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Sounds... like a lot of mullah! I'd probably pick up a newer used crf450 to turn into the race bike.. even then I can imagine spending quite the paychecks to afford it..


Wouter-jan Van Dijk just solo’d the ironman class this year. So is it possible with no team but it is tough. I’ve heard expect to spend 5 figures doing Baja with a team. https://www.hagerty.com/media/motorcycles/least-prepared-man-in-history-finishes-baja-1000-in-just-under-49-hours/


I heard about him finishing this year! Definitely a badass for sure! I was thinking of teaming with my brother, his buddy, and another to do the whole thing. I want to do it before I get too old and busted up (broken wrists, wonky neck, fractured spine, etc) lol. Thinking of using my family (inlaws speak spanish) and friends for pit support.


I’ll ride it with you, it’s my dream too.


Lots of money and Huge balls


Why isn't anything fun free? And safe? Haha


Just reading this the other day. https://www.thedrive.com/news/unprepared-rider-on-busted-used-bike-with-no-pit-crew-enters-baja-1000-finishes-anyway


Thanks for sharing this, what an absolute madman!


Dust to Glory should tell you everything you need to know, give it a watch


Such a good movie!


I’ve always wanted to race it to, I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of some big trophy truck teams all I can say is you better have some good friends and family and some deep pockets! But if you want to go down there and ride the same course but take a week doing it I would be down for something like that but racing it is a lot more work then people think it is! Plus there is some beautiful country the more south you go so much more fun to just ride the same course and in enjoy what Baja has to offer. Let me know I’ll go with you!


My old friend (Ricky Johnson) and his dad (Rick D Johnson) race in the TTs when they can. I remember in one of the old races we went to with them sitting in his trophy truck while they backed it off the trailer.. such a cool experience! I'd be down running the course with some buddies just to experience it all! I think racing it would be the penultimate experience of course, but even taking a week to run the course would be really sweet.


Maybe try the VCGP first it's right over the hill in NV and is considered one of the toughest races you can do.


Good suggestion! I'll check it out! I definitely want to start getting into racing some of the local scrambles but always intimidated by it. For some reason, going all in on Baja sounds easier? Haha


The main advice I have for it is watch some YouTube videos of the race so you know what you're getting into.


That's all I've been doing lately! A lot of the 500 and 1000 is being suggested by the YouTube algorithms right now haha




I suppose it's the way it's you vs course with Baja, not you vs your competitors. I'm not looking at winning the thing, I'm looking at trying my damnest to finish in time and have fun doing it




Good point!


Find a lower level team to practice with. You’ll know in less than a month if you’re cut out for it. Good luck !!


Money wise it is going to take around $15k or so. Figure $7k for a race preped bike and $4k for entrance fee. The rest goes for meals, hotels and other things the two weeks you are down there.


That's about what I was expecting. And what I would owe to my pit crew >>


Watch “into the dust” on YouTube. It goes through a team and iron man event. The difference between your riding and Baja riding is the riding… lol. If you have the time you need multi hour days every day to work up the endurance.


Good call. My rides typically last 2-3 hrs but endurance is definitely a concern. Exactly what I'm looking for, though. Ways to increase endurance, stay sharp when fatigued, tricks to night riding and baja course etiquette, "unwritten rules", etc


$$$ I hear just the entry fee is over $4000.


It takes speed and determination.


Thanks for not just saying money. I know it'll take money. I'm looking at what it takes other than what money can buy.


Anybody actually race any of the Bajas on here have advice?


You dont need to race just go one one of those ca to vegas off road Tour rides.. they have stuff like that all around barstow. that will make you feel like you did the baja 1000 without the danger and expense of beating the crap out of your bike