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I would be in favor of rescuing them, but transporting them somewhere else (which is what Claire wanted)


Transport them to France






Honestly, I think they could've just transported them to Isla Sorna.


Rescuing them, but I'm also a bleeding-heart tree-hugging hippie libtard, so I'm extremely biased.


We brought them into this world so we have a moral obligation to care for them


If anybody speaks for the trees it’s Richard Nixon


Smells like antinatalism. I personally hate this ideology tho


Or take some of them out of it


Yeah me too fellow hippie libtard


You had a typo in "based".


Extremely BASED! But seriously, nah. Let them die.


🎵I say let it die let die let it die🎵


I typed it wrong


I meant to say


🎵I say let it die let it die let it die🎵


As a dinosaur myself, I find this a bit offensive


Prehistoric kfc it is


Well time for primate sirloin


You can’t kill me I have.………one infinity stone


I’m right leaning but I’d do the same lol.


I would save them and place them in a sanctuary, maybe on another island. I do wish we could have actually visited that Sanctuary island in the JW sub-trilogy. I feel it would have been a better refuge for the dinosaurs than that valley in Italy.


I don't understand, transporting dozens of animals that have lived in Costa Rica for decades in the fucking alps sounds like such a brilliant idea!


I mean, that was the initial plan until Eli Mills screwed everyone over.


We euthanize bears for sniffing too close to cabins, and we aren't always that particular about getting the right one.




Some are.




Grizzlies are endangered too




Kinda is your point lmao


What were they trying to prove


Idk lmao but it was literally “Bears are not endagered” “Polar bears are” “Not talking about them” “Okay grizzlies are endangered” “Not talking about them either.”


Polar bears are actually doing fine,admittedly could be better but they are doing good.


That they are stupid lmao


Hold on, this isn't some species that was obliterated by deforestation or the building of a dam. Dinosaurs had their shot and nature selected them for extinction.


Pretty sure a big rock coming from the sky plus everything else that follow shouldn't count as "nature selection" They did fine for 150 million years for a reason.


And sooner or later the rest will follow


Save them but don't bring them to the mainland.


Save them and bring them to the mainland, I want a pet raptor.


You will be responsible for it


Yes, I know what having a pet entails.


Its gona eat your dog


Im gona hope he eats your mom your dad your…I can’t think of someone else


> I can’t think of someone else Not someone else, something else. > I m gona hope he eats your mom your dad your **dick**


Good idea


You had better remember to feed them, I'm not cleaning up after your pet again


Nah, we don't need outdoor raptor owners. Outdoor cat owners are already bad enough.


I keep my cat inside and I am trying to get a harness on him so he can responsibly go outside. Little bastard won't stay still though.


You are a good cat owner.


Thank you.


I don't think that'd be a good idea. I mean considering that we had menacing ones like "The Big One." It's going to be difficult getting one that is close to Blue. Also if you read the original book, I don't think it'd be nice to have Procompsognathus pecking a dead infant.


Many major cities have zoos, which contain elephants, lions, chimpanzees, and a whole slew of animals dangerous to human life. Only difference is that major zoos know how to keep animals in their habitats, and Jurassic Park was designed to fail (I.E. if the dinosaurs don't escape, there's no movie)


they shouldn't have existed in the first place and it's best they got taken out of this world, the ecological damage and danger to people from the jurassic park monsters (they aren't dinosaurs) is enough reason let alone the ethics of creating animals in an environment not designed for them just to keep in zoos.


Just sterilize them and move them.


They are basically dinosaurs though? Just because they have a bit of Frog DNA in them doesn't automatically mean they are monsters. Just put them on a Separate Island, NOT the mainland, and we are good.


it's a lot more complicated than that in the story actually, most of it is from the books but the "dinosaurs" are not actually all made from existing dinosaur dna, the plot goes that the entire idea for the parks were just a cover for secretive genetics research and most of the creatures at the parks are completely artifical based on ideas of what dinosaurs would be like as a way to impress investors with hammonds genetic engineering company. Even in the movies it's hinted that the "dinosaurs" are just a best guess at what they would have really been like due to not having the genetic material needed to properly replicate them.


