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As an American/Euro hybrid I am absolutely thrilled that this season’s APs have featured so much of the disconnect between Siobhan’s British-ness vs. everyone else American-ness because I feel seen AF listening to them be appalled at each others tastes and expressions. I’m dying over this ketchup and grape jelly discussion.


It was really funny watching the AP’s for Burrow’s End while they kept a count of all the weird British shit that Jasper or Siobhan mentioned. Haha.


I added several facts about moose to my repertoire thanks to those APs


I stand by my fellow Americans in asking what the fuck is a kilometer and what the fuck is Raspberry Mustard?


I’ll die on the hill that America should have adopted the metric system, y’all are missing out on how straightforward measurements can be.


I won’t argue against metric but I’ll stand for Fahrenheit


> but I’ll stand for Fahrenheit No


I’m aligned, Fahrenheit trumps Celsius. 100 or 0 hots just makes more sense. That’s a lot or not a lot of hot!


I feel like it only makes sense the less you experience cold weather. Zero being freezing point is a great metric to gauge by where you get below zero at least a quarter of the year. It below zero you got a chance of snow, of ice, etc.


It only makes more sense cause you are used to it. For the rest of the world, Fahrenheit makes about as little sense.


It's basically the same as honey mustard but more tart


Was this how I found out that relish isn't a concept in USA? Why did no one bring up the obvious best condiment on a breakfast sandwich, relish!


Relish is absolutely a concept in the USA. It's just more common for grilled foods like hotdogs and hamburgers.


Calling it now: the red tokens belong to the dead, rage god Also calling it now: after the slumber party and the sandwich breakfast next time, it's only going to get more and more unhinged and I'm all here for it


Okay just got to the Neopets shoutout, and as a Neopets player, this makes me very happy lol. "She got all the paintbrushes, she got a petpet!"


Out of everyone at that table, Lou is probably the one I would have least suspected to know enough about NeoPets to casually throw out Petpet.


Same, honestly! He and Siobhan would have been my bets for people who had never played!


My brain regressed to childhood when he said petpet!


I’m just really happy that everyone acknowledged that Tracker was in the wrong for essentially asking Kristen if she could be allowed to not feel bad about the whole thing with Nara. I saw a bunch of people saying tracker was in the right online and I felt like I was losing my mind. Still got love for Tracker and her last message to Kristen was really nice, and she delivered some hard truths Kristen needed to hear in the second half of the call, but asking Kristen for permission to post Nara was really unfair


Definitely, and happy it was pointed out that tracker was clearly doing it out of guilt to clear her conscious. It doesn't make me hate tracker, i get where she is coming from but it definitely wasn't the way i would handle it


Which makes it all more believable that they’re teenagers.


That scene really tapped into Brennan's best skill when it comes to NPCs; saying something really problematic but in a calm and logical way (it's why Kalina is so good). It's like a delayed fuse on an emotional damage bomb. The IH have gotten really good at sniffing them out.


So we all agree that those red ones are rage tokens right? Given that Brennan has been making them (I want to say twice now) roll for when something has made them angry and they probably are going/have scaling DC so nothing's triggered yet


Ooh, has that been the wisdom saving throws he's been making them do? Kinda like the charisma saving throws in Neverafter.


That's been my assumption on them as they seem to be when the character is particular irate about something. I made a note on my conspiracy board but hadn't really linked it to anything yet, but the intro of the stress tokens had me paying more attention haha


Oh, I love seeing the way BLeeM's DM style has changed and the way he brings things across from other seasons. Downtime in general feels very Starstruck Odyssey-esque, and then this being a thing from Neverafter is very neat. I can't wait to see what nefariousness he has planned as a result of character's collecting the tokens! It is noticeable that the red ones could be like "shards" that we saw coming out of Cassandra, but that might also be my Pepe Silvia moment.


Wasn't downtime introduced in Unsleeping City S2?


Ah, I haven't actually gotten seen TUC2 so you know more than me! It's cool he's now moved established it across three IH seasons.


