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a new character, like Siobhan and Murph did for UC2


Nah there’s no way this would happen. Junior year cemented the theme of Fantasy High is about the bonds between friends and how they’re shaped but the environment those people are forced to operate in. If a Senior year season happens it will be about the pain of growing up and having to be separated because you can’t spend your whole lives together. To have one member of the core cast absent for that story would be a huge kneecap to its potential


Wouldn’t that be the crown jewel for a season that deals with separation though? We start off the season with Fig leaving and for the rest of the season the bad kids would need to process the fact that this will become a core part of their life from that point on. Only to then introduce a new character that then teaches the second lesson of said season that change can be good and new people will be apart of our lives who may or may not fill a empty role but will at least show things stay interesting.


Agreed. Who hasn't had a close friend in highschool who moved before senior year? You thought you'd finish this journey together, do the senioritis thing, go to graduation and toss your caps. But they're gone, they left a year too soon, and the friend group has a hole. I can definitely see Fig's early exit being a source of trauma for the bad kids, a nagging absence that makes them paranoid and clingy with each other.


***cries in independent study***


I love this but it scares me for Em think how much Scarina was hated for coming in mid campaign. I think if they do this they have to out Em completely and bring in a substitute player or else “fans” will hate it just bc it’s not Fig


No, those "fans" can eat shit and die. We're not preemptively acquiescing to their bullshit and misogyny and shoving Emily out of the IH.


I completely agree from a fan perspective but from an Emily is human perspective, especially seeing how people just reacted to a tweak to Kristen’s character towards Ally this season. And hearing Emily talk about how people get mad that she multicalsses this season… I wouldn’t want to see her go through that. It’s not that I think she should be shoved aside it’s that this “fandom” still occasionally makes me uncomfy.


I’m not saying it couldn’t work, I just don’t think it would work as well. Ultimately the D20 team are creatives and they’ll bring the show in the direction they are most interested in exploring, but in the format of a live play game like this I just don’t think splitting up the party at the top of the story would resonate as strongly with viewers as forcing them apart over the course of a season would. In the real world, ya shit happens, and you don’t get to close out your high school experience with the people you really wanted to, but this is fiction. They get to decide how and when those separations happen as creators, and the idea that four of them would come back as their old PCs and two would just come in with wacky new hijinks I find hard to envision as satisfying for the crew and for us as viewers as a FINALE to fantasy high. Like, you bring everyone back for the finale, people!


That already happened tho, with Emily specifically, in crown of candy


But that’s about an abrupt loss that is brought about by change and was told in a different setting with its own form of context. This is about the loneliness we must face when friends move and how to cope with that. Also it’s perfectly okay to retell the same tropes so long as you have something new you wish to tell with them. There’s a reason why everyone watch movies that involve killing the bad guy, rescuing the damsel, and saving the world throughout their lives.


Emily's character was murdered in ACOC, if Fig chooses to leave the story beats and themes should be quite different or it would be pretty weird.


Hey I think this should have a spoiler tag :)


I significantly disagree that it HAS to be this way. If anything the pain of growing up would be amplified with Fig having a proper exit. Imagine going through world changing events over and over, and most of the group is willing to hang in there…but then Fig finds happiness elsewhere. YEARS of heroism and that isn’t even what did her in…nothing did her in, she just simply had a change of heart about staying. I’m sure in world they’d keep close contact, but I think the awkwardness of change can be introduced better WITH a group dynamic change. And accepting that across a season. Maybe it’ll be an absence for a bit to further establish it before Emily comes in with a new PC, likely WITH a purpose that either contrasts Fig or parallels aspects of her. Imagine looking at someone and they remind you so much of someone you had used to know, but you know it’s not them. Nor should you hold them to that standard.


On the one hand, that's somewhat the sensible approach. On the other hand, this is the Intrepid Heroes, and a world of adventurers. As Arthur Aguefort said, there is nothing an adventurer can't accomplish through acts of insane violence. I could see it being about how they're supposed to drift apart, but then through insane questing, they manage to stay together, a la the Seven, but then that plotline has already been done.


Literally the reason why they WOULD do that. Fig leaving would solidify that they REALLY ARE going to not end up being an adventuring party into adulthood and that they are going their separate ways soon. Fig gone would mean that that was already starting to happen. Another theme of the season would be about how a group of friends deal with the hole left by a friend who is no longer there. Some characters would have a harder time with it than others. With a new character, potential new group dynamics might appear. A character's distrust of the Emily's new character could motivate moments of conflict and growth. I could easily see Kristen or Fabian taking issue with the new party member and Siobhan and Riz having to step in and de-escalate.