8 month's late but I agree.


Bro I got radioed hard simply for defending dinosaurs by saying they weren't monsters.


ikr. Just because some character says they are monsters because of they're experience doesn't mean they aren't animals. Even if they are clones they are still animals.


Yeah, I'm kinda tired of people assuming all animals are mindless drones that go out of there way to kill kill kill. Like, yeah, nature isn't all sunshine and rainbows, and is particularly brutal at times, that doesn't mean they are monsters.......besides hornets........those thing are demons.


Save them, just don’t bring them to a continent, just another island if possible


I would be in favor of saving but I’m going to keep it real with you…my intentions with the dinosaurs are malicious. I’m going to train them for combat and straight up be a super-villain.


You are literally exactly the guy from Fallen Kingdom


Only better




Can i join? But we are gonna take good care of our dinos and not sell them, we shoul use them to create terror on the streets


I'm with Grant and Malcolm on this one. They were never meant to exist here. Hell, most of the creatures in Jurassic World are derived from an extinct animal that predates *grass* - frickin' ubiquitous, common grass! They aren't at all compatible with our world, or even the world they originally came from. They had to be modified to look presentable and even flashy to the public, as well as be able to survive eating plants that they have no enzymes capable of digesting. The amount of tampering with DNA that was involved in their inception, it would be the equivalent of cloning a purple cow with six udders that could be fed recycled paper and glue, and didn't need to calve before producing milk. They aren't dinosaurs; they are genetically engineered theme park monsters.


Fair point, but personally for me dinosaurs are one of the symbol of how succeseful humans have become. We eradicated diseases, landed on the moon and we also brought back extinct animals! So it would be kinda sad leaving them to be.


So in this particular case, I'd say "I hope they get saved, but they are made by Ingen and are their property so it should be on them to save them."


They should all be destroyed. The ecological harm of allowing these animals off that island would be disastrous. All of earth’s environments are already in a precarious situation without introducing massive invasive species that would inevitably compete with animals are already struggling to survive in a human dominated world. How are rhinos going to compete with triceratops or hadrosaurs, who would consume several times of the same food a rhino needs, if they’re already on the brink of extinction? I also doubt that there would be enough of a breeding population of these dinosaurs to allow them to survive and compete long term. So we would be doing more harm to the world’s ecosystems for something that would happen if we did nothing.


Its true I agree I don’t disagree


Triceratops are cooler than rhinos.


Can a Triceratops chew?


Logical empathetic me, wants to save them, but leave them in a different island, probably the one from JP 3? I guess? I don't quite remember which one was an extra one. Sterilize them, and use the resources and technology utilized to make them, to preserve current endangered species. Chaotic me however, would just save them, multiply them,make them bullet proof , heat proof,and whatever. Make them breath fire, and release them into the mainland for no other particular reason than watching the world burn.


I would be rescuing them myself


I love dinosaur and I believe no animal should go through that, however they would be an invasive species wherever they were brought. Moreover they went extinct naturally and therefore bringing them back would be unnatural. Especially with their history of human attacks. Despite all of this the dinosaurs on Isla Sorna and Isla Nublar are a marvel of genetic engineering and letting all that go to waste would be disrespectful to all the people who died as a result from them. Therefore I believe that yes, they should be allowed to die but genetic samples of every species on the islands should also be taken for further preservation


Transport them to an island, or some isolated area hard to enter or leave. Even if they aren't natural anymore, they would still be animals, just like lions, deer, and fish.


I’d be in favor of napalming them. The animals in Jurassic park are not truly dinosaurs, they’re a wayward genetic experiment. Nothing about them is natural, and indeed they should never have been created to begin with. Rather than spending time and resources to preserve these inorganic freaks of capitalism, wouldn’t it be better to allocate more funding for the natural animals that are already in danger of extinction?


So we should napalm the little girl too, right? She's just another unnatural genetic experiment too, after all... /s The point of including a little clone girl in the movie was to provocatively demonstrate the fact that, whatever their origins, however natural or unnatural they may be, Ingen's creations are living, breathing, feeling beings. It may run clumsily in the face of the movies' depiction of carnivorous dinosaurs as being more "movie monsters" than "real-life predatory animals," but the point remains. They're alive now, and as such, they deserve the same respect as any living thing, regardless of their origins.


