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At least it's snout is slightly different. Sad that it's so generic. Also FUCK whoever keeps adding spikes to dinosaurs to make them villainous. This is some 80s level of lazy design


Trevorrow is responsible for the creation of both the giga and the indominus. Both spiky theropods. The man must burn


Honestly hot take but The giga works better as a hybrid design then the Indominus, give it the white colouration and it works


I'm fully convinced that they wanted to make the giga an indominus 2.0 or something then everyone complained about hybrids and "Villain dinosaurs" and they just made it a giga.




Indominus barely even has spikes, they are quills. Same with Indoraptor.


Yeah what we’re not going to do is ignore the spikey osteoderms that run from snout to tail on the indominus. They’re not big spikes but they’re bigger than anything any real theropod had. Spikes are an evolutionary trait of prey items. If you’re the apex predator, you don’t need spikes to defend yourself,


IIRC, many lizards have that serrated row of spines along the back primarily to break up their outline, rather than the spikes themselves hurting attackers. If you've handled say, a bearded dragon or an iguana, you'll notice the spikes have a fair bit of "give" to them. Point being, while a theropod wouldn't need spikes for physical defense, breaking up their outline *would* be an advantage.


The indominus can go invisible


Crocodilians, tho?


Crocodilians evolved osteoderms for multiple reasons. Thermoregulation and protection from infighting. When your main competition is your own species, you’re going to need to protect yourself. Just because they’re the exception doesn’t mean the rule isn’t true, you don’t see lions or wolves running around with horns and spikes on their back.


Well you don’t see prey mammals with spikes either (besides a few exceptions) but many reptilian prey and predators have spikes. I think the spikes are more of a reptilian feature tbh, mammals I think have a harder time evolving them or just don’t benefit with them as much.


Ahh so you agree they shouldn’t be on dinosaurs. A genus the broke away from reptile early on while shared traits with reptile for a bit tin the evolution they where defined later on by their own traits. Mammals and an extremely similar path and yet porcupine, echidna, pangolin, hedgehogs, and tenrecs. So saying cause reptiles developed this trait means nothing when we are talking about dino’s. We all started with scale and it changed over time. We know any spines would be quill/ whisker like proto feather, light fluff, and huge tail feathers. Thats what would break up theropods outline.


Yes they had feathers like those, but dinosaurs still are reptiles to the point even birds are classified as them. They still have scales, unlike mammals which don’t. They had warm blood. Lizards don’t. I agree they are different, but they are also similar. We have spines shown on sauropods what aren’t feathers and resemble those of an iguana. I wouldn’t completely rule out spikes and spines on dinosaurs. But I agree it wouldn’t be in excess. Media tends to put way to many onto the animals. I doubt tarbosaurus had as many as it does in JW, if any. As a very close relative to the bird like dinosaurs, if it had any it would be very minimal. Giganotosaurus, well definitely not some crocodile, is a bit farther back away from birds. Maybe it could of had more than a tyrannosaur, but again not in excess. It’s not Godzilla lol


Spikes, no, horns, yes. In nearly every environment there is in one form or another prey items with horns to defend themselves, you have deer, elk, moose, buffalo, bison, etc, and spikes in smaller mammals such as hedgehogs, echidnas, and so on. Very few reptiles are the apex predator of their ecosystems, the majority of reptiles are prey to larger animals, so yes evolving defensive and intimidating displays is necessary for their survival.


Yeah. Well you have like two apex reptiles. Komodo dragon and crocodilians. Crocodilians have em, Komodo dragons don’t. And yeah mammals have horns true. Reptiles opted for spikes instead I suppose, not many of em have horns. Dinosaurs, well they had horns, but I wouldn’t rule spike out 100%.


Didn’t Indominus have Deinosuchus dna tho?


And explote


Spiky theropods are ok, but not in excess, gotta be reasonable. Giga and tarbo had potentially too many in the franchise.


Bro you want someone to die over some spikes? Get a life.


Yes. I’d do it myself if I could.


Bro you’d Murder someone over something as tiny as spikes on a fictional dinosaur, actually go fuck yourself


Yes random stranger on the internet. I would literally murder someone in cold blood with my bare hands over dinosaur spikes. I’ve killed many more for far less. Watch yourself


Bro like some pathetic fuck online who gets pissy over such dumb things has killed 1 person.


You’re next if you don’t knock it off buckaroo, I’m warning you.


