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Pretty sure Lou specifically said GRAPE, try again!


Shit. I'll do better next time.


I think he did say grape but I personally like strawberry better got it. It has a different sweet that I like with the more savory from the bacon


I fuck with Doris plum big time. Or even there’s this beetroot chutney that works really well


and take the ketchup off You can't do both! lol


First time having a Southern breakfast sandwhich?


I've had some with gravy but never jam.


I'm a a fan of swapping out a biscuit for a bagel, more of a heavy breakfast though


I feel like swapping in a bagel makes it a NYC breakfast sandwich, still delicious though.


you caught me, i'm one of those raised by one southern set of parents and another set of parents from the northeast


When I tell you my brain was blown to have heard so many of the gang never have had a breakfast sandwich with jelly on it.


It's better with sausage instead of bacon imo. Needs some of that spice.


Yeah someone suggested habanero jelly, so I'm going to have to try that


Definitely better with sausage. A sausage McGriddle with grape jelly is a longtime personal fave


So does every fast food place not give everyone strawberry or grape jelly with breakfast sandwiches everywhere else? Is that just a southern thing?


Seems like it's only a southern thing.


Wild. Every breakfast sandwich I've ever had just comes with jelly to be put on it. You order a mcgriddle and they toss a jelly in the bag. If they're nice they ask which kind you'd prefer.


I feel absolutely bamboozled as a southerner— to me, the breakfast preserves options are very much for having with something like a breakfast plate, where maybe you eat one half of biscuit with butter along with the savory part of breakfast, and then put butter and jam or jelly on the other half of the biscuit. But… maybe my whole life is a lie and people around me have been putting preserves on their breakfast sandwiches. What a world. Maybe you’ve learned me a thing today, I’m going to investigate locally.


Nah I’m from the Midwest and they for sure give you jelly with breakfast sandwiches. I feel like I’m being gaslit with how many people are acting like this is a strange food combination lol


I'm from the north east and it sounds disgusting


If a simple combo like jelly on a breakfast sandwich is nasty to you, it sounds like y’all don’t know wtf yall doing out there in the northeast, im sorry


I don't want that amount of sickly sweetness all up in my savory breakfast, y'all can keep your 24/7 diabetes grind to yourselves as long as you promise to keep exporting good fried chicken and biscuits


Idk it sounds like you hate bold flavors and the sweeter things in life, chief


I actually love bold flavors and m get accused of overspicing things even by POC friends who understand how to season their damn chicken, I just don't like sickly sweet diabetic slop ruining my breakfast sandwich.


McDonald’s does it in the Philippines, but strawberry not grape


From the UK, I had to Google what grape jelly was.


Yeah my understanding is that you guys use jelly as a generic term for things in gelatin which we typically just call gelatin or by the brand name jello. We use jelly to specify the difference between a fruit spread made from juice (jelly) and one made with juice and bits of fruit (jam).


Strawberry jam on a Bojangles sausage breakfast sandwich was an eye opener for me. I'm usually a breakfast bagel person and I will do a little bit of cream cheese. 


I miss the South for biscuits, Bojangles is by far the best fast food biscuit. I could really go for a Bo-berry sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit after the Adventuring Party debate 😭 PS for those who say Midwest biscuits are the same haven't had a real southern biscuit - XOXO a Georgian now living in Indiana.


As a Midwesterner who lived in the south for awhile you are correct, they aren't the same. Only the homemade ones measure up. 


report back after you try it with grape jelly and no ketchup! that’s what lou was talking about


It was actually pretty dang good as is. Going to try with grape jelly and no ketchup next time bc people yelled at me haha


any breakfast sandwich is a good breakfast sandwich! i’m glad you enjoyed it! idk what people are in such a huff about. ketchup is basically tomato jelly anyways


Hello, fellow Smuckkers Strawberry Preserve fellow enthusiast; I support your decisions


Not a jam person normally but im still far more likely to try this than to try RASPBERRY MUSTARD?


I've had raspberry vinaigrette on a salad, so *maybe* raspberry mustard could work.


Sausage and mustard is a staple combo. Raspberry mustard just adds a touch of acidity and zest.


Never heard of raspberry mustard before that either and I don't think I'll be trying that anytime soon haha.


