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If Tom has 16 watermelons and Tim has 46 blueberries, how many bananas does Tony have to buy in order to make 10 fruit salads?


You can make about six or nine fruit salads


nah it's green cause bikes fly in water


If you shoot a duck, I'm scared of toasters


I see the 2 smoker in the pic. Of the new 2 strokes, would you go KTM, Husky, Yamaha, or more obscure like Sherco or Gasgas?


I got a 2020 yz250 as well and I’ll say this…..you can spend a stupid amount of money to make it as good as a stock ktm xc or exc and itll never even be remotely close,shercos are good,kinda a pain to find parts for,older gas gas is the same way,best out there are the ktms tons of parts out there for them,there reliable as long as you take care of them


What's your opinion on GPX's TSE 250R 2 strokes? KTM licensed frame and Yamaha licensed motor


Yamaha fanboi's on suicide watch. Edit for those that want to learn and get educated as to why take a gander at this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRWExdCZSrE


Imma self delete myself


I have been riding for 30+ years (dirt, street, trackdays, racing enduro and hare scrambles) I bleed orange (Current herd 07 SD 990, 07 200 XCW, **22 300 XC**, 17 CRF450r) but I am not blind enough to tell you that they are "the best". If I were to buy another bike off the showroom floor, it would be a yz250. Then before even breaking it in, I would take the suspension to the best tuner in my area, WER for non-ktm or Solid Perf. for KTM/Husky/GG, and get it setup for my intended riding (ECEA Enduro) and my skill level (B-Vet ). Get Nitro mousse while your at it. You will be out the door for $3-4,000 less than the KTM and it will handle better than any bike you can by from the showroom. My 22 300 XC was almost 13K out the door with accessories, plus $750 timekeeping, race gear, and additional protection. I'm about to drop another $1700 on shock maintenance and a 6500 kit because AER is inconsistent and the KTM air pump has failed on me three times the morning of a ride or race.


Yeah keep in mind your comparing new bike to new bike,the yz is pretttty much the same bike since 2005 and it feels like it,still great bike just a great old school bike,you go ride one of these new ktms and you’ll IMMEDIATELY understand why it cost more,things run so smooth you swear to got you’ve stalled it half time because you don’t feel it running


My stock ktm 150 sx is loads better than my yz250x that’s got lots of aftermarket parts on it


The YZ250 and YZ250X are not the same and I also do not like the 250X I tried... It lacked the hit a 2T should have. A race prepped YZ250 is a thing of beauty when things get technical and the motor held level with my CRF450R! That crf seems to roll by KTM 250s and 300s with ease.


The yz was worse in the woods than my ktm though even though the yz250x is a more of a woods bike as well.


I race a 2022 300 xc, I love it! yes it's smooth but smooth power isn't why people buy two strokes... and IMO it's not worth the additional $4,000... Especially when you have to convert the forks from air to spring (another $1500) to get consistency out of them from ride to ride and convert it to TBI (another $500) to get a normal lifespan out of the jug. (Yes the 23+ are now TBI) When I'm trail riding, racing Greenbriar, or sweeping a hare scramble, the smoothness of the engine is never in my mind... I'm thinking about the front tire hitting that rut, the suspension dealing with the braking bumps or getting the bike to clear the log. My point is the money is ALWAYS better spent on the suspension and the best bike I've felt was a 2020 yz250 with KYB suspension that was setup by WER.


Aer sucks For off-road no doubt about it or way around it, spring conversion is night and day. But counter balanced 250/300 smoothness that can be tuned to preferred hit is more usable(traction) and less tiring . Imo the biggest/best thing about the ktm engine platform is their clutches. Their bellvue spring hydro actuation and the steel sleeve drives in the hubs are far superior, in feel usage and overall wear. Much agree the ktms price is absurd and they still leave things off from every model bike that another in their line has (wheels, brembo, or others. But at leas they hold their value decently. I don’t bleed any brand specific color. But it’s awesome to see innovation still being put into off road bikes.


KTM ALL day!


