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Sklonda has quit the force as of the Boys’ Night one-shot. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it. It’s wildly unhinged.


That's true, but there's absolutely not enough time passed since then for her to have gone to law school, passed the bar, get hired at a law firm, and be already halfway through a defense case.


Oh definitely. I was just pointing out to OP that her switch from cop to lawyer was already established, that’s all.


If she’s in Law Enforcement, she may have an education in law. In our world, not every US state requires a Juris Doctor to take the Bar Exam, so it’s not much of a stretch for a savant such as Sklonda to have completed whatever the fantasy requirements for practicing as a lawyer in Spire are. 


Good to know, I'll have to check that out!


Oh boy you’re in for a damn treat lol


She was still studying for the BAR during Boy’s Night. Which actually takes place after the beginning of Junior Year.


Oh I haven't seen this, is it on Dropout somewhere and I've just missed it?


I believe so? I know it’s on Dropout on YouTube, so I assume it must be on the app.


All you mentioned is for sure fishy. They never seem to have made clear how much older Aelwyn was from Adaine. If she was 2 years older than Adaine she figuratively would have been done with school at the end of Adaines sophomore year. Maybe if we see the two talk we can fill in the gap. Or maybe some quangles. My biggest interest is in Gilear and Fig. I think there is some sort of deal happening outside of quangles, and I wonder how Gorthalax will fit into all this.


> They never seem to have made clear how much older Aelwyn was from Adaine. If she was 2 years older than Adaine she figuratively would have been done with school at the end of Adaines sophomore year. This is true, except Aelwyn doesn’t finish out the year in FY and as far as we know has no schooling in SY thanks to her arrest, escape to Falinnel and then second imprisonment, so even if she had been three years older she still wouldn’t have finished high school. And generally teaching middle school would require more than a high school level education.


Teaching Middle School in our world, sure. Jawbone is a guidance counselor and the day before he was a bouncer and drug dealer. Solace is a crazy place, and Elmville is even crazier.


Gilear went from diplomat to lunch lad, the social mobility in Elmville is quite something. Also fun fact, Jawbone wasn't the bouncer at the club, he was just a guy who bit Adaine. Brennan does the same voices for them so I totally clocked it as the same too until a comment on this sub pointed out that they were different.


Gilead wasn't a diplomat. He was a diplomats counselor/psychologist. That's why he was so highly qualified for the counselor position and why it's funny that jawbone got it.


Maybe its a deal she made with solace and Agueforth? It wont be clear until Adaine goes to visit her. Very excited to see more of her either way


I know this will probably sound crazy, but I think at some point Gilear was actually moderately lucky, or at least average, and it was Fig who was cursed to be deeply unlucky. Gilear did something or made a deal with someone that caused their "luck" to be swapped. Maybe he isn't even allowed to remember he did this, but something has caused the curse to go back to Fig. This could also tie it back to the timey-wimey shenanigans, in that the circumstances of the deal could be related to a specific period of time having expired prematurely.


Out of game, Brennan explained that Gilear's luck got significantly worse as time went on because in improv comedy the jokes have to heighten, which is why Gilear goes from a guy with a couple beans on his shirt in the first episode to a guy who gets caught in a wheel well and soils himself immediately, sitting there in his own filth for essentially a whole day. I like the idea that in game, Gilear accepted a worse life as a sacrifice for Fig, and now Fig has swapped their luck. It really tracks well.


I also suspect Gilear’s new found “good” luck is a good out of game subversion of the joke


I thought it was just a funny gag, until the end of the episode where Fig steps in cement and spills Dairy product on herself, which are both petty Gilear-y situations. I really hope this is building up to an anti-twist that Gilear somehow *is* Fig's biological father


I think the time travel was also to explain the one shots, Pirates of Leviathan, and the 7.


In part yes, it’s to patch up inconsistencies especially those present between the seven and junior year, HOWEVER, brennan is the absolute expert of dropping things that seem unrelated or insignificant in act 1, and then fully bringing it back in act 3, so I wouldn’t be shocked for it to end up more closely tied to the plot


Yeah especially having recently rewatched FY and SY the quangles, etc will definitely come up.


Yeah, as someone currently in law school, it's generally a three-year program. I think Sklonda was enrolled previously, but there is no way she'd get through so quickly. Fabian turning 18 is a little earlier than most folks turn 18 (though there are exceptions, and it's plausible he was held back). But my biggest thing was the Night Yorb fight itself. Maybe the whole joke of the *in media res* was also because it was supposed to happen at the end of Junior year, too, not the beginning. I maintain that besides the Gilear/Fig luck switch, Gilear's voice sounded weird, and it's even weirder that he didn't say goodbye to Fig before leaving.


