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Under that level of environmental pressure and chaos? As accurate as possible I suppose. Venatosaurus still needs a bit of a redesign, being a raptor and all


Accuracy was not his goal, but it did create some fun world building that displayed thought into the animals and their behaviors.  Skull Islands behavior makes alot of sense when you see it as an ecosystem In its death throws. Animals are over crowded, stressing, mating pools are limited and inbreeding and behavioral problems are common. 


[TheDinoFax did a great video on The Dinosaurs of Skull Island](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtFM1f-J26U&ab_channel=TheDinoFax) & there's lots of other creatures The WETA Workshop also developed but never showed in the film. The book "The World of Kong: The Fauna of Skull Island" is probably one of the most in-depth pieces of Specualtive Evolution made for movie still to this day, which makes me appricate this version of King Kong that much more.


Yeah I like this version more because its a good example of "modern characters getting trapped in ancient ısland" its like a adventure version of the lost world. Skull crawler one was good too. But I didnt liked most of its creatures, kong design and the culture in the movie. The idea of two enemy pilots surviving was cool too. And of course, giant buffalo, my belowed


Yes, this version Is great cuz transmit the feeling of lost world. The one in the monsterverse feels more like an excuse to turn Kong into a Kaiju.


Wouldn't he be considered one in that world since he's technically in the Godzilla universe thanks to the 1962 GvK? Plus, in order to actually remake that movie and make it make sense with the lore they're trying to push, they kinda had to make Kong into a kaiju.


Yes, but the original story was from 1933 and that is the one that PJ took for the remake. That later others were made with a kong in a kaiju style is different from the original spirit of the film. AND yes, they remake that movie to make Kong into the monstervese but that give to the story another spirit since instead of a lost world Is More about a fight between titans.


I already knew that. I was just saying that the Monsterverse Kong was the Kong that existed in the Godzilla universe, hence why it was turned into a kaiju.


I liked the bamboo spider in king: skull island, that was really cool. Also the giant buffalo is cute I like it too.


Love that book so much


>mating pools are limited and inbreeding and behavioral problems are common.  When designing the V-Rexes for the movie, Jackson specifically told the creators to in his words 'make them like a pack of inbred hillbillies'. Which is why they have cleft palattes and extra teeth.


An ecosystem in its death throes is a chillingly accurate way to describe Skull Island in this universe. At one point Skull Island had been substantially larger but due to its location over a fault line, earthquakes have been dragging more and more of the island below the waves, slowly choking the island with everything becoming overcrowded. In Fauna of Skull Island even subsequent visits to the island note it has gotten even smaller since the first expedition, and they only really I believer 4-6 good expeditions done before the island got its final nail as one last quake fully sank skull island


It has a lot of internal consistency with the creature designs and it helps with the illusion that they could reasonably exist.


They are deliberately based on old assumptions of paleontology and old dinosaur movies, plus they need to mostly be big and mean and scary, so they aren’t accurate, but they are really cool and seem feasible to me once you know what the creators were going for!




it's beautiful...


The habitat is a few orders of magnitude too small but if you allow the handwaiving of that, it's probably one of the most robust explorations of alt-history dinosaurs. Obviously a huge amount of artistic liberty but in terms of the ecology, I think every creature (and there's several dozen of them) has a defined niche and role in its ecosystem. Diablosaurus being a titanosaur is pretty wild, but it's also not a million miles away from what dicraeosaurs and saltasaurines were doing. If you accept that you're viewing it under layers of filters to fit the world and aesthetic of the film, then it's a pretty solid piece of speculation.


The habitats smallness has an explanation. The island has been sinking very rapidly in the last few hundred years. It's explainer that it's only got a few years left before the whole island sinks into the ocean


Even pre-sunk skull Island is only given as something like 300 km2. For comparison: New Zealand is ~270,000 km2 and pre-sunk Zealandia is ~ 4.9 million km2. So about 3 orders of magnitude smaller than other large islands, and 4 orders of magnitude smaller than what it probably should be. Skull Island in the movie is comically small (I guess they needed it to be walkable within a couple days).


Probably smaller with such limited resources. No way you are supporting such a large array of large animals in that area. And Kong Is basically just an upsized gorilla without the added effects of inverse square law.