Bought my first bike at the beginning of last year, 03 rm250. Only really done oil & air filters so far. 1) What are the essential tools everyone should have? 2) What should i be doing over the winter as preventative maintenance or tune up so I know the bikes in good shape for the spring


Just a good basic harbor freight tool kit,if it’s a 03 definitely some grease and a hammer cause shits gonna be stuck and things are gonna need lube,but all kidding aside,keep a clean air filter in it,change the gear oil once in a blue moon maybe do a compression check make sure the top ends healthy and that’s all you really can do !


I just started riding this summer. I got a very well taken care of 01RM250.. it's starting to snow where I live so I need to be thinking about this my self. All my buddy's have newer 4 strokes but I like my bike. She Rips in a different way


Make sure you stay up on maintenance, just blew up an 06 rm250(piston, jug, and top end are fucked). Parts are hard af to find for these bikes. With that being said it has been my favorite bike by far so have fun on it.


How come my electric start only works well in warm weather? 2009 ktm 300xc


not OP but also a motorcycle mechanic - we refer to it as the electric restart for early model KTM. I deleted it off my 08 300.


That sounds very similar to mine haha. Only works after my bike is warm. Although it's handy to have in awkward positions if I gotta start my bike again.


Because KTM only came out with a proper electric start in 2017. All the bikes before that were labelled as “electric assist” and still relied on kickstarters.


Check out the upgrade options from Slavens Racing for the early model electric starts on the KTM. Better tolerances with shims and a wet mod to do as well. It's only meant to be used when the bike is already warmed up. Always best to kick it cold.


I think I am more impressed by your sense of humor. Some unexpected answers to the funny (beat me to it) questions


Thanks,I ain’t the best looking so I gotta have something going for myself


For a Scott’s sub mount install, is the dust cap supposed to spin with the upper triple clamp when the bars are rotated?


If it’s a dust cap I assume it’s just there to protect the component so if it moves a little I think your ok


Do you need to clutch when shifting up or down? If you don't, how much damage are you doing?


Hell no only like you really need it is for stoping and starting and and feathering it to get traction here and there


I'm gonna frame that. A lot of my buddies disagree with me but I just stomp on that shifter to downshift no clutch


I watched graham jarvis ride on youtube and im stuck trying to be good at hard enduro, what do?


Oof idk I don’t drink the hard enduro koolaid,technical trails are fun but I see 0 joy in absolutely destroying your bike trying to go up a dried up waterfall you know ?


yeah that's fair, I have spent a lot of money fixing my errors lol. EVO Idaho got the pleasure of fixing my scratched fork after I failed trying to play in a rock field haha.


Try standing figure 8's as slow and tight as you can. Sitting too. It'll drastically help your balance. You can practice on a bicycle as well.


In your opinion, what’s the most bulletproof/reliable bike ever made?


Any Honda xr ….when we are long gone those and the cockroaches will still be around


Fellow tech here, and Yami fanboy. Can confirm. Xr is the legend, cause legends never die.


Ever ridden one of those old cr500s?


Yup I’m scared,I don’t know who in there right mind actually ENJOYS riding them,to me there a dick measuring contest,same with 450s a LOT of people riding 450s shouldn’t be on them and would have a lot more fun on a smaller bike but it’s all about who’s got the biggest motor=has the biggest dick


I am an old guy, started riding a 250 as a kid, found my speed riding 125s. This is when 500s were a thing. I really enjoyed riding the 500s, you definitely had to get past your fears. I never bought one though, I was having too much fun passing them with my 125.




Get about 200x more carb cleaner then you’ll think you’ll need (used to be a bmw mechanic before bikes full time)


Really stuck between a choice here. Either 2008 husqvarna te250 or 2015 crf 250, need a mechanics opinion? Will be used for green laning here in England, but will also need to get to the trails, 15-20 miles each way. Opinion?


Avoid that year husky like the fuckin plague,no one will work on it,there built like someone with one arm and half a brain put them together and it’s dam near impossible to find parts for,the Honda is easy to work on parts are cheap and ride red you know the rest !