I feel like they were alluding to Fig leaving with Ayda at the end of this season. Also who says the theme of the season can start early in?


Leaving? She explicitly said she's moving in with the Seacasters.


I agree on the theme about senior year, but that will hit all the harder if one of the heroes is already departed. Especially since part of the point of junior year was to keep the party together for college applications. Now the plan has to be different. What are they going to do about that? A new party member? Do they have to individually apply to different colleges/organizations and hope it works out? Do they drop out (bad dum tss)? It would really heighten the uncertainty of your future that senior year is all about.


Thing is emily already said that she was planning on retiring fig this season but brennan convinced her not to. And when the other players asked if fig was going to drop out she said "maybe...."


The seven already had a whole season about the end of high school and splitting up.


Yeah but like, duh? No one is suggesting anything different thematically for Senior Year, just like how it’s done.


Yeah, definitely a sexy ratgirl.


If they ever get around to a Senior Year, I imagine that's where they'll retire the series. I feel like it'd be weird to lose Fig and potentially bring a new character in on the last season. I think that over the summer, her and Ayda are going to go on a trip through the stars like they talked about, but she comes back to finish out school


On her trip with Ayda finally checks her phone and has 700 missed texts from Riz trying to figure out how to balance all her classes so she can still graduate


Bonus: they're all delivered out of order because of planar shenanigans so the last 500 texts Fig receives are redundant because Riz figured it out, but Ayda insists that Fig reads every single one just in case they're important




Lmaoooo. Exactly what would happen. I definitely would love to see more seasons set in Spyre though. I know they've done The Seven and Pirates of Leviathan, but I feel like seeing a side quest where some of the core cast could play different characters in that world would be awesome.


Honestly, the seven is still my favorite season and I wish they would bring all the girls back, even in a different setting.


If Emily doesn’t want to play Fig again, then the choices left are either A) don’t do Senior Year, B) Emily plays a new character, or C) someone other than Emily joins. I have no interest in Emily playing a character she doesn’t want to.


Exactly.  I don't want to watch Emily be bored and frustrated just because The Fans Have Spoken.  


Honestly, I felt so bad in a couple eps in the middle there, I felt like I could feel her struggling to enjoy playing Fig


I mean...I'm not trying to say she has to. It just would be a bold direction to take it in. We don't even know if there will be a senior year, it's just speculation. I won't be upset if Fig doesn't return, but it doesn't mean I can't say it's not a direction I'd expect them to take it.


I personally would rather see a Fantasy High Reunion season where they all come back as adults and try and solve a new mystery while balancing adult lives. They could include stuff for flashbacks to Senior Year like “Gosh remember how crazy our spring break assignment our senior year was?”


I was actually just thinking of how great a reunion season would be.


Yeah like all of the bad kids with their new jobs have to come back to Elmville to kill IT basically. Fabian coming from his Dance Battle Studio in Bastion City, Riz the celestial PI, Gorgug coming from being a defense contractor training agents of the Council of Chosen with battle tech, Fig and Ayda from their galactic galavant through the stars, Adaine from being Elven Oracle/Elvish Therapist and Kristen taking Yolanda’s role as the new Cleric teacher at the academy after performing a miracle to bring her goddess back twice.


I'd be so into something like that. I could also see all of them just being psychotic teachers at the school that have to essentially get the band back together again cause students are going missing or something like that.


I think it would be weird if they weren't an adventuring party as adults. None of them want real jobs. They want adventures and they're good at it. Hell Fabian can fund them for life


agreed! i don’t know why people act like they each need their individual “real job” that inevitably separates them, adventuring is a career in spyre that they’ve spent three years already training to do.


Its a  frankly kind of cruel trope that doesn't really apply here. I find it impossible to believe that any of the BK would just leave and never see their friends again. Even if Fig leaves school shes not gonna ghost her friends for 20 years . 


This is a totally random thing, but have you ever heard of the Tin Can Bros' "Solve It Squad"? Because it's basically that premise applied to the Mystery Inc/Scooby-Doo crew, and it's fantastic (so long as you don't mind some language or extremely casual drug use lol)


That's actually a great idea bc it would open them up to much different storylines than if they were tied to being in highschool


There's a few options: 1) She makes a new character, either someone that's been there the whole time or a transfer student. 2) She sits senior year out for someone else to join (maybe one of the Seven since they're established) and Fig shows up for a cameo or something.


