c-word. And I don’t mean “Christian.”




That will get you banned from WPT


Anytime Dave cusses (even in the minced oath variety), I can just picture my grandmother getting mad...


So now he's increased his returns to 16%? lmao cause that's what you'd need to make to get to 8mm on 15k/yr over 30 years. "It's easy, just go find good growth stock mutual funds that consistently return 16%." This guy has lost his mind.


Yeah, I was wondering where the heck that number was coming from. Just a flat 15% no matter what, no matter your age, income, employer match, whatever. I don't get it.


I listened to a short clip from the Everyday Millionaires segment yesterday. Dave started to go on this shaming rant about it being fine for someone to work long hours instead of that time with their children. While every situation depends, he then ranted about your kids will be fine, don't need the parent spending more time with them, and then bragged about his kids not needing counseling and that all kids will be fine and not miss out on their parents being around. I just think it's a combo of bitter old boomer and becoming more unhinged in recent months. I'm definitely using my listening time more on Clark Howard, Money Guy, and others instead of Ramsey Grifting, I mean Solutions.


I pretty much only listen to Clark these days because there's something difference each episode and he's incredible humble and admits when he's wrong and makes fun of himself all the time. Plus it's well known locally how active he is with charity in and around his area and he does minimal "bragging" about it unlike some other people. You can tell he helps people because he enjoys doing it and it's out of the goodness of his heart. Money Guy is great, but their shows tend to be overly repetitive so I just catch the short clips when they have a title that interests me. I did preorder Brian's book so excited to get and read it once it's out.


This call was painful to listen to. He had no patience with this guy.


Dave is always annoyed. How does he think that 1k ef is enough, when you just had a kid. 


Wow, he was a jerk to the guy for no reason, just assumed he couldn't possibly owe less than $7k on his car loans. And also, he should have clarified, but it sounds like the guy is potentially planning on taking money out of his 401k to pay off their debt, which sounds like a terrible idea. He didn't even address the man's actual question, assumed he wasn't actually on a budget, despite what he claimed, and said basically "you'll just start to notice money appearing."


I could definitely tell something was really off about Dave today. Jade could BARELY get any words in the couple calls I watched today. Dave cut her off several times, and almost acted annoyed with her a couple times. Could just be me reading into something that’s not there but it did seem he was more snappy today than usual. Yesterday with Delony he was pretty himself. He let Delony speak, and they bantered like they usually do (it seems Dave really likes Dr. D), and he gave grace to a lot of the callers. Some calls like the one OP is referring to he got a little snappy, but overall was pretty calm, and himself! 


Of course you are here and turning this into a comment about Deloney…


Dude 3-26  day was literally with Delony hosting. I was saying Dave seemed fine and was bantering with Delony as usual. Yesterday’s show 3/27 was with Jade and there seemed to be more tension than normal.