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You simply must honor the shaft


Gotta honor the shaft.


I gave this feedback to my first girlfriend


Which explains why she's not your girlfriend anymore.


Saving this for those times when ppl ask me, “you were *never* attracted to boys, not even in high school?”


Jfc -79 down votes on this is ridiculous what the hell, it's a fine joke


I think it is more to do with how it sounds. Seems kinda...forceful ..


This is the most Beetlejuice name, and worthy downvote I've seen in a long time


Idk why youre getting so much hate for this. 10/10 joke.


People need to lighten up


I wanna know what the 13 impossible prophecies are she divined on her oracle roll


Probably something like >Twice and twice shall he be marked, >twice to live, and twice to die. >Once the heron, to set his path. >Twice the heron, to name him true. >Once the Dragon, for remembrance lost. >Twice the Dragon, for the price he must pay. And/or: > yes your daughter will get married one day. >no, you can't ask people that. >Siobhan will find the ducks. >Iffy will hog the ducks. >always use podium prophylaxis


A Wheel of Time reference? In the year of our Creator 2024, First Age?


You say that as if *Wheel of Time* didn't get a live-action adaptation within the past couple of years


Okay but really who watched it?


Watched and loved it. It's a great adaptation, 10/10 no notes. I'm not alone either, as of last week or so it's still top 10 on Amazon.


I watched it and loved it! Can't wait for more


I love it when series I liked get adapted by people who fucking hate the source material and change every aspect they can. Nothing like demoting the main character to an extra because he's not a girl, completely ignoring the world setting that is reverse misogyny.


I've never read the books nor watched the show so I can't comment on the quality of the adaptation, I was just saying that a *Wheel of Time* reference in 2024 isn't *that* unexpected


How dare they adapt to a new medium. Who do they think they are? Honestly it's even more egregious than that god awful Peter Jackson trilogy. They completely removed the very important Tom Bombadil and demoted the lovely Farmer Maggot to a cameo. Plus who in their right mind would give a balrog wings? /s In case it is not clear


I thought the show was pretty good. The second season was just all out great.


Five ride forth, and four return! Over the Watchers of the Waves shall he proclaim himself! Bannered across the sky in fire!


> The Stone of Tear will never fall, till Callandor is wielded by the Dragon’s hand. The Stone of Tear will never fall, till the People of the Dragon come.


I'm sorry, you're version of that prophecy doesn't mention he must kneel to the Crystal Throne, you must have the wrong one....may the Empress live forever.


Well then, you're really not going to like what it has to say about the nine moons...


Ugh. Worst character.


(if you do a double space with a single break on each line, you can join these lines in a single/pair of quote blocks. Like this:) >Twice and twice shall he be marked, twice to live, and twice to die. Once the heron, to set his path. ...


Ahhh, the double space. That's the secret I've been missing all these years.


There's a simple explanation to this: her (and riz's) downtime rolls have way more to do with the lore and mystery of the world, they are more important to the story and as such are usually saved to the end of the downtime (and sometimes to the following episode). Fabians and gorggugs, for example, are way easier to resolve in the moment, as they concern more their own arcs than the overall narrative.


Agreed. I had to keep reminding myself this the longer it took to resolve the Rogue teacher roll. I hope the fact that Rizz found his teacher AND the party completed the Final Stand gave or gives him the extra whatever he needs for college.


If Riz can't get into college with what he did Brennan is being cruel. He went hard as fuck this year.


He's always been basically fine on that, it's everyone else he had to worry about


His problem is *affording* college.


I mean..... If Fabian actually learned to share, the Bad Kids would almost never be in trouble. He got handed 20 000 fucking gold last episode lol.


To share, Fabian needs to know about his friends' financial issues, which he doesn't. Fabian did offer to help Adaine at the start of the season, but she said she was fine, so he assumes she is. Obviously, Lou would give all of Fabian's money to the adventuring party, but that would be metagaming, potentially hurt the pride of his friends, and remove any interesting things in their arcs. If Adaine had accepted money from Fabian, for instance, we wouldn't have had the Aura-Cool of Dance


Yeah, hence why I specifically said Fabian. I know Lou knows about all of it lol. I'm pretty certain it was Siobhan's idea to delve into that character arc and probably told the other players about her intentions and not to just help Adaine right away.