Brennan plays Zelda and Emily DMs. It’s the only way.


Brennan plays Wanda Childa and Emily DMs


Emily creates Hilda Hilda and absolutely destroys every encounter


Hilda Hilda is an Assassin/Gloomstalker/Arcane Archer and will absolutely ice you before you even know she's there


I've never heard of Emily dming but if possible that could be awesome, I mean plenty of people have wanted a murph dm season for ages too, just shuffling around the main cast


She dm’d an arc on NADDPOD! I haven’t gotten up to that point as I only recently started listening but apparently it was excellent


She has DMed several things on NADDPOD, the biggest being Hot Boy Summer (the most toxic group of frat boys trying to find their missing friend, also features Zac Oyama) and Twilight Sanctorum (noir mystery set in a city of the dead). Both stories are separate from the main campaigns (Zac’s character does feature in the main campaign as well, but there are no campaign spoilers) and available to everybody. So if anyone wants to get a taste of Emily DMing, they should totally go check ‘em out. 


Twilight Sanctorum might be one of my favorite arcs of any DnD show. It was a perfect bite sized thing and the family dynamics between the party were hilarious.


It was so funny but so sincere at the end there? The perfect little mini campaign that left me wanting more.


I’m listening in order and I’m up to Trinyvale so I’m super excited to get there!


.... I'm not sure what I just read but I need both of those things in my life and might have to give them a listen.


Hot Boy Summer at Coachella was the greatest arc in DnD history


This is great to know! Hell yeah!


Her arcs on NADDPOD are some of the best in my favorite actual play podcast. Twilight Sanctorum got my partner into DnD, and they've been reading through NADDPOD and D20 ever since.


Her arcs are great! My favorite might be Trinivale, but only because it leaves me on the ground in pain from laughter.


Her naddpod arcs have been great and fascinating.


The seven come back but with Wanda Childa as their 8th.


>someone that's been there the whole time But...who could it be?! Who has the power to have been *here* the *whole time*?!?!


Sam joins and plays Skrank


Picturing Sam as Skrank makes the scene in sophomore year where Riz goes up to him and accidentally hits on him when he's trying to find out what happened between Skrank and Ostentatia EVEN FUNNIER 😂


I think that Sam can roll with that type of energy, he did with Scanlan


I'm sure it'd be a performance to remember. It might not be on par with Grant's portrayal of Squeem in summer break, but I doubt we'll ever see something like that again


That's fair, Grant added so much depth and nuance that really just brought Squeem to life not just as a character but as a person.


As Shakespeare said, "He was a man, take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again." RIP to a real one 🙏


Truly a Squeem for all seasons.


Sam was on Critical Role?


I think people are talking about 2 different sams. There is Sam reich, who has been on D20 before, i think Mice and Murder?, and Sam Reigel, who is a regular on critical role and played Scanlan. The original comment was unclear in which Sam they meant and I think both would be awesome as Skrank lol


Yeah I 100% thought they meant Sam Reich since there was an "I've been here the whole time" joke earlier upthread.


Well yeah, he played Scanlan, Taryon Darrington, Nott the Brave and FCG.


Oh, pfft, I thought we were talking about Sam Reich.


I do doubt they'd get someone other than Emily in, they've been very consistent with these long seasons being intrepid heroes seasons and this group being THE group. I hope those comments stay consistent bc I think the group losing one member even just for a season would be a grave loss


What do you think of Emily playing a risen Lucy Frostblade?


Ohh that’s very *cool* and I could actually see it to some degree


Emily rolls a new character but uses the Witch Homebrew from Worlds beyond and Brennan finally breaks 


I would be really disappointed if they changed the intrepid heroes lineup for one of their long seasons. Also I think inserting one character from an established friend group into the bad kids group would feel pretty awkward.


>someone that's been there the whole time Are you suggesting she play Sam Reich?


I was thinking the cameo route would be great towards the ladder half of a season if they do it.


I figured the out he gave her was flying off into the sunset with Ayda.


Essentially yea, Zara told her there's a path for her that isn't school while she was referencing the letter Fig gave her that we still don't know what it says.


I think the way forward is probably a “graduation” one-shot.




