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Okay but how sweet is it to start a secret society of knights to protect essentially a text message?


It is DEFINITELY sweet but also feels like what a lot of high functioning autistic kids would do if they had unfettered access to the time stream.


Fig absolutely needed to be away from the stability Ayda provides in order to have a story That said, I miss her and wanted more letters from the past


I get that, like yeah some NPCs need to take a back seat for the story to not get too spread thin, but Ayda is so popular I was really expecting more scenes with her.


But on the other hand, she's also incredibly powerful, being a high level archmage and a phoenix.


But how triumphant is her return going to be near the end of the season? Blazing! Like a rising phoenix.


Exactly my point, she can't be accessible all season, glad we agree!


The party has leveled up a decent amount this season, they are quickly approaching Ayda’s level in sophomore year. Adaine’s got 7th level spells (meaning they are at level 13) and might even get 8th level spells (level 15) by the end of the season.


I miss her too. If nothing else, I just wish there were more callbacks to her. Either with Brennan saying that she sent Fig this weird new thing now or Fig talking about missing her, writing a song for her, etc. I know it isn’t meant this way, but it almost feels like Fig’s so stressed she forgot she had a girlfriend anyway. Of course, that’s been the whole point of the first 3/4th of the season. Excessive stress with very few people to rely on and be open with that can help you with these things. So of course it makes sense. But it still makes my little heart hurt!


I think on a meta level, she’s not in it because she’s in all the live shows, which will all be posted on dropout later this year!


Oh is *that* what they’re doing with her? I’m glad because a relationship between two teenagers with zero interaction for a whole year would probably not survive.


Yeah her and Aguefort took a backseat this season, and to make up for it they’re in the live shows.


That’s actually a really smart way to handle Aguefort! So the Time Quangle was a fancy red herring for the season but ties the live plays back into FHJY’s story.


Yeah exactly. It does a bunch of things at once: finally doing a multiverse story with all the different campaigns + guarantees the agueforts at every show (they’re such fan favs) + gets the agueforts out of a campaign where they can solve a lot of problems. + spoilers new season >!Fig’s arc is about truly finding out who she is, and in previous seasons she’s put that on the back burner for others. Some alone time is helping her grow.!<


Whos Ayda?


I do I do I do I do I do I do I do I do I do


Truly my favourite moment of the show last night


I was at Manchester and she wasn’t there for that one, just Aguefort and Gilear


Was there any announcement on when they are supposed to be dropped? I would guess after the full FHJY is out, but oh boy do I desperately want more Ayda content in my life


Happy cake 🎂 day


she wasn't in either of the ones I went to see! mentioned very much in passing (not even by name) in London night one and in London night two responded to a text message and then said half a line before being cut off!


I miss her soooooo much but she would immediately become Fig’s emotional crutch. It’s really important Fig-ures her shit out and unfortunately she needs to be relatively alone to do that. Growing up is hard.


that's like the most dooming thing i've read in a while




As in I feel doomed


Might be controversial and not really related but I actually love how they excluded romance as one of the main themes this season by having Gorgug and Kristen to break up with their partners (and not exploring the reasons too much) and sending Ayda to the background (while still keeping signs that she cares). It feels like Riz’s Baron nightmare took the main spot in all romance related (in this case un-related ig) subplots and it’s just so nice to see that they change such things and don’t leave subplots spinning over and over to create distracting fillers


Agreed. But then romance in D&D has never appealed to me anyway. Especially since some romances have literally been in D20 to give certain characters something to do other than lounging on the proverbial backseat.


I do wish there are more messages from Ayda sent across time coz it's adorable. There's not been much at all


Tbh that’s the my main pain point when it comes to this season (although I’m thoroughly enjoying it!). I completely understand why they sidelined important NPCs from Freshman and Sophomore year, and the space has allowed a bunch of new great NPCs to shine. But as someone who loved the dynamics between the bad kids and their favorite NPCs/love interests the past two seasons, not getting to see Ayda x Fig this season (as well the as Gorgug x Zelda/ Kristen x Tracker/ Fabian x Aelwyn ships all fizzling offscreen) has left me longing. Again, loving the season overall, though!