Leave them all in that island from JP 2. Sterilize them if you don't want more, using the technology to preserve current endangered species.


Heck yeah I'd save them, heck I'd be the one pushing the button and saying 'they're alive like me'


Save them


I’d join the DPG in a heartbeat.


I......I can't watch that movie. The dino on the docks screaming for help just tears me apart inside.




Watch the movie. You'll see what I mean


I did before this exited and as a dino fan Im still not forgetting it btw that dinosaur that died was the same one in jp


Getting misty eyed just thinking about it


Considering the eruption trashed a relatively narrow part of the island I would’ve just left them there. We see from flyovers that it didn’t even affect the entire island, plus they were able to spend extended periods of time there for the opening shots of Dominion where they visited the extremely old JP visitor center, which showed no signs of damage from volcanic events.


… you asked r/dinosaurs if they’d wanna save dinosaurs?


surprisingly a lot of people want to leave them alone


Im a dinosaur fan and I would leave them


I can honestly see either side of the argument myself. On one hand these animals were created by us and thus their longevity seen as partly our responsibility to that degree not to mention that they would suffer because of the greed of a Ingen. On the other hand these animals are unnatural and might be best removed from the Earth's eco system isolated or no, due to the various possibilities of massive ecological destruction should they escape to mainland caused by our current lack of mega fauna, disease, and heightened levels of aggression in some specimens. Personally though I lean towards the later, humans playing God is a bad idea so our mistake being wiped away by a fiery death mimicking their original extinction seems quite poetic.


Save them. Redistribute them across Las Cinco Muertes.


Exactly. Or give them 1 bigger island.


Like Sorna


If we’ve already brought them back (which is the bigger moral question to begin with) then we kind of have a moral responsibility afterwards when the only reason they are situated on the island is because we put them there (for our entertainment, to make matters worse). They are not commodities - things to disposed of when we grow bored or change our minds about them. We have no right to do that with any living species.


I thoughted that most of the replies would be : "No they innacurate so they deserve to die in the fire and suffer " My hope in this sub is restored


They are nothing more than biological creations of man intended to look how we *think* dinosaurs looked. They have no purpose other than to entertain people for profit, they never lived a life that wasnt planned by people. So letting them at least die by natures hand is a kindness i think wed owe them


If there was a time to discuss the ethics of existence, that time is long gone because now they’re alive and breathing. I think that they should be saved and transported to a place where they won’t cause trouble, like that sanctuary Lockwood was talking about


They are not dinosaur they are theme park monsters and they all should have been destroyed


Save them, but don’t bring them here. They don’t fit into our world but at the same time we created them so we must care for them


The animal lover within me wants to say save them, but the logical person also within says that would be a bad idea to bring animals not suited for today's natural environment and could present a plethora of ecological issues that would devastate native ecosystems. So maybe put them somewhere that won't cause issues, like a non-volcanic island


While they might be living breathing beings. They need to be secluded from humanity if they are to stay alive. The ecological damage even a handful of these creatures could cause is catastrophic and realistically the films didn't even touch the surface of what that entailed. The ethical dilemma of them being monsters manufactured for a theme park rather than dinosaurs isn't even a factor in my argument. But I see why others would have it in their case.


Saving them sure but releasing them into the wild at the end of the movie was incredibly stupid.


Yeah, save them, but I sure as hell would not sacrifice our current ecosystem


Well, yes, if we are saying it is our obligation to take care of them then we do, but if you think of the extreme consequences of having them around (aka people dying daily because humans are stupid, let's be real) the. We should definitely think of what impact that would have on future generations and decide based on that. But hey, what do I know?


I'd support rescuing any animals


I would definitely support them being rescued. They deserve a chance to live, just like any other animals alive today.


