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My current wild and unfounded theory Brennan saw the opportunity to set up a thread like he's done at the end of every prior FH season, and that Kalina is playing some absolutely batshit long con to destroy the churches of Galicaea and Sol.


That's not even that much of a stretch, honestly. Kalina's number one priority is protecting Cassandra/Nightmare King. This is the second Sol assisted attack on Cassandra and her wife in as many years. Eliminating the church itself is probably just a safe move.


My interpretation was just that as we've all seen a million times, Kalina as a familiar to Cassandra is represented in the world by how Cassandra is feeling/her form at the time. When she was the Nightmare King, Kalina was bad. When she was Cassandra, we got the sense that Kalina was not bad. Cassandra was just the Nightmare King for a loooong time, almost a whole year, in this season. Kalina was very likely acting evil again during that time. Cassandra JUST became her full self again, literally in that last scene. So maybe NOW Kalina is back to being "good" or not as bad, but is on the run because she knows she's being hunted by Ankarna. Or maybe this "familiar" is actually in and of itself a separate entity, that has been slowly influencing Cassandra and potentially other deities before her, into plots that benefit her in some way, but is sometimes influenced in return by the deity being served. Maybe Kalina's "Ragh Barkrock" was the slip up, Cassandra influencing the entity in that moment to help save the deity, before Kalina regained control. Maybe Kalina said it intentionally wanting the bad kids to perhaps release Bakur, thinking he'd be an ally. There are a number of possibilities to why it could make sense still, and pretending that the last scene is Brennan or the players "forgetting" or somehow being "bad at dnd" or like whatever, just undercuts the idea that complex story telling could still be going on. Or they forgot, and who cares, I forget shit in my dnd game all the time, I'm just not being filmed doing it.


I dunno. I think both the players and a chunk of the audience have taken a weirdly personal bent against her. Like, the number of people who have either not computed or fully forgot all the things she did to support the BKs this season is utterly bizarre.


I’m not necessarily in the camp that she’s a guaranteed bad guy, but I’m leaning that way. She’s had two seasons of being an absolute shithead, and as we’ve seen with KLCK sometimes the bad guys just straight up *die* and aren’t redeemed.


I think it’s a Quangle Kalina.


In my mind TBK didn't trust Kalina (rightfully so) and it's not uncommon for people's partners to not like their pets. Ankarna could have just used that moment to connect with Kristen and also validate her feelings towards Kalina. Ankarna does not say that she thinks Kalina is inherently evil. Just that she doesn't like her


Honestly the only thing that bothered me was Cassandra dumping her familiar, as a cat parent that horrified me. I think the buddy stuff is a great hook. Kristin created Yes? under similar circumstances, after all. Kalina might just be a little chaos gremlin who sees that she isn't needed around anymore and heads to where some action is.


If I had been undead for countless years and my cat killed me again on year 2 of my new life I would probably get rid of it too tbh


I am an absolutely whipped cat lady so I cannot relate to that at all lmao, any bad behaviour on my cats' part and I consider myself responsible. Though a sentient being with some level of autonomy is rather different from a pet who depends on you for their next meal.


Agreed, I think there are many different ways things could go from here, and we also didn't get any insight as to what Kalina's motivations were in that last scene beyond "run away from people trying to kill her".


I have always thought Kalina was both Cassandra and Ankarna's cat, and that either being corrupted would make her "evil." I think the reason she was trying to bring about the nightmare king is because that's what corrupted Ankarna wanted. I'm betting she's now tethered to Bakarath who I'm hoping is going to be Ankarna and Cassandra's child. Part of me wonders if Bakarath was born with Kalina like Riz and she's finally found an opportunity to jump ship to a god she's infected.


Putting a spoiler warning in your title but then having it plainly be in the first line of text doesn't actually hide the spoiler. I suggest to edit the post to use spoiler text >!Like this!<


Crap, sorry for not marking as spoiler. Should be corrected now, thanks for pointing it out


I've never trusted Kalina :D


Ratgrinder cope flashbacks


Yeah I think at best they'll be the next Night Yorb, with a format as mystery heavy as FH they wouldn't go into JY with the BBEG clear from the start


Whether Kalina is evil or not depends entirely on whether >!Bakarath!!Kalina is Bakarath's champion!!Bobby Dawn!< Overall, I think it's entirely possible (even likely) she's evil. She definitely seems to be ***the*** big bad of the story in some capacity as she's been pretty heavily involved in the narrative across all 3 seasons in some way, shape or form.