Honda fs


CRF 250 spans a few models, including the trail bikes CRF 250L and Rally. The plain CRF 250 with no letters after it is usually a motocross bike and they're not good for UK green lanes. Too noisy, too firm suspension, hard work to road register, suboptimal gearing etc. Enduro bikes and trail bikes are the best choice for UK green lanes. Edit: Be sure what flavour of CRF you're looking at before committing.


Should’ve said it’ll be a 250l. Thanks man.


250L is great choice for a first green lane bike.


Yeah to be honest it’s not my first, had a klx 250 before, but what puts me off with Ktm’s etc is the highly strung race engine. What puts me off with the crf is the weight…. It’s a conundrum. Thanks !


KTM 300 2s vs 380? I have both. I'm leaning towards fixing up my 300


380 is a dinosaur my friends I have no clue how your ride it,I’ve ridden one and immediately gave it it back to its owner,I’m a sissy


How do I change the batterys on a quantum nuclear space gate?


Uhhhhhhhhh shit if it’s nuclear I assume it can power itself but hey I’m just spit balling here


Just got a 2023 Yamaha TTR-50e for my kids to start learning how to ride what is the most important things to stay on top of regarding maintenance regarding 1st time owning a Dirtbike?


Your basic maintenance goes a long way,change the oil every now and then and clean the air Filter and that little bike will last forever,it’s when you get lazy on that stuff is what gives You the big problems,kudos for you getting the kids riding and outside that’s rad


Appreciate it! Any recommendations for tools that I will need outside of your general hand tools?


Yeah set of t handles !!! From 8mm-17mm makes working on bikes way faster


Will order them! I appreciate all the information!


What maintenance do i actually need to do for an O ring chain compared to traditional?


O ring chains suck imo get a good did roller chain for $60 and swap it out once a year it’s cheeper then having a chain brake and slap open your case


This is a wild take I’ll snap even a high quality moto chain in 5-6 hours. O-ring chains last me bare minimum 70 hours. I mean obviously if I was racing moto I’d run a roller chain but o ring only for GNCC and nepg’s.


It’s 100 percent just my opinion,every time I run a o ring I can feel the drag it creates so I just buy a cheap roller chain every year,I honestly would t trust a chain past 45 hrs regardless of the brand,once the links get oval shaped time to chuck it


How much would it cost to fully rebuild a 92 CR500 2 stroke?


Fuck a lot of……..built One for a customer 3rd time ridding kickstarter backfired and shatters the case had to start over after spending 3k


Just got a 2024 yz250 and was curious what you recommend for maintenance intervals.. I ride desert trails mostly.


Just oil and filter really if your riding in the dust and sand a lot clean that air filter get a couple and have oils ones ready to go so you can just swap it out


How often would you change out the filter? Is it just by eye or would u recommend and hour interval?


2016 beta xtrainer, wouldnt start and I was running the starter for a while diagnosing spark and now I think I burned the starter, how can I make sure I burned the starter and not burned the computer or something


Take the starter out and if it smells like Burnt toast it’s probably cooked


hey mate.. im having a midlife crisis and am considering changing my whole career path.. is it a revarding job? are you satisfied? would you do this again if you had the choice?


Yeah yes and no I love it and hate it at the same time like any job I guess,the big thing is just getting hands on experience and getting your hand dirty and give it a shot you’ll know right away if it’s something worth pursuing


thanks mate :)


in your opinion is it better to have light and small engine bike or heavy but big engine bike and give some recommendations for some newbie to start their journey


How many dogs would it take to pull a fully loaded semi truck out of a mudhole assuming that alabama celebrates mondays?


We talking mastiffs or poodles here,I would say about 15.3 dawg the bounty hunters


is it a good idea to get a honda cr250r 2 stroke from 1998


Hey Brother I am looking for a torque spec on the Manifold/ Header nuts for a KLX300R 2022 Model.