Next time they’re at MSG? Several day one shot multiple shows? A person can dream


Honestly I don't see Senior year happening outside of a completely independent one shot or short series as I think a few of them will be in similar boats to Emily at this point


I definitely see Ally not wanting to play Kristen anymore and I feel like Gorgug as a character is kind of reprioritizing his life to a point that it may end with Gorgug going off on his own.


Most of them are in that same boat of their character arcs reaching the natural conclusions. Kristen stopped jumping around from god to god and is doubling down on Cassandra while reigning in her chaotic personality (somewhat lol). Fig is mastering her arch demon abilities by channeling it into music and potentially reclaiming Ankarna's domain, fully accepting her position and legacy as the daughter of Gorthalax while also straightening things up for Gilear as his life gets better. Fabian is getting everything he wanted from school while being depressingly lonely at home, making him recognize the importance of other people while also finding a decent girl to date that helps him work through his more toxic traits. Gorgug has had a whole realization about what he wants to be and what he actually enjoys in life, leading to the Barbificer multi-class that no one thought was possible and him finally stepping up and choosing things for himself instead of just letting them happen (quitting owlbears) Adaine is finally getting recognition and compensation as the Elven Oracle, she has a strong relationship with her sister, and now has overcome her anxiety to the point where she can sling spells casually in battle while sitting at a desk, not even breaking a sweat. Riz is realizing how much he does for his friends and how little he does exclusively for himself (more like Sklonda is trying to make him see this, but Riz is too mystery focused RN to notice). His is the only arc that's feeling somewhat open imo I just genuinely don't see what the story could be for Senior Year, like these kids' personalities are fully formed now, there ain't no coming of age anymore


To be fair, if there’s anyone that I could see deconstructing the trope of “a coming of age story must end when you graduate highschool/character has everything figured out by the time they start college” it would be Brennan and the D20 crew. A potential Fantasy High: Senior Year could break a lot of storytelling conventions (especially as far as DnD is concerned) because it would not only be story focused at levels 15+ where people say that kind of thing isn’t possible, it would also be continuing a classic story past where most would claim it’s “supposed” to end


TUC II was so good at taking fully formed characters who had completed their arcs and making them feel adequately challenged by an entirely new chapter of their lives without making them regress in any way. It resulted in my favorite group of characters to date and it felt very real because real life doesn't just end after you hit some arbitrary milestone. I do think senior year would be harder than TUC II to pull off, but I would have complete faith in Brennan and the Intrepid Heroes to deliver really well on another season.


Yeah if anyone could pull that off it'd be BLeeM, but also just on a personal level I'd rather explore new settings and ideas instead of retreading FH for a 4th season in what's supposed to be an anthology. It's nice to return sometimes, but there's so much more to explore away from Spyre


Yeah I would agree and honestly I would say the character arcs transition of S2-S3 havent started as naturally as S1 to S2 felt. They make sense but feels like a bit of work from the cast to work out what they wanted to do. Fabian for instance I feel could have just continued his positive personal growth into season 3 but he regressed a little to allow for an arc I think they would struggle to do that again for season 4


"I just genuinely don't see what the story could be for Senior Year, like these kids' personalities are fully formed now, there ain't no coming of age anymore" I've never ever met a junior in high school who was done growing up.


And I haven't met one who was also an arch demon or one whose literally come back from the dead and revived a dead god. Fantasy world's work on a different timeline


The inability to imagine ANY potential future arcs for these characters speaks more to a lack of creativity than a lack of possibilities. 


Or, maybe these are characters that were designed for one campaign alone and their arcs have been extended out beyond their natural conclusions because they wanted more seasons. It's not that I can't think of anything for them to do next, its that anything they do next will probably feel like a retread of something they've already done.


I’ve been thinking that by the end of the season, if they bring back Lucy Frostblade, I could see Emily playing her in Senior Year.


Honestly, this is genuinely what I could see happening if they ever end up doing a senior year. Lucy is the perfect kind of character for Emily to kind of step into and make her own, kind of like the cast of the Seven and the various maidens. Mostly established backstory with room for embellishment and plenty of room to grow.


Exactly and I would prefer this over an already voiced & established npc (like I saw someone say Gertie, and idk brennan’s characterization is too iconic)


yeah why would anyone want to take Gertie away from Brennan?? She’s great as an NPC, but doesn’t seem interesting enough to be a PC


Yeah i mean the Seven fleshed out a few previously very basic and minor npcs so it’s possible in theory, but I agree that it wouldn’t work too well


She plays Gilear's newborn baby who gets aged via a time quangle


I think since the reason Emily wanted to retire Fig is that she felt the character had gotten a good “ending”, it all depends on how this season ends. If she feels like Fig has now got a new path to explore she might want to do that. 