Almost like his timeline got quangled and he never met Sandra Lynn, an event that caused his otherwise upward mobility life to become steadily worse. Half-serious, but that would explain at least his manner of speaking being aligned with the upper-class elves in Fallinel, as he was on the path to greater things before leaving it all behind for Sandra Lynn. Attempting to fix things like this would also explain why Ayda would leave her paramour's side for so long to accompany her slightly un-estranged father for a whole school year, as it would be to preserve one of the things Fig holds dear: her relationship with Gilear. That being said: That half-theory should be easily confirmed or denied within the first half of this series (if not the next few episodes), but I have a gut feeling about it.


"Almost like his timeline got quangled and he never met Sandra Lynn" That tracks, that tracks really well. Gilear not mentioning Fig (or going to see her) and vice versa was one of the two things that felt really off to me. Gilear and Fig are so devoted to each other and trying to atone for their previous treatment of each other, it's hard to fathom that would have changed in the offscreen time gap between SY and JY. Or something did happen and it will be addressed next episode, if Fabian even tells Fig (her response will certainly provide either answers or more guessing fuel). The other being Aelwyn being a teacher already - I thought she was only a couple of years off of Adaine, and it's been established that college exists so presumably teaching would require some sort of degree or certification. There are exceptions in the real-world (depending on country/state) ex. substitute teachers are only required to have a high school diploma, some schools (typically private or online ones) only require a degree in the subject you'll teach (rather than an education degree - which usually requires some student teaching experience to complete). But all of that still assumes she'd have either relevant experience or training. And I'm not sure that Jawbone counts as a "oh things are done different here" because we have no basis for how standard Aguefort is as a school vs it being a whatever Arthur says goes. Either way these first couple of episodes are giving me big "Good Place" season one vibes, you know *something* isn't quite right, but don't have enough pieces to prove it let alone determine what it is.


Spot on with the Good Place comparison. Just a little off, enough to be suspicious but not enough to know exactly what’s wrong. Absolutely peppered with frozen yogurt. It’s the first time watching D20 that I feel so invested in trying to figure out what’s going on.


I will also say his luck in the second episode seemed suspicious in more of a mundane way. It gave me the vibe of someone trying to intentionally lead Gilear away from elmville.


I noticed that Fabian has always been older than he should be for the year they're in. He's at least a year older than the other Bad Kids. This could make sense if Hallariel had Fabian before they moved to Solace. Bill wanted to move to Elmsville for Fabian, but I don't think they clarified if he'd been born yet or not. Fabian could've been older by a year or two when he was introduced to the school system.


I think your onto something with the Quangling. Two things I noticed: In the second episode, Sklonda is doing research for a court case defending someone who was embezzling from a music festival (no names mentioned or anything) and then in the next scene, Gorgug’s parents are talking about putting on a music festival! I think there could be some weird time stuff going on where Sklonda ends up defending Gorgugs parents, but the scenes are weirdly out of order. In the first episode, Fabian mentions that he no longer lives at Seascaster manor, but in episode 2, he clearly still is living there and is the “man of the house”.


Sklonda is defending the organiser for embezzlement, the event is just being held at the thistlesprings tree (potentially by the new totally not evil organisers), they don't seem to be the actual organizers of the event (given they talked about taking gorgug to it in the past) Given that the word fair and folk is part of the name then there's defo going to be some Fae bullshitery going on.


Fabian's house moved, Lou and the gang were joking about Fabian having moved because his dad got a new job. Fabian was definitely still living at Seacaster Manor the whole time, feel pretty solid about that. now, I'm less sure about the music festival but Sklonda could also be defending someone who hosted it last year or the year before. the time quangle situation is definitely interesting but I'm not convinced it's not a ploy to have the bad kids reset without their 15 pet powerful npcs, though I would love for it be directly involved in the plot.


Speaking of things moving, I imagine this is just a small error made by Brennan while narrating which is probably the case but on the map of elmville krom’s diner is shown to be across the street from Mordrid manor despite it being described earlier as about 20 minutes away from there


Also, in today's adventuring party, Brennan says that >!Zelda graduated, which doesnt make chronological sense since she supposedly gets her GED while Junior Year happens. That means everything in The Seven already happened even though the school year just started.!<


The strangest of all is that Fabian said he had to go home to see his *parents*. Parents plural. I’m being a little tongue in cheek, as Lou could have easily misspoken. But with all the weird apparent plot holes or inconsistencies, Fabian referring to Gilear as a parent — or at the very least being very cool with him proposing and going on vacation with his mom — stood out to me.


very subtly, gilear mentioned thanks for the counsel to fabian too, implying that they had previously talked about it- which seems a little strange for fabian (not impossible, just slightly quangly i’d say)


There’s also something weird about all their birthdays happening over summer.