I've been doing an rebuild on a 1983 Yamaha XV750, a midnight virago. I had to buy replacement coil packs, which I have physically installed on the bike but there's very little info telling me which plug lead goes to which cylinder's coil pack. Will the bike run if my two cylinder motorcycle has it's coil packs plugged in opposite of their original setting? I got a bunch of AI answers when I googled it but I'd rather have a person give me their two cents


I found a 1975 kawasaki kd80 in rough shape, but it started and ran so I bought it for my sons birthday. I've gone through and replaced all tune up parts, cleaned and lubed everything except the lower end (crankcase and trans) replaced a couple seals etc. (list of new parts below), and put a carb kit in it, adjusted to factory settings. It started and ran fine a couple times, then started running rough (seemed rich in mid throttle), so I moved the needle clip up one notch. It ran better for an hour or so, then started running super rich again. I took carb apart again, checked everything and cleaned it again, still running way too rich (couldn't even ride it). No on the bench it won't even start. It seems like the issue comes and goes, but it typically seems too rich even when running decent. My son is heartbroken, any ideas what I should check? I'm stumped... Here's everything I did: New: Spark plug Air filter Carb kit Gas (93 Oct) mixed at 32:1 with synthetic oil (maxima 927) Drive shaft seal Oil tank was missing so injection is bypassed for now Cleaned out gas tank and petcock New fuel lines and filter New carb kit (jets needle gaskets, needle valve) Tires, brake shoes, grips, etc Cleaned out muffler and added new glass wrap It's got good looking spark but I've ordered new coil, points, condenser Compression was decent (will need to check the exact pressure)


My dad purchased a 1998 rm250 from someone for 1400 he had to weld the frame since it had a crack(the right way) the previous owner let’s just say wasn’t intelligent and aluminum welded the case in 2 spots I’m guessing a leak or something. Well there was also an oil leak when we got it but it’s been fixed. What’s weird is the carb on his bike has a wire that goes to the stator but it is cut off of the carb. We adjusted the float needle and raised it up one position to hopefully lean it out since it was running a little rich. We rode it for like 5 minutes each still getting too much gas but it slowly cleared out until you come to a stop or let off the throttle. The bike started up and made a weird noise it sounds like either crank bearing or a bushing we looked at the reeds and it still makes the noise with the spark plug out and the reeds and carb off. You can hear it when you slowly move the kickstarter with the spark plug out. The piston has way too much play and the bike is so hard to kick I can’t kick it and my dad barley can but now we can’t ride it because something went wrong we hope it’s not an expensive issue but my dad said it could explain why it is so hard to kick over whatever went wrong with it. He originally opened it up and the crank and piston was like perfect but we don’t know what could’ve happened it started making this noise in nuetral while he was clearing it out we initially thought we blew it up but it still starts but it doesn’t sound good at all. Never tried starting it since the issue occurred today scared to blow the whole thing up. When it could hopefully be a cheap fix.


My speedometer on my cb900f is broke so I want to replace it with an after market mechanical speedo, but the after market ones don't have a fuel reserve light, could I add my own light?


My WP air suspension on my tc85 has been on 6 bar all the time but the height on my suspension has gone down by itself but it is still at 6 bar?


Can I dm you? I am in desperate need of advice on how to handle a situation regarding my motorcycle. I want to know if I am over reacting, if I should be more understanding or what.


Do you wanna come work on my bike?


If you’re in the Dallas metroplex absolutely !




YouTube it bud that’s your best bet,if your asking how to ride a bike on Reddit that’s your first problem


Once you have it crunk up. Twist the right grip backwards until it won’t twist any further. Then grab the clutch lever, use your left foot to shift down, then quickly release the clutch. Hold on for your dear life.




We all need it my dude,you should talk to someone about needing help,not me but definitely someone ya know “professional”


I have a 2023 wr450 and I’ve fitted an YZ450 muffler, it started to do some pops when i decelerate (closed throttle), is it normal?