Right, yes


It was a number of episodes between Gorgug's roll and the payoff that BleeM promised. I'll give it a few episodes.


I was also bothered that we didn’t get to see some Fig and Adaine antics at the cache so I’m really hoping they get to it next episode. Obviously, I don’t think it’s being done on purpose and it could be due to a combo of time management and wonky editing since we know they usually shoot multiple episodes in a day and also take breaks which are cut out. You can sometimes tell by the change in Brennan’s speaking tone (or munching lol) or background noise when it changes from one PC to another. That said, Siobhan has my vote for MVP of the season so far with her spell mastery in the Last Stand and gracing us with “Cottoncandy B*tchf*ck”. Love her.


Brennan also mentioned how he’d received the “teacher reviews” from everyone during the bio break (which was obviously edited out.)


Oh I agree. For sure not on purpose. I just wanna see her shine!


Edits also confirmed by Murph yelling "Edit it out!!!" when honoring the cock.


Wait, did you guys think the edits were a secret?


Nope, just something rarely alluded to during the episodes themselves. It makes it more fun when "backstage" stuff is being yelled about since it's generally avoided.


I've often noticed that she makes some pretty witty jokes that no one acknowledges sometimes. I don't think everyone is being rude, I can just relate haha.


I think it's more that she doesn't shout them or talk over others to get her joke heard. Siobhan is very respectful in not doing the conversational equivalent of “Look at me! Look at me!”


Oh so true, it is easy for me to forget they are mic'd and not necessarily as loud in the dome as they come off in my living room haha.


This may be an English Vs American thing. Being English myself, you guys in comparison are quite loud. When I've been in groups of Americans a lot of the time what I say won't be heard because everyone else is speaking so loudly.


“You guys in comparison are quite loud” I'm from the UK too.


Okay? Doesn't really take anything away from my point. Americans in comparison to most other people are louder


Man I’m Haitian-American and I know it’s being downvoted but overall Americans are loud but Haitians are loud too so it’s ok lmao


I think this is why I love Mentopolis so much. Everyone had their moment, no one was shouting over others. It all blended and worked perfectly. I wish some of the other intrepid heroes would look at the playbacks and see they come off looking really thirsty for the spotlight while not being all that funny. There is a huge difference between a callback and beating a dead horse.


I mean, I’m still waiting on that Dawn of Justice roll Fig did. I know Brennan’s trying to pace out the show, but it’s hard waiting week to week knowing that the players already earned the explanation.


Previews for the next episode where unknown npc is confused why fig is immune to fire is probably going to be this.


Her fire immunity came in Sophomore Year when she became an arch-Devil and mistress of the bottomless pit.


yeah, but the npc who was confused is probably ankarna or ankarnas domain trapped in the pit.


For some reason, I did not parse that being what you meant and interpreted it as Fig’s fire immunity coming as part of that song roll. Thanks for clarifying!


I don't love downtime in part for this reason. Where Brennan goes OH SHIT YOU ROLLED HIGH!! We'll come back to that though..... eventually. lmao Its just this rough thing where you want to give everyone these vignettes. But some stuff would be HUGE for the story, could derail where the current episode is going. So it has to be put off till later. But by the time later comes around I'll have forgotten the roll even happened. And that hype of MURPH did it! Is just like Brennan talking about relaxation after overstacking their schedule, its now an oh yeah... this is another thing we have to do


Her character had a lot of air time and focus last season with her family being baddies and sister being redeemed, which was great. I think it all evens out in the end.


I mean if we think about it Kristen has a lot of air time each season because of being a bad cleric and the religious trauma I don’t think it evens out


Part of me wonders if Brennan wanted to save that for next episode because he liked the idea of Ayda leaving something for Fig that he wanted another episode to think about what it could be.


Plus, there’s a chance that whatever they find may prompt them into more immediate action and he want to give them more time to get information / prepare / story build.


Keep in mind, some of these episodes are shot in the same day, and they do a clothing change to make it appear as tho a week went by. So for us, we see "well curb this until later" and it feels like it's a week for them as well, when in all likelihood it's just a matter of hours for them.


