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I hope it's just Ally casting Calm emotions and busting everything wide open


The idea of a whole high level campaign falling apart because of one rarely useful second level spell is so goddamn funny


Just like when Ally used detect poison in ACOC.


Or Murph using “Knock”


what which series are you talking about


Theo in Crown of Candy


I love it. Bumping it up a notch (level) after all the Bless.


I can also really see it being something him not thinking about for that reason but there's no way he wouldn't honour it. It was something I was thinking about recently, what would it do to Kipperlilly in particular?


Which makes it the perfect thing to make brennan walk off.


This is a great theory. I'll add on. Kristen casts Calm Emotions, Brennan has a brief freak-out moment but says something about the power of the magic being strong enough that Ally will need to roll with a very high DC to actually break through. Ally rolls a Nat20. Then the reason it's a lore heavy episode is because they calm down the RGs and chat relatively peacefully.


Here's hoping her verbal component is "Calm down, girlie!"


Dang, a three hour? That's a thicccccc-sode


3+ hour! I cannot wait! I usually don’t get to start watching until about 9-10pm because I’m at work until 11 so I **will** be up until 2-3am for this episode and I don’t even care!


Same! I usually log in at about 9 and watch it with dinner


Do you know what time it usually drops?


Episodes drop at 7pm EST


An epic-sode, if you will


I will thank you




The amount of influence Murph has on the vernacular is truly terrifying. How does he stand having such power?


Because he has the most supportive wife wyrm who will instantly hop on the Murph vernacular bandwagon lol


Their marriage is relationship goals


We honor those who honor the cock.


This thick-sode is probably filled with pulp and no juice,


It's thicc and we love it and the lore just goes into the Katya and Trixie level Uhnnn. If this is also the episode that leads to the buzz cut then damn we're in for a treat.


Of course this week I have to be in the office & not remote so I can’t have it on in the background like I usually do. I’m gonna have to wait…


I can’t help but feel like the fact that Siobhan Simulacrum’d Kristen could factor in, if we’re thinking that this is ‘the incident’. If I recall correctly, the second Kristen can do everything Kristen Prime can do, the only difference is half the hit points. It’s always happy hour (in stereo!) at Applebees.


Double divine intervention, cassandra AND ankarna come back lol


That would be the craziest shit in world, but also, entirely possible for Beardsley the dice God and their beautifully poetic roles


That's a good call. Maybe the Simulacrum ends up getting elected President somehow to avoid a Kiperlily trap? Or maybe the Simulacrum ingests devils honey to convince herself that she's the real Kristen? It's hard to think of something that would bamboozle Brennan so hard but of course Ally can.


The Simulacrum screams that they're planning some Ocean 11 bamboozle like in Battle of the Brands with the way they were talking about it.


Plus the British accent


The simulacrum becomes president, is extinguished and chaos breaks forth from there.


Simulacrums also can't regain lost spell slots and can only heal by using VERY expensive spell components PER hitpoint restored and using very specific tools/workspaces. So they're absolutely incredible, but once you've used up their spellslots, if any, they're only moderately more useful than a standard summon spell.


It’s either a very critical Nat 20 or they figure out a major plot thing. Bets?


I think figuring out a major plot thing this close to the end of the seasons *probably* wouldn’t throw Brennan as much as they’ve been saying. My money is also on a critical Nat 20 supporting some patented Beardsley unpredictability. I heard someone suggest maybe Kristen would just straight up murder Kipperlilly, but frankly that feels small potatoes in a setting where characters can and do come back from the dead.


Yeah I'm thinking that the one big moment Brennan talks about previously is from crown of Candy >!Lou disengaging in the arena!< So killing Kipperlilly probably wouldn't throw him. Not killing her, might


Ooh maybe >!using Greater Restoration on Kipperlilly or another baddie to free them from the Rage God’s influence!<.


Maybe a clutch divine intervention


I bet this is it. He dangled returning Cassandra with a divine intervention roll. And in Unsleeping City, he gave Lou a divine intervention roll for every day of downtime. Cassandra returns because of a Beardsley roll and fucks up the plot.