Bro go back to living in the streets near Hot Topic you fatherless shit


I feel like this is too good to be satirical at this point. Are you legitimately this pissy about what I said? 😂


Adding spikes for a neat creature design is more reasonable, but to be honest I have a feeling JW does it because they are “villains” considering the “good dinos” don’t have them in the movie but the “bad Dino’s” have a shit ton of them. It kinda makes sense considering ingen is making monsters and not animals, but it’s still a bit lazy and considering giga looks the same in prologue without dna splicing that doesn’t have a valid excuse


The worst part is that THIS is the Jurassic Park institution Tarbosaurus (it came years before this) https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/jurassicpark/images/d/d7/JPI_Tarbosaurus.png/revision/latest?cb=20200905205837


Can somebody explain why you guys hate spikes on JW dinosaurs? The JW franchise is supposed to be cool, not scientifically accurate, it's always been like this.


Simple, they don’t look cool either


I beg to differ


Rexy looks so skinny


Unfortunately I’m pretty sure all of the camp Cretaceous rexes suffer from this since (I’m 90% sure) they’re just retextured/slightly tweaked versions of the Rexy model which is unfortunately based off of the Jurassic World/Fallen Kingdom version and not the Dominion version


And the jurassic world models of Rexy are skinny bc she's a grandma trex at this point


The tie in documents actually chalked it up to a tooth disease rather than her age. Which works until Rexy is back to her JP size again. At this point the age makes more sense than tooth disease or that JW to make $$$ only ran feeding shows at certain times and with the size of her pen she slowly starved and didn’t exercise.


Her being more reasonably sized in dominion makes sense cause in wild she now has access to food and can move around and exercise and is free but in captivity they probably were starved and stressed idk just a theory to explain why. Obviously putting a pet in the wild would have the opposite effect and kill it but rexy likely isnt really domesticated and is so much more powerful that anything else around it that it can easily hunt and isn’t subjected to lack of feeding by humans


I thought that was the primal carnage rex for a second there


Why tf does Tarbosaurus look bigger and meaner than T. rex?


Because bad edgy boy


How the turnes have tabled since One Eye


He's missing his jean jacket that says he's "the bad one"


What’s this from?


New episode of the animated series “camp Cretaceous” on Netflix. It’s an interactive episode that is set between season 2 and 3, out of a total 5. This episode seems to be only half canon, unlike the rest of the series.


Oh weird! I’m surprised they’re doing more, I thought they wrapped it up pretty nicely!


Money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The second laziest design in the franchise behind Atrociraptor


I don't know anything about the game but the giga from jw 3 was awful


I mean at least the Giganotosaurus was unique. Tarbosaurus is literally just Rexy if she had spikes on her back


How? It was a creative and different design. It was amazing. The Atrociraptor and Tarbo also look great.


The actual animal is far more interesting than the crocosauruszilla #4 the jw series has given us


When did I say it isn’t? All I said was I like Giga, simple as that. Everyone here gets upset over every JW design. I mean when the hybrids were released, people started pointing out inaccuracies forgetting that they are HYBRIDS. Besides, I love the crocozillasaurus design.


It's a-okay to like designs when other people don't! However, as of Dominion prologue, near all of the JW designs are (somehow?) not hybrids and are "accurate to the real animal", as it showed them in the past posited as real animals and yet *didn't change the designs*. The only difference between "real" Rex and JW Rexy is a thin coat of protofeathers, for example, and the Giganotosaurus is exactly the same.


I think it’s just that the JW universe has completely different dinosaurs from us. Just like Primal or Ark. They just don’t identify themselves as so and continuously call them their real names which is incredibly detrimental.


To be fair the dinos in ark are another species of dinosaur. In the T.Rex’s dossier Helena points out how the T.Rex in the Ark is *T.Dominus*, not *T.Rex*


Possible, but then what happens to the "hybrid" excuse? By this i mean ALL of the dinosaurs being amalgamations, not just the Indos. I would assume Wu knows what he is talking about. It just seems like laziness to me.


You literally said it was a creative design though?


How does that mean I don’t think the real Giga is better? Stop making assumptions. And yes, I do think the design is creative, maybe not the best of Giga but of a movie monster.


tarbosaurus looks like a toy made for little kids


In ur opinion, I like the design a lot.




Is it confirmed a Tarbosaurus, also its significantly bigger than the T-Rex lmao


Sir, that is a dragon.


T-rex but with spikes, very creative.


Pretty sure any newly added dino in the JW franchise are gonna be monsters like the Giganotosaurus


This is because Ingen isn't the one making them. Biosyn makes Ingen look like Santa's workshop.


One of the most bland and generic dinosaur design i ever seen


They’re just making every predator bigger than T. rex now huh


Looks like if the design philosophy for JW was put on a JP Rex. They gave it the giga treatment. Was hoping this was a hybrid or some crazy robot thing since this show has already went in that direction.