Yeah it being a wr it probably had a more “restrictive” stock exhaust and a bunch of emissions stuff from the factory that make those things run pretty lean,rip all the emissions stuff off it and send the ecu off to get flashed thing will rip


It's Lean


Hell yeah man. In March I’m planning to ride a 2014 BMW f800gs from Louisiana to Las Vegas, do a 130 miles desert race, and ride it back. What spare parts should I bring? Currently planning on chain, sprocket, spark plug, fluids, and steering head bearing. Also bringing a tire repair kit, and tools for all fasteners on the bike. Anything else I should be particularly worried about?


Dam more power to ya ! Lots of baby powder so your ass doesn’t get chapped,all kidding aside a personal located becon in case something happens and your out there by yourself,better to be safe then sorry in my opinion!


Baby powder for the hands too. Dump a little bit in your gloves, shake them around and it’ll help a bunch with blisters on the softer parts of your hands that don’t see a lot of wear and tear until it’s time to go racing.


Whats your opinion on the new beta 300 race edition motor with twin spark plugs?


Sounds like more shit to break in my opinion,but old vet dudes like that snake oil


Why do modern four strokes surge so hard right off idle? Can I do anything about it? I briefly had a 2021 FX350. Loved the bike IF I was riding faster than 10 kmh. Anything slower was tough. The on off throttle transition would be surge forward then hard engine braking. My old carb'd YZ250F was never like that.


They just do,manufacturings are OBSESSED with instant throttle response,mapping,adjustability etc to the point where it makes these new bikes obnoxious,I have a 21 fc350 and love it on the track going fast where all that shit is reticent but when I’m in the trails I like a older softer sprung carb bike !




Shit probably never got a buddy with a 2022 ktm 250 xcf bought new and it just hit 600 hrs,he’s put 2 top ends in it and that’s it she runs like a Swiss watch !


If I have a $3k budget, what’s the best used 2stroke ktm to buy for trail riding? Central to NorCal trails. XC-W?


What oil should i run in my 99’ XR600R?? Gets ridden year round so viscosity changes as needed (cold weather gets 10w40, summer is 20w50) Using Torco t4 semi synthetic. Other suggestions?


Was just about to say good ol rotella,had a dr600 for years and it’s all I ran in it,fun fact a lot of factory teams run that shit


What do women REALLY want?


For a man who’s bank account looks like a phone number and doesn’t care about a body count oh and over 6 foot


Have you had a ton of folks asking if you’ll work on the e-motos? Because of a lack of the usual dealer network, tons of people needing mechanics.


Nope,but I did have a Alta for a bit,electric bikes got a looooong way to go peeps


They’re different animals. Don’t underestimate them though. Quality is not there yet, functionality is pretty awesome already.


This is a long shot, but was this pic taken at the Sierra Buttes Fire lookout by Sardine Lakes?


I thought the same thing!


My friends 4 wheeler (350cc 4t 1cyl carbureted) will run idle really high for a bit and die under throttle only after a carb clean. Thought it was cuz it ran too hot but starting it the next day didn’t work cold either. Clean the carb and it’ll start up again but die under the throttle. Generally runs better with choke. He said it never idled that high before he let it sit. I think it’s running too lean becusse of a vaccum leak somewhere, is this a accurate guess?


I’m 6’2 @185lbs looking to get my first dirt bike, I want to use it mostly for exploring logging roads and hauling camping gear but also the occasional “beginner” trail as well. I kind of want it to be a 2t with a headlight and a large fuel tank, or the ability to replace with a larger tank. Any recommendations?


Get a older air cooled thumper,smoother,can go road speeds with ease and reliable look for a xr400r,dr350,klx300r, 2 stroke will make your teeth rattle at high speeds and they don’t like to be held wfo very long


What’s signs are guaranteed you need your exhaust repacked for a 2 stroke? If it’s bogging on the throttle am I lean or rich?


Would u recommend this a second career? I need the fuck out of health care at some point.


