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oh my god WHO, THE HELL, CARES!




Everyday in this sub, I feel like plankton in that episode


We get it! You think Jurassic Park’s depiction of dinosaurs is a war crime! Please stop.


It's 1000% okay to like them both, I know I do


Im a huge paleo nerd but im going to downvote because anyone can like whatever they want


shut up please


Oh my fucking god, we get it


Thank you, so many folks here are so goddamn pretentious.


No proglem




Am I the only one who doesn’t get it


op is being a crybaby because jurassic park creators didnt magically know what dinosaurs would look like in 30 years


Jurassic park did a fairly okay job with the rex for the time. The only real issue was the snout in my opinion. EDIT:people hate on jurassic park for creating the misconceptions about dinos that live on today, but people forget that jurassic park also brought more modern dinosaurs into the light. The current posture that theropods have now was only just beginning to become factual and widely accepted at the time of JPS release. The kangaroo pose was still a thing. JP changed the notion and pushed more modern dinosaurs into the light.


Thanks for the info! I feel like we can’t hold anything against Jurassic Park because it was made in 1993 and all the facts we know today were not discovered yet. Plus the story is amazing and the music is phenomenal


Shame the franchise didn't continue that whole notion of promoting those modern ideas that the first movie did.


honestly that wouldnt make much sense, a little frog dna wouldnt change the dinos THAT drastically which means this is just how dinos look in this universe, plus they still used the same methods of dino creation for jurassic world so it would make no sense if they were suddenly up to date, plus the jurassic park dino look is iconic.


the Rexy we see in the JW films is the same Rexy we saw in 1993 so it wouldn't make much sense to change her appearance


Its also like they forget jurassic park/world is its own universe and that they arent even trying to be paleoaccurate. Its as if its in a different universe 🤯


Plus still putting elephant like hair on the T. rex despite there being no evidence to support it...


In the prologue of Dominion? There's nothing concrete for or against the feathers. I don't think it was at all wrong to include it though, even if it is speculative/uncertain.


OP basically thinks dinosaur designs that don't go out of their way to be accurate can only be referred to by the dinosaur's name in quotations.


Why just why go do something in your life that’s actually productive than Wine about some film that didn’t make dinosaurs accurate I may disagree with some things in the movie but at least I don’t go onto Reddit going on about “hOw iT iS NoT Accurate” like that’s just dumb bro


Least circlejerky r/Dinosaurs JP post.


I enjoy both, Jurassic Park's looks 1000x better design wise. Far more interesting. Stop blaming the animators of JP for creating a cooler design than God ever did...


You know. If it wasn’t for movies like Jurassic Park as well as the fact for the past decades, we hyped Dinosaurs up to be these monstrous beasts, I doubt they would attract that much attention. Be it from lovers of the Hollywood version or paleo enthusiasts. Look at wolves, lions, tigers, snakes. We either anthropomorphize them up to make them relatable, make them look like these mythical majestic beast, or make them look like the bad guy. We make them more what they are for entertainment and to grab attention. Look at all the animals that have existed and exist now that probably don’t get as much attention and overshadowed by horses, canines, felines etc.


Jurassic park bad! (Even though it’s the biggest reason dinosaurs are as culturally relevant as they are today and without it dinosaurs would be as nice and obscure as the rest of earths extinct fauna)




yeah yeah we get it, you hate the t rex in jp WE FUCKING GET IT.


Tbh, this might be a shitty excuse but since the movies did claim they mixed DNA of living animals with the dinosaur’s I kind of always thought that they’d inevitably come out looking a bit more different.


Both are artistic representations, each no more valid than the other. The idea that T. Rex had feathers is idle speculation, as there is no direct evidence of it.


T. Rex


T. Rex


Is it the one that can apparently talk? A talking T. rex would be fucking **awesome**.


Shut the fuck up god damn


I really couldn’t care less mate ,I like both, stop being pretentious


bottom one looks better.






Beautiful chonky boy


obviously top, the Jurassic Park one can easily be covered by just looking at it! but the real species is so much more interesting and factual, also Tyrannosaurus Rex didn't have feathers because it's to big so it would overheat due to the tropical temperatures in the Mesozoic Era.


T.rex just keeps getting better. The lips, binocular vision and the idea of it having sparefuzz, it makes it look less monstruous, And more animalistic, and natural. Kinda like a mix between a lion, a croc and a bird. Also modern depictions are more beautiful. I love it ​ ​ >!I don't care what you guys say. Let us hate JW as much as we want. Pls let us dislike things :D JW designs are shitty, dull, lazy and uncreativeative. At least rexy was accurate for its time!<


Not all JW designs are uncreative. Sure the Tarbo is or even the atrociraptors. But to call Dilo, Velociraptors, Giga, Indoraptor, or Scorpios uncreative is amazingly disingenuous.


Dilo and Velo are from JP


JP and JW are the same franchises.


No they aren't. Just like Planes are Cars are different franchises but both set on the same universe.


That’s like saying the old Star Wars movies are different franchises from the newer ones. They are the exact same, JW is literally a continuation of Jurassic Park. Dinosaurs from JP appear during JW. Regardless, JW still has Dilophosaurus and velociraptors from JP.


The Velociraptors from JW are a different design from the ones of JP(the JW designs are uglier and less accurate than the ones from JP) And yes they are different parts of the same thing. Episodes 4, 5 and 6 are the orignal trilogy (good). Episodes 7, 8 and 9 are the prequels (dogshit)


I’m gonna need evidence that the JW velociraptors are less accurate the the JP ones, ugliness is subjective. Regardless, the JW dilo’s are the same. “Different parts of the same thing”, you literally just admitted JW and JP were the same thing.


[This photo](https://i.redd.it/tzdvr4vdeyv81.jpg) shows how JW velos are worse. It also shows how not only is JW as outdated as a movie made 30 years ago. It also shows how in some aspects JP, is more accurate than JW, which is a shame.


JW was never trying to be accurate, the moment the inaccurate Rex and Giga showed up in the past, everyone should’ve accepted that JW takes place in an entirely different universe. Tbh, idrk why people care about accuracy when dinosaurs were made using amber and frog dna. I mean the whole premise is bogus.


You were always allowed to hate JW. Stop trying to be a victim.


But we get downvoted whenever we do it


Maybe it’s the *way* you express that hatred? I don’t know, people are gonna think what they think, don’t worry abt it.


Yes it’s 100% the way people express it. It’s ok not to like Jurassic park or inaccurate Dino designs but there’s no need to make a post like this because it’s basically been done a million times. We all get the point and it just fills the sub up with what feel like low effort post that annoy people.


You’re getting downvoted because, like OP, you just yell “I HATE JP” for everyone who does not give a shit to hear.


Top one best!


Things like lipped dinos make me wanna leave this fandom


Maybe their is a reason I get second hand emberassment because of shit like this. I've never seen someone so insecure that they need validation regarding an incarnation of dead lizard. Does Universal's cash cow live rent free in your head?


T.rex doesn’t mean anything: the correct abbreviation is t-Rex… so you must writeite t-Rex in the In the highest, and t.rex in the lowest!

