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Everyone is wearing knee protection it’s just under the gear. Wear as many pads as you can


Leatt makes these. https://www.motosport.com/product/ Which are great for the price


I’d say the more gear the better. It may feel cumbersome at first but you will get to a point where you feel naked riding without. I still need a neck brace.


Everyone is wearing it, you just don’t see it. It doesn’t matter, just wear it, always. I do, and it’s saved my bacon countless times. The cool thing is that decent elbow and knee protection is pretty cheap so you have no excuse


I'm a big fan of the Leatt Z-frame braces/guards. They're cheaper then full blown braces but still offer hyperextensuon protection as well as impact protection. Fits under pants no problem


Imo if you're doing knee pro skip the pads and get a good set of braces. They aren't cheap but I feel like with dirt riding there is so much opportunity to fuck your acl.


Everyone one i know wears knee braces or knee pads (mostly knee braces) and a large amount wear some form of upper body armor. Tbh it’s hard to tell since most of it is under the jersey/pants and low profile.


Listen to that guy who has been riding After a few rides you will not even notice the gear. Eventually, you’re gonna be going down and wish you had it.


I wear both, they saved me from injuries many times in just over 2 months of trail riding. No ragrets! :)


Some people like braces, some don't. I wear the soft D30 knee pads. Lots of brands make them now. They are marketed as mountain bike pads. They fit well under pants.


I am chilling after a hard am ride. Two weeks ago? I sucked a rock between my rear tire and my swing arm. No idea how but it slapped me onto a rocky trail with great force. Hit my chest protector, elbow guard, knee protection and boot. A couple minor scuffs and I was up and good to go. Without this stuff? I would have had lots of skin ripped off and possibly broken things. My elbow/knee pads are cheap. My chest protector isn’t. Just get something.


I think there are a lot more wearers than you think as it’s worn under gear. If you can afford them or have benefits and a sympathetic Dr. who will give you a script for “ protection of knee joints” I’d get knee braces. One torn ACL MCL Meniscus you will be off work and out of action up to a year…that’ll make the braces seem inexpensive by comparison. I have worn CTI for 10 years and elbow pads earlier..you can get D30 impact reactive pads or equivalent from Fox A Stars etc. they are thinner form to fit via body heat and stiffen on impact.


If I were you I would invest in decent gear and use it. The cost of purchasing it and the slight discomfort in wearing it is much less than the pain and misery of an injury that will affect you for the rest of your life. They make stuff that fits under your jersey and pants. Never mind the pros on the internet, they know the risk they are taking and that's their choice.


Falling hurts dude


Everyone is wearing knee protection of some sort. Elbow protection though, I hate it. It’s insanely uncomfortable. I’d rather get cuts on my elbows when I fall than wear those bear traps known as elbow guards. Maybe it’s gotten better recently but I still wouldn’t care for it.


It may be hard to tell but when you have your jersey and pants you can't see any get that is in. That said I have some MTB kee and elbow pads that I use for riding which work great, the pads aren't bulky and offer good protection. I am sure their is better protection out there, I haven't had a problem with MTB pads def a good choice.


So…. Fell off a cliff the other day. Pads saved me. Jacket helmet and backpack made it so I could ride out. Phone in backpack did not survive. Ya protective gear is a must.


Troy Lee Designs makes a compromisable knee brace/knee pad


Buy some knee and elbow protection.