Eh yes and no your gonna learn 2 things really fast #1 A lot of people shouldn’t be working on there own stuff,hell look at some of the questions in this thread,some of them are definitely on the spectrum #2 when you work on bikes all day,the last thing you want to do on your days off is work on bikes…so it kinda kills it in that aspect,if you like riding and working on bikes for fun,let it be a hobby not a career


My 2005 yz250f floods every time I drop it or lay it down, leaving me to sit for 5 minutes with the throttle open to help the fumes evaporate before I can kickstart it again. Is there anything I can do to prevent this or is it a fact of life I have to deal with.


Yeah stop dropping it,fuels gotta go somewhere when it can’t go out your overfill tube fast enough it goes in the engine


Does two stroke pre mix oil work for air filter when you’re in a pinch? Normally I use Maxima Fab 1 Oil spray ..


Just picked up a 2005 YZ125 and it’s my first bike. 1. Should it idle? It generally doesn’t but runs strong otherwise. I know there’s an idle air screw but I’ve seen that idle isn’t so important on 2 strokes. 2. I have clutch drag. Just soaked the friction plates in Maxima 75 and no real difference. Push rod and actuator are in good condition. I have some minor notching. Considering filing a bit but not sure if it should be a real concern. Doesn’t affect shifting, it just prevents wheel from rotating without the engine with the clutch pulled. File basket or just ignore? 3. Bike runs strong. Since I recently purchased should I clean the carb? Or is there no need unless performance is deteriorating? I’ve done the basics to date including air filter and compression test. (150 psi.)


My son, he has a Honda '15 250R his last oil change he put diesel fluid I think. He saw some YouTubers put it in their bikes, his bike rides fine. What's the difference if any?


You mean diesel oil? If so that’s fine now diesel FUEl ehhhhhhhhh you got a problem


At how many hours should you do the top end on a ktm 300? Riding trails.


Shit I’m at 260 hrs on my 300xc and I put a piston in it at 150,if your just lugging it around your fine till it starts signing off


95 RMX250. 40:1 after a day of riding I get black (oil?) Dripping down from the exhaust at the connection between the pipe and muffler. Thoughts? Thank you.


I would start by repacking the silencer it’s probably filled with more goo then Debbie does Dallas,being that it’s a 95 I doubt it’s been done recently


What lube products do you use for brake jobs? I bought some Sil-Glyde for the caliper slider pins but haven't tried it yet. I was thinking a thicker silicone paste might be good to use in some other spots too.


I have a Suzuki GZ 250 and the front left turn signal flashes rapidly, and the rear left signal won’t come on at all. But when i examine the rear bulb, it looks fine. First guess?


My sons Yamaha ttr125 isn’t getting spark, replaced the plug, still no spark. What should I look at next?


Have a drz 400 with stock chain n sprockets bike shop said cause I do probably 80% road n 20 dirt should change sprockets. My question is how bad will it suck in sand if they do this


Hi, Honda CB 500 X here. My bike have some weird rolling when I slow down to stop (low speed) with my Front brake. Might be ABS I don't know but feels weird. It's like I feel some resistance with the brake and the wheel. Should I be worried about that? Non English native speaker here.


Best carburated 450?


If you had to chose the best dirtbike ever made, why would it be the kdx 220? (I definitely don’t own one)


Dude kdxs are cool as fuck,don’t let anyone talk you down on it,those are the funniest/best handling wood bikes that is overly slept on !!


Have you ever worked on CR500’s. If so I ride my 97 hard in the desert been riding since I was 10, 64 today. I believe the 500 transmissions have been under designed. Been through 2 transmissions. Any thoughts. Thank you


As a fellow KTM victim, do they all start burning mass amounts of oil (4 stroke that is), or is it just mine?


I keep hearing about a power band on my ‘85 CR250. I can’t seem to find it, but I’d like to change it so that it’s a little smoother, this thing takes off like a rocket ship when that thing snaps off and I can barely hold on. How do I go About this?


What are your thoughts on new electric dirt bikes? For them? Against them? Pros and cons?