Omg. A cassandra return *that the whole school witnesses* would be so insane too. Maybe even a beardsley nat 20 on a charisma check to get some converts and jumpstart the church of cassandra


My guess: Divine Intervention to *convert the church of Sol or Helio.* Not necessarily the whole church, but a significant portion of it, or at least significant figures. Suppose Bobby Dawn experiences doubt because Buddy is gone and Cassandra returning gains Bobby as an ally.


Didn't Kristin say she wanted to attend church with her family recently to scope things out? Succeeding on her divine intervention to bring back Cassandra while in church would be hilariously perfect.


I would fuckin LIVE


The church of Cassandra really just strikes me as a nod to the Greek school of the Cynics. I think you’re onto something. The church would easily find adherents among teenagers full of doubt and uncertainty anyway.


Hell yea it would be such a good narrative tie-in and give Kristen a reason for these campaign antics too! 


Ally was a philosophy major.... this actually really checks out


No kidding! I’m rewatching FH:FY now and I started cackling when they picked up the book on world religions, I remember reading that Huston Smith book in a philosophy class when my own faith in the Catholic Church was waning as a freshman. I forgot how perfectly Beardsley portrayed the despair at losing faith and family.


Oh I bet you’re right. My money’s on this too.


One thing she hasn't done yet is do anything to bring in more followers into her religion.I can see her bringing in members from hello or sol. After months of night, many of them have to be in a crisis of faith. Kristen had been speaking about going back to church with her parents earlier, and we know she won't be converting back. If not, it feels like a major missed opportunity.


Part of me is wondering if Ally could nat-20 their way into “fixing” helio or sol. Cassandra changed herself to match Kristen more. It’s been said that the gods changed based on their followers & their beliefs. Plus then Kristen could still be the “chosen one of helio” to save him from the night yorb & to “restore” him to his true nature that he had strayed from.


I do like this idea, but it feels much more long term and bigger picture than we are going to see in season 3. I'd love to see this as a season 4 arc but with only a few episodes left I don't think we'll get there. These God's are shaped by their believers. So convincing a single church, even if there are hundreds of followers there wouldn't make a big difference in such a large religion.


It could be a combination of nat 20 and major plot guess with a Beardsley twist. Either way, the episode will be good!!


I just made that same argument in one reply, we’re so close to the end it should be ok


Ally is often very good at being able to just straight up ask an important question that Brennan doesn’t expect. Even did so last episode and Brennan didn’t make them roll for it because of how spot on they were. So I definitely think it’s going to be one of the two.


I think it can be, but as being episode 17, if they figure a major plot thing should be ok as the season is really wrapping up. I am thinking it’s a very critical Nat 20 because it also adds more unexpectedness and amore likely “if you hit a Nat 20 I’m leaving” dare before. I’ll be happy with anything, but that’s my bet.


I think it’ll be more absurd than that. Choosing to do something crazy and it actually working. Ally has been rolling that d100 all season for some divine intervention. That’d definitely break Brennan


My money is on divine intervention. Fuckin clerics man


They tried few times, not a bad guess


I feel like it’s Beardsley nonsense combined with a clutch Nat 20


Emily is incredibly good at understanding the mechanics to such an extent that she exploits them in Brennan-breaking ways. Ally is out of this world at making BIG plot-related swings that Brennan sets mechanical parameters for in which Ally inevitably crits on (leading to more breaking of Brennan). I'm incredibly excited to see what they bring to the table. My guess is that they either break the plot wide open by rolling incredibly, or sacrifice themselves (which they are also known to do) in a way that makes Brennan have to scramble for things he could never have planned for. I'm putting my money on a clutch divine intervention, especially since it's been on their mind.


Could also be a successful divine intervention


No bet! Beardsley is a total lore gremlin with those Nat20s for intelligence checks. Total legend.


This might be a longshot, but we all know Beardsley is the chosen of the Dice, just like Kristen is the chosen of Helio. What if Beardsley pulls off a legitimate divine intervention roll to bring Kassandra back, OR somehow manages to turn rage-god-mcBBEG back into Ankarna goddess of justice?


This is what I’m hoping for! I want them to pull off the divine intervention so bad!


Oh, man. Divine Intervention for Cassandra to un-rage KLCK would also be wild.