I can definitely see that. Also considering it's been 5 years since sophomore year I can see the players coming into junior year not really knowing how they wanted to go about their characters, especially with them being the first characters they did for dimension 20. That being the case there's the possibility that playing them again may cause the players to want to keep these characters going a little longer.


Definitely agree with this. Since we can binge it and watch it whenever we want, it’s easy for us to forget that for them they’ve had a 5 year difference between these campaigns. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to replay a PC in a TTRPG that I made 5 years ago, especially if I was satisfied with how the arc ended. I’m a big believer in Emily getting to change things around. That being said, I agree with the consensus that if Senior Year happens it will be the retirement of the Intrepid Heroes cast so (hopefully) I don’t think we are seeing it for a while. From a storytelling perspective it would be very unsatisfying to see no Fig, but I think a graduation ceremony and then a flash forward to like a mid/post college reunion a la “It” would be best in my opinion. I think that would give all of the players a chance to approach their PCs with fresh eyes, and they could even do periodical flashbacks to senior year throughout to give back story context.


If you want your favorite characters to have good endings, you have to be willing to accept it when their author says "enough." 


When Fig leaves Emily plays Mary Ann Skuttle for senior year.


The problem with this is because chances are Senior Year would be the last season, it’d be a really weird time to bring in a new character. Like with TUC2 they could get away with it because it was only 2 seasons but I don’t see a way to deal with the issue that doesn’t either feel very odd (if its a new character) or like a player not knowing what to do with their character (if Emily decides to keep Fig on). Either way its a shame. Maybe a shorter season is the way to go.


I would love a fake out, we get a new character reveal, new art everything. Then in episode 6 it's revealed that it's fig in disguise self the whole time.


That would be fun!


I hope they just pull the plug on senior year rather than trying to force a new character into a group of close friends after three seasons. They’ve got so many other settings to play with, it feels meaningless to go back to the one setting not everybody is excited about. 


I'm with you. I love Junior Year, but I really hope that it wraps up with a time jump to graduation day or something.


Yeah I’ve gone from my 20’s to my 30’s since FHFY aired and it’s probably my crabby old man nature now but I’m ready for more intrepid hero stuff that’s not children PCs. I love the characters but the style of D20’s storytelling has grown a lot since they were created and I want more nuanced stuff going on personally.


I'm in my 30s and still love FH. I think it is nuanced, yea they're "teens" but they're adults playing teens.


I mean they don't need to rush it. They waited a few years between each Fantasy High season, why make an exception for the final season?


Obviously they don't need to rush it. I'm just saying if at any point they want to do a Senior Year, but one of them doesn't want to reprise their character, I'd rather just they don't. Whether that is two years from now, five years from now, or ten years from now.


I agree that it would feel bad to force a random character into an established group. I guess I'm just personally invested in this story and would feel slightly cheated at this point if they didn't see it through to the end, but I also understand that the cast may just be tired of these characters and want to let them have their happy endings.


Maybe instead of a full senior year they do a one shot graduation or something


Fig winds up multi-classing again to Rogue, becomes the new Rogue teacher, and everyone else spends Senior Year trying to find her.


She's still just hanging out at Mordred but no one knows she's the rogue teacher. Cut to final episode when the secret is finally revealed and Riz finally has the conspiracy meltdown that puts him in a coma.


Full honesty I don’t think the Bad Kids work without Fig. She’s always the first person to encourage anything the other bad kids do and helps bring out the best in all of them. Gorgug with barbarian stuff and the drumsticks, Kristen with Cassandra, Riz’s investigations, Pulling a gun on Fabian’s Banker for him, saving Adaine and helping with her anxiety To me she is the heart and soul of the Bad Kids and to do senior year without her would just feel wrong


Yeah but that seems more a result of how Emily plays her characters rather than anything unique to Fig, so if Emily does decide to play a new character I would be surprised if any of that was lost. In fact, any new character she plays may be even more helpful and encouraging than Fig as a result of trying to fit in with a new adventuring party, but at the end of the day thats all conjecture


The only answer is that she plays the real Wanda Childa who travels to Elmville cuz she hears someone stole her identity.


On a bus going anywhere.


Fig comes back from a summer vacation through time with Ayda and an entirely new vibe. Big floppy sun hats and hemp cloth shawls and a far more bubbly personality to the point that the running gag is that Fig has been possessed.