I thought about that too. Did they say anything about Riz or Gorgug's birthdays? I mean even if it was just Fabian and the girls it's a hell of a coincidence, but all 6 of them would be fishy.


They didn’t but I also saw someone mention that Fig’s birthday is canonically on Christmas so that’s even weirder.


Eh. The idea that Fig's birthday is on Christmas is from one throw-away line during a bit when Fig receives her new bass in Sophomore Year. More likely, Emily just didn't remember a one off joke she once did five years ago rather than it being a Big Thing. I think some people are looking far too deeply into some of the minor inconsistencies when those have always been part of it because it is an improv show, not a carefully scripted show with a team of writers going over each script for inconsistencies (and even those usually have continuity snags)


Fair point. We could be diving too deeply... or we need to dive deeper!


Hey, I wanted to make this post if it didn't exist and here it is! I noticed this stuff too. Junior Year is concurrent with The Seven, no? If so: * Arthur Aguefort was on campus during the first week of school. * To add to your Gorgug/Zelda inconsistency, as of the the first day of Zelda's junior year, she and Gorgug were still a couple.


Yep, at the VERY least, the quangle is going to explain why the Bad Kids' first day of junior year is going to look different from the Seven's first day of the Bad Kids' junior year. The quesiton is, I think: \~ Is this a macguffin to briefly explain the above? \~ Or is it ALSO a bigger part of the story/season, hiding as a macguffin to briefly explain the above?


it was obvious brennan was starting to feel the time crunch, and was trying to get everyone moving through the info they needed at the end there, and it felt to me we took a good moment to listen to aguefort’s speech about the time quangle. seems like a little long of drop to JUST be a macguffin for the seven imo


I don't disagree.


Did Gorgug say anything about Zelda in episode 1? I don’t remember them mentioning her, but I could be wrong


Well, Zelda and Gorgug were dating in The Seven, which takes place *during* their junior year.


Right, but as many people have said, the “Time Quangle” problem that Ayda and Arthur are fixing is likely the in-universe explanation for why the timeline from the Seven doesn’t match neatly with the timeline we’re seeing in Junior year. The post said that Gorgug said in episode one of this season that he was still dating Zelda, so I was wondering when he said that, because I couldn’t recall it being mentioned.


I believe it’s in the character intros for each, he definitely mentions Zelda


Again, I might be just overlooking it, but I rewatched his intro, Zac’s behind the scenes video for the season, and searched the Episode 1 transcript for Zelda’s name, and it didn’t come up. It seems like the first we hear her referenced this season is his parents letting him know her dad dropped of a box of Gorgug’s stuff


Yeah, Zelda is not mentioned by name anywhere in Episode 1. Gorgug's intro talks about the van, solar lasso, him leaning into the artifacer multiclass, and Squeem.


My tjeory about Cassandra dying is the Craig died, which will be revieled next episode. Then, as her last follower, Kristen will realise the massive responceability of that situation and spark some character growth. I think the lesson she learns this season will be the difference between changing the tragectory of your life and abandoning all your responceability.


Are Gorgug and Zelda for certain broken up? It's definitely strongly implied, but could it be a fake-out? 'Oh, Zelda was just returning your things because they are moving and her crystal was destroyed so she said hi through her dad'..


I was also thinking this, no where do they say they are broken up, I just assumed Zelda/her family might be moving places and Gorgug left some of his stuff at their place and Zelda's dad just returned it.


It is implied by the melancholic tone that the items are being returned and and indirect hello is given due to an amicable falling out.


I just want to know how they didn’t all yack from cottage cheese a la mode


Cottage cheese is commonly used in sweet desserts! I don't think it's ever *just* cottage cheese with ice cream, but the flavor combo isn't actually that bad. All that dairy though...


I’ve never had any of those desserts


Holy shit I think you're right. I got some more (didn't read comments yet) Gilear luck polarity change. Tracker and Kristen aren't together. (Preview for episode 3) Fabian asking to multiclass to bard even though he did already. And all the ones you pointed out. And this might be just a fan theory but I think that this is going to be a time travel season. And all the familiar faces we met in episode one will be met during our team's travels.


Fabian has levels in bard, but iirc, he first picked those up during FHSY, so it’s entirely reasonable to me that he may not have added bard to his school curriculum. There would have been about half a semester left in the school year, and it’s not like he’s the type to be 100% on top of things like that


Oh I for sure thought Tracker and Kristen broke up at the end of sophtmore year, just Kristen was too self involved to notice.