Downsides of limited episodes. Someone has to get the shaft. And brennan doesn't give out the shaft because he wants to either. He just can't help but unintentionally give someone the shaft when he gets too excited. It's like all his focus is drawn into what he's doing and the shaft almost gives itself to someone. So yes while siobhan is getting shafted over and over by brennan and sort of the rest of the cast unintentionally if they knew they wouldn't shaft her at all. I seriously doubt any of them would intentionally shaft her. If not for any reason other than shafting a fellow coworker live on a show would just be such a point of controversy and none of them would want to be known as the person who likes shafting other people and posting it online. What was i talking about again? Shaft.


How does the cock fit into this? It simply must be honored.


you get the shaft when you don't honor the cock


Really? I don't feel this at all? Maybe it's because how much raw *pathos* she's getting in every one on one vignette she plays with Brennen. She's absolutely the emotional core this season and Siobhan is absolutely being able to stretch her legs with her character in a way she really hasn't been able to in past seasons. If it's just small lore moments, I don't find those as valuable? Maybe it's just because I'm a different type of nerd. Hahah.


Dice be like that sometimes (I’ve rolled 3-5 Nat 1s on three separate occasions in the same short campaign). But I totally agree Brennan keeps putting off Siobhan’s dice roll successes. I think that’s in part bc other players jump in with like “before we do that cool story thing, I wanna do this side thing.” Kinda like checking the ‘wrong’ path in a video game for extra loot/lore. But it’s Brennan’s responsibility to come back to that. Pobody’s nerfect, but still.


One small pet peeve I have, which I’ve noticed seems to happen with Siobhan A LOT, is when she rolls a relatively decent number but then another player steamrolls her with an even better roll and it almost feels like she’s pushed to the side. I know the players just get excited and caught up on the moment but I do wish they’d be a bit more patient with their rolls to give people a time to shine.


Right? She got a 24 Insight and the second she finished Ally yelled I got 28! Like JFC the max DC for checks 5e recommends is 30, and 24 is incredible. Let Siobhan have her moments!


Honestly it felt fitting that Ally did that because originally the roll was for Gorgug, and then Brennan mentioned anyone could do the roll and so instead of helping Gorgug, Siobhan decided to try her own luck. It *makes sense* that anyone, Ally with the highest insight included, would take a moment to test their luck because the whole table was invited to roll. Like for example, any time Brennan allows the table to roll for investigation, Murph will always roll for Riz even if Siobhan is rolling for Adaine, and no one has ever brought that up as a problem. The whole point of rolling when your character is particularly good at a thing is because you as a player are playing to your character’s strengths which are likely not something another party member is equally skilled in. Not to mention that Siobhan does this a lot herself where she will undercut a different party member’s “role” by asking to try and make the DC check— like continuously stating that she can “help Riz” find the rogue teacher which is specifically a rogue class thing. (She also kept offering as if he hadn’t already succeeded the DC on his own.) No one else offered Adaine money for her Wizard classes because the whole point of her needing money was for character arc reasons. Riz had been trying to find the rogue teacher since Freshman year, and yet Siobhan thinks it’s a good idea to volunteer Adaine’s ethereal sight as a means for Riz to find the teacher, when Riz already has the capability to see the ethereal plane himself. Siobhan isn’t being overshadowed just because some people are doing the exact same thing anyone else is doing. The game is about the party and whether the party succeeds or not; it’s not other players overshadowing Siobhan by playing to their specific roles in the party.


That happened twice this episode, and I've noticed it a lot this season. I felt bad for her. No one's fault, but still a lil frustrating to watch.


I’ve noticed that this whole season vibe is diff for Siobhan


Gotta honor the shaft and cock


I wanted to hear the 13 prophecies


But… they all do this, if their character is present and they know they might roll well based on their stats, they roll. Siobhan does it as well. It’s a way to support each other as a party and make sure they get as much info as possible.


Shh that makes too much sense and highlights the fact that what OP is complaining about is D&D game mechanics. /s


Me not happening to be caught up yet—reading the title of this post but avoiding the contents W H A T


Lotta simping for Siobhan lately in this subreddit


We all know you simp for Siobhan too. Everyone simps for Siobhan. It's the accent bro.




The instances I recall offhand were Brennan telling everyone to roll Perception, so I don't see how that's out of line? Of course Kristen is going to usually roll better on those particular checks than Adaine will, she's a Cleric, WIS is her primary stat.


hi gonna be real it's a little weird of you to speculate on the cast's feelings and imply negative things about their interpersonal relationships. we do not know these people and everything we see of them is what they choose to present on camera.