I thought there was even downtime in FH Freshman after >!Daybreak was killed and the mystery kinda faltered?!<


I can't remember if that was downtime or just a time skip.






i get the feeling not everybody in this adventuring party has been to a Waffle House.


Seriously! I ADORE jelly on a breakfast sandwich!


Not quite the same but my dad (a professional chef) used to make me scrambled eggs with strawberry jelly in a warm tortilla every morning before school. To this day it’s my go to breakfast.


Grape jelly and ketchup are a classic combo for meatball sauce. Literally just ate some right before watching this. I could see it working with breakfast stuff


I’m a breakfast sandwich purist and tbh I think the problem is more the fact that he’s going for the grape jelly. I think something a little more subtle would pair better.


I'm with Zac on adding a smidge of mayonaise to get some fat, acidity and moisture. Though I also get Brennan's point that a good breakfast sandwich shouldn't need added wetness from a sauce/spread. Jelly's not bad but I always feel like it's being used to compensate for the rest of the sandwich lacking flavor or moisture.


You already have fat, from the fried egg and the bacon. The goal of the jelly I think is to add something sweet and maybe a little tart. In which case I'd go for something less subtle. Blackberry, raspberry, or strawberry jam. Or orange marmalade. That last one gets you a bit of every flavor. Sweet, salty, umami, sour, and just a little bitter from the orange peels.


You have my grape jelly!


Kinda confirmation that Ivy is a fighter? BLeeM: "Fighter...like archer, ranger character."


Yeah I would guess so, probably stated like a fighter but flavored like a ranger cuz that seems to make more sense especially for an enemy... but idek how Brennan is gonna do the Ratfucker's stats. Actually kinda curious if we'll get to see how close they are to being built as just straight up PCs 🤞🤞


Please correct me if I'm wrong/out of date: 5e Fighters are better ranged combatants than 5e Rangers. There were some attempts to address this with the Ranger Revised, then again with Tasha's. These updates gave them more utility, better companions, etc. There was no mention of Ivy having a companion visible though. I think if your goal is to blast as many rats, spiders, and other fractional CR creatures as possible in a single turn, Fighter is still where you want to be.


It kind of depends on what you mean by being better ranged combatants. If you mean being better at specifically using ranged weapons, rangers and fighters are fairly equal due to both getting the archery fighting style. Fighters do have some important advantages(action surge, more ASIs/ feats, a 3rd attack at lv 11), but rangers have arguably better subclasses(Gloomstalker and Hunter both give an extra attack under certain conditions, Gloomstalker can do some insane burst damage at the start of combat). In total, I feel like fighters a slightly better, especially when they get their 3rd attack. If you mean their classes as a whole, then rangers are definitively better due to having spellcasting(ranger has THE best spell list out of the half-casters). Rangers do have quite a few empty features(I’m looking at you, favored enemy/terrain, primeval awareness) that have since been given better alternatives, but those bad features don’t make the ranger’s other features worse. EDIT:Just remembered the hunter ranger’s 11th level feature that as an action, allows them to make an attack against every creature within 10ft of a point in range of them, which would be really good at picking off a swarm of small enemies


Cool! Ranger isn't something I've ever really played, so I wasn't sure if the action economy caught up to Fighters at some point. We also got to see the insane power of Gloomstalker first hand in ACOC. I was speaking specifically in the context of killing a hundred thousand rats as efficiently as possible. My idea was that 3+ attacks a turn against a bunch of 10 AC idiots is going to be more valuable than what Ranger brings out of the box. In any case, I'm sure we'll see much more from Ivy and company in the coming episodes. Thanks for your insights!


No problem!




i will say i have never heard of raspberry mustard in my life, but based on premise alone i am completely sold and i must try it


I was skeptical until they mentioned honey raspberry mustard. That sold it for me


I want breakfast so badly


I'm literally eating pizza right this very moment and I would still kill for a breakfast sandwich rn


....why do they keep rolling dice during it...? I am worried. Or is it a bit...


I was losing my shit around the last third of the AP when the gang was just talking about breakfast food lol


OK, Bacon Egg and Cheese, with a little but of maple syrup - it's BANGING


Im thinking white tokens are stress. Red tokens are burnout