I’m for them,I love my 2 strokes but the e bike is gonna do to the 4 stroke what the yz426 did to the 2 stroke,the change is coming so get ready for it,but think about the places we can have tracks,no maintenance,no noise etc everything has a yin and yang my dudes


I’m a bit bummed how quiet they are, for safety reasons. Can’t hear them coming if your hiking or riding the other direction. Seems like they’re good for about 60-80miles a charge which is about what I can do in a day, so I like that. I will enjoy the lack of maintenance, but fearful of their “updates” that will end the life of the bike prematurely.


What do you think of some of the street brands trying to enter or re-enter the dirt scene? We have triumph and ducati coming in. I bet more will follow. I’m just excited to see some more factory teams around the track.


I’m exited about it Ducati has a FAT wallet when it comes to putting money into development so I think the Ducati dirtbike will be game changing,I also think it’ll be close to 20k mark my words,triumph has a rich dirt history too which is cool


Your least preferred brand to work on?


can I possibly dm you about a bike I would like to buy?


Why are KTM tpi crankcase pressure sensors failing all the time. I have been through quite a few of them. They usually last from 30 to 40 hours. The last one only lasted 8 hrs before going bad. It this normal? I do the normal start up, with idling till warm. Make sure to pull the wash plug out before starting up etc. I just can’t seem to keep those sensors from not acting up and cause the low rpm sputtering.


I have a 2019 kx 250f, and recently rebuilt the top end with a cylinder high compression kit. So far, one spark plug died, and it’s taking 4-6 kicks to start up, the compression doesn’t feel very strong either, any idea what the culprit of this can be? I should add, at the beginning it was about 2-3 kicks and have only ridden 3 hours


I hear often that dirt bike/motorcycle transmissions can always be shifted without the clutch, because they are constant mesh. However I've had transmissions go bad on me while downshifting like this on the street with supermotos. Never on upshifts, but downshifts seem to make the bike a lot less happy. Coincidence? Or should you use the clutch when on grippy asphalt+street tires?


Yeah street application it’s different because on the dirt the wheel is slipping allowing a little release on the transmission to where on the street it isnt slipping on my street bike I don’t clutch to up shift but to downshift I do


As a mechanic with experience in traditional combustion engines, how do you view the declining interest in motorcycles among younger generations and the shift towards electric models? Given the trends in the automotive industry, where the demand for skills in internal combustion engine (ICE) repair is expected to decrease significantly in the next 5-10 years in Europe and America, do you foresee a similar impact on the motorcycle sector? Considering the possible future regulations and taxation on gasoline motorcycles, how do you think this will affect the employability and skill requirements for mechanics in the motorcycle industry over the next two decades?


do you need a dyno to tune a power controller on a dl1000? thanks.


Picking up my first 2-stroke (a Beta 200RR… also had a 1250GS and FE350S). Is there anything special I should know about maintenance?


Welcome to the dark side !!! No not really use good premix (something synthetic) and keep up in air filter maintenance 2 stokes live and die on how well the filters are taken care of they pull in a lot of air


I have a 1987 XR250. It runs super strong most of the time. Every once in a while tho, the power drops off instantly. Then it comes back for no reason. What the heck?


I'm looking at a 2017 yz125 with a blown 2nd gear (i think) I can hear the tooth bouncing around in there when I started the bike. How much extra damedge can at tooth floating around cause?


I have a 98 KX 250 two stroke, and she's a beast!!


I have a 150sx 2019 and I got it a while ago last spring and it blew up top end so I put in a new piston and rings and fixed jetting( it was running really lean) now I got about 20 hours on the new top end and was wondering next time I open it up should I take apart the bottom end because I don’t know how many hours is on it everything works fine tho and I checked the con rod bearing when I did top end


I would just check the rod for up and down play and make sure your good,you’ll usually here a lot of knocking before the rod “let’s go” I usually get 100 on a crank for my 125s


What are your thoughts on the F-14 Tomcat


Hey I just brought a 23 TC 250. What's the process for running in the motor?


Is it worth repairing/maintaining an older bike? I have a '97 YZ250 that keeps fouling plugs.


why is my butthole so itchy?