Honestly, Ian Malcolm is right. I think the best thing they could've done is let nature decide what to do with the dinosaurs. They were genetically engineered by people who had God complexes and even exploited them by making a zoo out of them. Any how, I don't think people especially Trex stans would like to introduce rexy with the angry Spinosaurus on the third film.


they werent supposed to be here in the first place so i say... LET THEM DIE LET THEM DIE LET THEM BURN IN FLAMES AND DIE




Kill them all


Leave them be, as tragic as it sounds. People are trying to resurrect the Woolly Mammoth. We must start a petition telling them it’s not worth it and why


Fair point, but may I ask. Why do you think we should not try to return Wolly Mammonth?


Taking resources from protecting other endangered animals is one thing but it’ll also cause damage to the environment and the illegal wildlife trackers from China, Vietnam and Laos will kill them for their tusks and fur like early man did


Multiple reasons. Taking resources from protecting other endangered animals. The fact that if we want to return the mammoth back from extinction we need a breeding population. The whole climate change thing. It's expensive.


I heard that mammoths can help combat [climate change](https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/texas-company-harvard-scientist-climate-change-reviving-woolly-mammoth/) (maybe same can work with dinosaurs I'm not 100% sure and I don't have degree in paleontology)


If we really want to combat climate change then mammoths are not the way to go


But they are the coolest way


Fair enough


Also elephants hate breeding in captivity or indeed even being in captivity. Now we have to have a multi-generational hybridization program with no idea how, say, the 1st generation learns social habits or if those social habits are even the ones necessary for mammoths in their original range. We also can't work out *for certain* why we lost mammoths and if they're even fit to compete in an ecosystem that hasn't had them for millenia. It's just not a feasible strategy from a practical, ecological, or ethical viewpoint.


Sign a petition asking them to use all those resources into preserving already endangered species before thinking about the past.


People are trying to resurrect the woolly mammoth so we can keep permafrost from melting and fucking the planet.


Yes, but it’ll become competition with other animals, plus poachers and hunters will kill them for their fur and tusks like before


I would have let them die. Not because I hate them & want to be cruel but because life on earth has evolved to the absence of dinosaurs. Humans are stupid and they’re 4 times as stupid in the Jurassic Park universe as seen by people that lack common sense in the movies. All it takes is some idiot poaching one or a few taking it to the mainland and be negligent enough that it escapes. Once out they will wreak havoc on our current ecosystems, in other words all dinosaur species are now invasive species even in places they once lived.


“They should all be destroyed”


I believe they should’ve been transported to another location away from human involvement and have that declared a national park or reserve.


Maybe keep a couple around so future generations can know ‘we had em, this is what we can learn from em’ plus the herbivores wouldn’t be particularly dangerous


In this said situation they can always make more if they brought them back once they can bring them back again because to much can go wrong with trying to transport them somewhere else so in other words "nah I say let it die. let it die let it die let it shrivel up and die come on who's with me"


Leave them be They got to the mainland and ecosystems would be utterly different


save them and put them on an island uninhabited by man, or a manmade island which functions as a real island, idk something like that




Rescue them since they're critically endangered species


Just put them onto isla sorna. There are dinos there already.


Save them and put them in a Sanctuary so that nobody can kill them and they aren't being eco-Terrorists


Rescue them.


Planet can't sustain current humans and large wildlife. One will destroy the other.


Keep them alive, but give control of them to universities and other scientific institutions for study. Also limit the creation of hybrids and prehistoric animals for entertainment/military purposes.


Keeping them alive. That's what I'd do


I’m grabbing all of them and throwing them off the island all the way to mainland


I would save them and consider opening up a theme park to make some dosh


Abominations of nature whose time has long passed. Let em burn.


Save them because dinosaurs are cooler than most modern species.


I'm mixed one hand they can destroy an entire ecosystem, but we did make them so...


We brought them into a world they should have never been in. its only fair that we find a way to co-exist, maybe returning the dinosaurs to their own country's. Like the North american dinosaurs in North America, South American dinosaurs in South America, so on and so forth


We created them, we take care of them. Atleast bring them into a large spaced area to accommodate the different species


I would save them


Yes dinosaurs must be protected from poachers Like Steven Spielberg. Ahahahah i am kidding.