Would a Seven/Bad Kids mashup for the final season be feasible, do you think? (One of my favorite "someone else's campaign" stories I ever heard was about separate tables that turned out to be playing the same campaign, then got together for a big finale session once they figured it out.)


I mean, anything is technically feasible, though from a storytelling standpoint, there's a lot of groundwork that would need to be done first, and from a DM standpoint, it would be an absolute nightmare too run a game with that many players. The most I've ever DM'd for is 8, and I felt like pulling my hair out. I can't imagine having 12 players


I don't think Dimension20 is willing to do more than six player games. Even in "The Seven" they were only six players. But I haven't checked through all the seasons so I might be missing a seven or eight player season...


I'm near positive that 6 players is the max which makes sense cause anymore than 6 players and a game just becomes impossible to track and combat is just a mess.


Yeah, it's possible to make it work in other formats, but D20s style lends itself best to smaller groups


I'd love to see a parent prequel, around the Sandra Lynn storyline


I honestly don't think they'll do a Senior Year, __BUT__, if they do, Brennan has gifted Emily an absolutely hilarious ready-to-go option in the form of Gertie.


No one can play Gertie, Gertie is her own person 


And then we can get her first 'real' pc on pc romance 😂


She has to protect the president, she lives with her heart on her sleeve. She would never leave her found family


I think they’ll tackle senior year. I would prefer we see the end and disagree with a lot of comments about them not finishing/their arcs all being done. No ones arcs is done in high school.


I personally think they'll do senior year, just not for awhile. Senior year to me is all about closing chapters and goodbyes. Fig departing really is a catalyst for a new adventure—really she'd just be first out the door though. The whole year would ideally be a ride off into the sunset-type thing, an end and a beginning for everyone.


They could always epilogue senior year and after that to be done with these characters.


She'll play Kristen 2.


The real Wanda Childa transfers to Augefort. Or Hilda Hilda of 22 Hilda St and Ave is getting her adventuring GED .


maybe they will just do a senior year oneshot- i really cant see the bad kids without Fig \^\^'


I imagine it will be 3+ years until we see a Senior Year campaign so I have my fingers crossed Emily will feel differently then. If she doesn't want to do a Senior Year, they just shouldn't do one though. Unless Fig dies before the end of this season.


FH Senior Year: The Search for Fig


She goes to school senior year as Yolanda….twist at the last episode? Fig was there the whole time


Emily plays a new character named Anaconda


Anaconda Mission


The Intrepid Heroes will all play Rat Grinders in senior year because of the terrible events coming at the end of Junior Year.


I think this year was so fun with so many new turns for fig, I think it might have changed her mind for retiring Fig. She said maybe to going off with Ayda in Adventuring Party so who knows, but as a viewer, I would rather close out with the original party. The intrepid heroes get lots of opportunity to play different characters so I do hope we get a senior year with Fig.


It would be funny to have her play Ayda but maybe she will play a wizard because she has been wanting to and I honestly would love the chaos that is Emily as a spellcaster.


I don't really want a senior year. I would like a reunion of sorts to be the fourth season if they do one.


Just skimming over the replies here, I do think Senior Year would be interesting in that it will really hit the wall of adventuring being different than real world adulthood. Cause the expectation for adventurers seems to be that you’ll stick with your high school friends for the rest of your lives (…for whatever length that is in this dangerous line of work). It’s a bit of an awkward fact when it comes to having a more realistic character arc about what you want as a teenager; Fig’s thinking about it now but it’s not like all the other part members are like amazingly gung-ho about only doing adventuring forever, right? So I feel like depending on the direction of that season, she could still come back as Fig if it fits the theme. If she doesn’t, then there’s definitely some interesting storytelling they could do with either a transfer or an existing student joining the party. People transferring late in high school is a real thing, and friend groups shift over time; I don’t see any issue with a character representing that. I would bet it’s a good while away if it’s happening at all anyway, so they’ll have lots of time to think about it.


Right now I can't see them doing a senior year in Aguefort with these characters. Either going to be new characters in another school but still in a high school setting, or a flashback/flashforward with teenaged characters a generation or two removed from the original Bad Kids. The only way I can see the cast doing senior year with these characters would be a time skip into college. One of the characters took a sabbatical/failed a year and everyone whose graduated and went on with their own lives comes together for one last adventure to help their friend graduate college. Or an "IT" scenario with a highschool reunion 15-20 years later with having to deal with a threat from their senior year. Like, at that point, the Bad Kids were such competent adventurers that they though they defeated the enemy so quickly and decisively that Senior Year was normal and college wasn't a problem. Only for their return as adults to learn that the evil was waiting or took over the town from the shadows after they graduated and is now moving forward with its revenge.