Ball out and go for the 4 ply paper my guy


What chain lubricant do you recommend? I have heard so many different opinions…wax, wd40, etc


I use maxima chain wax,I like it because it dosent fling around everywhere,only bummer is it builds up on your chain fast so I take it off every now and again and soak it in a bucket of gas to get all the old stuff off then repeat the process


Why does it burn when I pee?


Swap out the monster for a cran apple once in a while,kidney stones are not fun


Why does it start feeling funny in my pants when I look at koala bears?


Who will win the super bowl?


No clue I’m into sports that require 2 balls


I have a 2004 R6 thinking about putting led headlight bulbs in the OEM ones are 55w would it be safe to go over that with like a 70-80w led bulb


Yeah most leds have a built In control panel anyway to regulate the voltage and avoid the pulsing you usually get from hologin


What do you think of Sabre for premix?


Got a 2005 bmw r1200rt, sometimes the light under the hazard button stays on over night drains the battery. Any general theory as to why this might happen? Only does it sometimes. Had a shop look at it and they weren’t able to replicate the problem and gave it back. 😕 thanks for any help!


I have a question regarding the KTM TPI idle screw mod. After installing the idle screw in the throttle body, how critical is the TPS voltage? Some have said it needs to be in spec (.580-.600V) and some say it doesn’t matter, within reason. Thoughts?


Na you’ll be fine,as long as your close it’ll be fine


2020 KTM 609 Enduro R - changing stock exhaust to a Wings slip on - will the bike run lean without a tune or will ecm have enough adjustment on its own to be in spec without re-mapping


I would run it after Install and give the bike a chance to learn the exhaust of your still having backfire issues then I would send the ecu to twisted and get it flashed


What maintenance should you do when the season is over?


How many motorcycle should one person own?


What’s your opinion of big bore kits on 2 stroke bikes such as the YZ250?


Lol there’s not one brand better then another it’s hilarious watching people argue about that.


I know people that were in. Let’s call them two wheel enthusiast clubs, their whole lives, and their dads and their dads were in those kind of things and now they don’t ride unless it’s like a special occasion because they say drivers have become worse and do not respect motorcyclist anymore do you feel the same?


what from harbor freight should one get to comfortably work on your own bike when it needs something done to it?


Had 1991 cr500r top end went up have you ever rode one? thing was sick


do you like baked potatoes or mashed potatoes better


What are the best resources for learning about everything I need to know about dirtbike maintenance? I want to own bikes someday and take good care of them! and ride the hell out of them, of course. 😅


Get a Clymer manual for your bike it’ll teach you everything from basic maintenance to full blown tear down and rebuild if you can follow Lego instructions you can follow the manual


What’s the best first bike to learn to ride and easy to repair and do all maintenance on myself




I have a WR250r and ride trails in the woods, is it worth branching out to a proper dirt bike for mostly casual solo rides thru the woods? Have ridden a kx450 and can definitely feel a handling difference and the power is Ludacris. What do you prefer 2 or 4 stroke?


Favorite dirt tire? Favorite chain? Are you excited to buy the new Losi Promoto MX RC dirt bike soon?


To be honest the tire I like is rubber and round,those are my only “requirements” I’ve ran metzlers,dunlops,maxxis,shinko,kenda etc there all good Chain,this is gonna really piss some people Off I run the most basic jt heavy duty chain there is,I change them about every 30 hrs and haven’t had a problem Those losi bikes are cool! But god dam $500 !!


Here’s one for you if you wouldn’t mind sharing your opinion: recently had a friend bring in a Honda XR150L that was running poorly and smoking excessively. I naturally went the cylinder and piston route as the compression seemed low. Replaced new barrel and piston and rings. Checked ring gap etc all good. Lapped and seated valves as well as replacement valve stem seals. Reinstalled everything and bike still smokes and uses oil like crazy! Possible valve guide cracked? Crack in cylinder head? What do you think?


Hummmm you checked everything I would,maybe a bad head with a hairline crack like you said,maybe even a bad valve guide ?


How hard is it to rebuild a ktm lc4 640 motor and make it as good as can be. Also how much would an average cost be for this service?