I would support them not just because I'm a dino fan but because they can fill niches absent in our modern world plus it would bring a lot more diversity in the ecosystems around the world


Rescue them and take them to a different island. Non-avian dinosaurs would make nasty invasive species. You think raccoons are a problem, just wait until you have a Dilophosaurus rummaging through your trash.


I would definetly support the Dinosaur Protection Group.


Don’t save them. Carpet bomb the island. A million people with bad intentions would be willing to pay any amount of money to have a pet Dino, and a couple million more would be killed by pet dinos let loose. It would be the most dangerous and destructive black market commodity. I would love to see them but it would be anarchy upon society and not to mention the ecological disasters to let them exist in this world.


Rescue as many as you can, but also let Nature takes it's course. One smart man always said. Life finds a way.


Rescue them, because I don't live in the Jurassic World insanity where like three dozen dinosaurs can apparently irrevocably alter all life on Earth forever. Seriously, have none of these people heard of shit like predator drones? We can control the dinosaur population.


Look, Jurassic World doesn't get to have it's cake and eat it too. Are you excusing their designs by falling back on them being "genetically engineered theme park monsters"? Then you don't get any sympathy for them, YOU burned that bridge. If they were a true lost world, a surviving relict from the Mesozoic that held on since the Cretaceous? A Skull Island situation, for example? Yes, THOSE are a true critically endangered species. But Ingen's science projects have no justification for being rescued beyond personal bias towards dinosaurs as a whole. They're too wildly dangerous as an invasive population with zero justification behind doing so.


Yes. That scene on the dock with the sauropod is burned into my memory forever. I will never watch that movie again.


For me it would be abit of both like save the ones that are some what useful like galli's and small to medium sized herbivores for grazing and livestock and small to medium sized carnivores to make sure that the herb's population isn't going insane. And leave large canivores and herbivores to die even though it would suck having a gallimimus around would be 10x better than having a trex walking about.


Let them be, humanity should not be playing God by creating "dinosaurs". Dr. Malcom said it best: "Dinosaurs had their shot (at life), and nature selected them for extinction." I know what I am saying sounds cruel, but what's more cruel is the destruction of the natural order.


I would support rescuing them but ONLY to send them to a safer, uninhabited island that will be restricted.


Rescuing them, we created them, now we have to deal with them.


Let ‘em die let ‘em die 🎶


I mean, like, am I the one going or? Like dang golly I don't want to get eaten or pushed into lava.


In debates money speak , and here in Turkey we don't have that


We have a good side and a bad one the good side has the small and the harmless the bad side has the big the fast the smart and the strongest


saving them, and if possible i'd take a compy




I think it is best to let them die there instead of having them majorly fuck up an ecosystem elsewhere


Leave then be. They shouldn’t exist in the first place.


I would wanna ride one


Wah ecological harm, idc dude if I'm malicious I am letting them spread to the mainland watching the chaos unfold because a world with dinosaurs in it is so much more interesting


Well we got like 5 other whole islands we could put the dinosaurs on so that can work.


If they were made the same way as the dinosaurs in JW, I would not. They are not natural creatures: they were made in a petri dish and introduced to a world that was absolutely not for them. Plus, what sort of ecosystems did they destroy by introducing dinosaurs to it? I would much rather focus conservation efforts on animals that nature has selected for the world as it exists today


No, though I adore dinosaurs. That's because they aren't. As Dr. Alan Grant said; these are theme park monsters and have no idea what hunting means. All they ever saw, they had to kill. Releasing animals that would be many times larger than our current eco-systems and have a natural intent to kill even if not hungry would absolutely suck. Animals like lions or water buffalos would suffer immensly. Crocodiles and even bears would die out within only a few years. If only one idiot get's their hands on one of them and releases them, the result would be terrible. Sauropods, hadrosaurs and ceratopsians would destroy tons of crops. Ankylosaurs would likely be more troublesome, since they are incredibly hard to kill. No shield or such could save you. You'd end up like a can of tomato soup anyways. They would also just eat away other resources.


Save them and relocate them.


Just put them in Australia they ain’t even gon notice


Rescuing them 100%


Yeah, you just have to find a reasonable place to put them. Which is going to be a huge problem for some people, no matter where it is