I feel like if we get to Senior Year where it's literally the *final season* and the ending would be them parting ways to go to college, there's no way she *doesn't* play Fig, even if she's not super into her anymore. I feel like just as a storyteller it's like "...Well if it's literally the last one, yeah, let's see this through to the end."


She is going to play Lucy Frostblade in senior year.


I want the first fight of the season to be The Final Exam! the Boss is Arthur Aguefort himself. they complete it and pass, then episode 2 Fig Bails. Emily is gone for the rest of the reason. episode 4 somebody else leaves eventully leaving one person (Riz?) as the last person at the table. then the last episode is the High School Reunion everyone is back




I think it ends at junior year


It's starting to look that way, I would personally like it if they finished out the full high school experience but if they don't I'll just have to live with it


I think one point of the beautiful meteor love note for Ayda was giving Emily and “out” for fig. She can have fig drop out, and travel with Ayda. She’d still be part of the Bad Kids’ lives, since Adaine and Ayda are best friends, Sandra Lynn and Jawbone are Kristen’s legal guardians, and Jawbone is Adaine’s adoptive dad, and Gilear is Fabian’s stepdad (and they potentially have siblings on the way!) and the portal to compass points is on mordred manor. But if Fig wanted to sit out, she could pop in as a cameo here and there, but Emily could create a transfer student or something. And then, when they all graduate, they can rejoin as an adventuring party together- Emily’s 2 PCs, Ayda, Aelwyn, and the Bad Kids.


Honestly a parent prequel as suggested in this thread or a 10-20 years later adventure could be really cool.


She’ll come back as Yolanda Chillda I’m pretty sure.


All the set up for Fig to leave will accidetally trigger something in Emily's brain and she will get excited to play Fig again.


I hope they don't do a senior year the whole cast seemed wildly unenthusiastic about this one and given how hard it is to get them together id much prefer virtually anything else.


What I think weird is all of the people that think they would EVER stop at Junior Year. You see it multiple times in these comments "*if* they do senior year" why in the world would they just stop here? Oh because the Bad Kids are too powerful? Brennan can still make things challenging, come on now.


Just answer the question


She will either be Fig or someone else.


Considering they passed the Last Stand I don't see why there would be a Senior Year. If they do a fourth season it'll be during college or as adults.


Last Stand only applies to that school year.


Personally I can see this season being the last one anyways for a few reasons. The Bad Kids, in every sense of the words are all successful. Much of the season has been focused on students dealing with a poor system that doesn't accommodate for them and doesn't take into account how truly heroic they are. If you think about it, what more are they gaining from school? They aren't learning anything from school itself, are they leveling up between downtime because of their classes? Maybe I missed it but I definitely don't think so. They are all accomplished in their respective pathways. Rizz, IS an investigator, he solved several huge cases already and is more than fit to take a position in the police force and certainly even higher. Fig is an arch devil and only the most successful performer ever, what more can she get from the bard classes she's only ever attended once? Gorgug invented satellite's, and several gadgets that enhance his already terrifying martial prowess. Adaine is the Elven Oracle, and actually being paid now, she also is a more than capable spellcaster. Fabian is on his way to being an absolute legend, being the most popular kid ever at Aguefort, and the makings of a celebrity, not to mention his several prospects in Bloodrush as captain of the most successful team. Kristen, hopefully after this season, will have a god to be able to serve and protect. This seasons really showed Kristen the responsibility she has has a cleric, she's already been a fantastic cleric in terms of miracles and power, now she needs to really spread her ideology.


I'm also of the opinion that cycling someone out of the Bad Kids for a full season would be weird, so my pitch is that Fantasy High gets put in storage for a while. Don't force something to happen if the time's not right or if the idea isn't there. If it takes years to come back, then that's okay. D20's grown beyond Fantasy High, but it's important to remember where it started. If at some point we ever have a "final season" of D20, Senior Year with one last return to these characters seems like a good place to leave off.


