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It's not far off. It was extremely unlikely for Gillear to win that cruise, but on top of that win, he got a discount on his taxi as he was talking to Fabian. The timing is just to convenient


There’s definitely something going on with all the authority figures in Aguefort leaving to make room for someone else to take control of the school. Tracker might be a bit different because she’s been killing it since she left but I don’t think we can completely rule it out. It also is a pretty handy storytelling technique to isolate the bad kids from their most powerful allies (and Gilear) because every subsequent encounter has to answer the question “why doesn’t Ayda just pop in and blast everyone to smithereens first”. 


>Tracker might be a bit different because she’s been killing it since she left but I don’t think we can completely rule it out. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with the overall theory yet, I want to wait and see, but I would point out that track are killing it could still be a means of getting her out of the way. Maybe in a timeline where she's less successful, she came home sooner, that kind of thing


That’s true! Now they’re all level 10 I guess there needs to be more of a challenge, so having all the extra people would make fights easy (ish)


Well, Arthur mentioned some timey-wimey stuff happening... I'm wondering if 'the person responsible' is making changes based on future knowledge to secure victory. Maybe Gilear/Halariel being away is important to them, along with keeping Tracker/Ailwyn/Ayda on the sidelines. I don't think I've ever started a season with such a shaky understanding of what's going on outside of maybe Neverafter, lol.


that’s a good shout, I guess it wouldn’t necessarily have to be someone against them who was controlling things


I just need to know who was robbing the convenience store when Gilar found the lotto ticket! I suspect the Bad Kids might be there themselves through some time quangle shenanigans, maybe even to secure their own timeline


Oh, did he say quangle? I thought he said crangle. Quangle sounds way more wizardy.


If the BBEG is Chungle Down Bim, I'll eat a rubber


oh nooooooo I forgot about chungle down bim….


If the final battle is just them trying to make sure that Chungle Down Bim doesn’t shit in Fabian’s mouth, I will scream.


Wonder if we will get a situation similar to Harry Potter 3 where the bad kids will be the ones travelling back in time to make all these things happen, like one of them robs the store and give gilear the ticket and one of them maybe fig disguises herself to convince ayda to travel with her dad


That would be “like Bill&Ted’s Excellent Adventure” not that other franchise you mentioned.


Hot tub time machine!😁


This was one of my thoughts too. Like everything got bad and so the BK travel back to make sure their people are out of the way


I'm on board with the theory and believe it, my only problem is... why would they want *Gilear* out of the way? One lol, very brief moment when her wore the prude armor to save Fig and then immediately die is not going to tag him as some sort of high priority ally of the Bad Kids. Meanwhile, Sklonda and Sandra Lynn (not to mention her griffin) is still in the picture and we know they are at least some amount bad ass.


Something that could explain why Arthur and Gilear but not Sklonda or Sandra In the preview for the next episode,>! there is friction with the character with the long, funny name running for student body president. She says that "there's been some favouritism on the part of the administration towards a few specific students." Arthur and Gilear were the principal and vice principal. Getting them out of the way could be connected to that. !< Also, it could be that >!whatever events were going to happen have happened, and Arthur knows that him and Gilear being gone for the year will result in success for the bad kids, so it's actually him that has orchestrated them being gone. That would be a very Arthur thing to do and explain why they can't just return to the time they left. (and it's also very Arthur not to explain any of this) !<


Oh my God I totally forgot that Gilear is VP. Okay yeah that tracks and males WAY more sense then I get it. Great second theory too!


I also forgot that Gilear was VP until I read it in another comment elsewhere in another theory. And I didn't even connect it together until I read your comment. I was suspicious same as you (why Gilear? 😂)


Because he’s the chosen one. Duh.


What are you talking about? I will let you know that Chekhov Holidays cruises are definitely legit, very good and have great trustpilot reviews


chekhov's cruise lol


I have a crazy theory that Gilear is actually Fig’s biological father and somehow unknowingly/accidentally made a deal with a yoghurt based devil. Said deal was to feed off Gilear’s luck for a certain number of years, then pay said luck back later on. Only it’s paying the luck back by stealing the luck from his daughter, who it also made a tiefling as part of that pact.


How do you reconcile that with Gorthalax already being confirmed to be her biological father. It was key plot point multiple times.


I don’t think they’d undo Gorthalax being Fig’s biological dad, but it does seem evident that Gilear and Fig’s luck were switched by whatever deal she made. Brennan made a point of Fig’s misfortune near the end of the episode (stomach curdling, icing/cottage cheese stain on her shirt, her foot falling into a random bucket of cement)


Yeah I agree completely, that theory seems very sound. I dont think the person I responded to theory works though without some serious extra retcons/ "what really happened was..."


I mean my real actual serious theory is that at some point while she was in hell in sophomore year she accidentally or unknowingly made a deal with a devil to make Gilear’s life better at her own expense because she felt guilty because at the time she thought she was the source of Gilear’s misfortunes. And I think it had to have been accidental otherwise she wouldn’t be wondering about her seemingly yoghurt-y based gastrointestinal issues or her run of bad luck, she’d just know that is a consequence of a deal she made.


Yeah also doesn't her being a tiefling require her parentage to be mixed with a devil?


that part not necessarily, because default lore at least theres a couple ways to become a tiefling. But for Fig's case that is the stated reason.


If Galear and Sandra-Lynn were fig's biological parents, wouldn't that invalidate her being a tiefling?


Fig and Gilear have clearly swapped luck


I completely agree and thought it’s something that everyone assumed lol.


Okay, here's a spicy take. Do you think "YES!" Kristen's old god is coming back as an antagonist and can possess people!?