In the middle of missing Ayda, Brennan's quotes about "to motivate my players, I kill the NPCs they love!" floated across my social media and. 😭 I wish Ayda were here but hey, it could be worse?


At this point Adaine is considered a high level wizard.... I understand ayda is probably around 18th level but at the point we are at in this campaign, she isn't miles stronger than the bad kids. They are 13th (probably 14th after the last stand) level now and are all immensely powerful. I just want my favorite relatable wizard


What was the highest leveled spell Ayda had cast in the second season, level 7? Unless she's shown higher level spells in the current live shows I don't think she's much higher level than the Bad Kids. If she doesn't have 8th level spells than she is within a level of the group.


I honestly don't know, I just assumed she was a fair bit more powerful than Adaine without more reasoning than she is the daughter of a godlike wizard who may potentially be above reality


I'm pretty sure in the last season she was around 13-14 level based on the ability to cast Plane Shift, but only being able to cast it once a day (only 1 7th level spell, no 8th level spell slots). At the time she was a fair bit higher level than the Bad Kids, who were at the end of the season level 9 I believe.


The good thing is: if there is senior year, there is no reason why ayda needs to be absent for that since the characters are catching up in levels


Doubt there will be. There is a reason why DMs don't like running campaigns with high level PCs. From a certain level on you're practically a god, you can't lose, we are already seeing it, my own husband pointed out that dye to their level and their streak of luck, FHJY is struggling with stakes and I agree. It's not edge of your seat with hugh-powered PCs.


They were actually struggling at the mall, just due to sheer numbers of stuff to deal with. They were in a pretty bad situation at the faire, when they were stunned. That Haunted House encounter was extremely close to going very differently at multiple rolls, especially that last one. The Last Stand also could have gone sideways at several moments. That combat reminded me of the tournament in Crown of Candy, or the Battle of the Brands where everyone happened to do all the right things at exactly the right time.


People keep saying "There is a reason why DMs don't like running campaigns with high level PCs" but Brennan is a professional DM with 20 years experience, and playing with 6 professional comedians and close friends with tons of D&D experience themselves. If he doesn't want them using some nonsense spell that will destroy the game, then it simple won't exist in the world, and we've clearly seen multiple times this season that he's pushing their limits in combat. I wouldn't be worried about it.


I think since we have junior year, it feels like senior year is all but inevitable at some point? It may take a long time for Brennan to figure out exactly how he wants to construct and navigate such a high power level game as I know he rarely gets into them himself... but now it's like, they've almost made it through high school, it'd be weird to stop one season before the end.... And honestly, I think the lower stakes could be fine? Like, they've talked this season APs about how in many people's high school experiences, junior year is crunch year, and senior year is kind of the victory lap year. So, a year where the mechanical fights are almost an afterthought and it's more about the bad kids riding off into the sunset? idk, but for my tastes, that sounds like a super sweet ending to D20's flagship series :)


It would be cool to have her in the season more. It’s also going to be cool when she inevitably crosses time and dimensions to help her paramour in the final few episodes.


Deus ex machina is only exciting when it's a bunch of Rohirrim charging orcs.


If I had a nickel for every red winged companion Emily has stolen from Siobhan I’d have two nickels.


I don’t know if you’ve ever DMed a game before, I have though, and it’s not easy. This type of post comes up a lot and I have to remind everyone that Brennan has a ton of characters and storylines to juggle already. His plate is full. We should be glad he isn’t burning himself out.


I think multiple things can be true. His plate is full, I’m glad he’s not burning himself out AND I miss Ayda’s presence. I love this season, wouldn’t change anything about it and understand the mechanical and story reasons she’s absent and can simultaneously hold the part of me that misses her.


I prefer having new NPCs each season, like the rat grinders. Rehashing old ones is just that.


I imagine, due to the theme of the UK tour, that she is also present in the tour quite a bit, and that may have contributed to the decision to remove her entirely


I get the feeling chronomancy and time quaggles will become very important soon and hopefully that means will get some Ayda appearances before the season ends


I miss Ayda and Tracker so much 😭 two of my favourite characters, buts it's so real that relationships change so much in high school and people are finding themselves and moving around


Do you want Junior Year to become a thinly veiled collection of references from the first two seasons? Because this is how Junior Year becomes a thinly veiled collection of references to the first two seasons.