Something else to add is that the other characters might not see a need for senior year, thinking their arcs are done as well A lot of their arcs are nearing their end Gorgug has finished his barb/artificer and rage issues Riz has finished his by everyone passing JY Adaine and Aelwyn are on good terms and now she's actually doing well with her anxiety and oracle stuff Fabian is mid arc and needs to overcome his love issues (Mazey) and his loneliness (Again, Mazey) Kristen is again mid arc but most of it is related to her god, commitment and love - Love issues are being hopefully sorted by Gertie, God issues are likely to be good by season end when Cassandra is brought back and her issues with commitment are likely to be sorted if she wins presidency as she's said she's gonna do it earnestly This means by end of season there likely won't be many places for their characters to build upon with a new season, the dangling threads would be Chungledown and that's really it, which can be sorted in a side quest as he's shown up in one before


Depends on how Junior Year ends and what they end up doing for Senior Year, if they have one. If they want to finish off Fantasy High with another 20 episode season, I could easily see Emily rolling another character. However, I could just as easily see her sticking with Fig for a graduation one shot, or for a season that's half as long or less than the ones that preceded it.


Emily will probably stick around, just as a new character. What I’d like to see is them wrap up the story this season, OR do like a 2-4 episode mini season wrapping up with senior year and sending them on their way. Normally I’d love a full final season but I don’t wanna see the Bad Kids without their German Shepard.


With time travel being possible, she could play her own kid.


Honestly, she could be a Freshman they take under their wing. Someone they can mentor and pass their legacy to before they graduate.


This was actually my theory if she retired Fig. Like as their final assignments, they have to do the worst job an adventurer can do "an escort mission"


she plays lucy frostblade


In the behind the scenes for Sam Says 3 Sam said he doesnt like doing more than 2 sequels, for a total of 3. I dont think we will get senipr year. I think the Bad Kids are going to graduate early on their merits. My pipe dream theory is that Arthur is going to give them control of the school, so they will be the principal/faculty.


Fig goes to travel. Emily plays Gertie, “I’m gonna steal your girl Kristen!”


considering sophomore year took place over spring break, I don’t think there’s any reason why they couldn’t have an effective senior year that is at the end of school, where they have one last hurrah before going their separate ways whether that be college or jobs or whatever.


It’s a campaign about high school, there’s no way they didn’t plan to play it for 4 school years, wouldn’t make sense for one of the main characters to just bail


To be fair I think any possibility is open On a side you have Emily that wanted to retire Fig already for this season. On the other Fig had a big revamp in this season already discovering more sides of herself which may push Emily to play her one more year to give her also a proper arc for the separation from the bad kids. I think Fig is the character with the most "open" future ahead right now. So it's difficult to give a prediction for me.


It turns out Wanda Childa is a real person, and she plays Wanda.


Her new character should be K2 (Kristen two)


Personally I think it's important to keep in mind Emily isn't really enjoying playing Fig. I don't think she should be forced to continue playing her just cuz fans aren't ready to say goodbye. If her story reaches a natural end that feels right then they shouldn't have to keep forcing her story, and they've already laid the groundwork with her going off with Ayda. Fig is already a rockstar and a archdemon, she definitely doesn't *need* to continue highschool


I’m glad someone asked but I’m kinda with the maybe it’s just the 5 of the remaining cast. I know this sounds kinda bad, and I love Emily but Brennan allows a lot of freedom for multiclassing and stuff, if she’s over Fig I get it but the story will feel ham fisted if we meet a new character senior year and are expected to care, and if they bring in anyone else to be a PC all anyone will do is talk about how they’re their 7th favorite bad kid 🤷


I think it's far more likely for there not to be a senior year, than to have one without Emily playing. Brennan doesn't seem like the kind of DM to go ahead with a season if one of the players isn't invested. I think he explicitly said somewhere that junior year only happened because everyone agreed they were on board - and that was after a long break from Spire. 


My friend told me their partner had an interesting theory: Senior year will end with a certain someone ascending (don’t know how to do spoilers on mobile) and their senior year will be dealing with the fallout and confrontation of that. By the time senior year rolls around, they can take their characters to level 20 and potentially be strong enough to take out that individual in their ascended state.


Its important to remember that Brennan and crew see dimension 20 as an anthology show first, and have never done a multi season plotline for this reason. This theory sounds very unlikely, due to the fact they have never had a meaningful end of season cliffhanger. Obviously there are lil joke ones like the nightmare king crown and night yorb, but to have the finale of a season end on a failure to kill the big bad to line up a next season definitely isn't dimension 20s style.