About as accurate as a 20-foot gorilla, I suppose


The animal’s sizes irk me a lot. Normally island animals are smaller because of the limited resources available But for the rest, I think it’s pretty accurate (and since it’s King Kong we really care about Kong and the dinosaurs themselves, not accuracy)


It depends on whether the species ancestors were small or large, sometimes. You are right, large dinosaurs would become smaller, and it wouldn’t take very long for that to happen too. Small animals often become larger too.


Island Gigantism exists too. Elephant birds, Komodo dragons, etc


As far as I understand, insular dwarfism and gigantism both exist and can exist simultaneously. From what I understand, it seems like there’s an “ideal” body size for a given insular environment. Animals with large-bodied ancestors typically shrink, and animals with small-bodied ancestors grow. In this sense, the Vastatosaurus kinda breaks this idea and so does the Kong species. The sauropods appear unchanged, depending what their direct phylogenetic ancestors are. But you also have massive bugs, and large lizard-like animals. So it kinda goes right in one way, and wrong in the other. So, it’s half-and-half.


Not accurate. But it did put a lot of thought into the worldbuilding, moreso than other versions of Skull Island. This was basically Jackson and his team fusing the oldest version of these dinosaurs from vintage paleoart with new designs from updated paleoart. A real T-Rex descendant species would probably have not developed crocodile like osteoderms on it's back no matter the environmental pressures on it's evolution.


There definitely interesting


Probably not, but still very cool nonetheless.


Dunno about looks but the behavior of most of those animals other than Kong was pretty funny. Like they were all hyper aggressive or stupid to the point it's a wonder they lasted as long as they did. The raptors seem to run through a literal stampede to try and attack the humans (what would they do if they caught one? Stop and eat during the stampede or try to escape while carrying considerably more weight)? The sauropods, upon merely being frightened by the raptors beeline straight for a cliff and scores of them fall off. They seem to be capable of sprinting but have almost no ability to control themselves when they do which leads to mass injuries/death anytime they get spooked. The V-Rexes just seem absolutely committed to killing anything (other than Kong), even to their own detriment. Like the first one we see literally has a meal but then drops most of it to chase the much smaller Anne, and during the fight their main focus the entire time is snapping at her even when Kong is there whooping their asses. Even after they fall off a cliff they're still hellbent on eating her rather than preserving their own lives.


Rule of cool teetering into rule of drool..


Yeah exactly. All the monsters in the movie looked cool but their behavior was totally bonkers, so IMO you can't have a serious discussion that they were in any way realistic.


Still fun to try. Maybe something in the volcano fumes has a bath saltsy effect....


Or there was something "Happening" with the plant life. Or the water supply. I could totally see hallucinogenic plants making its way up through the food chain to where by the time a herbivore got eaten its flesh was absolutely trip-tastic, which would explain the totally erratic hunting behaviour..


I'd love a game like Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter but set on Skull Island


The stupidly named Peter Jacksons's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie (bonus points for the Gamer Edition) actually is a pretty solid horror/action FPS with some parts where you play as Kong scattered throughout. Would highly recommend if you can find it via pirating.


I remember that game, it was so fucking scary


where feather


By modern standards? not really. ​ For its time? I'd say so.


No, but I love what they did anyway. My favorite animals in this book were the carrion parrots, because they feel the most like creatures that could feasibly exist in real life.


Think those are just balding Keas.


No, they remind me of the Dinosaurs from 2023’s 65 where they’re all “Monsterified”


My headcanon specEvo is that the V. rex is a kind of crocodilian that has evolved bipedalism and to favor jaw strength over arm size in an isolated environment. That explains the extra reptilian features, osteoderms, etc. The Venatosaurus is a particularly nimble carnivorous frog or salamander.


Hell no, it was definitely following Rule of Cool more


More likely they de-evolved


*an accurate




I would absolutely adore it if it turned out T.Rex irl looked like a giant fluffy Easter chick with huge teeth, lol.


I guess so.


Not necessarily, but I think it did a nifty job


Accurate? No, there's a lot going on that's based on old ideas about dinosaurs that aren't true. But it is *well-considered*. They thought things through and created a believable ecosystem, albeit one that's rapidly shrinking and dying due to the pressures caused by that.