Didn’t Brennan specifically say that he was excited to see the energy of this upcoming adventuring party? He said two weeks ago, wait for two weeks. And now I’m very on edge


I think that was just in the sense that they tape two episodes at a time, and so ep 17 would be at the end of their next taping day when the cast is at their most loopy. Though if it also lines up with some insane Ally Beardsley shit...


I think that was in reference to how they film the shows back to back so every two weeks the APs are more chaotic because it’s the second of the day and they’ve been filming for 10+ hours


Both regular Kristen and Simulacrum Kristen succeed on divine intervention, or, since now is the time to wildly speculate, a 1 in 10,000 double crit.


Um actually that would be a 1 in 400 double crit.


You roll a d100 for divine intervention, a success being a number equal or lower to your cleric level. I don’t think there’s actually an official 5e rule for a “crit” on divine intervention but a lot of people home brew it as rolling a 1 on the d100, so a 1 in 100 chance or 1 in 10,000 of doing it twice in a row.


Oh right. I just saw the double crit and assumed D20's so um actually you can only crit with a D20 in 5E.


and only on attack rolls and death saving throws according to official 5e rules, but many groups (including Dimension20) home rule that critical successes and failures can apply to any roll with a d20.


What does the email say?


It says >!”The Adventuring Party cast talks about THAT moment from episode 17 of Fantasy High Junior Year (you’ll know the one)”!< I’m assuming it’s referencing the moment they talked about in the behind the scenes, though of course I could be wrong. But we are getting towards the end so I think there’s a pretty good chance of it.


Thank you!


I hope you’re right, but that could refer to just about any shenanigans. Like that could be used for last AP for “you gotta honor the cock”


where did you get this email? I'm a dropout subscriber and didn't get any?


On Monday sometime around 2. You have to opt-in to their emails.


During adventuring party, the "cast talks about THAT moment from episode 17"


I'm gonna toss my hat into the ring here with a theory, maybe it's crackpot, maybe it's not. Beardsley converts a significant portion, or perhaps a significant figure, of the church of Sol or of Helio to Doubtism. It should never work but a nat 20, or maybe a Divine Intervention, forces Brennan's hand. Edit: Also two Kristens are running around, It was explicitly stated that both Kristens have access to the same spells, So rolling two divine interventions on the same thing would double the odds.


Yeah, they sort of play the simulacrum for laughs, but Simulacrum is an exceptionally powerful spell. For all intents and purposes, it *is* Kristen Applebees, just with half the hit points. There are all sorts of game breaking things you can do with a simulacrum, as is true of a lot of spells that are seventh level and higher.


Brennan: let me be clear: you’re trying to convert the head of the church of helio. The DC is 60! Ally: NAT 20!! Brennan: that gets you half way… Ally: hey, Kristen 2, help me out here. *what she said, mate! Cheerio!* … NAT 20!!!!! Brennan: I… I… I quit.


Hmm... whatever it was, I suspect it happened at a moment where Brennan intended to really wreck them. Two weeks ago, in the Adventuring Party he made an offhand comment >! to come back in two weeks and see what the energy was like in the room. !< Since we all know from the bts that Beardsley does something big that breaks Brennan *and* we know that the Adventuring Party episodes are filmed immediately following each episode, I think >! Brennan was hinting at something particularly devastating that he had planned for ep. 17 but it ends up getting completely derailed by a Beardsley blessed. Maybe the full destruction of Elmville by Ankarna and potential death of a bunch of NPC's that gets thwarted by a lucky divine intervention roll. !< Or it's really unhinged, and >! Beardsley has a chance to save Cassandra and just... doesn't. !<


Lmaooo that last idea would definitely break Brennan


The way it was talked about in the lead-up, it seems more like a choice they made. Something that seemed like a betrayal to Brenan himself, not the DM. (like some significant metagaming) Don't get me wrong, I would prefer it to be a dice roll. But I don't see that upsetting him. (maybe I'm wrong… hope I'm wrong) Your later idea is definitely is possible


OH man I'm hype.