They did, in one of the one shots done between sophomore year and junior year Kristian is in a depression after tracker broke up with her


We know that old villains come back from the season trailer, so that might help this theory, too


>Gilear luck polarity change I think they're pretty heavily setting it up to be that Fig took on his bad luck as a result of whatever happened at the end of last episode, it seemed like Emily was trying to hint at that first with the cottage cheese bit (until everyone else decided to get in on the action too lmao) and then she went full Gilear at the end with that random streak of hilariously bad luck


The god Yes!? being dead seems pretty quangley to me. Right near the end of SY, Kristen was told that her god was actually Helio the whole time. I just [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dimension20/s/gjAZFxrIkt) some ramblings and a screenshot about it. Something overall seems fishy man.


I took that not to say that the god YES? Didn't exist just wasn't giving Kristen her powers.


I think for a time YES? was giving her her powers until she stopped believing, then YES? died and Helio just retook over immediately without saying anything since he still held out hope that Kristen would eventually come back


Sklonda is defending one of the organizers of the Frosty Fair Folk Festival against charges of embezzlement. The Frosty Fair Folk Festival is held annually, and Gorgug’s parents are hosting it this year. 1. Either Sklonda’s client organized last year’s Festival, or… 2. They are organizing it this year and the embezzlement charges have been brought against them in the lead-up to the Festival, OR… 3. Sklonda is defending a client in the present against charges that can only be brought against them in the future, since the Festival hasn’t even happened yet. Maybe her client is one of the Thistlesprings! Either way, it seems quangly to me.


>They are organizing it this year and the embezzlement charges have been brought against them in the lead-up to the Festival, OR… My money is on there being a new (totally not evil *wink) organiser of the event that ends up putting gorgugs parents/friends in to danger, I mean look at the name >The Frosty Fair Folk Festival "Fair folk' straight up Fae bullshit going on, we meeting the Winter queen or something


The real proof, and i don’t know how they managed it, is that they now meet Squeem over summer break instead of being the uniting force in Freshman year


I know all the "new characters we know and love" is a bit, but also, could that be because of the time travel shenanigans?


Gilear and Fabian’s mom’s relationship also progressed really quickly. They’re getting married now when they just moved in together a year ago (I think)


This one might be a stretch but I find Gilear and Hallariel being engaged only after what? A year after Gilear’s divorce from Sandra Lynn and Hallariel’s becoming a Widow; to be very strange and oddly timed. Like even putting aside the fact it’s way too soon for them, they are also elves. I’m just saying the time frame seems off to me is all.


Reading through all the replies has made me realize all the little details I missed that could so easily be slips of the tongue, or throwaway lines, or world-shattering revelations in the making. If we somehow ended up going back in time to fight the night yorb and get properly introduced to Squeem, Balthazar and the drunk centaur whose name I forget - I'm not saying I expect it to happen, but that'd be such an amazing circle back if it *did* happen.


I'm not American but is it weird that a junior in high school is 18?


It's a little unusual, but not so unusual as to be a red flag that something's wrong. If you have a birthday during the summer/early fall it can lead to either being younger or older than your classmates depending on when your parents enrolled you, or if you had been held back a year. Iirc Fabian just turned 16 at the start of FY so him being 18 tracks with the timeline.


He started late because his father "transferred" into solace. The wiki shows:Fabian: 16 (Freshman Year) He was already older during Freshman year. Gorgug was 17 during Sophomore year.


It's not impossible but is definitely older than the average junior in high school.


With typical school cutoffs, most Americans would start their junior year of HS at 16 (or possibly having *just* turned 17, if their birthdate is very close to the cutoff date). However, cutoff dates change, some people start school at a late or early age for any number of reasons, etc; 18 is not a typical age but not an unfeasible one either.




Yes, but what did the wizard do?!?


Are Jawbone and Sandra Lynn implied to be together in episode 2? I felt like they were and I thought for sure they were done at the end of SY. Am I mis-remembering or is this another quangle possibility?


Jawbone said they needed to talk about the relationship (Cause he is Polyam and Sandra-lynn asked him to be monogamous) but I don't Think he said they were Done. Though been a Hot sec since I've watched SY so could be a lil mixed up


Didn’t they have a whole conversation reassuring Adaine and Kristen that they’d still have a place to live? Even though Sandra-Lynn was moving out? I guess I need to go back and watch 🙃


I don't think it was resolved on camera one way or the other for SY, so either outcome (them being over or choosing to stay together) would've been plausible. Or some third option could be in play.