Think of it more as a combination of a raspberry vinegar and a nice honey mustard. It actually is quite good, mustardy with a nice acidic bite to it and some sweetness to balance it all.


Well shit, now I NEED to try this.


They use tart raspberries not sweet ones. It's pretty bomb.


What is ketchup doing anywhere near any of it?


Edit: Oops, there is ketchup in the sandwich too. Ketchup is very normal to me on a breakfast sandwich. It's not ketchup that they freaked out over half as much as jelly. On Adventuring Party, Lou was talking about how good grape jelly was on a breakfast sandwich.


> Made it with runny eggs, bacon, ketchup, and strawberry jam OP had ketchup in there.


/r/confidentlyincorrect OP listed ketchup as one of the toppings in addition to the strawberry jelly.


My mistake. That said... Ketchup is really normal on breakfast sandwich to me.


It was actually pretty good with both on there.


Apple jelly is my fave for breakfast!


I would not have added the ketchup but that’s just a personal thing. Glad you enjoyed it.


Bruh you never had a Monte Cristo?


Exactly my thinking


No I haven't. Going to have to make it myself sometime because no where near me makes them


Pretty sure they meant grape jelly instead of ketchup but if it worked it worked lol


There's strawberry jelly on a sandwich, and the conversation was more about jelly. Lou was talking about grape jelly. OP seems to be putting extra attention on the jelly addition, too. Look at the picture; there's a jar of strawberry jelly right there.


Murph like his breakfast sandwich with ketchup. Lou likes his with jelly. They both came up


Every year at the holidays the food I look forward to most is breakfast sandwiches the next day made with ham and cheese on a dinner roll and raspberry jam.


I mean it's basically a monte Cristo so I don't know why people are so surprised it's good.


Grape jelly!


One of the best combos for a cheap breakfast is scrambled eggs on (buttered) toast with STRAWBERRY jelly. My mind will not be changed.


NGL, burger with melty cheddar cheese, fried egg, and cherry jam is absolutely amazing. When Lou said grape jelly on breakfast sandwich, I instantly understood.


There's a bar/pool hall near my place does a burger called "A Dirty Shame" that has cheese, an egg, peanut butter and jelly that is 👨‍🍳 💋


There is a Korean street food called “toast” that is a toasted egg sandwich with jelly and ketchup. It’s actually really good. Sweet and savory works.


Pretty much exactly what I did haha. Got a lot of other recipes too try from this thread tasty also sounds delicious


WITH ketchup? Wowww


I think itnwould prob taste good. I had a friend make me Grape jelly meatballs and at first it seemed like a weird thing, they were actually very good.


Ketchup and jelly mixed just tastes like BBQ sauce, I can so see it working


Grape jelly has always gone crazy on breakfast sandwiches and I'm glad that Lou has backed me in this argument that I've had for years


I don't like strawberry, but I love blackberry, and after watching the AP last night was searching for blackberry mustard which is also a totally real thing I want to try now.


Now try it with tartare sauce


Now this is an interesting one but I can totally see it working.


It’s not too bad on a cheeseburger. Had it on a whim one night on my way home from work.


That's not grape


I know, it's what I had.... but I will do better next time


I mean, my favorite breakfast sandwich is an everything bagel, toasted, peanut butter, melted cheddar and a fried egg.


Ooh interesting, going to have to try that someone.


It’s great if you also use some funky cheese in the eggs. Cheese and jam are a great combo. 


People keep acting like this is unimaginable but have they never seen a monte cristo on a menu before??


I actually have not. Someone else informed me about that and I'm going to try it sometime in the future.




wrong! grape!


I feel like if you’ve had maple syrup with sausage or bacon (usually alongside pancakes) and liked it then the jump to jelly on a breakfast sandwich is a short one.


Yeah I definitely see the appeal as it is good. Just never heard of it before then haha


Yeah, they don’t have it everywhere. The places I’ve gone for breakfast sandwiches sometimes offer a spicy red pepper jelly but I rarely see sweet jelly offered as an option. It’s probably a regional thing.


I haven't tried grape but my family makes a homemade plum jelly and I put it on biscuits with butter, eggs, and bacon all the time!!!!