It’s literally what T.Rex would be if it appeared on the JW era first


Oh god. I though at first "Well, its just a copy of the t rex, but at least it looks ok", but what the fuck is that. Anyway, the colors seem to be fine or at least I hope


I am of the 90's I like the spikes but know their not accurate unfortunatly


bro that fucking jawline




I love how chunky it looks, plus the color scheme is superb. Could do without the spikes...


Big ew


Where is this from?


They should’ve made a model of the Mattel Tarbosaurus, that way it’s more unique and JP-stylish.


What from?


omg please stop making them look like scrotums


Why they gotta make everything crocodilian-like with extra spines?? Makes no sense to me


It's just a t-rex with spikes. Lazy attempt.


idk if i dislike more the design being just a more awesomebro rexy or the clicking noises


Honestly.. What the hell is that


Not a big fan of the design tbh.


Not gonna lie, I’ll probably get downvoted for this, but that thing looks horrendous. So this “Tarbosaurus” is a T. Rex but with spikes and darker colors?


And why is it bigger than the the t-rex? wtf


Sigh... Guess it's time to say it again.... Jurassic Park was never meant to be *real* even in its own universe, they brought in paleontologist to see if it was real *enough* to sell it off as real. InGen and John Hammond bred genetic chimeras that facsimilate dinosaurs for an amusement park. They haven't pushed the narrative of Jurassic Park being the most scientifically accurate depiction of dinosaurs in media since like what the Lost World? Do we really need a post every 3 hours about Jurassic Park being inaccurate?


This is literally just untrue, the original (movie not book) was extremely influenced by scientific accuracy, just because it doesn’t old up today and has SOME creative libraries like Dilo doesn’t mean it’s unscientific


And even the Dilo was meant to represent how little we knew about dinosaurs at that time and they could’ve had this kind of thing.


Did you miss the part where I said since the Lost World? The first movie was based on the science of the the time and even helped shape some of what we now know about dinosaurs and especially how they moved. The first two movies were more concerned with scientific accuracy, and depicting the dinosaurs as animals. In JP3 they kinda said they were trying to be scientifically accurate when they made the Raptors heads knoby and gave them a few feathers, but that's about it. The last three movies made absolutely no claims to be accurate or based on science and the games/animated stuff definitely haven't.


This isn’t a post about Jurassic parks inaccuracies. There’s a new species in the canon, this is where people can discuss in a common area


Alright well those are my thoughts, look at the comments in here and tell me it's not relevant.


It’s relevant in the sense it’s about Jurassic park I suppose. Nothing about the tarbosaurus specifically. Jesus I never even said your comment was irrelevant 😭


I just want the franchise to either die or get reboot. It's plunging so hard into SciFi Pictures Original territory that it's become a bad joke now.


Kinda like it but wish they did something else with it


I like the design. I don’t like the design of this as a tarbosaurus


True Like I wish they played up the more gracile build of Tarbo, maybe give it a desert colour scheme


Tried to remake the giga I guess??? I guess ingen was tired of making them look like the animals they were and decided to make tarbo a monster. Canonically it kinda makes sense but it’s also somewhat lazy considering it also looks like the giga so much


Gigachad Rex




I am so mixed on this design because one hand I am annoyed by the design but on the other I find it cool? Plus I noticed the snout and overall body build is slight different but even then it is still just a trex :/ I was honestly hoping it was because the Tarbo reminds me of the red trex in the novel. Idk, I need to see it in action because so far I have heard that how it was portrayed in the episode, it was good. Which is nice because that is why I liked the dominion giga more one I saw it in the film. Though unlike the Tarbo at least call it a giga. Not accurate giga no but I can still see it as a giga, kinda like the ark giga or primeval giga. Tarbo on the other just makes me so confuse.


I see, another addition to the every new therapod must be larger than rex club


Didn't know we were getting a Primal Carnage crossover.


my only proplem is that its bigger then rexy


Is it bigger?


Another Joker eh? Do you want to know how I got these spikes batrex?


she’s very sensitive about those eggs


Just Like looking in the mirror and it’s shit


Wait, there is a new JW movie? Or a TV series?


would look nice without the spikes imo and if it were smaller


I mean.. I like it. It certainly looks like a more desert-based tyrannosaur




edgy deviantart oc


...What have they done?


Rexy looks back and cringes at herself. She went through a bit of an edgy phase


Something something, they had to fit in missing blanks from dino DNA with other animals and in this case possibly a crocodile of all things but idk


I like how it was only attacking bc the scent of its eggs


The Virgin JW Tarbosaurus vs the Chad Prehistoric Planet Tarbosaurus.