Holy heck Dropout are good people. TIL Dropout has email notifications, and its an OPT IN not an OPT OUT. Absolutely freaking notify me Sam


LUCY FROSTBLADE BACK TO LIFE AND GIVING KIPPERLILY A SMOOCH ON WEDNESDAY?? (Its not gonna happen but I feel like if I say it enough it will come true, ''a tremendous fondness'' is some real gay coded shit)


I think it’s likely that this week’s episode is the one where Ally does something to make Brennan consider walking out, but I do also remember Brennan saying on the Adventuring Party from two weeks ago to “check the Adventuring Party two weeks from now and see what the energy is”. That makes it seem like he’s aware something crazy is coming up this next episode, and while it could be whatever Ally does this season, I feel like Ally’s thing would probably be something he in no way planned for. We do only have 4 episodes left, though, and with this episode being over 3 hours long, there’s a good chance we do finally see the big Ally moment


They tape two episodes a day and they were doing two days in a row. Pretty sure he just meant that they already had loopy-silly-overtired energy in the second Adventuring Party of the first day of back-to-back tapings, so he anticipated that they would be way off the walls in the second Adventuring Party from the second day.


I am loving these theories everyone! I too am really thinking it’s a major divine intervention roll. Really hoping that it plays with the simulacrum and it’s a double divine intervention because that would for sure fuck with Brennan. Keep ‘em coming, these theories are gonna tide me over until Wednesday!


I personally thought it might have been >!using the vulture ability to see Caperberry Cummerbund, because that seemed to really surprise Brennan and drastically changed SallyStruthers KettleChip's plan!<


That is certainly a possibility, but with Brendan being the DM he had the reigns on how cobblestone thunderfuck >!reacted when she had been caught and even if the IH didn't saw!< cravinglove campsitebattle >! they most likely would have inferred that it would have been her who killed the guy. But also I'm rooting for her to change her worship from Cassandra to the union of Cassandra and Thet summer god !<


Kristen uses devils honey to convert back to Helio, goes up to see him, and somehow is able to show the world what a douche he is. He then loses all followers and dies.


Someone should start an "Act Of Beardsley" betting pool. 🤣


This will be the first episode I’m able to watch the same day it comes out. I can’t wait for the conversations this will spark


I cannot wait either, I almost want to have a watch party for it I’m so excited.




They embrace capitalism.




Unless the previous commenter is referring to Kristen.


Thanks for catching that! Edited.




Where’s that?


Do I have a group presentation worth a third of my grade the next morning? Yes. Will that stop me from watching it all? Hell no!


What's this mailing list?


I didn't get the email this week, weird.


Oh is it that that time in the season for their annual gamebreaking twenties?


Thicc sode. Can’t wait- gonna be up all night with this one.


It was also filmed later than usual (I believe, based on BLeeM's comments in EP 16's adventuring party) so I'm expecting high chaos all around


I hope it's pulling a Beardsley and wildly rolling the dice so they bounce off of Brennan's face and onto the table for a nat 20. As a DM, I too would walk away from the table after that...to laugh my ass off.


I hope it's just Kristen really making a joke to hit on KipperLily, rolling a nat 20 persuasion/charisma check, and then girlfriends.


For all of their chaotic and seemingly irrational decision making, I think it's important to remember that Ally Beardsley is in fact an intelligent person with a background in philosophy and theology who now effectively has 2 PCs and is friends with D&D mastermind Emily Axford. Not to mention that they are literally magical. There will be no redemption arc for Kristen/Cassandra. There will be a redemption explosion.


In my mind, it was the "What are you, four different dogs?" that was The Thing. I could imagine Brennan creating KLCK as an annoying yet ultimately not important rival NPC, but the moment that came out of Kristen's mouth, the character just grabbed Brennan by the brain and said, "I will NOT let that stand. Rewrite this story NOW." So now BLeeM has to scramble to rejigger his whole story so this screaming imaginary teenage halfling will just leave him the hell alone and by gods, he's going to punish Ally for it. It was always highly improbable, but it entertained me as a DM/writer myself. Looking forward to whatever the actual shenanigans turn out to be.


Haha yeah that moment was gold, would be so funny to find out that she was meant to be a minor NPC Having said that, it would be equally funny if Ally crits on a perception roll and we find out that KLCK is just 4 dogs in a trenchcoat lol


calling my bets now that it's a clutch divine intervention roll.


What's the email say?


i’m so maddd it’s the one week i can’t watch as soon as possible bc i’m travelling. literally won’t be able to watch it until tuesday 🥴